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The Internet is a means of global communication that has revolutionized the dissemination and retrieval of information. As the public becomes technologically savvy, museums have the opportunity to use new technology to expand their reach. This article profiles both the average Internet user and average museum Website visitor. The Internet has the potential to amplify enrichment by making museums more universally accessible.  相似文献   

本文从知识管理的角度阐述建立基于知识管理的医院信息化系统的必要性及其作用,同时提出了建设基于知识管理的医院信息化系统的解决方案。  相似文献   


This study identified and interpreted an adhesive used in the making of a tiara of the mid-Qing Dynasty (1776–1839 CE), in the collection of the Tang Clan Folk Museum. By performance of mass spectrometry-based proteomics, a sample of adhesive residue was identified as bovine collagen proteins at the molecular level with high confidence. The result highlights the first example of accurate determination of the origin of the adhesive adopted in the tian-tsui craft, providing novel information and contributing to study of the significance, development, and exchange of tian-tsui craftsmanship.  相似文献   

A full bibliography on one of the most active areas of broadcasting —CATV—is long overdue. Don Le Duc originally prepared this compilation while working on his doctorate at the University of Wisconsin. It is based on an extensive clipping file collected by Kenneth Lichty of India, California, and by the author's major professor, Lawrence W. Lichty of the University of Wisconsin. Support for completing the collection came, in part, through a fellowship awarded by the Department of Communication Arts and a travel grant from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of the University of Wisconsin. Dr. Le Duc is a member of the State of Wisconsin and United States Supreme Court Bars, and is on the publications committee of the Federal Communications Bar Association and the communications committee of the American Bar Association. Formerly on the faculty of the University of Maryland, he will be assistant professor in the Department of Speech at the Ohio State University starting this fall.  相似文献   

Abstract On February 1, 2011, Google launched its much‐heralded Art Project in partnership with 17 museums from Europe and the U.S. Despite the limited content and a long wish‐list of enhancements, the Google Art Project offers a glimpse of innovative new ways for museums to use and be used on the Web, collaboratively.  相似文献   

This paper looks at the initiatives by the Associated Booksellers of Great Britain and Ireland between 1920 and 1930 to formalise training for booksellers, reflecting on the current moves to reinstate some kind of bookselling qualification through the partnership of Waterstones with the University of Derby. It uses as primary sources the trade papers of The Publishers’ Circular and Booksellers’ Record and The Bookseller, both key narrative repositories for histories of this nature.  相似文献   

The effect that newspapers had on patients visiting physicians for influenza was examined for 2002 to 2008. The basis for this investigation rests on theories of media effects drawn from agenda setting, media hype, and the Social Amplification of Risk Framework. It was hypothesized that controlling for the rate of influenza, a positive relationship exists in which increases and decreases of newspaper attention to influenza precede increases and decreases in the percentage of patients visiting physicians for flu symptoms. The percentage of visits and the percentage of positive flu tests are taken from the Centers for Disease Control's flu report. Media attention was located through the Lexis/Nexis database as words per week in stories having flu in the headline in 32 newspapers. Time series analysis shows that controlling for autoregressive and seasonal effects, and the actual rate of disease present, news attention in the previous week accounts for a statistically significant portion of the increase and decrease in the number of individuals who go to their physician reporting influenza-like symptoms. Reverse causality was examined. It was shown that controlling for autoregressive and seasonal effects, patient visits did not predict news coverage, whereas the rate of the flu in the previous 3 weeks did.  相似文献   


It has been widely recognised that MLS courses and on-the-job training need to be supplemented by continuing professional development (CPD), if catalogers are to fulfil their potential and remain in the field. The results of a questionnaire survey show that catalogers and other metadata specialists are undertaking a broad range of CPD activities, and would welcome more opportunities. They are especially keen on short courses, but also interested in more formal and longer-term programs, and are looking to upgrade their skills and knowledge in both traditional and emerging areas. While most think that their CPD efforts can advance their careers, many catalogers consider levels of support from employers and the profession to be less than adequate.  相似文献   

World Café, sometimes termed Knowledge Café, is now an established method of facilitating productive dialogue between a group or groups of people around an issue that matters to the group as a whole. Now a world movement, the methodology is straightforward and uses conversation as a key process to connect people, who may be from different organizations, age groups, cultures, continents, and so forth. Café conversations draw on the wisdom and creativity of the participants to explore issues of concern to them and to confront real life challenges. Following some background information and a brief review of the literature relating to the World Café, this article presents a case study of the application of the model to facilitate discussion and learning around a topic of common concern, frontline desk services, for 61 staff from 11 Irish academic libraries at Maynooth University (MU) Library in October 2015. This was part of a one-day staff development event: MU Library Innovation Day. The application of the World Café methodology is described. The results of the evaluation of the event are presented and discussed. Actions and outcomes are provided. Limitations of the case study are presented.  相似文献   


In the Winter 1967–68 issue of the Journal of Broadcasting Mr. Sperry published a highly selective bibliography of works on the FCC prepared following a search of the various periodical indices, lists of theses and dissertations, the Monthly Catalog of U. S. Government Publications, the Library of Congress Catalog and similar sources. The following supplement to that bibliography, extending through 1969, is provided as a somewhat less exclusive guide to more recent materials on the Commission. Mr. Sperry is Librarian in Lyndon State College, Lyndonville, Vermont.  相似文献   

This article compares 4 measurement models for the Watson–Barker Listening Test (WBLT)–Form C and constitutes the first confirmatory test of this listening comprehension measure. Results show that data does not conform to (a) a 5-factor correlated model, (b) a second-order model, or (c) a unidimensional model; and no model was sufficiently better than (d) the independence model. Exploratory analyses provide additional evidence that items are largely unrelated to one another. Given these findings, the use of the WBLT–Form C in assessments of listening comprehension is not recommended. The discussion explores what these findings imply for the conceptualization and measurement of listening and for potential revisions of the WBLT.  相似文献   

This study examined the role that health librarians could play in helping patients to find information. A questionnaire survey was sent out to 50 health librarians in the north-west of England. It examined the following: the type of library and users, access to information for patients, librarians' attitudes to provision of information to patients and their knowledge of other sources available to their users. Ninety-seven per cent of librarians said that they could recommend quality information sources to patients, but many suggested that there were practical problems in allowing patients to use health libraries due to lack of appropriate resources, facilities and funding. Advantages of health library involvement in patient information include having a local point of contact for patients and the ability of librarians to find, evaluate and organize good-quality resources. However, health library staff may not have enough time to answer enquiries from the public and may lack training in dealing with patients. Innovation, especially in developing on-line services, could offer a way to provide a service without overloading the physical requirements of a library. Librarians could also collaborate with other staff to improve patient information.  相似文献   

This study was conducted in an environment of widespread use of social media and mobile applications in the mass media. The general goal of the study was to analyze the use of WhatsApp in cybermedia, specifically in radio. A case study was proposed to examine the use of WhatsApp on the program Las mañanas de RNE, broadcast by Spanish National Radio. It was found that the public was very accepting of the program’s initiative to solicit WhatsApp voice messages, beginning in November 2015. The case study used audio files of a direct broadcast that included specific times for audience participation. The use of WhatsApp was accepted by the audience, in addition to the use of the conventional telephone, as a tool well-suited to listener participation in radio programming. Finally, the study highlights the importance of interactive, participatory spaces in broadcasts through the creation of synergies with new forms of online participation.  相似文献   

Scholars of supportive communication are primarily concerned with how variations in the quality of enacted support affect individual and relational health and well-being. But who gets to determine what counts as enacted support? There is a large degree of operational heterogeneity for what gets called enacted support, but little attention has been afforded to the issue of whether these assessments are substitutable. In two studies we use self-reports, conversational partner-reports, and third-party ratings of two quintessential behavioral support indicators, namely, listening and immediacy. Using a multitrait–multimethod (MTMM) design, Study 1 found (1) little association between the enacted support assessments and (2) a high degree of common method variance. A second study found moderate-to-high degrees of effective reliability (i.e., consistency of judgments within a set of judgments, or mean judgments) for enacted support evaluations from the perspective of unacquainted and untrained third-party judges. In general, our data provide cautionary evidence that when scholars examine evaluations of enacted support, perspective matters and might ultimately contribute differently to well-being and health.  相似文献   

This ethnographic investigation explores Goffman's concept of involvement in the group therapy sessions of a women's drug and alcohol treatment program (Goffman, 1963). The program counselors attempted to control the situational order such that clients’ main involvement was displaying attentiveness to the group therapy session itself. Clients’ involvements varied in considerable—though often subtle—ways, and they demonstrated understanding of an involvement idiom. “The rules” were observed and enforced to regulate involvement, and clients who were deviant in their involvement received negative sanctions. Thus, this investigation examines how clients displayed (in)attention and (dis)interest within the social occasion and how these displays were recognized, interpreted, and responded to by group members.  相似文献   

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