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对于一个学校领导班子来说,它是由若干领导成员组成的一个系统,它的整体效能不仅依赖于领导成员的人数、年龄、专业知识、智能、气质等方面合理的科学化的组织结构,而且也依赖于领导成员之间的认识、情感、意志、个性、心理互补和心理相容等动态心理结构。本文拟从心理机制的角度,分析、研究如何发挥领导班子的整体效能问题。一、认识一致。认识一致是领导班子工作目标一致的心理基础。领导成员认识上的正确性和一致性,能激发积极感情,提高心理相容的水平,增强领导班子意志行为的自觉性、坚定性与持久性。认识的—致,在学校就是对办学思想、办学方向和办  相似文献   

浅谈和谐的心理结构对领导班子整体效能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
领导班子成员的合理的心理结构可以提高领导班子的整体效能,认知、情绪、意志、动机、能力、气质及性格等心理结构是否和谐都会对领导班子整体效能的产生影响。  相似文献   

为推进落实教育规划纲要,完善中国特色现代大学制度,促进高等教育事业科学发展,中共中央就进一步加强直属高等学校领导班子建设提出要优化高校领导班子结构.领导班子要形成年龄、经历、专长、性格互补的合理结构,增强整体功能和合力.领导班子专业结构要与本校主要学科门类相适应,年龄结构要形成梯次配备.通过从各高校官方网站获取校级领导班子及个人的基本信息,对现任校级领导班子的配备从年龄、性别、党派、学历、学科等方面进行结构分析与比较,得出高校校级领导班子配备的结构存在年龄在50-60间成员占比过大、女性及非共产党员干部配备不足、高学历干部占比高、理工类专业干部远多于其他类干部、籍贯分布不均等特征.需从高校领导班子结构调整出发,明确合理配备领导班子应遵循优势互补等原则,加强领导班子后备队伍管理,重视领导班子结构的动态调整,以优化我国普通高校领导班子结构,使其保持活力,更好地迎接新时期的挑战.  相似文献   

本文认为高校中层领导班子的思想政治建设 ,对于高校的改革和发展是至关重要的。结合高校中层领导干部的思想实际 ,论述了在改革开放的新时期加强中层领导班子思想政治建设、提高干部队伍素质的主要着力点以及如何注重实效、狠抓落实等问题。  相似文献   

领导班子的结构优化与心理互补   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
领导班子的结构优化是保证党的各项事业健康发展的基础 ,而班子成员的心理互补则是优化结构的重要因素。本文从如何优化领导班子结构出发 ,分析了成员心理结构调适协调的重要性和互补的三个原则。  相似文献   

假如让我当幼儿园园长,我会请求上级给我配备一个具有最佳人才结构的领导班子。其人员应按气质、性格、才能、心理需要、行为作风组成,使它发挥出1+1>2的效能。假如让我当幼儿园园长,我将建立一整套质量管理的制度和法  相似文献   

教育和生产一样,也要提高管理效能。学校领导班子管理效能好的,应是整体效能大于各个体效能的总和,即1+1>2。目前,学校管理中效能内耗的现象屡见不鲜。所谓“内耗”,就是一个组织内部各成员不协调,产生自身力量的消耗,使整体效能得不到应有的发挥。中小学领导班子效能内耗的原因比较复杂,有的属于结构方面的问题,  相似文献   

葛建年 《高教发展与评估》2006,22(3):75-76,I0003
中国传统的与文化原理一致的管理法则是“治心”。西方管理的特点是着重于“治身”。高校管理应努力实现“治心”与“治身”的互补整合,提高高校管理的效能,促进高校的发展。  相似文献   

本文集中探讨了在新公共服务理论的指导下,对高校机关管理理念、管理职能、管理方式进行重新定位,倡导服务型高校机关,并以此提高高校机关中层班子的整体效能。  相似文献   

高等院校中层干部是高校管理系统中的重要管理层次,具有承上启下的特殊性。相对于高校领导班子而言,领导班子是“红花”,中层管理干部则是“绿叶”。对尊重领导、协调同事、调度部属三个环节的准确把握,是高校中层干部甘当绿叶,善作绿叶的最佳诠释。  相似文献   


This study builds on research which contends that just as effective principals must lead across a broad purview of responsibilities in order to build successful schools, so too must middle leaders. Decentralisation of school management has resulted in an expansion of school principals’ responsibilities, contributing to a further distribution of leadership responsibility to middle leaders. This conception of middle leadership requires a shift in understanding of the nature of middle leaders’ work. There is vast potential for middle leaders to contribute to their schools beyond subject administration, yet the research base yields limited insight on such work and on how middle leaders can be supported to accomplish it. This research finds that middle leaders who expand their leadership responsibilities do so in contexts that utilise school mission, policy enactment and organisational design as platforms for enhanced middle leadership.  相似文献   

学生干部队伍建设的好坏直接影响高校学生工作的成效。如何建设一支高效精干的学生干部队伍是辅导员的首要工作。学生干部的选拔是前提,培养是关键,管理是保障,这三个环节是高校学生干部队伍建设的核心,本文对这个核心进行了新的诠释。  相似文献   

Increasing emphasis on leadership in medical education has created a need for developing accurate evaluations of team leaders. Our study aimed to compare the accuracy of self‐ and peer evaluation of student leaders in the first‐year Human Structure block (integrated gross anatomy, embryology, and radiology). Forty‐nine first‐year medical students at Mayo Medical School were assigned to learning teams of three or four members. Teams worked together on daily laboratory dissection, clinical projects, embryology presentations, and daily group quizzes. Student team leaders were responsible for leading laboratory dissection, reviewing radiographic findings, and organizing group assignments. Weekly electronic surveys were administered to evaluate team leaders on altruism, compassion, respect, integrity, responsibility, commitment to excellence, and self‐reflection. Results demonstrated that team leaders rated themselves lower than their peers rated them in multiple aspects of leadership. Peer evaluation of team leaders was statistically higher than self‐evaluation in all traits measured except respect. Female leaders were rated higher by their peers in the areas of responsibility and self‐reflection compared to male leaders. This study demonstrates the need for increased communication between team leaders and members, along with creation of a mutually respectful environment, to improve leader awareness of their abilities and foster team success. Anat Sci Educ 2:210–217, 2009. © 2009 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

Team leaders are expected to adequately analyse team conflicts. Both content and analytical depth of cognitive processes determine team leaders’ performance and are assumed to differ with level of expertise. A study is reported in which team leaders at four different levels of expertise (novices, semi-experts, experts, mediators) were compared in their analysis of a team conflict presented in a computer-based simulation. Few differences were found between novices and semi-experts, whereas team leaders and mediators differed both in content and in analytical depth of cognitive processes. It is not the amount of practice time itself, which substantially impacts the content and depth of team leaders’ analyses of conflicts. Rather the quality of experience is crucial for developing the ability to conduct an elaborated analysis of team conflicts.  相似文献   

校企“专业双带头人”模式更加符合“双师结构”教学团队的要求,适应了高职院校专业带头人队伍建设的需要,是对“专业带头人”制度的创新。,高职院校不仅要选好专业带头人队伍,更要重点培养和建设,精心打造好这支队伍。在建设目标上要着眼于大局,培养方式上要多元化,重视科学地考核和评价,且在机制上要创新。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the importance of school leaders’ commitment to socialising newly qualified teachers (NQTs) into the teaching profession. Framed by a social constructivist perspective, the article is based on four challenges novice teachers face as described by four school leaders. The aim is to illuminate how school leaders have understood the conflicts and differences that come to light in these challenges. School leaders’ experiences of the encounter between NQTs and schools point to how the facilitation of the teachers’ professional development at their schools was challenged and how follow-up and guidance of NQTs only started after the problems were disclosed to colleagues and the school leaders. This study indicates that there is a lack of insight into NQTs’ work situation, a fact that seems to exacerbate a negative development in the school environment. We argue that school leaders must be more proactive by being aware of the dynamics of the teaching team when NQTs join a previously established team. School leaders should communicate the expectations they have for how the team can welcome NQTs’ new ideas, on the one hand, and offer support if they encounter challenges, on the other. Furthermore, our findings indicate that the composition of teaching teams must be reassessed from year to year so that they serve as an arena that promotes professional development for both NQTs and established teachers. Poor relationships with colleagues and a lack of cooperation within teacher teams may also have a detrimental effect on student learning. School leaders have a great amount of power and influence, perhaps much more than they are aware of, when it comes to the wellbeing of NQTs and their decision to remain in the profession. We underline the importance of the role school leaders have in socialising NQTs into the teaching profession by paying attention to how they are welcomed and mentored by their colleagues in school.  相似文献   


Academics who lead large teaching teams of often inexperienced sessional staff have a dual role in professional development. They are both provider and participant. Academic leaders need to develop skills to fulfill their role effectively as the primary professional development provider for their team through opportunities to enhance skills in a range of areas; these areas include team leadership, team management and teaching for learning. In this scenario, there is a multilayered structure of provision of development opportunities. One level is that provided by the team leader and directly related to the needs of the team members and the requirements of the subject. The second level caters for the needs of the team leader in developing skills to effectively perform all the responsibilities of their role. Provision of professional development opportunities that cater for these may be the responsibility of the School, Faculty, Department or Staff Development Unit, depending upon the Institutional context. This paper will present a case study of the professional development programme offered to a large teaching team by an academic team leader. Some implications and issues arising from the case study that need to be addressed by professional developers and academic team leaders to enable and support the improvement of student, staff and organizational learning through professional development programmes will be discussed.  相似文献   

我省开放大学正在创建中,而我省大部分地市电大都已合并到当地高等院校中,搞好合并院校电大教师队伍管理是实现开放大学教育目标的关键。漯河广播电视大学在教师队伍管理中采用“合同制”管理模式,成效显著。在这个管理模式中,省级电大出规则并检查落实、合并院校电大领导重视是提高合并院校教师队伍管理质量的前提和保障。加强教师队伍管理,认真执行管理“合同”是提高教师队伍质量的抓手。  相似文献   

初中思想政治课教师选用原则及建议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从对淮阴、宿迁、连云港三市教学主管部门,103所中学领导、教师、学生的抽样问卷调查看,三市初中思想政治课教师队伍专业化程度和思想业务素质亟待提高,建议今后在初级中学规范政治课教师选用时应坚持教师队伍专业化原则、综合性和发展性相结合原则、德才兼备原则和竞聘上岗原则。  相似文献   

高职院校教学团队建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职院校教学团队建设目前存在较多问题,如队伍结构不合理、团队合作意识不强、团队带头人水平有待提高、团队带头人责权利不统一、团队考核管理制度没有建立以及团队建设目标不清且成效不显著,等等。必须狠抓师资队伍建设,构建合理的教学团队;做好带头人的遴选和培训工作;完善团队带头人激励机制;以项目促管理,科学规范教学团队管理,建设一支符合高职教育人才培养要求的教学团队。  相似文献   

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