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Burgeoning evidence identifies the influence of fathers and, relatedly, fathers in the family context (e.g., family conflict), on adolescent adjustment. However, little is known about the significance of fathers’ presence in contexts of environmental risk. In a unique social–political context of economic and sociopolitical adversity, this study examined relations between adolescent adjustment, fathers’ presence, and family conflict in families in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Based on responses from 999 adolescents (M = 12.18 years; SD = 1.82) and their mothers, participating from 2006 to 2012, fathers’ presence was linked with reduced internalizing symptoms, and family conflict was related to both internalizing and externalizing problems. The discussion considers the implications for understanding family dynamics related to adolescent adjustment in contexts of environmental adversity.  相似文献   

本文探讨了语境与意义的关系 ,阐述了语境对意义的作用。并指出 ,由句子意义变成话语意义是一个由静态变为动态的生成过程 ,从而证明 ,语境是意义赖以生存的重要要素。  相似文献   

4 models (risk, protective, potentiator, and person-environment fit) comparing the associations among ethnicity, income, and structural characteristics of families and neighborhoods on childhood aggression and peer relations were explored. The 1,271 second- through fifth-grade ( M = 9.9 years) children were assigned to 1 of 8 family types based on ethnicity, income, and household composition, and their addresses were used to define low- or middle-SES neighborhoods using neighborhood census data. Middle-SES neighborhoods operated as a protective factor for reducing aggression among children from high-risk families, interacted with family type to produce poor person-environment fit resulting in a greater likelihood of being rejected by one's peers, and potentiated the development of home play companions for children from low-risk families. Developmental and gender differences were also explored. Results are discussed in terms of the need for broader contextual factors to be considered in studying children's social and behavioral development.  相似文献   

介绍了互文性在翻译学中的重要性,论述了翻译语境和互文性的定义和特性,分析了翻译语境和互文性的关系,指出翻译语境是在翻译学内部对文本之间生成和聚合关系进行的研究,而互文性是文本之间多角度、多层面关系的研究,两者密不可分。  相似文献   

长期以来,我国“城乡二元制经济结构”已成为影响国家经济发展与社会和谐的一个重要因素。十五大以来,党中央出台一系列战略性的重要举措“千方百计遏制日益扩大的城乡收入差距”,其中,最引人注目的是推进城市化战略。从世界一些发达国家的城市化情况看,城市化决不是简单地把农村变成城市,把农民变成城市居民,而是在大力发展第二、三产业,加快农业产业化步伐的同时,努力提高农村居民的文化素质,使农村的生产生活方式和物质文化生活以及农民的文化教育程度,达到城市的水平。因为人口素质的高低决定了一个城市发展的空间和规模限度,因此,城市…  相似文献   

翻译是一种跨语言,跨文化的交际行为,而语言作为一种符号系统,其核心关系是横组合和纵聚合关系。同时,语境与翻译也有密不可分的关系,语境制约翻译,翻译依赖语境,语境是语义选择的关键所在。因此,该文笔者尝试将翻译与普通语言学中的横组合与纵聚合关系的语境理论相结合进行研究,通过举例分析说明该理论对确定词义的重要性。  相似文献   

增强专业竞争力、合理调整专业配置是高等学校优化教育资源、发挥最大教学效益的手段.以师资力量、学科区位、市场需求、教学条件、资金投入为评价标准的专业设置模型,依据学校实际选取了三个备选专业进行决策,求得了各专业的合成权重.模型建模与求解过程简单,不需要求解矩阵的特征根和特征向量,也不要求一致性检验.  相似文献   

This study explored episodes of social and physical aggression among members of a low-income, urban sample of adolescent girls. Thirty African American, Hispanic, and Latina girls were interviewed about recent episodes of conflict, disagreement, or fighting in their grade. The study explored (a) the relationship between episodes of physical aggression and social aggression, (b) the importance of group alliances during aggressive episodes, and (c) the resolution of social and physical aggression. Episodes of social aggression frequently led to episodes of physical aggression among these girls, with group alliances solidified in the process. Adults intervened to resolve episodes of physical aggression (using suspension from school), whereas precipitating episodes of social aggression remained unresolved. Adolescents reported that suspension was an acceptable form of conflict resolution.  相似文献   

Parental discriminatory experiences can have significant implications for adolescent adjustment. This study examined family processes linking parental perceived discrimination to adolescent depressive symptoms and delinquent behaviors by using the family stress model and incorporating family systems theory. Participants were 444 Chinese American adolescents (Mage.wave1 = 13.03) and their parents residing in Northern California. Testing of actor–partner interdependent models showed a significant indirect effect from earlier paternal (but not maternal) perceived discrimination to later adolescent adjustment through paternal depressive symptoms and maternal hostility toward adolescents. The results highlight the importance of including both parents and examining actor and partner effects to provide a more comprehensive understanding of how maternal and paternal perceived discrimination differentially and indirectly relate to adolescent adjustment.  相似文献   

In this investigation, the graduation and persistence rates of Texas community college students by ethnic membership (i.e., White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian) for the 2000, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010 academic years were examined. Statistically significant differences were present between the 2000 and the 2010 graduation and persistence rates for all four ethnic groups. Trends were also revealed for the graduation and persistence rates for all ethnic groups between the 2000 and the 2010 academic years. Results were congruent with the results of other researchers concerning differences in the graduation and persistence rates between White students and their Black and Hispanic counterparts.  相似文献   

传统的观点认为:适应语境是修辞的基本原则。本文则提出:完整的语境包括修辞活动完成后所生成的话语。用话语去“适应”包含它自身在内的“语境”,这在逻辑上似乎不太严密。修辞活动完成后所生成的话语,不仅是语境的重要组成部分,而且对决定语境的性质起着直接、巨大的作用。语言表达并非以让对方听懂为唯一目的,它除了考虑交际的目的以外,还常常追求各种各样的情趣和风格。故此,在形成这些各种各样的风格和情趣的过程中,用“适应语境”的说法似乎不能表达人们那种刻意追求语言艺术的主动性和执著性,而用“调控语境”的说法则更能反映说写者在修辞活动中对自己预期目标的精心追求,也更能真实准确地表明说定者的主观能动的操作过程及所需的语言功力。  相似文献   

探讨社区老年人患病行为与家庭功能的相关性。采用患病行为问卷(IBQ-62)和家庭关怀度量表(APGAR)对162例社区老年人进行调查,并用方差分析和Pearson相关进行分析。结果,家庭功能为良好、一般、障碍的老年人分别占39.5%、43.2%、17.3%。不同家庭功能老年人患病行为中的一般疑病(GH)、疾病信念(DC)、情感压抑(AI)、情感紊乱(AD)、易激惹性(I)因子分差异有统计学意义,Pearson相关分析显示,患病行为的上述5个因子得分与家庭功能各维度得分呈负相关。结果表明,社区老年群体存在一定的异常患病行为,家庭功能对其患病行为有影响作用,良好的家庭功能有助于老年人建立正常的患病行为。  相似文献   

家庭是社会的重要组成部分和最基本单元,家庭教育是构建和谐社区的重要基础。文章从家庭教育的视角,对和谐社区建设进行阐述和剖析。  相似文献   

This study examined parenting knowledge among Mexican‐origin adolescent mothers (= 191; Mage = 16.26 years), family contextual factors associated with adolescents' parenting knowledge, and toddlers' (Mage = 2.01 years) subsequent developmental outcomes. Data came from home interviews and direct child assessments. Adolescents both underestimated and overestimated children's developmental timing, and showed differences in their knowledge of specific developmental domains. Instrumental support from mother figures was positively linked to adolescents' knowledge accuracy, whereas emotional support was negatively related to adolescents' knowledge confidence. Furthermore, whereas mother figures' autonomy granting was positively linked to knowledge confidence, psychological control was associated with less accurate adolescent parenting knowledge. Toddlers of adolescents with more accurate knowledge showed positive developmental functioning. Intervention implications are discussed.  相似文献   

师生关系是教育过程中最重要最基本的人际关系,和谐的高校师生关系对和谐校园建设具有十分重要的作用。文章以我国高校师生关系现状分析为基础,在和谐理念之下探讨高校师生关系的构建。  相似文献   

研究综合了来自中国大陆18570名3-12岁儿童的焦虑与父母教养方式相关的30项研究的数据,通过元分析的方法考查了二者相关的强度,并分析影响相关强度的因素。从总体上来说,儿童焦虑与父母教养方式存在弱相关;父母教养方式类型、儿童年龄、父母性别会对二者关系产生调节作用。建议在教养儿童过程中要采用正向的教养方式,要给予年幼儿童充分的独立自主的权利和自由,鼓励父亲参与教养,这有利于降低儿童的焦虑水平。  相似文献   

目的:探讨大学生成人依恋与父母教养方式之间的关系。方法:采用父母教养方式评价量表(EMBU)、亲密关系体验调查问卷(ECR)对280名大学生进行调查研究。结果:(1)非独生子女大学生在父亲因子(情感温暖、理解Ⅰ;过分干涉Ⅲ)和母亲因子(情感温暖、理解Ⅰ、过分干涉、过度保护Ⅳ上的得分显著低于独生子女大学生;在依恋回避因子上的得分显著高于独生子女大学生。(2)来自农村的大学生在父亲因子(情感温暖、理解Ⅰ;过分干涉Ⅲ;过度保护Ⅵ)和母亲因子(情感温暖、理解Ⅰ、过分干涉、过度保护Ⅳ上的得分显著低于来自城市的大学生;在依恋回避因子上的得分显著高于来自城市的大学生。(3)影响依恋回避的因子有母亲因子(惩罚、严厉Ⅱ;拒绝、否认Ⅲ),影响依恋焦虑的因子有母亲因子(拒绝、否认Ⅲ;偏爱被试Ⅴ)和父亲因子(偏爱被试Ⅳ;过度保护Ⅵ)。结论:大学生父母教养方式上存在差异,这种差异对成人依恋有显著影响。  相似文献   

鸿宾楼事件与回汉关系的调适   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1948年河北定县鸿宾楼事件的发生有着复杂的历史种现实原因.在应对事件和调适回汉民族关系的过程中,中共地方干部以党的民族政策为指导,在尊重回族文化习俗、相信回族党员群众、克服大汉族主义、注重对回族群众政策宣传教育、建立民主高效的民族工作机制等方面的成功实践,对当时尚缺乏应对此类民族突发事件经验的其他解放区具有范例意义,对建国后党和政府应对此类事件和增进民族团结也具有明显的镜鉴作用.  相似文献   

社区研究是认识中国社会的主要途径之一.近年来,中国城市社区研究取得了比较丰富的研究成果.但是,对这一重要方法的运用及其本身的探讨还存在一定的不足.中国城市社区运行机制与西方存在很大的差异.因此,当下中国社区研究,既要系统接纳西方社会科学界研究方法的最新成果,也要在实地研究中结合我国独特情境.通过深入细致的研究方法,全面描述当前城市社区中发生的重要变迁,展示其中的一些典型图景,并发展成一个关于城市基层治理的理论框架.这样,从详细的经验描述到比较深入的理论提炼将有助于我们更好地理解当前中国社区政治和基层治理的动力机制.  相似文献   

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