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常江,现为深圳大学特聘教授、博士生导师,深圳大学媒体融合与国际传播研究中心执行主任,深圳大学数字媒体文化实验室负责人,主要研究领域为数字新闻学、数字媒体文化研究等。先后就读于北京大学、清华大学,于2011年获新闻传播学博士学位并进入学术界。曾为美国西北大学联合培养博士生,并于瑞士日内瓦大学社会学系完成博士后研究。在加入深圳大学以前,曾执教于中国人民大学新闻学院、清华大学新闻与传播学院。2012年成为硕士生导师,2017年成为博士生导师。  相似文献   

在武汉大学博士生导师陈光祚的指导下 ,由深圳南山图书馆建立的《图书情报学书目数据库》(网址 :http :/ / 61.141.2 35.2 2 7/tsqb/ )于近日正式开通。该数据库收集了自 190 1年以来我国图书情报学领域发表的学术论文、专著、会议文献、毕业论文等书目数据10万余条。该数据库主要内容包括图书馆学、情报学专业期刊发表的学术论文、正式出版的图书馆学、情报学专著、研究生、博士生学位论文、学会会议论文等 ,非图书情报专业报刊中的有关图书馆学、情报学论文亦有收入。收录时间上迄 190 1年 ,较全面地反映了中国图书情报学百年研究…  相似文献   

本文依据一定指标系统对中国大陆14个新闻传播学博士学位授予单位的119名在职博士生导师进行统计,对其自然特征、教育背景和专业素养等状况作了整体描述.研究发现:大陆新闻传播学博士生导师队伍总体呈非均衡分布,这种分布状态既反映了大陆该学科博士生导师的准入门槛较高,也反映出大陆该学科博士生导师队伍建设的"游戏规则"还有许多值得反思和完善之处.  相似文献   

在武汉大学博士生导师陈光祚的指导下 ,由深圳南山图书馆建立的《图书情报学书目数据库》 (网址 :http:/ /6 1 141 2 35 2 2 7/tsqb/ )于近日正式开通了。该数据库收集了自 190 1年以来我国图书情报学领域发表的学术论文、专著、会议文献、毕业论文等书目数据 10万余条。该数据库主要内容包括图书馆学、情报学专业期刊发表的学术论文、正式出版的图书馆学、情报学专著、研究生、博士生学位论文、学会会议论文等 ,非图书情报专业报刊中的有关图书馆学、情报学论文亦有收入。收录时间上迄 190 1年 ,较全面地反映了中国图书情报学百年…  相似文献   

刘明 《现代传播》2006,(1):104-105
中国传媒大学当代国际问题研究中心一直对国际政治领域里的一些新情况和新问题保持着高度关注。近年来,一些国家先后发生所谓“颜色革命”,引发了社会动荡、政权更迭。在发生政权更迭的这些国家中,媒体均发生了至关重要的作用。那么如何看待和理解媒体在政权更迭中发挥的作用?其对我国政府与传媒有何启示呢?我们组织了这组稿件,以飨读者。本专题研究首席专家:刘继南(中国传媒大学校长、教授、博士生导师);刘洪潮(中国传媒大学当代国际问题研究中心主任、教授、博士生导师)。  相似文献   

在武汉大学博士生导师陈光祚教授的指导下 ,由深圳南山图书馆建立的《图书情报学书目数据库》(网址 :http :/6 1.141.2 35 .2 2 7/tsqb/)于近日正式开通。该数据库收集了自 190 1年以来我国图书情报学领域发表的学术论文、专著、会议文献、毕业论文等书目数据 10万余条。该数据库主要内容包括图书馆学、情报学专业期刊发表的学术论文 ,正式出版的图书馆学、情报学专著 ,研究生、博士生学位论文 ,学会会议论文等 ,非图书情报专业报刊中的有关图书馆学、情报学论文亦有收入。收录时间上起 190 1年 ,较全面地反映了中国图书情报学百年…  相似文献   

晓月 《新闻实践》2006,(8):51-51
由中国人民大学新闻学院教授、博士生导师蔡雯主讲的新闻传播学专业核心课程“新闻编辑”,是我国新闻编辑学唯一的一门国家级精品课程。近  相似文献   

图书情报学(library and information science,LIS)作为一门正在发展中的学科,与其他学科的交叉渗透趋势不断增强,该领域的研究重心的变化情况一直是许多学者所关注的焦点。我国的图书情报学起源于北美,但鲜有关于中美LIS博士学位论文的跨学科主题发展的对比研究。本文对1994—2018年LIS博士学位论文的数量变动、相关主题的跨学科情况,以及博士生导师对论文选题的影响程度进行了调查。结果表明,作为一门交叉属性很强的学科,图情学博士学位论文涉及的研究主题类别达到39个;情报学、图书馆学、计算机科学是中美图情学学科的共同研究领域,关系最为密切;与情报学领域相关的论文数量占比越来越大;中国图情学博士学位论文的跨学科研究侧重与人文社会学科相融合,北美则更关注与信息技术相关的研究主题。还有一个重要发现,博士学位论文主题的跨学科性程度深受其导师的学术背景影响,且系统性的北美图情学博士学位论文研究内容对我国图书情报领域的博士生教育具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

全国第二届新闻传播学博士生教育研讨会在湖北黄冈召开本刊讯2005年5月14日至15日,全国新闻传播学科专家、学者在湖北黄冈聚集一堂,共同探讨我国新闻传播学博士生教育的特点和规律,为中国新闻传播学博士生教育“把脉”。到会的有来自中国人民大学、复旦大学、中国传媒大学、武汉大学、华中科技大学、清华大学等全国近10所高校及研究机构的30余位新闻传播学教授、博士生导师。其中,我国第一批新闻学博导甘惜分教授、方汉奇教授,我国新闻学第一位博士童兵教授到会并发言。著名新闻史学家方汉奇教授认为,20年来我国新闻传播学博士生教育取得了…  相似文献   

近日,记者采访了中国新闻史学会会长,中国传媒大学(原北京广播学院)博士生导师赵玉明教授.他就我国新闻史的研究以及中国新闻史学会的情况回答了记者的提问.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):454-475
What are the current working conditions and future prospects of Latino journalists working for any type of news media outlet? This question has not been addressed in any national study since Federico Subervi's 2004 research on behalf of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists. This paper revisits the same subject matter seven years after (2011) the original work was produced, updating the figures and expanding the study by incorporating Latino journalists working for ethnic media, as well as those working for general market media. The results indicate that the dominant “motivation” factors present in 2011 that influenced US Latino journalists' job attitudes were work itself, advancement, and growth. The leading “hygiene” factors that influenced US Latino journalists' job attitudes were salary and relations with peers. Survey respondents agreed that opportunities to obtain professional training would significantly increase the likelihood of keeping their job and their preference for a training topic was digital/multimedia reporting. Journalists suggested three elements to assure a better coverage of the Latino community—a Hispanic/Latino supervisor, an educated supervisor, and media owned by Hispanic/Latino person/family. Additionally, news staff feel underpaid and dissatisfied with promotion opportunities as well as opportunities to increase their salary. They have felt job discrimination based on race.  相似文献   


A predictable shortage of librarians in public and academic libraries, due to the progressive retirement of the baby boomers and the lure of lucrative positions in the private sector, signifies the need for libraries to change the way heads of reference are hired and retained. Years of previous supervisory experience as a job requirement will need to be replaced with agreement to participate in a positive and substantive training regimen for new supervisors. This article looks at why supervisors need training, assessing the competencies of a new supervisor, applied training for the new head of reference, and consequences of failing to train new supervisors. Examples of techniques for establishing the training milieu are suggested.  相似文献   

Learning how to evaluate reading texts should be an important part of preservice training. This study used a simulated textbook selection process to compare differences in the consistency of experimental and control groups in evaluating textbooks. The experimental groups, who were required to define their criteria operationally, were more consistent in their evaluations than the control group, who used traditional checklists. Jacqueline C. Comas is assistant professor of education at the University of Florida in Gainesville where she teaches courses in language arts and children's literature. She is a former classroom teacher, has served as a reading consultant, a reading/language arts supervisor, and has worked with textbook adoption committees for the improvement of instructional materials since the late 1970s.  相似文献   

Hypotheses were advanced based on the immediacy principle, accommodation theory, reciprocity theory, and previous research in another applied context which argue that increased nonverbal immediacy behaviors of supervisors have the potential to enhance subordinates’ perceptions of that supervisor, increase subordinate satisfaction with the supervisor and communication with the supervisor, and increase motivation and job satisfaction on the part of the subordinate. All of the hypotheses were supported by the results. The “principle of immediate communication” received strong support. It is concluded that increased immediacy on the part of either the supervisor or the subordinate is likely to generate reciprocity and accommodation leading to a more positive work environment and more desirable outcomes.  相似文献   

In academia, thesis supervision is a fundamental task in the good progress of PhD candidates and of the thesis itself. This task can be performed by a unique researcher (acting as a unique supervisor) or shared with other researchers (acting both as co-supervisors). Whether this demanding task is performed alone or in collaboration depends (or may depend) on many factors, among them, on the degree of independence of the researcher, the research topic and current regulations. This implies that, at some point in time, the PhD candidate should leave the exclusive guidance of his/her own supervisor to assume the role of thesis supervisor, alone or with others.The main aim of this paper is thus to analyze thesis supervision roles in Spain in order to identify patterns of behavior. To achieve this, we used the data on all Spanish theses stored in the TESEO database from 1 January 1980 to 20 July 2018, designing and applying a methodology to carry out a diachronic study. The data were divided into five consecutive time periods in order to determine the patterns in their evolution over the years, and analyze various aspects such as the interaction between different roles, the migration from one role to another, the factors that could influence these behaviors, and the independence of researchers from the perspective of thesis supervision. We identified four different roles that can be established in thesis supervision: Supervisor, Co-supervisor with own supervisor, Co-supervisor with PhD student, and Co-supervisor with other. Additionally, we have discovered how thesis researchers’ preference for one role or another has varied over the years, the most and least popular roles by period, and the main migrations between the roles studied, among others.  相似文献   

In the workplace, a supervisor’s communication of dominance can be used to help accomplish tasks and complete work. Further, perceptions of credibility can be integral in influencing employees and creating an open work climate. The goal of this investigation was to understand how supervisors’ messages of dominance were related to perceptions of supervisor credibility. In this study, 303 participants working in various industries completed measures of interpersonal dominance and credibility about their direct supervisor. As hypothesized, influence and focus/poise were positively related to competence, goodwill, and trustworthiness, whereas conversational control was negatively related to goodwill and trustworthiness. Further, self-assurance was negatively related to goodwill. Regression analyses determined that influence and focus/poise had the strongest relationship to all three dimensions of credibility.  相似文献   

在现代大学校园内,传统意义上的"班级"概念已越来越淡化,但作者以为从领导科学的角度考虑,不但不能取消班主任制度,反而要强化班主任的地位和作用.文章就新时期如何做好班主任工作作些探讨.  相似文献   

在介绍公共产品理论基本原理的基础上,分析图书馆的公共产品性质及其特征,阐述基于公共产品理论实行公共图书馆市场化运作的四种实践模式,指出推进公共图书馆市场化运作需要政府重新定位其角色,即政府应成为公共图书馆市场法律监管者、价格监管者、市场空缺补位者和运作绩效评估者。  相似文献   


Academic libraries typically employ a top-down approach to employee performance evaluations, which often does little to reveal an employee’s needs within the workplace and fails to provide an opportunity for supervisors to assess and reflect on how their actions impact the work environment. Using an autoethnographic approach, a supervisor and a support staff member developed an assessment instrument to evaluate the supervisor-supported work climate in one department of an academic library. This project helped promote both individual and department-wide discussion on what elements make a supportive work climate and provided the supervisor an opportunity to reflect on ways to improve support efforts. This article includes practical information as well as the lived experiences of the collaborators.  相似文献   

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