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本文简要回顾了澳门文学的历史,论述了澳门新文学的发展历程及其分期,总结概括了澳门文学的主要特点;并着重论述了过渡期澳门文学空前繁荣和澳门文学形象开始树立的背景、原因及主要标志。在特殊的社会形态和文化地理背景下,澳门文学形成了独有的审美特征,大体可以归纳为:第一,融历史感悟于现代意识之中;第二,浓郁的都市平民色调;第三,中正、温和的美学品格  相似文献   

澳门土生葡人文学是澳门文学发展史上的一个特殊文学现象,有着诸多重要的作家、作品,具有重要的史料价值。在现阶段的澳门,这种历史上遗留下来文学现象仍然有其存在的意义,但在客观上有走向式微的倾向。  相似文献   

在港澳文学中,香港文学与澳门文学有共性,也有各自不同的殊相。就以1920年代开始、1980年代发展起来的澳门诗歌而论,已与香港新诗分流,形成了华文作家与土生诗人互补等特色。澳门新诗评论多为具体作品评论,理论研究极少。澳门的诗评家主要有黄晓峰、陶里、云惟利、郑炜明、李观鼎等。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来澳门文学有了长足的发展,这与澳门文学的周边创作环境有关。在我们肯定澳门文学周边环境的促进作用同时,也应客观地看到澳门文学创作环境的负面因素。  相似文献   

报纸副刊既是澳门文学的载体和中介,也构成了澳门文学存在的一种语境/场域,其特殊的媒介文化——副刊文化已渗透到澳门文学活动的各个环节,内在地塑造着澳门文学的精神特质与艺术特质。受商业语境的影响,栖身副刊媒介场的澳门文学不可避免地被物化和异化:商业性与消费性堂而皇之地"进驻"澳门文学,精英意识让位于商业意识和消费意识,读者对文学的聚焦由精神维度转向物质维度。文学性的普遍流失也在这一进程中成为一个无法挽回的局面。  相似文献   

澳门文化建设迫切需要开拓其中的文学资源。一般而言,澳门文学自身的成就不高,但这并不意味着澳门文学资源就相应贫乏。澳门历史上曾与汤显祖、贾梅士这两位中西著名文学家结下不解之缘,在现代又与著名小说家郁达夫等有了剪不断的关系。这些文学资源都不必通过学术确证来获得,而是可以通过作品分析进行相应的推论。在文学资源的开发中,对文学家行迹的某些分析和想象,同样可以开发为与澳门文化相关的再生资源。  相似文献   

1980年以来的澳门华文文学掠影   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为澳门华文文学经历了四个历史发展时期,八、九十年代为澳门文学形象的建立期,在诗、散文、小说和批评等方面都有了长足的进步,值得学界关注。  相似文献   

新历史主义在20世纪80年代初的美国开始盛行并迅速成为文艺批评界备受瞩目的后现代文学理论派别。它强调文学与历史是互动的,文学文本本身也在参与着历史的发展与建构。海明威这位天才作家善于对有限的历史材料进行文学加工,并且用自己简洁的风格将其展现出来。《世界之都》中巧妙地隐含了作者对伦理和价值主体的思考。从新历史主义的观点出发,在阐释新历史主义理论历史的文本性特征、小写的历史和历史的现时性特征三个概念的基础上,发掘作者对伦理和价值主题深层次的探讨。  相似文献   

《澳门日报》副刊是澳门文学最重要、最核心的载体,以它为主要案例,可以充分探讨回归过渡时期澳门文学的特征。首先指出澳门文学在"后殖民"语境中的特殊性及其与中华文化圈不可分割的关系,从历史角度分析造就这种特征的根源;再探讨回归过渡期澳门文学的中华性,并分析文化身份认同与现代性反思的微妙契合、自觉靠拢的实践与文化特质的模塑的共同作用、本位文化与西方文化关系的可能选择等问题。  相似文献   

澳门纪游诗词刻录了特定的社会语境以及中国自身发展变化的深刻印迹,蕴含着丰富而独特的文化特性。16世纪到1949年前中国文人的澳门记游诗词,具有先天独具的纪游性、温和内敛的民族性和一以贯之的古典性三个文化特性。澳门纪游诗词的作者大多为避乱的遗民、宦游的官僚、洋教的信徒以及因各种原因短期滞留的文人。他们在述异、记游、抒怀的同时,也咏写了澳门特殊的人情、风物和政教,为中国传统的山水田园诗增添了一抹新奇的景色。此外,家国意识的遗留和传统文化的延续以及相对平和的澳门社会氛围决定了澳门纪游诗词大多寓民族情感于温和节制的抒情之中,形成了内敛平和的情感特质。这种风格长期延续,至今仍是澳门文学的一大特色。研究澳门纪游诗词的独特之处和魅力所在,为的是更细致地描画澳门文学生长的特殊环境,以更切近地把握澳门文学的前世今生。  相似文献   

郑振伟 《学科教育》2014,(4):107-116
澳门中华教育会创立于1920年,历史悠久,建树良多。20世纪40年代抗战时期,中华教育会积极联合澳门的侨团,策动救国工作。在极艰难的情况下,中华教育会先贤仍然义不容辞地推行国语运动,筹办民众学校及侨立图书馆,推动澳门的师范教育。中华教育会在澳门教育发展中做出了特殊贡献。  相似文献   

澳门在历史上的地位是显赫的 ,它是中国历史的缩影 ,澳门问题是殖民主义的产物 ,澳门回归是中国人民完成统一大业使命的百年追求。  相似文献   

澳门小学语文教育现正在进行一系列的改革.其背景包括澳门教育暨青年局拟订小学语文基本学历要求,澳门大学进行全面的课程改革等。为了配合这个新形势,澳门大学教育学院小学专业进行了一些调整,以加强学员的语文素质及能力。小学语文教师应具备文化知识素质、语文能力素质和文学审美素质等,以提升小学语文科的教学效果。  相似文献   

From the end of World War II to the late-1980s, Macau was a Portuguese colony under Chinese patronage, together with an insulated bureaucracy and a passive political culture. Meanwhile, Macau was characterised by an official non-interventionist policy, a fragmentation of educational provision, and a lack of formal citizenship education. From 1987 onwards, Macau has been undergoing decolonalisation and an impending change of sovereignty, which resulted in the first official document concerning citizenship education issued by the government in 1995. But citizenship education has been less developed in Macau because of the problems of state capacity, autonomy and initiative in delivering education.  相似文献   

Tang  Fun Hei  Joan  Keith Morrison 《Compare》1998,28(3):245-262
For centuries Macau has experienced extended market principles for schooling, with very limited state intervention in education, and only a recent history of regarding schooling as a public good. This paper suggests that laissez‐faire market principles have failed to provide high quality schooling in Macau and that considerable state intervention is required to ensure that education develops as a public good in Macau. The case is made for a ‘mixed economy’ of public and private providers of schooling as a public good in Macau, thereby building on the existing extensive private provision that exists there, with attention still needing to be given to quality control and increased governmental support. A state‐regulated market might be more effective than a genuinely open market. The case of Macau is used to demonstrate that public goods and private services are neither polar opposites nor mutually exclusive. The greater involvement of the state in education in Macau, with the impending handback of Macau to China in 1999, might be problematic if it becomes too intrusive and repressive, although there are indications from Macau's immediate neighbours in China's regions that China itself is moving towards marketisation, diversification of providers of education, decentralisation of administration, and increasing privatisation. This may facilitate integration and harmonisation. Macau's situation of a small state in transition to re‐incorporation is compared to the situation of other former colonies, and an agenda for reform is suggested.  相似文献   

Macau, as a society, is a crossroads where East–West encounters have been taking place for centuries. This paper examines some of the contemporary issues and implications for moral education. After a brief introduction to the social background of Macau, the paper describes the characteristics of Macau's education in general and the development of its moral education in particular. This has taken place in the context of the strong influences on morality of both Catholicism and Confucianism. An outline of the current curriculum of moral and civic education is followed by a critical appraisal of its implementation over the last few years. By means of this case study of Macau, the paper argues that a communitarian‐oriented morality in Macau is justified, and it also suggests how, by turning attention to its history, a minimal set of values can be constructed for Macau's particular social setting. Finally, some further educational challenges for Macau's future moral and civic education are reviewed.  相似文献   

Mei Li  Mark Bray 《Higher Education》2007,53(6):791-818
Within the context of broad literature on cross-border flows for higher education, this article examines the distinctive case of mainland Chinese students in Hong Kong and Macau. These territories are a sort of bridge between the fully domestic and the fully international. Hong Kong and Macau higher education plays a dual role, as a destination in itself for higher education and as a stepping-stone for students’ further international development. Patterns in Hong Kong are slightly different from those in Macau, and the territories may thus be usefully compared with each other as well as taken as a pair for comparison with other parts of the world. The paper begins by noting the literature on the ways that push and pull factors influence student mobility, and then turns to motivations in pursuit of academic and professional growth, economic benefit, individual internationalisation, and enhanced social status. The paper shows that flows of mainland Chinese students are driven by both excess and differentiated demand. Analysis of the distinctive features of this pair of territories adds to wider conceptual understanding of the nature of cross-border flows for higher education.  相似文献   

文史关系是中国传统史学的重要命题,中国现代诸多史家对此作了多角度和层面的继承与发展。翦伯赞是在这方面做出重要贡献的马克思主义史学家。他系统和深入地分析了中国古代文学作品的史料价值及其原因,并大量引用文学作品来论证和阐释历史,开拓了"引文入史"的治史新径。他发扬"文史合一"的历史书写传统,强调历史书写的文学性,写出许多文采飞扬和饱含激情的经典史作与历史散文。同中国现代其它史家相比,翦伯赞所作的理论和实践探索特色鲜明,贡献卓著。  相似文献   

在中国现代文学史上,胡适对中国新文学的贡献是全方位的。在文学理论方面,他1918年发表于《新青年》上的《论短篇小说》,作为现代小说理论的启蒙读本,对中国现代短篇小说的44作产生了渗透、影响的作用。鲁迅1919年亦发表于《新青年》上的短篇小说《孔乙己》可谓最符合胡适短篇小说理论的典范文本,也是中国现代文学中匠心独运的具有永恒魅力的艺术精品。  相似文献   

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