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教学目标:1.认知目标:(1) Enable the students to listen, say and read the ten numbers (one-ten)。 (2) Listen and do: Show me 1 and 2…… (3)Try to sing: Ten Little Candles Dance  相似文献   

教学过程: Step 1. Warming up ,T: Let‘ s play. Listen to me and do the actions. Stand up. Sit down. Show me your English Books. Open your books. Close your books. Look at the blackboard.  相似文献   

I hear,and I forget./I see,and I remember./I do,and I know./Tell me,and I forget./Show me,and I remember./Involve me,and I know.以上文字摘自衡水中学的英语课堂改革方案,简单的三十个英语单词却把我们英语课改分析得清清楚楚.  相似文献   

What will robots be able to do in the future? Let's have a guess. I think if I have robots,I will let them clean the house.They will help me to do my homework.They will help me to buy some things that I want to buy.Robots will tell some jokes to me and that will make me laugh. They will also take care of my little sister,so my parents will have more free time.  相似文献   

1 在本题的录音内容中,你将听到9个简短的对话,在每个对话后还将听到一个有关对话的问题,对话和问题只说一遍。你必须在录音留出的空白时间内从所给的四个选择中找出最佳答秦(斜体为录音内容)。(1) A: Ben, a wonderful thing has happened. Our cleverson Buddy has won a gold medal.B: Oh, really? I'm proud of him.Question: What's the relationship between the two speak-ers?A. Teacher and student B. Husband and wifeC. Father and son D. Policeman and witness(2) A: Good morning. I' m John Green.I' m from Eng-lang, can you find a single room for me?B: Certainly.Show me your passport please!Question: Where do you think this conversation most proba-bly takes place?A. At home B. In a companyC. In a hotel D. In a classroom(3)A: How do you like the Chinese food?B. Oh, I like it very much. I think it's wonderful.Question: What does the second speker think of Chinesefood?  相似文献   

1 在本题的录音内容中,你将听到9个简短的对话,在每个对话后还将听到一个有关对话的问题,对话和问题只说一遍。你必须在录音留出的空白时间内从所给的四个选择中找出最佳答案(斜体为录音内容)。(1) A: Ben, a wonderful thing has happened. Our cleverson Buddy has won a gold medal.B: Oh, really? I'm proud of him.Question: What's the relationship between the two speak-ers?A. Teacher and student B. Husband and wifeC. Father and son D. Policeman and witness(2) A: Good morning. I' m John Green. I' m from Eng-land, can you find a single room for me?B: Certainly.Show me your posspert Please!Question: Where do you think this conversation most proba-bly takes place?A. At home B. In a companyC. In a hotel D. In a classroom(3) A: How do you like the Chinese food?B. Oh, I like it very much.I think it's wonderful.Question: What does the second speker think of Chinesefood?  相似文献   

【主要教学环节设计】Step1 Free talk and warming-up 1.Greetings & free talk 2.Sing a song:We can sing and dance. Step 2 Presentation A Pre-reading 1.Teach:Show us how to... T:Sounds good.I know that you can sing very well. Can you tell me what you can do?  相似文献   

一、基本句型: 1.表示"建议".如: Let me try.让我试试. Let's do it.让我们来做吧. 这种句型语气委婉,比直接的祈使句显得更客气.试比较:  相似文献   

教学过程I.Warm up(Sing and do)T:Hello,everyone!Nice to see you.Do you know me?Who am I?Ss:(学生看PPT屏幕)Miss Mao.T:Right!My Chinese name is Mao Liwei.My English name is Zoe.You can call me Zoe or Mao.OK?Dear class,do you like singing?Ss:Yes!T:Do you like sports?Ss:Yes!T:Great! Let’s sing a happy song and do some sports,OK?Ss:OK!T:I think you should stand up!"",are you ready?1,2,go!(师生一起边唱边做运动)T:How do you feel now?S:I feel happy.T:Really?I really hope you wil  相似文献   

1 I like to play outdoors!I like to play ball!So,come on!Come here and join me!Let's go!Let's play ball!2 Come on!Come here and join me!Let's go!Let's play ball!  相似文献   

教学过程:一、warm up1.Let's say a chant:W here is it?in-in-in;W here is it?on-on-on;W here is it?under-un-der-under;W here is it?in frontof-in frontof-infrontof;W here is it?behind-behind-behind.(师生伴随节奏边说边做动作)2.Let's play a gam e:Isay you do.F  相似文献   

教学过程:Step1.W arm ing upT:Let's play.Listen to m eand do the actions.Stand up.Sitdown.Show m e your EnglishBooks.O pen your books.Closeyour books.Look at the black-board.[设计意图:听口令、做动作游戏,既可以活跃课堂气氛,又可以让学生集中注意力,训练听力,为  相似文献   

正A One morning Newton got up very early and started to work on a difficult problem.Then he felt hungry.His servant wanted to boil an egg for him,but he wanted to do it himself and said,"You can leave the egg with me and I will boil it.It is very easy."The servant said,"You must boil the egg for ten minutes and then it will be ready."Then she left the room.  相似文献   

[教学内容]义务教育课程标准实验教科书<英语>(PEP)三年级上册 Let's learn and let's do 两部分. [教学过程] 一、Warm up 1.Greeting. T:Good morning,class.  相似文献   

一、do sb a favour该结构表示“帮助某人”,也可说成do a favour for sb,注意其中有不定冠词。如:Would you do me a favour please?请你帮我个忙,好吗?He is always ready to do a favour for his classmates.他总是乐于帮助同学。以下各句均可表示“劳驾请把窗户打开”。注意,当favour后有定语修饰时,其前习惯上要用定冠词:Do me a favour and open the window.Do me a favour by opening the window.Do me a favour—open the window,please.Do me the favour to open the window.Do me the favour of opening the window.二、do sb …  相似文献   

T eaching C ontents:1.Let's tryListen and tick or cross2.Let's talkTeacher:A re you helpful athom e,Chen Jie?Chen:Sure.Teacher:W hat can you do?Chen:I can sweep the floor.I can cook the m eals.Teacher:G reat。Y ou'rehelpful。3.G roup workT eaching A im s:…  相似文献   

一、初步感知 T:板书ABC,Can you read? S:Yes!ABC! T:Great!Now,listen to me!领读/ei/ /ei/ .Let's write together.Show me your fingers.边写边领读发音,学生跟读,有节奏地拍手说 Aa 。  相似文献   

阅读下面对话,在上下文中理解现在完成时用法.A: Hi,Xiao Hua. Where have you been those days?B: I have been to Guangzhou. I went there ten days ago.A: What do you think of your trip?B:Wonderful!I really enjoy it.I have met many people and visited many places.Great changes have taken place there.A:Could you tell me more about your trip?B:OK,I went there with my parents.We stayed at the White Swan Hote 1(白天鹅宾馆)·The servants were kind and helpful.One of them called…  相似文献   

When I was just a lad of ten,My father said to me:“Come here and take a lessonFrom the lovely lemon tree.  相似文献   

一、教学内容   本节课的教学内容是第一册第三单元Part B Let's leam & Let's do,本课是整个单元的第4课时,主要学习5种颜色,通过Let's do的活动来巩固和运用语言.……  相似文献   

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