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My name is Zhang Rui.As my parents are both English teachers, I showed great interest in English even when I was a very little girl.Whenever my father was reading English, I always sat at the desk listening to him quietly. His reading sounded so interesting to me. Soon they began to teach me English and I learned quickly and happily. I studied English even harder after I got a chance to talk with an American. That took place when my father took me to the city of Jinan where I happened t…  相似文献   

Sometimes you give And I take And sometimes I give And you take  相似文献   

Learn to Choose     
As everything has an end,our lives will beover one day.No one can escape,but we canchoose the way of ending ourselves.Lu Youqing have left the world,saying."Ihave no regret all my life.”Yeah,he was un-able to choose live or die but death is nothingto be afraid of.In his last 100 days,he wrotedown all his feelings with strong will. We allappreciate him for telling us the meaning oflife  相似文献   

<正>With the reform and opening up and internationalization,English has become the main language of international communication,and more and more people pay great attention to English learning.However,in the actual learning process,many students are lack of interest in English learning.In this paper,I take my personal experience as an example to discusses how  相似文献   

夏季天气炎热,到碧水中游泳是青少年喜爱的健身方式。但水火无情,我们首先要确保游泳安全,树立自我保护意识。今天,我们就谈谈游泳的安全注意事项吧。  相似文献   

How long has it been since you had the feeling of being moved? Do you feel grateful when you taste the delicious dinner your mother prepares  相似文献   

凭借《那些年,我们一起追的女孩》里沈佳宜一角而爆红,晋身为"女神"的陈妍希,于2013年5月推出个人首张专辑《Me,Myself,and I》,一圆自己的音乐梦。这是一张很私人化的专辑。演戏多年,陈妍希希望能把自己从剧中的各种角色里抽离出来,回归自我。为了呈现这种概念,她拍摄了一系列居家生活照,从客厅、天台到卧室,流露  相似文献   

学好初中英语并不容易。目前,不少家长反映他们的子女什么科目都不错,唯有英语跟不上。不少学生虽然花费很多时间、精力,但英语知识仍然不扎实,成绩不理想。在多年的英语教学生涯中,我不断地探索、实践,觉得初中生学英语要从平时的一点一滴积累知识,持之以恒,而掌握良好的学习方法是学好英语的重要保证。我认为学习方法应注意以下几个方面:一、要进行“听”、“说”两种技能的训练。“听”和“说”这两种技能是相辅相成的。课堂上,老师教新语音时,学生要静听,集中注意力听单词的发言,看教师用来表明那些词的意义的动作或图片。…  相似文献   

抖 笛稍啾 0 are showing their toys to their介iends,Kathyt日kes her ,‘Look!1 have a doll.The doll has eurly hair,bigeyes and a Pinkdress,” dolland says, Phoebe says, ,’!1 ike her curly hair-C日n IP!aywlth扣。?,,Kathysays,“sure,,,Leotakes hisPI saVs,’toold 1 have a model pl日ne产Joesays,.叮Iike the bigwings.C日n!Pla丫wi Leosays,”Of course.”LeoandK日thy白resoglad they can sharethe toys with their friends. / L些乡 LOOk Wh 1 haVea Can 1 Pl;,y Sure yol LOOk Wh 1 h…  相似文献   

亲爱的同学们,来参加口语冲浪吧,你不仅可以学习地道的英语口语,还能掌握不少英美文化背景知识呢!A:It's about time I had to leave.  相似文献   

点评:这篇自我介绍向我们展示了一个积极向上的“我”的形象。小作者语言简练,善于利用所学的英语知识综合地介绍自己的基本情况(姓名、年龄、班级、爱好、能力)。同时描述了自己一天的生活、学习情况,内容全面,基本上能涉及到七年级上册所学的全部重要知识。这是一篇值得学习的好范文。指导老师:水果湖第二中学杜成萍?M y nam e is K ong Zhulingyan.M yEnglish N am e is Frank.I am a boy.I’mthirteen years old.M y birthday is A ugust4th.I’m in Class N ine G rade Seven.M ye-m all address is313654690@qq.com.M y telep…  相似文献   

Hello, everyone! Do you want to know me? Let me introduce myself.I' m a middle school student in Fu' an. Do you know Weiwei? He was a famous writer. My name is the same as his, but I' m a girl. I have an English name, Susan. I have a lot of friends in our school. If you want to know them, I' ll introduce them to you.I' m interested in music. I like many singers  相似文献   

Hello! My name is Wang Jianing. I' m a lovely girl. I' m twelve years old. And I live in Harbin. I love English. I like eating apples. Everyday I' m busy with my lessons. I have a happy family: farther, mother and me. I love my family.  相似文献   

I will be a teacher in two years later and I really want to be a qualified teacher. Most good teachers are made, not born. They hone their skills in their everyday lives. This paper will tell you what I need to learn to be well prepared to teach.  相似文献   

Today, I asked some classmates about "how to learn English". Most students watch English programs once a week. Some students watch English programs twice or three times a week. As for "read English magazines", some students read English magazines once a month, not all the students read English magazines every week. And all students do exercises and speak English every day, because we have English classes every day.I think,a language is like musicalinstrument.You must practice everyday,you…  相似文献   

Introduce Myself     
“编辑,你好。我是徐东路学校丁斌红老师。收到你的邮件后,现附上一篇范文给学生做为Unit7相关话题写作的辅导……描述人物可以说出名字,长相,性格特征,爱好,理想和座右铭等。”:  相似文献   

Introduce Myself     
“编辑,你好。我是徐东路学校丁斌红老师。收到你的邮件后,现附上一篇范文给学生做为Unit7相关话题写作的辅导……描述人物可以说出名字,长相,性格特征,爱好,理想和座右铭等。”My name is Li Hong.I am a Chinese beautiful girl.I have long black hair,a round face and big eyes.When I speak,I have S strong Wuhan accent.Keeping fit is  相似文献   

Beyond Myself     
程小芳 《成长》2005,(2):46-49
2004年的夏天,和往年一样,北京的温度依然居高不下。我的心情却随着创业失败,找工作奔波于各大人才市场累累碰壁和气温形成鲜明的对比,一个字:冷。一次又一次地在901路公共汽车上往返于学校和人才市场,我认识这路车的每一个售票员。每交出一份简历,我都有一丝兴奋,可是雀跃之后,只有无声无息的等待。直到我终于收到了一封去面试实习记者的信,之后的4个月.我才能够好好地静下心来回想那过去的16个月。  相似文献   

Hello, everyone! Nice to meet you. Let me introduce myself. My name is Wang Ying. My English name is Alice. I am eleven. I'm a Chinese girl. I am from Nanchang. I'm not tall but a little fat. I have big eyes and black hair. I am in Shi Yan Middle School of Nanchang. I like penmanship very much. My good friends' names are Tu Da and  相似文献   

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