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Characters(人物):Tiger,Frog,Fox Scene(场景):By the river bank(岸)in the forest(森林) Storyteller(旁白):One day,a tiger saw a frog.He hadnever seen a tiger before. Tiger:I want to eat you!But first tell me who are you?  相似文献   

A.—Look!What’5 on the book? —It’5 a Peneil. B.—Good morning,Miss Li! —good morning! —I’m a new PuPil.I’m Steven. —YVeleome! C.—Hi,幻m.Let‘5 Play a game. —一OK. D厂一一一Good moming! .—Good moming! 答案:1 .D 2.C 3.B 4.A (严建英) 可掷 3 4 、爪刀想想做做(英文)@严建英~~  相似文献   

【Part A教学设计】一、热身导入:1.教师与学生交流周末的安排,并利用图片和表格出示教师周末计划。T:Look,this is a photo of my family.I will have a happy weekend.Look at the table.On Saturday,I’m going to New Century Park with my daughter and husband.On Sunday,I’m going to sleep all the morning.In the afternoon,I’m going to draw pictures and read story-books with my daughter.2.根据表格提示的内容,  相似文献   

(1)Frog in the Well井底之蛙There is a frog trying to jump out of a 60-metre well. Each time it can jump 2 metres high. So, how many times does it have to jump in order to get out of the well?有一只青蛙在六十米的井底下往上跳,它一次能跳二米高。它要跳多少次才能跳出井口呢?  相似文献   

Hi,my friends!Look,I’m drawing a peacock.This is my favorite bird.I hope you will like it.Steps:1Draw the peacock’s head,neck(脖子),beak(鸟喙)and its body.2Draw the peacock’seyes and crest.Draw the peacock’S legs and toes(脚趾).4Draw the outline(轮廓)of the peacock’s tail.  相似文献   

Who Am I?     
快加入到我们的“G A M ES部落”中来吧,只要把你的答案寄来就有机会获得通行证哟!奖品和积分在等着你呢!我们的地址:哈尔滨市南岗区阿什河街11号《小学趣味英语》编辑部“G A M ES部落”收邮编:150001I’m the tallest.I likefish.I’m the fattest.I’m the smallest.M y earsare large.35月份n t m o h部落Who Am I?@高亚沛~~  相似文献   

SHAKESPEARE:I’m donemy theater.The playhouse is fordreamers.Look what the dreambrought us. VIOLA:It was we,our-selves,who did that.And for mylife to come I would not have itotherwise.  相似文献   

想知道地道的美语吗?想学会最新、最酷的口语吗?Please join us。G od knows。天晓得!例句:G od know s where he w ent。天晓得他去哪儿啦!It’ll cost G od knows how m uch.天晓得要花多少钱。Thank G od。谢天谢地!例句:Thank God you’re safe。谢天谢地你平安无事!H ow com e?怎么回事,怎么搞的?例句:H ow com e he didn’t find out?他怎么会没有发现呢?D on’t push m e.别逼我。例句:I’m not pushing you,if you don’tw ant the job,don’t take it.我不想勉强你,如果你不想做这份工作,就不要接受。H e pushed her into m …  相似文献   

Shenzi:WilI you knock it off!Banzai:Well,he started it!Shenzi:Look at you guys. Nowonder we’re dangling at thebottom of the food chain.Banzai:(With drool danglingfrom his mouth) Man, I hatedangling.Shenzi:Shyeah?You know.if itweren’t for those lions.We’d be  相似文献   

I’veneverimaginedthatamoviecanbelikethat!It’sjustacrazything!Theotherday,myfriendtoldmethatanewmoviewasonandhesaidthatitwastotallydifferentfromothermovies.SoIdecidedtogotoseethemoviewithmyfriend.Wegotthereexactlyontime.Wejustsatdownwhenthemoviebegan.Iputonmyglasses.Weweretoldthatwhenyouwatchedthemovie,youhadtoputonsuchglasses.Withtheglasseson,everythinginthemoviejustchangedsuddenlyinfrontofoureyes.Thetrees,thebirds,thefire,everythingwassolifelikethatyoumaythinktheywerereal.Look。Therecom…  相似文献   

My name is Peng Yuliang.I’m a happy girl.I would like to tell you something about pajama Day(睡衣节)in the USA.Pajama Day is a funny day.On that day,students and teachers can wear pajamas to school.Look!These are my friends Sarah and Caryne,my teacher Mrs.Hagan and me.We are so happy!  相似文献   

This is Me     
Look! This ismy picture. My name is Andy King. I ' m in Class six, Grade four . I' m thin, hut I ' m strong, because I like eating all kinds of food. I have two hig eyes, a  相似文献   

Hare:Oh,a turnip!A big turnip!I’m hungry.I’ll pull it out.Ai-Hay-Yo,Ai-Hay-Yo.The turnip is too heavy.I can’t pull it out.Dog:I’m a dog.I’m hungry.Oh,Miss Hare,What are you doing?  相似文献   

Wow, Chen Xinyu, the picture is nice! The beautiful girl is me, right? No, it’s me! Look, I have short hair. So the girl is me! OK. Anyway(无论如何), the girl can’t be me.  相似文献   

Good afternoon,everyone!I’m Lu Xuting.今天我说课的内容是PEP小学英语Book6(五年级下册)Unit5“Look at the monkeys”的第一课时。  相似文献   

ⅠPolly:Hello,everyone!Today we have two new friends.They’re cats.Their names are Mimi and Cici.This is Mimi and this is Cici.Mimi:I’m not Cici.I’m Mimi.She’s Cici.Cici:I’m not Mimi.I’m  相似文献   

PEP五年级下册第六单元A部分话题是讨论某人正在做什么事:She’s/He’s doing sth.Are you/they doing sth?提供的词组有:taking pitures,watchinginsects,picking up leaves,doingan experiment,catching butterflies.Warm up or lead in设计一:A photographer师带相机进入课堂,T:Look,I have a camera.Take apicture.Now I’m taking picturesfor you.You,come here and takea picture.Hi,class,what am Idoing?Ss:You’re taking a picture.T:Miss White is taking apicture,too.Look.师出示本课主题图,让学生听课文录音进入新课的学习。  相似文献   

用所给词的适当形式填空1.Look!How______Kitty is laughing!(happy)2.It’s only ten______walk from the stationto the hotel.(minute)3.I don’t think this is my frisby,though itlooks like______.(I)4.Mrs Green is learning Chinese as her  相似文献   

Well done!做得好! 这是在当对方顺利完成什么时,向对方说的赞扬的话。正式的说法是You’ve done it well。 A:Look!I got an A on my paper. 看!论文得了A! B:Well done! 做得好! A:My teacher praised me in front of the class.  相似文献   

A Happy Frog     
Summer Comes.The frog and his friends are very happy.Look, the flog is playing the instrument(乐器)and dancing happily.There are some things hiding in the picture.Can you find them?Have a try!  相似文献   

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