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The January issue published htternational Sinologists Gathered in Beijing, which briefly introduced the academic profiles of the translators and scholars active in the international sinology field today and the synopsis of their speeches delivered at the Symposium on Sinologists and International Cultural Dialogue. This article allows readers to have a basic understanding of international sinologists. From this issue on, we will select some of their brilliant speeches to entertain readers.  相似文献   

Aiming at commending overseas Chinese,foreign friends and public figures of China who have made huge contribution to the dissemination of Chinese culture, the award ceremony of “China Light: Persons of the Year 2013 in Disseminating Chinese Culture”, jointly hosted by the Ministry of Culture, the Information Office of the State Council, the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and others, was held in Beijing on December 20, 2013. Senior officials fTom these host departments attended the ceremony and presented the awards to ten individuals and one group.  相似文献   

With a click of remote control, people in Yunnan and Jiangsu provinces now can access video shows recommended by the Ministry of Culture. "China Cultural Network Television", a resource sharing project launched by the Development Centre of State Public Culture, sends cultural programmes to homes through set-top boxes. The service is also available at grassroots service stations and public digital reading rooms.  相似文献   

After three years of preparation, China National Arts Foundation was officially launched on December 30, 2013. Recently, the Ministry of Culture held a meeting in Beijing and released details on establishing the Foundation.  相似文献   

本刊2014年第一期《本期人物》栏目刊载《国际汉学家北京集结》一文,简要介绍活跃于当今国际汉学领域的翻译家、学者的学术简况及其在“汉学家与中外文化交流座谈会”(下称“座谈会”)的发言梗概,使读者对于国际汉学家群体有了概略性的了解与认知。我刊自本期开始,将在《中外学苑》栏目陆续选登“座谈会”部分与会者的精彩发言,以飨读者。  相似文献   

The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival for the Chinese people.
With the increase of Ch'ina's overall strength, more and more people from different countries and with different skin colors are attracted by the joyful atmosphere and unique traditions of the Spring Festival. While experiencing and enjoying the charm of Chinese culture, they can get the cultural conception of the Spring Festival, which is "Happy, Harmony and Sharing".  相似文献   

As the representative inheritor of scented tea-making skills, which was named as national intangible cultural heritage, Ms. Sun Danwei said, "The song Jasmine Blossoms is the song of the world, and now we will bring the jasmine tea to the rest of the world and make Wuyutai an international brand."  相似文献   

随着中国改革开放的不断延伸,中国与国际社会的交流越来越普遍和广泛,中国节日文化也随着中外文化交流的加深而对世界发生影响。“中国春节”是具有巨大品牌潜力的中国文化。它是中国人一年中最喜庆的日子,也是我们与世界分享中国文化与中国式快乐的最佳平台。  相似文献   

The Symposium on China Stud- ies, an annual event launched in 2013, celebrated its second session in the end of October 2014. Jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of China (MOC) and the Chinese Academy of Social Scienc- es (CASS), the event saw the atten- dance of 20 renowned sinologists from 17 countries and 14 Chinese experts in studies of Chinese culture, econo- my and politics. Participants carried out two-day discussions and dialogues on such topics as “Chinese Dream and value of contemporary China”, “ con- temporary interpretation of Chinese culture”, “translation and spread of contemporary Chinese works” and “tuture and trend of China studies”.  相似文献   

<正>The 9th Meeting of Cultural Ministers of Shanghai Cooperation Organization Member States (SCO) was held in Beijing, China from June 4 to 7. Official delegati...  相似文献   

The 4th China International Gallery Exposition (CIGE) was successfully concluded on May 6 in Beijing. This five-day event is generally considered China's largest and best platform to showcase and trade top-class art works from home and abroad.[第一段]  相似文献   

From February 5 to 15,the National Exhibition of Intangible Cultural Heritage was held at the National Agricultural Exhibition Center in Beijing,showcasing China’s achievements in the productive protection of intangible cultural heritage resources.  相似文献   

From November 17 to 18,2010,the 2010 International Forum on Cultural Industries was held in Beijing,as part of the 5th Beijing International Expositionon Cultural and Creative Industries.This annual event is jointly organized by the  相似文献   

The 6th China International Piano Competition (CIPC), organized by the Ministry of Culture of China (MOC) and presented by Xiamen People’s Municipal Government, will be held in Xiamen from November 16 to 26, 2013. CIPC, a triennial event, is one of  相似文献   

"Dare to Trust--the First China-Germany Leaders forum", co-organized by the Ministry of Culture of China, the German Bertelsmann Foundation and the German Studies Center of PKU, recently opened at Peking University. Chinese Minister of Culture Cai Wu, vice president of the German Bertelsmann Foundation Liz Mohn, and Party Secretary of Peking University Zhu Shanlu addressed the opening ceremony.Thirty leading figures in politics, economy, culture, sports, education and academic circles from both countries attended the forum, including German ambassador to China Michael Clauss, former Chinese ambassador to Germany Ma Canrong, Chinese writer Li Er, and former German Minister of Justice Gmelin.  相似文献   

<正>From November 17 to 18,2010,the 2010 International Forum on Cultural Industries was held in Beijing,as part of the 5th Beijing International Expositionon Cul...  相似文献   

“Colorful Diversity: the 2009 Asia-Europe Philatelic and Numismatic Exhibition” was recently held in the Capital Library in Beijing, as an important event of the 1st ASEMCulture and Arts Festival. This exhibition displayed some 400 pieces or sets of coins and stamps and 50 sets of postcards of musical themes from 43 participant states of the 7th AsiaEurope Meeting [ASEM], providing an excellent opportunity for Chinese viewers to appreciate diversified cultures of Asia and Europe. Officials from Chinese Cultural Ministryand ambassadors and cultural attaches from 30 embassies in Beijing attended the opening ceremony.  相似文献   

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