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Higher Education - This paper analyses the impact of informal recruitment channels on university enrolment decisions. A widespread diffusion of personal connections as an entry channel to the...  相似文献   

以我校2013届药学、药物制剂专业本科生就业方向相关数据进行统计对比,分析我校药学类本科生的就业趋势,并且针对存在的问题提出改进意见,以对药学类专业学生科学开展就业指导工作提供一些参考。  相似文献   

统一考试 自主招生——高校自主招生改革研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高校自主招生自2003年试行以来发展迅速,政策也在不断完整和完善,但从这些年的实践来看,自主招生改革并没有完全实现促进中学素质教育、扩大高校办学自主权和培养创造性人才的政策目标,却带来新的教育不公平。因此,需要对自主招生乃至整个高考重新进行制度设计。笔者认为,统一考试、自主招生方案比较可行。  相似文献   

This article explores how Sino-African relations are affected by the growing number of Africans who pursue higher education in China. China actively recruits African university students in order to increase soft power and generate income from the export of education services. Semi-structured interviews with African university students suggest that China fails to reach these policy objectives because the students are disappointed with the quality of the education they receive. However, the students engage in trade and contribute to the fast-growing export of Chinese products to African markets, thereby reinforcing the ties between China and Africa in unintended ways.  相似文献   

The Italian university system has long been characterised by high non-completion rates, though aggregate data show a slight reduction of dropouts in recent years. The most straightforward theoretical explanation for this lies in the lowering opportunity cost of studying due to the financial and economic crisis. Nonetheless, this interpretation is likely to be partly misleading. Indeed, when the crisis hit Italy, enrolment rates had been declining for years and the sample of freshmen has become increasingly selected according to family ‘social class’, family cultural background, type of high school diploma and individual ability. Since a good family background, as well as other individual characteristics, significantly increases students’ probability of succeeding, the recent decline in dropout rates could partly depend on sample selection. By applying probit selection models and decomposition techniques to a sample of Italian university students enrolled in different periods of time, I find that changes in students’ background and students’ characteristics play a major role in the recent reduction of the aggregate dropout rate.  相似文献   

转型期高师生的职业价值观与职业理想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
转型期高师生的职业价值观与职业理想,具有以下特点:(1)择业主体意识显著提高,非常关注个人的价值,其职业价值观主要由三个因子组成,依次为机会与舞台因子、生活保障因子、声望因子。(2)理想职业分布集中度偏高,覆盖率偏低,偏爱生活保障好、社会声望高的职业。  相似文献   

This study uses The Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) data to compare students from Hong Kong with students from the US on the mathematics achievement and on a series of family background factors such as mothers’ expectations, parental education, presence of study aids, living with different family members, and extracurricular time spent in various activities. Results indicate the following. (1) Hong Kong students outperformed their US counterparts in mathematics scores. Hong Kong has advantages in half and US about one-fifth of the family background factors. (2) Seventy-five percent of the factors are significantly associated with mathematics achievement for both countries. (3) Some of the factors influence Hong Kong and US students differently. Recommendations are made on family school partnership strategies such as engaging parents in decision-making roles in educational programs at school for Hong Kong and limiting recreational TV viewing and emphasizing value of schooling at home for the US.  相似文献   


The mobility of EU students and staff is threatened by Brexit, as the favourable conditions allowing for a frictionless cross-border academic learning and scientific research base are renegotiated at the highest political levels, including the pre-Brexit freedom of movement of persons and home fees for EU students. However, the UK higher education system is highly differentiated, and its hierarchical nature implies that criteria such as age, history, geographical location, economic resources, research activity, teaching quality, academic selectivity and socioeconomic student mix will have important ramifications when assessing the vulnerabilities of UK higher education institutions and the internationalisation of UK higher education should the UK leave the EU.


Since the mid-1980s there have been very considerable changes inparticipation rates of all age cohorts in higher education courses withinhigher education institutions and further education colleges in Scotland. Inparticular there have been disproportionate increases in the number ofentrants aged 21 and over to full time undergraduate and sub-degreecourses.The increasing heterogeneity of the undergraduate population raisesquestions of performance of the different populations of students. Whilstsome research has previously been carried out on the performance of mature,'non-standard' and 'non-traditional' students, existing data is constrainedby the restricted data sets of national admissions systems, and thelimitations of institutional record-keeping. In particular, littleinformation exists on students whose entry route is the Access Course despiteits designation as the 'third' route into higher education (DES 1987) and itsincreasing popularity as a mode of entry from the late 1980s to the presentday.In this study the performance of students admitted to the University ofStirling with a variety of traditional and non-traditional qualifications iscompared. Using detailed student records, fine distinctions by type of Accessprogramme or other mature entry qualifications and by points scores in GCE'A' levels and SCE 'Highers' are compared. We show that performance of formerAccess students bears a relationship to the extent of control that theuniversity exerts on the particular type of Access programme. We confirm thatnon-Access students who didn't enter the university direct from school, butwho came in with a variety of qualifications perform at least as well as'standard' entrants. Our studies of entrants with 'standard' qualificationsconfirms previous research that points scores are important indications ofsuccess or failure. Finally study of a discrete sub-set of former Accessstudents studying Mathematics and Science courses at the university showsthat their performance is slightly poorer than all Access students.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze the role played by self-confidence, modeled as beliefs about one's ability, in shaping task choices. We propose a model in which fully rational agents exploit all the available information to update their beliefs using Bayes’ rule, eventually learning their true type. We show that when the learning process does not converge quickly to the true ability level, small differences in initial confidence can result in diverging patterns of human capital accumulation between otherwise identical individuals. If differences in self-confidence are correlated with socio-economic background (as a large body of empirical literature suggests), self-confidence can be a channel through which education and earning inequalities perpetuate across generations. Our theory suggests that cognitive tests should take place as early as possible, in order to avoid that systematic differences in self-confidence among equally talented people lead to the emergence of gaps in the accumulation of human capital.  相似文献   

走过百年历程的中国高校学报,本世纪以来陷入前所未有的困境,数量空前增长但整体声誉不升反降,面临困境化发展问题.在全球化和中国社会转型的背景下,需要理清高校学报困境化发展的脉络和积弊,探索高校学报专业化、特色化、品牌化、集约化、规模化发展的方略,走出一条成功的专业化转型之路.  相似文献   

Drawing on research conducted at National University of Ireland, Galway, this paper explores how senior managers at an Irish university are seeking to measure and facilitate academic performance in the context of national and global competitiveness and a higher education landscape that appears firmly inflected by neoliberal ideas of rankings, benchmarking and productivity. I draw upon Michel Foucault’s writings on governmentality and biopolitics, in particular, and I utilise findings from a range of in-depth interviews with central university managers, with a view to critically interrogating the envisioning of what is undoubtedly a new academic subjectivity in the Irish higher education sector—a subjectivity that is being progressively planned for and regulated.  相似文献   

本文主要围绕广播电视大学招生的现在情况,重点剖析了目前影响招生率的因素,并结合现状存在的问题,针对性地进行相应的改进对策的提出。  相似文献   

2007年,我国在教育部直属的六所师范大学实行了师范生免费教育政策.为保证政策的具体落实和预期目标的实现,培养师范生的职业情感意义深远.只有师范生对教师职业产生了由衷的热爱和独特的情感,才能树立正确的职业价值观,坚定职业信念,获得身心的全面发展;也只有在师范生个人得到健康发展的前提下才能推动整个教育事业尤其是基础教育事业的新进展.因此,采取合适的策略培养免费师范生的职业情感具有重要意义.  相似文献   

This article details a mixed methods study conducted during the 2007–2008 academic year at the National Chengchi University (NCCU) in Taipei Taiwan. It contributes to discourse examining the opportunities and challenges of international student enrollments in institutions of higher learning around the globe. In scope it details an empirical study exploring the dispositions of NCCU international students in terms of their academic and social spheres. Trends in Taiwan reflect traditional East Asian patterns; substantial numbers of university students from Taiwan studied in the United States and Britain while very few incoming international students chose the island nation as a host destination. In recent years the influx of international students to Taiwan has increased significantly, rising from 6,380 in 2001 to 21,005 in 2007 (Ko, , 2008). The use of both quantitative and qualitative methods provided clarity and extended critical interpretations of the issues and dilemmas surrounding the international student experience in Taiwan. Results indicate that the capability of the NCCU as a host institution to sustain and attract increasing numbers of incoming international students is linked to factors such as the unique opportunity to study traditional as opposed to simplified Chinese characters, the availability and accessibility of Taiwan government sponsored scholarships, and the high standard of the NCCU Mandarin Studies program. Implications suggest that universities committed to internationalization are called to address the realities—both positive and negative—of operating as globally competitive institutions. As such, attracting the right kind of international students at the NCCU and determining standards for their contribution to campus life are more important goals than the total number of international students.  相似文献   

针对福州大学最近提出的创业型大学的发展战略,结合作者在研究生培养和管理中的一些经验,提出了一些创业型大学中研究生培养定位的建议.  相似文献   

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