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“盲、聋、培智学生群体教育”是我国基础教育的一个重要组成部分,是针对身心发展有缺陷或残疾的少年儿童,即智力、听觉、视觉、肢体、语言、情绪等方面发展障碍的儿童少年的特殊教育。特殊教育学校的“体育教育”是指对在听力、视力、语言、智力、肢体等方面有缺陷者,通过身体练习,以增强体格体质、促进身心健康、帮助缺陷康复、培养个体意志品质和生活自理能力,帮助他们融入社会所进行的体育教育活动。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to examine what the concept of inclusion means and how it relates to children who are deaf. The paper begins with a background to deaf education, followed by specific reference to how inclusion is perceived in Northern Ireland and in Sweden. It investigates the experiences and opinions of deaf pupils in Schools for the deaf in both countries where different educational philosophies and forms of instruction prevail. A qualitative approach was adopted in which interviews were conducted with deaf pupils who were in their last school year, had left school recently or were in post-compulsory education. The results indicated that Swedish respondents described their experiences markedly more positively than those in Northern Ireland. The main reason for this was the encouragement of a deaf cultural environment where sign language was used by teachers and pupils for instruction and social interaction throughout the school. Although such a culture was not in evidence in Northern Ireland, positive experiences reported by respondents were associated with sign language and a deaf classroom assistant to facilitate comprehension between teachers and pupils. Implications are drawn for effective, inclusive practice in educational settings of deaf children.  相似文献   

Due to the fact that the outcomes of education for most school leavers who are deaf in Northern Ireland are weak literacy skills and below average reading ages, a study was undertaken to investigate this situation. The views and experiences of teachers of children who are deaf, and of young people who are deaf in Northern Ireland, where oral and total communication forms of instruction are employed in their education were compared with those of Sweden where a sign bilingual is used in education, in the context of current policy and practice. The aim of the study was to find out if there are elements of Swedish policy and practice that could help resolve the situation for Northern Irish learners who are deaf. A qualitative approach was adopted via interviews with teachers of deaf and young people who were deaf in both countries. Findings are reported in relation to policy and practice in education, attitudes to deafness, status of sign language and other factors.  相似文献   

Internationally, the number of students with disabilities entering higher education institutions is on the rise. Research estimates that 8–10% of students attending higher education are registered with disability, with learning difficulties being the most commonly reported disability. Widening participation in higher education has been supported by legislative changes, inclusive education practices, the use of ICT and accessible facilities and programs and, ultimately, an increasing belief among students with disabilities that higher education maximizes their opportunities for employment and independent living. Within the Cypriot context, research on disability, access and provision in higher education is limited. This study was a part of a large-scale study (PERSEAS) funded by the EU. From the original sample, 15 students attending private higher education institutions in Cyprus reported disability (i.e., sensory impairment, dyslexia, physical disabilities) and were selected for focus group discussions. Also, interviews and focus groups were conducted with the Headmasters and teachers, respectively, in 10 private higher education institutions. This study yielded interesting results regarding the current state of provision (e.g., concessions for exams and assignments, infrastructure, teaching modification, counseling services) as well as issues of social inclusion, equality of opportunity and entitlement to education.  相似文献   

Now there are 17.7 million deaf people in China, but only four universities can provide them with higher education, which is far from enough. The implementation of network-based higher education for the deaf under the background of the Internet is an effective mean and objective needs for China's to carry out of the special higher education. This paper discusses the present situation of higher education for the deaf in China and the advantages of network-based higher education for the deaf. It relates the functions and also existing problems of current network-based higher education during the process of implementation. In order to solve the problems and further promote the development of Chinese higher education for the deaf people, this paper comes up with the planning of achieving the higher education for the deaf through the internet. The implementation of this project will definitely play a positive promoting effect on the integration and sharing of the higher education resource for Chinese deaf people nationwide.  相似文献   

晚清善会善堂向近代慈善组织的转型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
善会善堂这种慈善组织自明末清初诞生,自此迅速发展,但依然归属于传统慈善组织。直到晚清,随着中国社会由传统向近代转变,加上西方慈善组织和各种社会思潮等一系列内外因素的影响,传统善会善堂在运转模式、社会功能、慈善理念、慈善内容等方面出现了新的特点,开始向近代慈善组织转型。  相似文献   

加强青春期性教育,促进盲聋儿童健康成长   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
近年来 ,随着教育观念的更新和教育理论的拓展 ,科学的性教育在青少年成长过程中的重要性逐渐引起社会各界的重视 ,针对青少年特点开展的性教育研究逐渐增加 ,但是盲聋儿童的性教育仍然处于空白阶段。本文试图从心理、生理等基础研究着手 ,探讨加强盲聋儿童性教育的思路、方法和手段。  相似文献   

高职聋生由于自身生理缺陷存在与他人不同的地方,使得聋生在生活、学习、工作等多方面异于常人。近年来高职院校不断加大扶持力度,着力提升聋生专业技能与综合素质,帮助其提升生存技能。本文以五年制高职聋生特点为研究重点,从四个方面进行分析研究,并且针对目前存的的问题提出了相关解决对策。  相似文献   

This study compared outcomes in deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) students and nondisabled students taking courses by distance learning with the UK Open University in 2012. DHH students who had no additional disabilities were more likely to complete their courses than were nondisabled students, and they were just as likely to pass the courses that they completed and to obtain good grades on the courses that they passed. DHH students who had additional disabilities were less likely to complete their courses, less likely to pass the courses that they completed and less likely to obtain good grades on the courses that they pass than were nondisabled students. It is concluded that hearing loss itself has no effect on academic attainment, but that additional disabilities may have an impact on DHH students’ academic performance.  相似文献   

档案利用工作,是实现档案工作目的的主要手段,从而决定了档案提供利用工作是档案工作的中心任务,也是最重要的一项工作。科学规范的档案提供利用工作只有坚持与时俱进。才能适应当前新形势的需要,开创档案管理工作的新局面,做好档案的开发和利用工作,不但可以实现档案管理工作的自身价值,而且可以为经济发展和社会进步做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

This is the third of three articles which review recent developments concerning the internationalisation of higher education provision in the United Kingdom. The first two articles focused exclusively on offshore provision (i.e. transnational education) (see Bennell, 2019a; Bennell, 2019b). In this article, key patterns and possible inter-relationships between the numbers of onshore and offshore overseas students studying at British universities are examined. The three main conclusions are (i) the most dominant pattern is the inverse relationship between the status and ranking of a university and the relative importance of offshore enrolments; (ii) direct substitution effects between the two forms of provision are generally quite limited; and (iii) articulation and progression offshore enrolment is likely to be the only significant complementary relationship with onshore provision.  相似文献   

Assessment is a major part of the United States schooling system. Legal requirements make assessment a large part of practitioner responsibilities. The significance of assessment is, even more, the case for special populations such as bilingual hearing and Deaf and Hard of Hearing students, groups that are often the target of concern for English language development delays, differences, and/or disorders. In this article, we discuss the issues around assessing the language of Deaf and Hard of Hearing bilingual students in the United States. We highlight parallels between Deaf Education and hearing bilingual education in regard to language assessment, as well as discuss important distinctions such as the placement of Deaf Education within Special Education and working with two or more language modalities (e.g., signed, spoken, and written). In addition, alternative language assessment practices are discussed. We close this article by proposing ways for practitioners to satisfy legal and field mandates to assess Deaf and Hard of Hearing students while also applying best practices for assessing language skills in bilingual populations.  相似文献   

A recent focus on attachment and trauma awareness (ATA) in schools has led to whole-school training programmes and evaluations. The outcomes have been positive; however, the dominant focus of research is on the implementation of whole-school ATA in mainstream settings. This project adopted a case study to explore how the training and approaches had been implemented in a school community, including a special school and pupil referral units. Data were collected from three semi-structured interviews with staff in varying roles, and the views of 11 pupils were obtained via a classroom activity as supplementary data. Thematic analysis highlighted five key themes which directly answered the three research questions, namely: strategies and approaches used; pupil outcomes; facilitators to implementation; barriers to implementation; and training and improvements. It is hoped that this study will help further professional understanding and implementation of ATA in non-mainstream settings. The implications and limitations of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

行为矫正技术在今天已深入到各个领域 ,但在我国的聋、盲校却很少有人运用它来解决儿童的行为问题 ,是否聋、盲儿童就没有行为问题 ?本研究对此作了深入的调查 ,发现聋、盲校儿童存在多种异常行为且表现频率较高 ;同时两者所表现的异常行为又有较大的差异。因此 ,应培养聋盲校的老师应用科学的方法有针对性地去矫正这些异常行为。  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that assessment plays a role in monitoring the development of young children with special needs in early intervention/early childhood settings. The process of assessing young children's language skills often looks for delays within a solid language foundation. However, many children who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) may not have a solid language foundation to assess, leading to inaccurate assessment. When we reframe how we assess language skills in children who are DHH, we ensure the assessment provides a comprehensive picture of the child's language development. It is important to modify language assessment tools where necessary while ensuring the assessment stays reliable and valid. It is critical to use multiple assessment tools to monitor the child's progress, including standardized assessments and assessment tools normed for DHH populations. Finally, it is crucial to monitor the child's skills in each language that they are using, regardless of which language is used most often. We explain why each of these factors needs to be considered in the assessment of young children who are DHH, will discuss the challenges of assessing this population, and will provide solutions to some of the challenges of assessing language skills in of young children who are DHH.  相似文献   

The majority of children and young people with autism spectrum disorder are educated in mainstream schools. The diverse needs of this group of pupils has led to a continuum of provision being promoted in the UK and other countries, and developed at a local level. This continuum includes mainstream schools with resource provision which can offer enhanced physical and staffing resources beyond those normally provided in mainstream schools. How teaching staff perceive such provisions and their development over time have not previously been investigated. The current study was designed to explore the perceptions of staff working in five primary and three secondary school resource provisions in one local authority throughout the first year of the provisions and at three-year follow-up.Sixty-six interviews with senior teachers, mainstream teachers and resource provision staff took place during the initial year, with 21 three-year follow-up interviews. Data were analysed using inductive and deductive thematic analysis. Data provide tentative support for Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecosystemic theory as a framework for representing the complex interactions within the resource provision schools, between systems and their development over time. Findings and implications are discussed in relation to theory and practice.  相似文献   

在某种意义上说,明清时期的行善积功思想为知识精英与普通民众所共享,这在京师东岳庙与泰山信仰的其他寺庙碑文中有清晰的体现,不同身份群体采取不同形式在宗教仪式性活动中加以实践,人们也用不同的宗教观念对其合理性和意义加以论证,这反映了人们对当时的社会道德危机的普遍认同。当然采取类似行为的背后还会有不同的目的和动机,而这会为我们理解明清京师社会的一些更为复杂具体的问题提供线索。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the educational philosophy and practices of Achimota School, which was established in the Gold Coast Colony (the southern part of today’s Ghana) in 1927 as the governmental model school for leadership education. Achimota’s education aimed to develop leaders who were ‘Western in intellectual attitude’, ‘African in sympathy’. To fulfil this objective, Achimota attempted to develop a curriculum that took into account the sociocultural background of African students while trying to provide an education on a par with that available at English public schools. The paper first examines the discourse surrounding the establishment of a model secondary school for African leadership, which involved diverse groups of people – colonial officials, missionaries, European educationists, traditional chiefs and African nationalists – and then reviews the relevant educational philosophies of the twentieth century. Finally, the paper describes the Achimota education as experienced by students, a mixed product of English public school tradition and ‘African tradition’. Regardless of the efforts to balance the two ‘traditions’, what was actually created was a new Achimota culture that selected essences from different ‘traditions’ and remoulded them for a novel purpose.  相似文献   

Children with specific speech and language difficulties pose a challenge to the education and health systems. In addition to their language difficulties they are also at risk of literacy and social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. The main support for children with more severe difficulties has been enhanced provision in mainstream schools (language units or integrated resources) and special schools. The move to an inclusive education system challenges this tradition. This paper reports the results of interviews with heads of language units/integrated resources and head teachers of special schools (n = 57) as part of a larger study within England and Wales. Their views are considered with reference to criteria for entry to specialist provision, the development of collaborative practice between teachers, teaching assistants and speech and language therapists, and the implications for inclusive education.  相似文献   

聋生性教育调查与思考--以湖南省株州聋校为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对82名聋生问卷调查发现,聋校的性教育远落后于学生的生理发育和心理实际的需要,加强聋生的性教育十分必要。研究认为,根据聋生特点,对聋生进行性教育最迟应提前到中年级开始,在内容上应重点放在性生理、性心理、性道德和性健康教育等方面,并努力探索适合聋生性教育的途径和方法。  相似文献   

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