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Historically, adventure educators have used the metaphor of hard and soft skills to understand their practice: hard skills representing technical competencies, and soft skills representing interpersonal competencies. In light of current research and in the face of increasingly complex varieties of adventure practice, the categorization of skills into “hard” or “soft” may obscure important aspects of experiential learning and limit the development of an effective pedagogy for adventure education. This paper interrogates the hard/soft metaphor from various perspectives and offers “repertoire of practice” (Wenger, 1998) as a possible framework to further discuss instruction and learning in contemporary adventure education. ‘What we have learned to see something as, becomes in turn, the guide to our outward practical activity’. (Wartofsky, 1979, p. 207)  相似文献   

As a result of changing national values and unrest, demographic and population shifts, and ever-changing admissions practices and policies, implementing a diversity and cultural-competency agenda within university settings has become a priority across the UK, Europe, and US. Furthermore, public institutions across the UK, EU, and US are now more racially and ethnically diverse than ever [Snyder, T. D., C. Debray, and S. A. Dillow. 2016. ‘Digest of Education Statistics 2016.’ NCES 2016-006. National Centre for Education Statistics; Sursock, Andree. 2015. Trends 2015: Learning and Teaching in European Universities. European University Association. Accessed October 28 2017. www.eua.be/Libraries/publicationshomepage-list/EUA_Trends_2015_web.]. Yet, cultural competency efforts on campuses remain largely under theorized [Bezrukova, K., K. A. Jehn, and C. S. Spell. 2012. “Reviewing Diversity Training: Where We Have Been and Where We Should Go.” Academy of Management Learning and Education 11 (2): 207–227] and diffuse [Sue, S., D. C. Fujino, L. T. Hu, D. T. Takeuchi, and N. W. Zane. 1991. ‘Community Mental Health Services for Ethnic Minority Groups: A Test of the Cultural Responsiveness Hypothesis.’ Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 59 (4): 533–540]. This article seeks to outline an agenda for this work, highlighting outcomes of cultural competency learning and underscoring the role of campus leadership in the development of supportive characteristics. These characteristics include attention to shared knowledge, professional learning at all levels of the organization, inclusive instructional methods, integration with other campus initiatives, and inclusivity of diversity foci. Posited are six supportive conditions for successful implementation.  相似文献   


By 2029, 20% of the U.S. population will be ≥65-years-old. American demographics are changing, understanding of the ≥65-year-old demographic has not. We investigated expectation variables of participants born between 1946 and 1964 in the United States, and identified how expectation trends have changed over time also describing gender differences. We used secondary data from a motivation study published in 2015 to identify the expectations of active older adults. Four years of data were used (n = 71) in a self-selection of four adventure activities (rock climbing, flat-water canoeing, white water kayaking and sea kayaking). Older adults expected experiences in the natural environment, with social factors, and where they were either starting a new activity, or honing acquired skills. They were not focused on danger or the use of personal gear. We recommend programming that caters to an aging population, as well as considerations for gender.  相似文献   

This response to Mayo’s book emphasizes its Gramscian aspects and explores two dimensions not addressed in the original. The first is Cornel West’s attempt to racialize Gramsci and examine how his ideas might serve the interests of African-Americans. The second is Michael Newman and Ian Baptiste’s exploration of the partisan, directive role of adult educators confronting situations of conflict.  相似文献   

士官教员队伍建设是适应新时期军事变革、实现我军现代化建设的必然要求。胜任力模型的构建及应用体现在士官教员的引进和任用、职业发展、任务开展、培训体系等多个方面。  相似文献   

麦金太尔认为德性和实践是内在统一的,人正是在生活实践活动中获得了德性.反思我国当代的德育教育我们不得不承认缺乏德育中的实践教育,我们应从学校、家庭、社会三方面共同加强德育之实践教育,以期解决实际问题  相似文献   

This article examines the relevance of postcolonialism in early childhood education, with special reference to the kindergarten education system of South Korea. Most of the research on Korean kindergarten education has conceptualized it as preparing children for their later schooling and helping them learn the moral and social values most desired by society. In order to problematize such a monolithic conceptualization of kindergarten education, this article intends to reconceptualize it by analysing Korean kindergarten education in the context of its postcolonial condition. Using a postcolonial framework and Foucault's concepts of power and discourse, this article provides significant insights into reclaiming kindergarten education as a historical, cultural, and discursive product. With a specific focus on different conceptions of “readiness” as an example, how kindergarten education in Korea has become hybrid through postcolonial experiences is further elaborated.  相似文献   

Reconceptualizing the evaluation of teaching in higher education   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Trends within higher education in the United States and Canadasuggest that, although there are calls for recognition of teaching as ascholarly activity, teaching is not perceived to be a significant aspect ofscholarly work. Furthermore, policies, procedures, and criteria for theevaluation of teaching in higher education contribute to the marginalizationof teaching within the reward structures of universities and colleges.Evaluation policies, procedures, and criteria tend to (1) emphasizetechnical, rather than substantive aspects of teaching, (2) focus on processrather than outcomes, (3) lack strategic concern for the use of evaluationdata within the institution, and (4) are devoid of the very substancethrough which academics derive a sense of identity – their discipline.Recommendations are offered for evaluating three aspects of teaching:planning, implementation, and results. Within each aspect, conceptualarguments and practical solutions are suggested for establishing criteria,deciding on sources of data, and determining the nature of data that must begathered. The goal is to set in place evaluation policies, procedures, andcriteria that will be perceived as rigorous and credible alongside moretraditional forms of scholarship, while respecting the diversity of contextsand disciplinary identities within universities and colleges. Sevenprinciples for evaluation of teaching are proposed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the process and findings of a multinational study of the characteristics of sail training for young people. The study used a structured qualitative method and involved ‘indigenous practitioner‐researchers’ who collected the majority of the data. Our findings show that participation provides an opportunity for learning in the practical and cognitive domains in relation to skills and knowledge, and in the affective domain in relation to social confidence. The data collected provide evidence that sail training has positive benefits in terms of participants’ social confidence and their self‐perceptions of capacity to work collaboratively with others. It is argued that while sail training experiences are generally positive and beneficial, some appear to be more effective than others in developing social confidence. We also show that it is not principally the seamanship dimension of the experience, but the combination of a structured purposeful programme with the unique character of the seafaring environment that provides the basis for that learning. The more effective experiences in this respect appear to be those where there is a greater emphasis on specific programme activity. Sail training should therefore be understood not solely as adventurous recreation but as a powerful educative experience.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the theory and practice of induction and socialization of new academic staff in universities have been based on a partial, corporatist, perspective influenced by now defunct structural-functionalist theory. We develop a more sophisticated theoretical understanding of organizational socialization and explore its consequences for the practice of induction of new academic staff. These ideas are based on secondary data derived from a number of studies of new academic appointees (NAAs), 27 in-depth interviews we conducted with academics in ten Canadian and English universities, both chartered and unchartered, and a five year ethnographic study of academic staff in a single unchartered English university.  相似文献   

Outdoor adventure education (OAE) is widely recognised for its ability to elicit personal and social development for its participants. However, quantitative evidence on which this recognition is based is frequently questioned, and is virtually absent in Scotland. To provide some of the first statistically determined evidence from Scotland that OAE benefits personal and social development, and through this understand concerns over the robustness of quantitative evidence, a survey of children 10–12 years old attending a residential week of OAE was undertaken. A small positive benefit was measured after the intervention, but this was lost 10 weeks later. The loss is attributed to euphoria at the time and limited integration of experiences into subsequent classwork. Teachers said they were reluctant to integrate outcomes when some pupils could not participate, commonly those from poorer families. Pupils who perceived themselves as having relatively poor personal and social skills appeared to gain most benefit and then lose the least. Since these pupils may well come from poorer families, funding to allow them to participate would permit integration of outcomes into classwork and benefit all pupils. The methodology highlights the need for carefully selected samples, use of an appropriate questionnaire and control of numerous variables.  相似文献   

心理健康教育在高校教育工作中占有十分重要的地位。辅导员是高校教师队伍和管理队伍的重要组成部分,在大学生心理健康教育工作中需要发挥应有的作用。辅导员贴近学生,对学生思想状况和心理动态十分了解,能及时准确地发现学生的心理问题,可以在萌芽阶段就给予学生及时的疏导,遇到疑难问题,也可以及时向上一级部门反馈与求助。应加强辅导员心理健康教育知识和方法的培训,建立健全辅导员心理健康教育机制,辅助高校心理咨询中心做好大学生心理健康教育工作,增强高校心理健康教育工作的针对性与时效性。  相似文献   

To better understand their perceptions of optimal tools and strategies for success, this research analyzed the experiences of learners and instructors in an online distance education environment. A qualitative constant comparative analysis methodology supported by an appropriate conceptual framework guided the study. Data were collected over multiple years and from multiple stakeholders. The study identified the following significant conclusions: the availability of multiple tools added flexibility to the learning environment; technology tools should appeal to multiple learning styles; collaboration, reflection, and building a learning community were important strategies supported by multiple tools; and participant satisfaction, appropriate prerequisite skills, and faculty and administrative involvement ensured programmatic success. According to this study, optimal distance education environments should address factors identified in the conceptual framework.  相似文献   

The purpose of this case study was to explore the ways in which 3 different informal science experiences in the context of an elementary methods course influenced a group of prospective elementary teachers' ideas about science teaching and learning as well as their understandings about the role of informal science environments to teaching and learning. In order to address this question, data were collected in a period of an academic semester through the following sources: journal entries for each of the 3 experiences, a personal teaching philosophy statement and a 2-hour long semi-structured interview with each of the 12 participants. Open coding techniques were used to analyze the data in order to construct categories and subcategories and eventually to identify emerging themes. The outcomes of the analysis showed that the inclusion of informal science experiences in the context of teacher preparation has the potential to support beginning elementary teachers' development of contemporary ideas about science teaching and learning related to inquiry-based science, the nature of scientific work and the work of scientists, connecting science with everyday life, and making science fun and personally meaningful. These findings are discussed alongside implications for policy, teacher preparation, and research under these themes: (a) addressing reform recommendations; (b) developing positive orientations toward science and science teaching; and (c) constructing understandings about scientists' work.  相似文献   

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