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信号交叉口行人相位配时方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以信号交叉口行人相位配时为研究对象,针对信号交叉口行人和机动车对配时要求不一致以及我国行人相位清空时间不足的问题,借鉴HCM中行人绿灯最小时间和行人闪时间的计算公式,利用交通流理论,分析了行人相位和机动车相位关系,并建立了不同情况下行人信号配时方法,尤其是行人绿灯时间的调整方法.讨论了不同中央分隔带形式和宽度的行人过街方式,对计算参数的取值进行了研究,在此基础上,给出了不同情况下建议的行人配时计算模型.  相似文献   

针对我国城市道路信号交叉口非机动车广泛存在的违法行为,通过问卷调查与视频采集处理,揭示非机动车在交叉口的违法行为特征及其对信号交叉口安全的影响,以作为非机动车管理的依据,改善信号交叉口秩序混乱、安全系数低的状况.通过网络调查得到972份有效问卷,发现学历对非机动车违法影响较小;相对于自行车,电动自行车骑行者的违法行为发...  相似文献   

为满足交叉口短时间内多个方向有公交车到达时的信号优先需求,提出了一种单点多相公交信号优先策略.针对不同相位公交优先申请间的冲突,提出了“就近原则”以合理安排各公交车的优先级别并确定最佳优先顺序.为避免出现过饱和现象,提出了一种有限优先策略,即在各相位饱和度不超过0.95的情况下,采用绿灯延长、绿灯提前启亮给予具有最高优...  相似文献   

通过对城市交叉口黄灯期间的驾驶行为进行分析,在黄灯亮起的时刻,某些车辆选择减速停车并不一定合理,因为车辆能否停得住与其行驶速度、减速性能以及车辆与停车线的距离有关。通过理论分析计算车辆以不同的减速度进行制动所需的时间及路段长度,同时对黄灯困境的产生原因进行了剖析。提出设置停车缓冲区的必要性及其管理方法。研究结论对城市交叉口通行效率的提高以及黄灯的规范设置与管理均具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

Pigeons responded in a successive-encounters procedure that consisted of a search period, a choice period, and a handling period. The search period was either a fixed-interval or a mixed-interval schedule presented on the center key of a three-key chamber. Upon completion of the search period, the center key was turned off and the two side keys were lit. A pigeon could either accept a delay followed by food (by pecking the right key) or reject this option and return to the search period (by pecking the left key). During the choice period, a red right key represented the long alternative (a long handling delay followed by food), and a green right key represented the short alternative (a short handling delay followed by food). The experiment consisted of a series of comparisons for which optimal diet theory predicted no changes in preference for the long alternative (because the overall rates of reinforcement were unchanged), whereas the hyperbolic-decay model predicted changes in preference (because the delays to the next possible reinforcer were varied). In all comparisons, the results supported the predictions of the hyperbolic-decay model, which states that the value of a reinforcer is inversely related to the delay between a choice response and reinforcer delivery.  相似文献   

随着城市路网密度的不断提高,不可避免要在临近交叉口进口道的位置设置公交站点.此类公交站点经常存在左转公交变道难的问题.通过构建左转公交可变道时段的算法模型,分析各影响因素,提出改善措施,为解决出站的左转公交变道难问题提供理论依据.  相似文献   

倒计时对信号交叉口的影响主要表现为对驾驶行为的影响。为量化驾驶行为规律,研究倒计时交叉口驾驶决策模型,探索其对通行效率的作用效果,以福州市典型交叉口为例,分析倒计时对信号交叉口驾驶决策的影响,以期为交通管理部门选用此类设施提供参考。  相似文献   

This is a reflexive account of my experiences teaching online and blended doctoral research methodology courses and seminars. Vacillating between skepticism and affirmation, my thoughts mirror the many issues that arise from my daily professional practice and from what I have discovered in my quest to better understand the nature and workings of online and blended education through scholarly discourse. The purpose of sharing my experiences and points of view is to test a set of my truths among the community of experts on the subject. I refer to these truths as evocative discourses – emergent themes at the intersection of theory and practice of online and blended teaching and learning.  相似文献   

采用停车线法建立了多相位信号交叉口通行能力模型,并对直行车道和左转车道均为一条以及直行车道为2条而左转车道为一条这2种常见状态下建立的模型进行了简化,结果表明信号交叉口通行能力主要和信号周期长度、相位配置、交叉口几何设计和车辆跟车时距等因素有关.考虑车辆到达率时的信号周期长度和相位配时设置问题,建立了基于各相位剩余时间均衡的优化模型,并采用拉格朗日乘子法对优化模型进行求解,从而确定出信号周期最佳时长以及各相位时长的计算模型,并对模型进行了简化.所建立周期和相位时长的计算模型较现有的模型更简便实用.最后,选取了一个实际的交叉口,用所建立的模型对其周期和相位时长进行了设计.  相似文献   


The centennial of the ratification of the 19th Amendment offers an opportunity to write a new story about women’s democratic engagement. The goal of this issue is to honor women’s democratic labor while disturbing the generic features of the typical suffrage story, considering, in particular, how suffrage and citizenship have affected and been engaged by women with diverse identities situated at various intersections. In the pages that follow, leading experts and new voices trouble temporalities, extend the cast of protagonists, and reconsider objectives, creating an expansive, contradictory, and intentionally untidy narrative.  相似文献   

为了研究信号交叉口行人穿越时间的特性规律,应用间隙理论和实际观测数据,建立了行人穿越的概率统计模型.进而建立了3种不同穿越条件下行人穿越数的估算模型.在此基础上,构建了行人平均过街时间模型、第85分位行人过街时间模型和第90分位行人过街时间模型.采用定量分析和模型实证分析方法,发现行人穿越的主要影响因素有:人行过街横道长度、车头时距小于临界间隙的概率以及交叉口内的转弯车辆数.结果表明模型估计误差均小于5%.  相似文献   

Across the United States, the ‘no-excuses’ charter school movement featuring strict discipline policies and rigorous academic standards has gained popularity among schools serving poor and working-class students of color. In this article, we examine how Black and Latinx parents of students with disabilities1 negotiated and experienced these charter school practices of rigor, which disciplined, managed, and regulated students’ social differences. Drawing from a yearlong qualitative research study, we examine interviews with Black and Latinx parents who experienced conflict with charter schools and the school lawyers, along with school artifacts we gathered such as parent handbooks and website information. We found parents experienced what we refer to as the ‘irony of rigor:’ the contradictory double-movement through which students of color with disabilities desired inclusion into ‘rigorous’ charter schools which then excluded them using ‘rigor’ as a central feature of student pushout practices. We present the irony of rigor in three interrelated acts: Act I: the lure of rigor (i.e. what drew parents to charter schools); Act II: the body meets rigor (i.e. how schools disciplined and managed student differences); and Act III: the consequences of rigor (i.e., what happened to students and parents while and after experiencing rigorous practices). We contextualize the irony of rigor within the relationship between disability, race, and neoliberalism.  相似文献   

This paper reflects upon the methodology and methods of a qualitative study that examined the lived educational experiences of four African-American women labeled with disabilities and from low socioeconomic backgrounds. This paper offers discussion as to the usefulness of alternate methods of representing data, specifically poetry and narrative, as a means of circumventing dilemmas associated with intersectional research and promoting more equitable research processes for individuals that have been historically marginalized by traditional research methods. How qualitative inquiry may enhance and bring about new insights into the lived experiences of individuals located at marginalized and intersecting discourses is explored.  相似文献   

为了提高电子地图道路交叉点的识别和定位精度,提出了一种基于邻域特征的电子地图道路交叉点自动提取方法。首先,采用面向对象分类提取电子地图道路信息,并通过形态学算法连接和细化道路信息形成道路网;然后,采用道路交叉点八邻域前景点特征识别道路网的初始交叉点;最后,利用最小二乘法拟合道路直线来纠正初始交叉点的位置偏移,获得定位准确的道路交叉点。实验结果表明,所提方法具有较高的识别率和定位精度,能够有效地提取电子地图道路交叉点。  相似文献   

The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the complex juncture of gender and experiences of trauma in college. Two research questions guided this investigation: (a) How does gender intersect with an individual’s experience(s) of trauma during college? and (b) What sociocultural contexts shape the role of gender intersecting with traumatic experiences in college? Data were collected using interviews and visual mapping/written response activities. Analysis revealed three dominant themes when gender was salient in traumatic experience, including: (a) gender norms contributing to the production of trauma; (b) gender norms restricting traumatic recovery; and (c) trauma catalyzing the interrogation of gender norms. Results of this study underscore the importance of continued attention in both research and practice to the complex ways in which systems of oppression around gender, in particular, but other identities broadly, offer both restrictions and possibilities for those navigating traumatic recovery.  相似文献   

Assessing the dynamics of heart rate fluctuations can provide valuable information about heart status. In this study, regularity of heart rate variability (HRV) of heart failure patients and healthy persons using the concept of singular value decomposition entropy (SvdEn) is analyzed. SvdEn is calculated from the time series using normalized singular values. The advantage of this method is its simplicity and fast computation. It enables analysis of very short and non-stationary data sets. The results show that SvdEn of patients with congestive heart failure (CHF) shows a low value (SvdEn: 0.056±0.006, p 〈 0.01) which can be completely separated from healthy subjects. In addition, differences of SvdEn values between day and night are found for the healthy groups. SvdEn decreases with age. The lower the SvdEn values, the higher the risk of heart disease. Moreover, SvdEn is associated with the energy of heart rhythm. The results show that using SvdEn for discriminating HRV in different physiological states for clinical applications is feasible and simple.  相似文献   

This article reports on recent research funded by international development actors which explored how Senegalese youth acted as ‘active citizens’ and claimed their education and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) rights. Our analysis is framed by a review of contemporary international development discourses that seem to offer fertile possibilities for more plural understandings of sexuality. After describing the research methodology and methods, we draw on post-structural theory to analyse the discourses youth deployed to talk about sex and their sexualities. Rather than a source of pleasure, youth’s talk of sex and sexuality was dominated by discourses of morality and medicine, in ways that sustained a heteronormative gender regime permeated by entrenched hegemonic masculinities. We conclude that rather than the fertile possibilities identified in our opening review, the SRH lens re-inscribed a negative framing of sexuality which was compounded by both family and religious norms.  相似文献   

受组合体读图的形体分析法启发,提出求解带孔洞立体截交线和相贯线的分部作图法,将带孔洞立体分为外部形体和内部孔洞两部分,分别求出其截交线或者相贯线,然后再对外部形体和内部孔洞的轮廓线进行整理,并结合4个例子详细介绍了作图过程.  相似文献   

Academic delay of gratification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Academic delay of gratification (ADOG) refers to students' postponement of immediately available opportunities to satisfy impulses in favor of pursuing chosen important academic rewards or goals that are temporally remote but ostensibly more valuable. In Study 1, we developed a course-specific academic delay of gratification scale (ADOGS) with acceptable psychometric properties. Results of Study 2 supported the hypothesized association between ADOG and students' self-regulated learning, which consisted of academic motivation and the use of cognitive, metacognitive, and resource management learning strategies. Discriminant validity of the ADOGS is indicated by its stronger correlations with students' self-regulation than found for instruments that measure closelyrelated constructs (generalized deferment of gratification and impulsivity). The conceptual status of ADOG as a strategy and outcome of successful strategy use is discussed.  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济和高等教育体制改革的不断深入,传统的高校学生管理制度面临严峻的考验。而当前我国对学生管理制度的研究多集中在学生管理工作中遇到的问题研究,本文另辟蹊径,分析了当前我国高校学生管理制度创新中的时滞效应,剖析了学生管理制度创新中时滞效应产生的原因,并提出了削减时滞效应的对策。  相似文献   

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