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高校图书馆馆际互借补贴长效机制的建设需要一个长期有效的馆际互借补贴政策的制定、执行、评估完善的过程。它包括两个方面:一是客观有效的馆际互借补贴政策,二是馆际互借定期的反馈评估体系。清华大学图书馆馆际互借补贴的长效机制是可行、可控、可操作的,并且取得了良好的实践效果。  相似文献   

馆际互借发展趋势研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了目前馆际互借服务蓬勃发展的现状,同时通过对馆际互借服务面临冲击的分析,提出馆际互借服务的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

馆际互借服务是图书馆之间或图书馆与其他情报机构之间相互利用对方文献来满足用户需求的一种信息服务形式,馆际互借活动的开展需要馆际互借条例的指导和规范。分析了我国主要图书馆馆际互借条例的内容和特点,总结了我国在馆际互借条例制定方面存在的不足,并提出了相应的解决方案。  相似文献   

馆际互借联盟——HKALL馆际互借模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过介绍HKALL的基本情况,其系统组成、工作流程、流通政策、用户调查等方面内容,为内地高校图书馆组建图书馆馆际互借联盟,完善馆际互借服务提供借鉴.  相似文献   

馆际互借是文献信息资源共享的最普遍形式,馆际互借活动的开展需要馆际互借规则的指导和规范。对中外馆际互借规则的内容和特点进行了介绍和对比,在此基础上,总结了我国在馆际互借规则制定方面存在的不足,并提出了解决对策。最后,提出了制定全国统一的馆际互借规则建议,并构建了规则的总体框架。  相似文献   

BALIS馆际互借服务研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍BALIS馆际互借的模式及流程,简述北京地区高校开展BALIS馆际互借服务的情况,并对该服务的各项管理机制进行了详细描述,提出当前工作中存在的问题及解决的对策。参考文献3。  相似文献   

高校馆际互借文献传递的实践与思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
赵冬梅 《晋图学刊》2008,(2):8-11,20
馆际互借与文献传递是图书馆之间或图书馆与其他文献情报机构之间建立协作关系,相互利用对方文献信息资源来满足读者需求的一种资源共享方式,由于其在高校图书馆业务中不断增长的重要性,已经发展成图书馆固定的、常规的服务形式。本文重点讨论了馆际互借文献传递的现实意义以及影响馆际互借文献传递服务的质量和效率因素。  相似文献   

网络环境下的馆际互借研究与展望   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
许桂菊 《图书馆》2006,(2):52-55
本文介绍了网络环境下馆际互借服务的发展和研究情况,并对馆际互借服务的发展趋势进行了展望,最后对我国馆际互借工作提出建议和展望。  相似文献   

The Ten Commandments of interlibrary loan borrowing, the Ten Commandments of interlibrary loan lending, and the Ten Commandments of shipping and general conduct, including basic rules to make interlibrary loan go smoothly. The title says it all.  相似文献   

馆际图书通借通还的实现   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
图书馆馆际文献通借通还,是馆藏资源共享的高级阶段,它既方便读者利用多个图书馆的资源,又节约了书刊采购费用。本文简要介绍了有关协议的技术构架和应用情况。  相似文献   

电子书馆际互借是馆际互借这一图书馆传统服务在电子书时代的延续与发展,文章分析电子书馆际互借的现状及影响其发展的主要因素,对传统的馆际互借模式与基于在线电子书平台的新馆际互借模式进行探讨。指出在这些模式的指导下,要充分利用在线电子书平台,综合考虑电子书的不同来源、版权保护、读者获取电子书的方式等状况,开展图书馆电子书馆际互借服务。  相似文献   

馆际互借是图书馆之间或图书馆与其他文献情报机构之间建立协作关系,相互利用对方文献信息资源来满足读者需求的一种资源共享方式。文章以岳麓山地区3所高校馆际互借项目以及美国Borrow direct项目为例,分析了3种主要的印刷型图书馆际互借模式,比较了它们的优缺点,指出了未来图书馆际互借的新趋向。  相似文献   


Technology is rapidly moving libraries toward a self-service interlibrary loan model. Patrons currently request books and articles through OCLC's unmediated ILL Direct Request service, and interlibrary loan management software enables users to request, track, and renew borrowed materials unassisted online. In addition, products such as SFX and Serials Solutions further expand unmediated requesting. Peer-to-peer resource sharing defined by the ISO ILL Protocol and direct consortial borrowing, which has become possible following the recently approved NCIP standard, encourage and support the widespread development of self-service interlibrary loan. As borrowing from other collections becomes an almost effortless process for library users, reference librarians must find ways to encourage patron use of local collections, as well as familiarize themselves with the mechanics of unmediated interlibrary loan to better assist patrons in their use of evolving interlibrary loan technology.  相似文献   

馆际文献通借通还服务现状及发展分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
麦敏华 《图书馆论坛》2005,25(4):172-174
介绍了目前国内开展馆际文献通借通还服务的现状,分析了几种管理模式的特点及其存在的问题,探讨了通借通还服务可持续发展的思路。  相似文献   

In recent years, eBook collections have been increasing at a slow but steady rate in both public and academic libraries. With the increasing eBook collections in libraries and the advancements made in information discovering services, users can now discover materials existing outside of their local library more easily. EBooks also offer the potential for quick interlibrary loan delivery. Ironically, eBook interlibrary loan has not become prevalent in libraries. Many studies have been done to explore eBook licensing and interlibrary loan in academic libraries and to offer practical solutions for eBook interlibrary lending. Few studies have been done in public libraries. This study explores the current practice of eBook interlibrary loan activities in American public libraries. Survey questionnaires were distributed to 118 randomly selected public libraries. Questions focused on current eBook interlibrary loan best practices, issues, and obstacles in American public libraries. Findings from this study indicate eBook ILL is not a priority for the surveyed public libraries, and the adoption rate of eBook ILL in public libraries is much lower than that in academic libraries.  相似文献   

Technological innovations have changed the interlibrary loan landscape, leading many of its practitioners to wonder what the future holds for interlibrary loan. Examining the way in which change is discussed can reveal some insecurities on the part of interlibrary loan workers and can also provide direction as to where interlibrary loan is going.  相似文献   

对数据库引进中所签订的56份许可协议和国外6种主要数字资源许可协议模型进行调研,重点分析其中与馆际互借和文献传递相关的条款,并寻找国际公约和版权法中的法律依据,旨在为国内图书馆在数字资源环境下的馆际互借和文献传递工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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