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Andrew Brennan, reader in philosophy, Stirling University, Scotland, questions the views expressed in recent journal articles on philosophical aspects of special education. He moves to the University of Western Australia next month, where he has been appointed to the chair in philosophy.  相似文献   

Mike Gordon is an ex-president of the former National Association for Remedial Education (NARE), now NASEN. He began his teaching career in 1958 in a boys' secondary modern school in Hull. Following national service (1960–62) and a posting in Malaya, he was given responsibility for an ‘Opportunity Class’ in a co-educational secondary modern. He was fortunate to be seconded in 1966–7 to do Alec William's (great guru) Diploma in the Education of Handicapped Children course. He was then appointed Head of Remedial Studies in a new comprehensive school in Hull. From 1970–73 Mike was a lecturer in Hull College of Education but left to teach in a social priority primary school for five years. He then moved to Scarborough to lead the area learning support service team before becoming North Yorkshire's Head of Special Teaching Support Services. In the early 1970s he obtained a Diploma in Education and an M.Ed. After retiring in 1997 he was NASEN's media officer and was then appointed as the Association's first Executive Secretary in 1999.  相似文献   

Experiences of teachers give evidence that the usal distinction between instrumental and relational understanding, as defined by the psychologist, is insufficient to interpret learning in an educational context. The learner often possesses relational understanding of some knowledge, for which he sees no use, outside its importance as schoolknowledge. The author analyzes a more general concept of instrumentalism. He defines it as a rationale for learning, connected to the role school has as an instrument for future schooling and employment. Examples of use of the project method are given, which can help to establish another rationale for learning.Bergen State College of EducationThe author of this article is a senior lecturer at the Bergen State College of Education. He has practised for several years as a teacher in the comprehensive school, where he has worked especially among the slow learners. In his native language he has written several books on mathematics education.  相似文献   

章叶频是受“五·四”新文化运动的影响 ,并在文学革命运动中成长起来的诗人。“九·一八”事变后在《星原》第十四期上首次以红叶的笔名发表《溪畔哀歌》。在国难当头 ,他追随了左翼作家们所身体力行的诗歌大众化的路 ,在他提议下《塞原》推出《新诗歌专号》,他与塞原派其他诸诗人一道把绥远地区诗歌大众化推向了新的高潮。他不但在诗歌创作上获得硕果 ,而且在绥远地区革命文学理论方面也有突出成就。  相似文献   

Charles Causley is one of the most distinguished contemporary British poets. He was born in Launceston, Cornwall (in South-Western England), where he still lives. During 1940–46 he served on the lower deck in the Royal Navy, an experience which still influences his poetry. In 1967 he was awarded the Queen's Medal for Poetry. In 1977, he received an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Exeter and, in addition to awards for different collections of poetry, he was further honoured (in 1986) by the Queen for his services to poetry. He is an experienced and very popular performer at poetry readings. Much of the following interview, recorded in December, 1987, grows out of his long experience as a teacher of young children in his home town.Brian Merrick teaches English and Drama in the School of Education, Exeter University. He is coauthor (with Geoff Fox) of the widely circulated article, Thirty Six Things to do with a Poem,CLE, 12(1), Spring 1981, and coauthor (with Jan Balaam) ofExploring Poetry: 5–8 (NATE Publications, 1987).  相似文献   

A report from the National Endowment for the Arts, among much other such research, reveals that literacy is in serious decline in America. Ramifications of this decline extend beyond English and language departments to affect all other disciplines, ultimately raising the question of how a democracy can function when its citizens abandon the written word. There are ways, David Rothman says, for academics to counteract this trend, venturing outside the walls to foster the literacy of younger children. Those who take on such challenges may find that departmental politics recede somewhat, and they may rediscover faith in the possibilities of education-and even in themselves.
David J. RothmanEmail:

David J. Rothman   has taught for years in both higher education and K-12. He is currently at Western State College in Crested Butte, CO, where he conducts courses in Composition and Basic Writing. His second book of poems The Elephant’s Chiropractor, was runner-up for the 1999 Colorado Book Award.  相似文献   

《大学化学》多媒体课件的设计与制作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现代教育科学理论指导下,利用多媒体技术中的PowerPoint(Microsoft Corpora-tion)、Adobe Photoshop(Adobe Systems Incorporated)、CS ChemOffice(CambridgeSoft Corporation)、ACDLabs FreeWare(Advanced Chemistry Development Inc.)、Microsoft Recorder(Microsoft Corpo-ration)等软件对本、声音、图形、图像、动画等强大的综合处理特点,完成《大学化学》(元素无机化学部分)PowerPoint课件的制作,并应用于教学实践取得了很好的效果。本从课外制作过程中的模式选择、整体策略以及具体的制作等方面对于如何制作出符合教学规律,高效能地提高课堂教学质量的课件进行探索。  相似文献   

潘月樵是中国近代史上一位杰出的京剧艺术家,也是我国历史上唯一以“伶人”身份担任政府“沪军调查部长”之要职,拥有“梨园少将”特殊身份的艺术家。他年少即跻身名角之列,声名远扬京沪;首创连台本戏《湘军平逆传》,开启了戏剧近代化的进程;在实践上首开改良戏曲之先河,把近代戏剧改良运动推向高潮,为我国戏剧的近代化作出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

Dr Watson is lecturer, Professional and Curriculum Support Studies, at Moray House College, Edinburgh. She is joint author of a report on provision in Scotland for pupils with communication difficulties. In this article she relates recent research into children's language development to the survey's questions to teachers and others in specialised language units.  相似文献   


Mike Reading happened to visit the NAPCE stand at the Education Show, and commented that his school had found the NAPCE resource pack From Head of Year to Year Curriculum Coordinator? very useful in their developments. So a while later he was contacted to write an account for the journal!

This account gives a sense of the particular flavour of the school, which Mike himself suggests is unusual, and also the ways in which one role can become more highly connected and central to the school, especially if it is contributing to an explicit focus on learning.

Mike is Key Stage Manager at George Spencer Foundation School and Technology College. He trained at The University College of Ripon and York St John, and started his career in education as a Religious Education teacher in Oldham before being Head of Department in Grantham. From this position he was appointed to a senior role in his present school. He has studied the contribution which Quality Management makes to secondary school management and gained a Masters degree at Nottingham Trent University.  相似文献   

Mike Reading happened to visit the NAPCE stand at the Education Show, and commented that his school had found the NAPCE resource pack From Head of Year to Year Curriculum Coordinator? very useful in their developments. So a while later he was contacted to write an account for the journal!
This account gives a sense of the particular flavour of the school, which Mike himself suggests is unusual, and also the ways in which one role can become more highly connected and central to the school, especially if it is contributing to an explicit focus on learning.
Mike is Key Stage Manager at George Spencer Foundation School and Technology College. He trained at The University College of Ripon and York St John, and started his career in education as a Religious Education teacher in Oldham before being Head of Department in Grantham. From this position he was appointed to a senior role in his present school. He has studied the contribution which Quality Management makes to secondary school management and gained a Masters degree at Nottingham Trent University.  相似文献   

“大卫”描写了两个好朋友在登山运动中出现意外事故的经过。大卫不慎跌落,摔成重伤,不能再登山就等于生命的结束。因此他恳求叙述把他从悬岸峭壁上推下去。叙述经过痛苦的挣扎和思想斗争满足了朋友的要求,但是他带着终身的内疚。作品对景色的描写恰到好处地烘托了人物的心理。  相似文献   

Larry T. McGehee is currently vice president and professor of religion at Wofford College, where he has served since 1982. His earlier career included service as chancellor of the University of Tennessee at Martin and academic and executive vice president at the University of Alabama. He authors a weekly syndicated column, Southern Seen,. for 103 newspapers in eight southern states, and weekly book reviews for 73 newspapers.  相似文献   

Bureaucratic, over-formal and time consuming, but strengthening parents' rights and sharpening up the accountability of professionals - these are among the main reactions to the recording procedures of the Education (Scotland) Act 1981 which a Scottish team discovered recently. Dr George Thomson and Alexander Budge, of the Department of Education, Edinburgh University, and Marianna Buultjens and Margaret Lee, Moray House College of Education, Edinburgh, report on aspects of their study of the reactions of professionals and parents concerned with the education of visually impaired children.  相似文献   

Ronald Stuart Thomas was born in Caerdydd (Cardiff) in 1913 but was brought up in Caergybi (Holyhead), where he attended the local secondary school. He graduated from the University of Wales at Bangor and then proceeded to St. Michael's Theological College, Llandâf, to train as an ordinand. He was ordained priest in the Anglican Church in Wales in 1937 and retired in 1978 to a cottage on the Lln peninsula, where he still lives. His first books of verse were published privately, but in 1955 a collection called Song at the Year's Turningwas published by Rupert Hart-Davis, London. Since then he has published some eighteen books of poetry in English and also a couple of prose works in Welsh, with another of the latter due out in 1990. The editors of Children's Literature in Educationinvited Mr. Thomas to contribute to our series in which eminent writers recall a favorite book of childhood. We were delighted when he chose to write about P.C. Wren's Beau Geste. P.C. Wren was born in Devon in 1885. After graduating from Oxford, he served in the French and Indian armies and subsequently in the French Foreign Legion. He drew on this experience in several best-sellers, of which the most popular was the subject of this article, Beau Geste.Wren died in 1941.  相似文献   

On June 14, 2011, the world of higher education lost a great editor and scholar. D. Barry Lumsden passed away that morning, leaving behind three excellent journals and a legacy of scholarship. Dr. Lumsden had edited the Community College Journal of Research and Practice since he founded it in 1976, and we feel his loss keenly. Our sympathies go out to his family, friends and colleagues for their loss.

I have had the pleasure of working with Barry since joining Taylor & Francis (T&F) in 1984. He was one of the more colorful characters I have come across in 30 years of publishing. He referred to me, as you will see below, as Brother Kevin. He always brought a smile to my face when I would pick up the phone (he is from a generation that still picks up the phone and talks to people) and hear him say hello. He cared deeply about the journals he worked on and the contribution he was making to the field. His legacy has been established by the contributions that he has made and, for me, he will always bring a smile to my face when I think of him.

In early 2011, on Dr. Lumsden's recommendation, we appointed Deborah L. Floyd as his successor. Dr. Floyd has worked on the journal for several years, both as an editorial board member and a guest editor, and we know she will do a fine job in her new role as editor-in-chief. We are saddened by Dr. Lumsden's passing, but look forward to working with Dr. Floyd as she continues the work he started three decades ago. The following editorial was to be his farewell to the Community College Journal of Research and Practice, the journal he edited for 35 years.

Kevin Bradley, President

Taylor & Francis US Journals Program  相似文献   


Scotland has been in the forefront of media education developments in Britain in recent years. Here, David Butts reflects on the research which he has been carrying out over the past three years into what is happening in the classroom and how teachers themselves perceive their work in this area. David Butts is a Research Fellow at the University of Stirling.  相似文献   

BB is the pseudonym of the English writer and naturalist Denys James Watkins-Pitchford. He was born in Lamport, Northamptonshire, in 1905 (his father was Rector of this small village), and he still lives in the county. He was educated privately and studied art both in Paris and at the Royal College of Art in London. His accomplished drawings and scraper-board illustrations are a feature of his books. BB's adult and children's books are marked by his extensive knowledge and love of the English countryside; Wild Lone(1938), the story of a fox in the fox-hunting country of Northamptonshire, and Manka(1939), which traces the life of a wild goose, were followed in 1942 by The Little Grey Men,which won the Library Association Carnegie Medal. Its sequel, The Little Grey Men Go Down the Bright Stream,was published in 1948. After seventeen years as Art Master at Rugby School, BB became a freelance author and illustrator in 1947. His autobiography, A Child Alone(1978) is only one of a number of more recent books which show him still writing, as evocatively and penetratingly as ever. Christopher Ringrose is Principal Lecturer in English and American Studies at Nene College, Northampton. He has published articles on Canadian poetry, literary criticism, the work of Gerard Manley Hopkins, and the nature books of BB.  相似文献   

This article will first consider in a systematic way how student counselling is related to change. In doing so it will refer to the development of student counselling in Germany. Formulating the thesis that student counsellors find themselves symptomatically confronted with changes which hint at deeper challenges than those they have known before, it will then explore new dimensions of change in universities and show how they may be linked with impulses and answers given by counselling and psychotherapy. Finally it will take a look at the professionalization of student counselling in the light of those changes.Bergische Universität — Gesamthochschule Wuppertal  相似文献   

鲁敏 《钦州学院学报》2009,24(4):108-110,123
博纳尔(Pierre Bomnard),法国艺术家.他早年加入纳比画派,后来接触印象派以及认识他的妻子玛特,这些生活阅历孕育了博纳尔的绘画色彩及绘画精神.他被人尊崇为"色彩魔术师".色彩是博纳尔绘画的灵魂,他善于在画面中设计光,让其作品光辉灿烂.在思想境界上博纳尔是无我的,在艺术境界里他却是自我的.他独特的人格魅力,他作品散发出来的光芒,为不少人所痴迷.  相似文献   

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