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We provide insight into how multiple visual strategies can be used simultaneously to increase access to and success with challenging mathematics at the secondary level for students with learning disabilities. Drawing on a teaching philosophy based on recognising student strengths and needs, we argue the potential benefits of using visual strategies during instruction and intervention to best meet student needs. Examples from our work with a high school student with a learning disability are presented to provide insight into how visual strategies can increase understanding and success with mathematics as it becomes more abstract at the secondary level. We urge practitioners and researchers to explore the benefits of incorporating simultaneous visual strategies into secondary mathematics learning.  相似文献   

数学学习障碍作为众多学习障碍中的类型之一,其成因复杂表现类型多样,而小学阶段又是学生学习数学最基础最重要的黄金时期,所以对此要求教师要针对小学数学学习障碍的不同的形成原因和不同表现形式,对有数学学习障碍的学生采取相应的教学手段和教学方法进行因材施教,从而达到教师的教学效果和学生学习效果达到最优化的目标。  相似文献   

This paper tells of the social experiences of three four‐year‐old children with learning disabilities as they negotiate their daily lives in their homes and early education settings in England. We apply a social model of childhood disability to the relatively unexplored territory of young children and use vignettes drawn from video observation to explore the interactive spaces contained in settings with different cultures of inclusion. Using a multimodal approach to the data we show the nuanced ways in which the children enact their agency. We explore the relationships between agency, culture and structure, and argue that children with learning disabilities are active in making meaning within social and relational networks to which they contribute differently depending on the barriers to doing and being that each network presents. Thus, the paper provides an original use of the notion of distributed competence.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to determine if children with learning disabilities in mathematics could be taught three‐row, double‐digit addition problems using a dot‐notation method. Three children with learning disabilities in mathematics were selected for the study. Prior to the intervention, these students employed a combination of count‐all and count‐on strategies when solving addition problems and relied on concrete referents such as fingers or tallies. A multiple‐probe design was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention. The experiment consisted of a teaching phase where students learned to count the dots on numbers 1 to 9 in a specified pattern, and an intervention phase where students progressed through nine levels of addition problems. Results indicate that the three subjects were able to learn and apply the dot‐notation method successfully, and to retain the method from one‐and‐a‐half to four‐and‐a‐half months after completing instruction.  相似文献   

In the last decades, strategy variability and flexibility have become major aims in mathematics education. For children with mathematical learning disabilities (MLD) it is unclear whether the same goals can and should be set. Some researchers and policy makers advise to teach MLD children only one solution strategy, others advocate stimulating the flexible use of various strategies, as for typically developing children. To contribute to this debate, we compared the use of the subtraction by addition strategy to mentally solve two-digit subtractions in children with and without MLD. We used non-verbal research methods to infer strategy use patterns, and found that both groups of children switch between the traditionally taught direct subtraction strategy and subtraction by addition, based on the relative size of the subtrahend. These findings challenge typical special education classroom practices, which only focus on the routine mastery of the direct subtraction strategy.  相似文献   

This qualitative study investigates the interaction between local and imported knowledges in a specific case of transnational importation; the whole‐sale importation of the American medical learning disabilities (LDs) model in Kuwait. A discourse analysis of the narratives of local educators at the only school for LDs in the country reveals a belief in the value of the imported model over their personal, experiential and cultural knowledge in the education of students identified with LDs. I conclude that importation needs to be a conscious act or the result would be the total loss of local culture.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the effect of a mathematical curriculum (CU) developed based on verbal and practical activities on the mathematical competency (MC) and learning behaviors (LB) of preschool children. In a quasi-experimental design, 60 children (5- to 6-year-old girls) were selected using the accessible sampling method. The children were randomly divided into an experimental group and a control group, and the relevant concepts were taught to the children in both groups. While the control group received the typical kindergarten education based on the usual textbooks and worksheets, the CU was taught to the experimental group. Structural equation modeling was used to model the data and statistical evaluation. The results demonstrated a significant difference between the two groups in MC and LB. The CU significantly improved MC directly, and indirectly through the improvement of LB (i.e., engagement and learning focus, verbal behaviors, and type of activity).  相似文献   

Metaphoric competence in children with learning disabilities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Metaphoric competence was examined in two groups of children with learning disabilities and one group of nondisabled peers ranging in age from 9-0 to 11-0 years. There were five girls and seven boys in each group. One group of students with learning disabilities had a history of spoken language impairment and the other group did not. Subjects were administered three verbal metaphor tasks (comprehension, preference, and completion) and a visual metaphor task, the Metaphor Triads Task (MTT). The three verbal metaphor tasks were administered in three contexts: (a) sentence, (b) story, and (c) story plus visual (pictorial) support. The group with a history of language impairment consistently performed more poorly on the metaphor tasks than the group without a history of language impairment, who, in turn, performed more poorly than the nondisabled children on all but the MTT. Context variations had no effect on children's performance. Theoretical and clinical implications will be discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a study which aimed to elicit teachers' perceptions of pupils' challenging behaviour. Teachers were asked to indicate: which aspects of challenging behaviour concerned them; their responses to it; which strategies they found effective; what they believed to be the causes of it; how stressed they felt; and how effective they felt when dealing with it. They were also asked to identify sources of information, advice and help and to rate different types of challenging behaviour in terms of severity of challenge. Results indicate that teachers are concerned about challenging behaviour and find it stressful. Whilst considering themselves to be effective in dealing with it, a proportion report feeling frustrated by it, angry, upset and/or at a loss. The most frequently cited challenging behaviour was aggression, although self-injury was found to be the most challenging. Whilst recognising the communicative basis of many forms of challenging behaviour teachers nevertheless tended to select strategies which were concerned with diffusion rather than prevention. The most likely source of information, advice and help was other teachers. Some differences in responses were noted according to experience and whether or not additional qualifications were held.  相似文献   

Although an increasing number of research studies have investigated the cognitive deficits related to difficulties in learning mathematics, little is known about whether these cognitive deficits longitudinally predict low mathematics achievement over time. The current 6-year longitudinal study was conducted to address this issue. A sample of 101 students was tested on various numerical and cognitive competencies when they were in kindergarten and in Grade 1. They were then followed until they were in Grade 6, and their mathematics achievement was assessed bi-annually. A group of persistent low mathematics achievers (PLA) who scored consistently below the 25th percentile was identified. This group of PLA showed difficulties in most of the numerical tasks as early as kindergarten. More importantly, three of the early predictors correctly identified 79% of the PLAs. The current findings provide valuable information concerning the core cognitive deficits underlying difficulties in learning mathematics as well as an important tool for educators for identifying children who are at risk of persistent math learning difficulties in the elementary school years.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to document the design, classroom implementation, and effectiveness of interactive online units to enhance science learning over 3 years among students with learning disabilities, English learners, and general education students. Results of a randomised controlled trial with 2,303 middle school students and 71 teachers across 13 schools in two states indicated that online units effectively deepened science knowledge across all three student groups. Comparing all treatment and control students on pretest-to-posttest improvement on standards-based content-specific assessments, there were statistically significant mean differences (17% improvement treatment vs. 6% control; p?相似文献   

Transition to post-statutory education and employment for young people with learning disabilities has become a hotly debated issue among professionals in education and support services in the UK. Partnerships between educational institutions and voluntary sector providers are supposed to be ideal vehicles for delivering transition services and securing outcomes for young people with learning disabilities. In this article, Axel Kaehne and Stephen Bayer of the Welsh Centre for Learning Difficulties report the findings of a survey of the views of special educational needs co-ordinators and professionals who are involved at operational and strategic levels in the work of transition partnerships. The data show that undue emphasis is often placed, by all stakeholders, on the soft, rather than the concrete, outcomes of transition; that smooth transitions are still hampered by insufficient flow of information between collaborating agencies; and that there are still significant gaps in provision, in particular in the supported employment field, due to funding or referral restrictions. To deliver first-class transitions, argue Axel Kaehne and Stephen Bayer, partnerships that support young people with learning disabilities need to address these difficulties with some urgency.  相似文献   

This paper examines transition scenarios to adult and active life in Spain from an inclusive viewpoint. For people with learning disabilities, the transition to adult life is a particularly complex process worldwide, and this is especially true in Spain. The multitude of services and professionals involved, the diversity of views regarding what represents integration, the difficult coordination between school and post-school services, these are just some of the situations that pose obstacles in constructing paths towards transition. An overall understanding of the relationships existing between the different scenarios in which these processes take place is fundamental if the necessary actions for improvement are to be established. This article aims to analyse this situation, presenting the main discrepancies observed in and between Spanish schools and the post-school services that condition the fulfilment of objectives relating to inclusion in society and the workplace. The article concludes by proposing actions for fostering the transition to adult life from an inclusive perspective.  相似文献   

Behavioural and emotional problems occur more frequently in children with learning problems than in a cross-section of the general population, both at home and at school. While behaviour problems reportedly are a key obstructive factor impeding inclusive education, children with both behavioural and learning disabilities carry a high risk of social exclusion and school dropout when they are in mainstream environments. Meta-analyses indicated only a moderate impact of social skills training. To see what kind of intervention programme would be effective in modifying cognitive as well as socio-emotional behaviour and at the same time focusing on contextual interaction and intervention, a pilot study has been carried out in Belgium with 11–13-year-old students with learning disability and behaviour problems in special schools. A total of 24 children in the experimental group were matched against a control group of 24. Children in the experimental group, after having received 14 lessons of FIE (Feuerstein's Instrumental Enrichment Programme), showed a marked increase in some cognitive functions (hypothetical thinking, perception and understanding of humour) but not in others. A significant effect on socio-emotional behaviour could not be shown quantitatively, but was evident from qualitative interviewing. The mediating attitude of the teachers was a key influencing factor in producing lasting changes. Programmes such as FIE, provided they address children as well as teachers in a comprehensive way, focusing on cognitive as well as socio-emotional behavioural changes, may become powerful instruments to help children as well as teachers in a highly differentiated inclusive school environment.  相似文献   

Reform efforts in mathematics education arose, in part, in response to constructivist works on conceptual learning. However, little research has examined how students with learning disabilities (LD) respond to constructivist-oriented instruction in mathematics, particularly in moment-to-moment interactions. To understand the nature of constructivist-oriented mathematics instruction involving students with LD, the authors conducted a case study to analyze teacher–student interactions during constructivist-oriented small group instruction involving a student with LD. The student demonstrated, to a certain degree, the ability to reason mathematically when provided with appropriate opportunities and prompting. However, given the limited intervention time, his reasoning and problem solving did not seem to go beyond the semiconcrete level of operation, which may have inhibited his solving of complex word problems with large numbers. Findings indicate that more efforts are needed to support students, those with LD in particular, in their transitions from concrete or semiconcrete to abstract conceptual understanding and problem solving.  相似文献   

There is a developing research base to support the rationale underpinning augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) for people with learning disabilities. However, there is a paucity of research examining the process involved in implementing AAC support for people who have profound disabilities. This paper seeks to explore the processes involved in planning and implementing AAC systems to support the communication of two 6 year olds with profound and multiple learning disabilities. Following assessment, a plan of intervention involving specific implementation of objects of reference, gestures and signs was implemented to enhance communication opportunities for both children. Both children improved their communication skills through use of specific AAC supports. Results suggest that important aspects to include when planning intervention are understanding the level of each child's cognition in relation to their receptive abilities and a consistent, collaborative approach where strategies are agreed between team members. Specific challenges are discussed.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the barriers to parental involvement in Jordanian mainstream schools from the parents’ perspective. A 36-item questionnaire that addressed five domains was designed specifically for this study and distributed to 206 parents of children with specific learning disabilities. The results reveal that the main barrier to parental involvement relates to parents’ beliefs, followed by barriers related to mainstream schools’ teachers and team work, while ‘available facilities’ was viewed as the least significant barrier. The results indicate that there were statistically significant differences regarding parental income level for each of the five domains and the overall scale, but there were no differences attributable to parents’ educational levels and gender. Based on these findings, a number of suggestions and recommendations are made.  相似文献   

This study identifies the quality job indicators and employer training required to provide appropriate support for students with learning disabilities (LD) to obtain and maintain employment. A consortium of collaborators was established from a university and state workforce commission grant project, a school district and 55 employers. Employers were trained to implement the quality indicators identified in literature found to support students with LD in paid employment while attending high school. The methodology consisted of gathering qualitative data from employer surveys and interviews reporting experiences and examining data results. Participants included 56 students with LD placed with 55 employers who had been trained in implementing the identified quality job indicators. Fourteen of the 21 quality job indicators were reported to be implemented by at least 90% of the employers. The quality indicators implemented are related to time expectations, on-the-job training, retraining, problem solving, supervision, verbal and written communication, flexible scheduling, breaks and positive reinforcement. The employers reported training in the use of the quality job indicators was effective in providing individuals with LD positive support in the workplace.  相似文献   

学习不良儿童的心身症状与心理社会因素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究通过对初中一、二、三年级288名一般儿童和学习不良儿童实施问卷测量的结果发现,学习不良儿童的心理健康水平总体上明显低于一般儿童,且突出表现在躯体化,抑郁,焦虑,人际敏感和敌对性等方面,同时,学习不良儿童的个性特征,自尊及社会支持的获得等心理社会因素也与其心理健康水平有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a study on mathematical problem solving in third-grade pupils. The relationship between mathematics, metacognition and intelligence was investigated in children with (n = 191) and without mathematical learning disabilities (n = 268). A significant relationship was found between prediction, evaluation, intelligence, procedural and mathematical fact retrieval skills in children without mathematical learning disabilities. In the children with mathematical learning disabilities a relationship was found between metacognitive and procedural skills. No such relationship was found between intelligence and metacognition or between metacognition and mathematical fact retrieval skills. In addition it was investigated if children with mathematical learning disabilities had less adequate metacognitive skills than peers without learning problems. At group level significant differences were found between both groups. However on analyzing these results further, it was found that four out of five children with combined mathematical learning disabilities, half of the children with procedural disabilities and only 5% of the children with a retrieval deficiency had low metacognitive skills. Furthermore, metacognitive problems were found in one out of five children without learning disabilities. Moreover, a majority of the children with mathematical learning disabilities and inadequate metacognitive skills had problems with prediction and evaluation skills. Most third graders with low metacognitive skills only appeared to have problems predicting the level of difficulty of tasks. Inaccurate evaluations were found on a more regular basis in children with mathematical learning disabilities and inadequate metacognitive skills as opposed to the sample of children with inadequate metacognitive skills but without learning difficulties, where their occurrence was rather a one off. The implications of this study for diagnosis and treatment will be discussed later in this paper.  相似文献   

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