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沟通能力的培养是激烈社会竞争的必然要求。目前高职高专的学生沟通意识薄弱,缺乏必要沟通技巧和实践的机会,学校应通过课程设置、小组活动和校内外实训等途径,提高学生综合的沟通能力。  相似文献   

阅读理解,是一个信息加工的过程,即是信息的收集、解释、整理、归类、运用的过程。培养学生的信息搜集、分析能力,其实就是培养学生的阅读能力。所以,我们应充分利用现实生活中的语文资源,努力构建课堂内外联系、校内外沟通、学科之间融合的语文资源体系,以扩大语文学习的空间,促进学生的主动发展。  相似文献   

阅读理解,是一个信息加工的过程,即是信息的收集、解释、整理、归类、运用的过程.培养学生的信息搜集、分析能力,其实就是培养学生的阅读能力.所以,我们应充分利用现实生活中的语文资源,努力构建课堂内外联系、校内外沟通、学科之间融合的语文资源体系,以扩大语文学习的空间,促进学生的主动发展.  相似文献   

高校应通过鼓励构建辅导员网络沟通队伍、加强辅导员微博等网络沟通媒介的使用建设、通过加强辅导员与优秀学生、学生社团、专业教师、校内外辅导员的网络沟通媒介联动,共同加强微博群等网络沟通媒介联动机制建设,促进高校思想政治教育的稳步发展。  相似文献   

本文就目前书香校园阅读环境的营造,阅读方法、读本的选择,阅读资源的创建,评价机制的跟进等方面做了一番探索与思考,以全新的领域和内容,构建起一种课内外联系、校内外沟通、学科间整合互动的良好阅读氛围,为广大语文教师有效探索课内外阅读教学提供一些参考。  相似文献   

<语文课程标准>指出:"各地区都蕴藏着自然、社会、人文等多种语文课程资源,要有强烈的资源意识,去努力开发,积极利用.""要充分利用现实生活中的语文资源,优化语文学习环境,努力构建课内外联系、校内外沟通,学科间相融合的语文教学体系."但就目前而言,许多语文教师在对大语文教学观、课程资源的开发和利用方面出现了与新课程不和谐的现象,值得我们思考.  相似文献   

语文课程资源无处不在、无时不有,内容广泛,种类丰富,根据存在方式可分为显性资源和隐性资源。而实际上,我们对语文课程资源的开发利用还处在无意识阶段,开发利用的仅局限于校内外一些显性资源上,而忽略了学校氛围、师生关系、社区及家庭等校内外的隐性语文课程资源。  相似文献   

新课程理念下的语文教学是人文化、资源化的教学。语文课程资源的开发和利用对新课程理念下的中学语文教学更是重中之重。但是,目前我们对课程资源的开发和利用还仅局限于校内外一些显性资源上,而大都忽略了校内外许多可利用的有价值的隐性资源。结合几年来新课程教学实践,我认为可以从以下几个方面进行挖掘  相似文献   

农学类专业实践教学平台建设与运行模式探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我院利用作物学学科和农学专业(群)重点建设经费以及社会资源,强化对农学类专业校内外实验中心(站)和校内外实践教学基地进行建设;提高校内外实践教学平台的管理水平;为进一步提高农学类专业学生实践技能、创新、创业精神、就业能力和综合素质提供了良好平台,收到了良好效果。  相似文献   

《基础教育课改革纲要(试行)》指出,要“积极开发并合理利用校内外各种资源”,《思想品德课程标准(实验稿)》也指出,“应建立融合、开放、发展的课程观,充分发挥课程资源的人文教育功能,优化教学资源组合”。这就要求广大政治教师要树立新的课程资源观,在教学实践中要积极开发与利用课程资源。笔者拟就思想品德课教学中如何开发校内外课程资源,丰富课堂教学谈些浅见。  相似文献   

民国时期六所国立高等师范学校的教师除学校课堂教学活动之外,还存在广泛的日常交往,因交往主体与交往空间的不同,可概分为校外场域的私人交往、学校场域的教师交往和课外场域的师生交往三种类型。登门互访、结伴出行、鸿雁传书、电话通讯等不同交往方式,校务讨论会、游戏活动、指导社团等各式交往活动共同构成了教师丰富多彩的日常交往图景。当前大学教师应通过多种交往形式,促进日常交往的多元化发展,推动感情融洽、和谐温馨的教师与朋友、同事、学生关系。  相似文献   

对珠三角地区已对外开放体育场馆的中小学进行调查,借以了解中小学体育场馆开放与职工体育和谐发展的现状.结果表明:面向企事业职工开放的中小学体育场馆不足三分之一.校企双方沟通较少,场馆种类、场馆规模和时间等问题是影响学校体育场馆面向职工开放的主要因素.保证开放学校安全和教学秩序排在提高学校体育场馆开放效果的首位.制定相关政策、法规,加强学校和企事业单位之间的沟通与交流,各学校结合本校实际有针对性地采用不同开放模式等是促进学校体育场馆开放与职工体育协调发展的有效措施.  相似文献   

建立良好的师生关系不仅需要师生双方均有良好的愿望,而且需要相对完善的制度保障。师生间存在博弈关系,学生对教师进行评价的影响因素有:价值观存在分歧、师生之间疏于感情沟通、学生的功利主义思想较重,等。实际上课堂内外都存在影响师生关系的因素,学校须在以下几个方面进行改进:严格规定教师行为、加强对学生的管理、完善学评教评价系统。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to investigate the popular assumption that the “digital natives” generation surpasses the previous “digital immigrants” generation in terms of their technology experiences, because they grow up with information and communication technology. The assumption presumes that teachers, the digital immigrants, are less technology savvy than the digital natives, resulting in a disconnect between students’ technology experiences inside and outside of the formal school setting. To examine the intersection of these generations and their technology experiences, this study used a mixed-methods approach to survey and compare middle school science teachers’ (n = 24) and their students’ (n = 1,060) inside–outside school technology experiences, and conducted focus group interviews to investigate any barriers that prevented them from using technology in school. The findings imply that the concept of digital natives may be misleading and that the disconnect between students’ inside–outside school technology experiences may be the result of the lack of sufficient teacher training concerning technology integration strategies.  相似文献   

新时期高校公关应注意导入CI战略,使大学内求团结,外塑形象;搞好内部公众关系,增强内部凝聚力;拓宽外部公众关系沟通渠道,加强与社会各界的广泛联系;全员公关和危机管理。  相似文献   

加强校内外实习基地的建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了该院校内外实习基地建设的措施及如何提高实践教学质量的方法。近年来通过校内外实习基地建设,提高教学质量的实践表明:实践教学是高等教育中提高教学质量的一个重要环节;加强校内教学实习基地建设是做好校外实习基地工作的前提。  相似文献   

This position paper proposes the enhancement of teacher and student learning in science classrooms by tapping the enormous potential of information communication and technologies (ICTs) as cognitive tools for engaging students in scientific inquiry. This paper serves to challenge teacher-held assumptions about students learning science ‘from technology’ with a framework and examples of students learning science ‘with technology’. Whereas a high percentage of students are finding their way in using ICTs outside of school, for the most part they currently are not doing so inside of school in ways that they find meaningful and relevant to their lives. Instead, the pedagogical approaches that are most often experienced are out-of-step with how students use ICTs outside of schools and are not supportive of learning framed by constructivism. Here we describe a theoretical and pedagogical foundation for better connecting the two worlds of students’ lives: life in school and life outside of school. This position paper is in response to the changing landscape of students’ lives. The position is transformative in nature because it proposes the use of cyber-enabled resources for cultivating and leveraging students new literacy skills by learning ‘with technology’ to enhance science learning.  相似文献   

This article explores the modes of school communication associated with language and cultural diversity, demonstrating how organisational communication theory can be applied to the analysis of schools’ communication responses to the presence of pupils who have English as an additional language (EAL). The article highlights three analytical dimensions: the external factors influencing school communication systems; communication models reflected in school structures; and the content of communication between stakeholders. An exploratory study of a primary and a secondary school in the East of England, involving 32 semi-structured interviews with school managers, teachers, EAL staff, parents and newly arrived Eastern European students, reveals the interactional and transactional models of communication in the primary school, while the secondary school frequently used a linear approach. Communication in both schools showed a lack of information on EAL students and their parents, hindering a sustained outreach and empowering partnership, and possibly placing these students at a disadvantage.  相似文献   

Based on survey data from 612 pupils in five English primary schools, this paper investigates children's engagement with information and communication technologies (ICTs) inside and outside the school context. Analysis of the data shows pupils' engagements with ICTs to be often perfunctory and unspectacular, especially within the school setting, where the influence of year group and school attended are prominent. Whilst the majority of children felt that ICT use led to gains in learning, the paper discusses how there was a strong sense of educational uses of ICTs being constrained by the nature of the schools within which 'educational' use was largely framed and often situated. The paper concludes by suggesting possible changes to ICT provision in primary schools, most notably relaxing school restrictions regarding Internet access and developing meaningful dialogues with pupils about future forms of educational ICT use.  相似文献   

高校校外教学点是相对于高校校内教学而言,是学校突破规模、地域和资源限制而通过在校外对学员进行高等教育活动的区域,高校校外教学点的教学质量保证体系建设对于提高高校校外教学点的整体质量意义重大,本文从概念理解着手,分析我国高校校外点教学质量保证体系建设现状及存在的问题,并有针对性地提出对策。  相似文献   

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