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大学语文课程在职业教育功利倾向的影响下,逐渐被边缘化.调查得知,高职院校大学语文课程开设数量呈下降趋势;高职大学生对大学语文的重视程度甚至不如英语;高职大学生对自身语文能力及大学语文的功能认知不足.为此建议,要澄清对大学语文课程功能及意义的认识;研究如何提高大学语文课程的素质教育功能,切实找到上好大学语文课程的办法.  相似文献   

大学语文的重要性和尴尬处境加剧了进行课程思政教学改革的紧迫性,课程性质决定开展课程思政教学改革可行性。推进大学语文课程思政教学改革,需要国家、高校、教师围绕立德树人根本任务协同发力。在国家层面,要加强大学语文的顶层设计,健全教学改革政策体系;明晰大学语文的学科归属,进一步加强学科建设。在高校层面,要调整高校课程设置,明确大学语文课程教学目标;加强大学语文师资力量建设,夯实逆势突围的基础;推动大学语文课程思政教学改革,助推实现课堂革命。在教师层面,要深入研究大学语文教材,发掘其中的思政教育元素;坚持以学生学习为中心,设计多样化教学活动;立足大学语文的课程特征,将情感渲染与理性分析相结合。  相似文献   

分科与选择:突破大学语文课程改革的瓶颈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前大学语文课程改革的瓶颈在于大学语文课程开发上的僵化保守.只有打破当前大学语文课程凝固、单一的课程类型,实施分科教学,在必修范围内让学生自主选择所需课程,大学语文课程改革才能取得新的突破.  相似文献   

张彦 《现代语文》2014,(9):9-11
目前无论是高等院校还是学术界,都在积极探讨大学语文课程改革这个重要议题。研究者往往针对大学语文课程改革的三个方面提出自己的看法:其一,大学语文课程的价值与意义在哪里;其二,大学语文课程应该教授哪些内容;其三,大学语文课程的教学方法。但在教学实践中,大学语文课程的教学内容尤为重要,价值意义是通过内容体现的,教学方法也基于教学内容。  相似文献   

要提升高职学生语文素养,加强大学语文课程的教学仍是重要举措。大学语文课程不但不可用其他课程替代,且要发挥好它的主渠道作用。只有从创新教学内容、创新教学方式、创新教学评价等多方位的大学语文教学创新,才能改变以往课程教学中存在的制约学生语文素质培育的弊端,开创大学语文课程教学开放生动的面貌。同时,通过加强大学语文课程的研究,更好地促进大学语文课程教学。  相似文献   

把大学语文戏称为"高四语文",一方面说明对大学语文不够重视,另一方面也应从大学语文自身找原因,需要学界对大学语文课程进行系统研究,首先要弄清大学语文课程的性质。本文对高职大学语文与中学语文课程性质进行系统比较,希望高职大学语文教师明确课程定位,避免落入"高四语文"的窠臼。同时,在教学过程中体现出高职大学语文课程的"高"与"大"。  相似文献   

《大学语文》教学改革初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大学语文作为母语高等教育,由于各种主客观因素的影响,使该课程在教学实际中长期处于尴尬状态,近年来重振大学语文成为讨论的焦点,大学语文改革势在必然,大学语文在明确课程地位与目的的同时应与时俱进,更新大学语文教学理念,加强大学语文教学内容和教学方法的改革,建设一支大学语文的"好老师"团队,使该课程真正成为大学生提升母语素养和高校实施文化素质教育的重要课程.  相似文献   

杨凤琴 《文教资料》2014,(7):39-40,43
母语危机的背景下,大学语文课程受到前所未有的关注,也受到前所未有的挑战。本文以重塑新时期大学语文课程的形象为立足点,分析母语危机下大学语文的生存状态,探讨大学语文变革过程中课程定位、教材建设、教法革新等I"-1题,以期使大学语文课程建设适应新时期的需求。  相似文献   

《大学语文》课程在高校人文素养教育中占有重要地位,但是目前《大学语文》课程在各大高校的处境越来越尴尬。文章以贵州财经大学商务学院为例,在分析《大学语文》课程教学现状的基础上,探索在《大学语文》教学中融入过程性评价的教学模式,以期《大学语文》课程在人文素养教育课程中发挥真正的作用。  相似文献   

大学语文本身承载着传播文化内涵和文学底蕴、提高学生文化素养、审美趣味和人文情怀的使命,在高职院校中是文化素质类公共必修课。但由于某些原因,导致大学语文课程在高职院校内正面临边缘化。在“课程思政”教育理念的推动下,大学语文课程与思政教育的融合势在必行。分析了大学语文课程思政教育的必要性,阐述了大学语文课程思政建设的策略。  相似文献   

针对教师特别是青年教师反映的说课难问题,着重举例分析说课中的常见问题,并对怎样有效地说课,从涵义、内容、对象、重点、特色和形象上阐述说课的技术与艺术,旨在对教师的说课起有效的指导作用。  相似文献   

In this paper, we first present a theoretical approach to study mathematics teacher knowledge and the conditions for developing it, which is firmly rooted in a systemic approach to didactic phenomena at large, namely the anthropological theory of the didactic. Then, a case of open lesson is presented and analysed, using this theoretical approach, to show how the format of open lesson contributes to the construction and diffusion of didactic knowledge in the community of mathematics teachers in Japan. The basic idea of this format is that teachers from other schools are invited to observe a class taught by a teacher then participate in a discussion session with him on the details of the lesson. For the case study, we analyse the lesson plan prepared for an open lesson, the observed lesson and the teachers’ discussion. As a result, an open lesson session has been described as a specific form of post-didactic practice related directly to an actual observed lesson, and aiming specifically at elaborating the theoretical aspects of teacher’s didactic practice in the lesson and beyond it.  相似文献   


Lesson study is a collaborative model of professional development that provides teachers with the opportunity to learn from the planning, conduction and reflection of a specifically designed research lesson. Lesson study is increasingly incorporated in initial teacher education (ITE) and calls have been made to further detail the lesson study structures that support student teacher learning. In this paper the core organisational elements of incorporating lesson study in ITE are investigated as a comparative case study situated in two distinct educational and cultural settings: one in Ireland (post-primary) and the other in Norway (primary). Qualitative data, including student teachers’ planning notes, research lesson designs, and observation notes from live research lessons, were analysed and findings reveal three structural factors for the incorporation of lesson study in ITE. First, defined roles of mentor and university teachers as knowledgeable others; second, the engagement of student teachers at each phase of lesson study, with the inclusion of case pupils; and third, the conduction of the lesson study cycle on both university campus and in the classroom. These findings contribute to the growing literature of lesson study in ITE and may support the inclusion of lesson study in ITE programmes.  相似文献   

This study reports the results of a survey of special education teachers regarding: (a) how special education teachers organize and develop their lesson plans, (b) which lesson plan components special education teachers include in their lesson planning activities and how each component is planned, and (c) what lesson plan components special education teachers recommend that beginning teachers include in written lesson plans. As indicated by the results, the majority of the special education teachers who participated in this study did not write out lesson plans for each lesson they taught. They indicated that, even though most of the planning prior to instruction was unwritten, it was often "consciously" planned, or planning was unnecessary because the component was performed by habit or instinct. A substan- tial majority indicated that they did not use any expert's lesson planning format, such as Hunter's (1984) or a format suggested in preservice teacher training. None of the 14 components regularly included in preservice lesson plans and instructional design models were written out by a majority of the teachers; only 3 of the 14components were written out by over one third of the respondents. Conversely, this study demonstrated that, although these teachers did not write out detailed lesson plans, they strongly recommended that beginning teachers do so. All 14 components were recommended by at least one third of the respondents, with 8 recommended by a majority. Limitations, questions for future investigation, and implications for teacher preparation are discussed.  相似文献   

This study combines the Japanese lesson study approach and mathematics teachers’ professional development. The first year of a 4-year project in which 3 Dutch secondary school teachers worked cooperatively on introducing making sense of the calculus is reported. The analysis focusses on instrumental and relational student understanding of mathematical concepts and the transition between the conceptual embodiment and the operational symbolism of the calculus. This paper reports on 2 cycles of lesson studies that took place in the first project year, the first cycle focussing on the notion of the derivative (introduced for polynomials) and the second on trigonometry (as the concepts shift from ratios in a right-angled triangle to functions in the calculus). The lesson study cycles resulted in changes in the teachers’ educational goals and instructional strategies in relation to student understanding. However, the teachers’ desire to be good teachers, their perceived need to prepare students for standard examinations and their reluctance to use computers impeded their progress in developing a lesson study approach. The introduction of a Japanese lesson study approach into a Dutch context merits further reflection in the later years of the project.  相似文献   

由于新课程思想和内容的挑战性,使得当前中学教师的备课产生了诸多新问题,在备课新问题成因的分析过程中.提出新课程呼唤学校教师形成和建立一种与时代发展相适应的大备课思想。并指出,建立一套大备课观制度是落实和体现大备课思想的保障,这一制度能有效的解决备课新问题,使得教师能够顺应课程和教学改革的发展需要,提高备课的质量。  相似文献   

“青蓝工程”是促进青年教师专业化发展的重要实践,新老教师交互听评课则是“青蓝工程”中的常见举措。文章结合教学实际,从年长教师听课关注的“科学、形象、层次”三维度和青年教师听课力争做到的“多准备、细观察、勤反思”三步骤等方面,探讨如何提高中学语文“青蓝工程”交互听评课的有效性,以促进“青蓝工程”落到实处。  相似文献   

This study investigates 201 Singaporean teachers’ perceptions of their technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK), lesson design practices, and design dispositions through a survey instrument. Investigation of these constructs reveal important variables influencing teachers’ perceptions of TPACK which have not yet been explored. The confirmatory factor analysis and reliability analysis confirm the validity and reliability of the instrument. The structural equation model shows that the teachers’ perceptions of design dispositions (orientations towards design) and lesson design practices (approaches used for lesson design) have direct relationships with the teachers’ perceptions of TPACK. The results of this study show that to enhance teachers’ TPACK perceptions, teacher educators need to help teachers develop lesson design practices that support ideation and iteration. They also need to develop teachers’ design dispositions that are amenable to exploring and resolving conflicting lesson design ideas. Going beyond TPACK, understandings of teachers’ lesson design practices and design dispositions are important for teacher educators to better design professional development for integration of information and communications technology.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a feeling that effective teachers can be fostered by grounding professional development in actual classroom practice. This paper reports how a group of teachers adopted a lesson study approach and worked collaboratively so as to improve their class instruction on wh-question formation. Teachers’ reflections indicate that the collaborative environment throughout the study enabled them to gain insights into how to improve their teaching strategies. Also identified are some of the problems faced by teachers, which may undermine the gains of lesson study.  相似文献   

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