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高等教育研究的社会责任是指高等教育研究对社会经济、政治、文化的发展履行自己应尽之义务。社会转型时期,高等教育研究为经济发展、政治改革和文化繁荣提供服务,需要坚持追求真理的研究取向,探索开放多元的研究方法,强化服务实践的研究内容,弘扬批判现实的研究精神,着眼学科建设的研究特色。  相似文献   

高等教育研究的社会责任是一个重要的时代命题。基于高等教育在经济社会中的重要作用以及问责制的影响,高等教育研究应负起社会责任。为制定和宣传政策服务、探寻实践中介和直接服务实践以及研究、应用理论对高等教育的发展及其挑战及时提出预测、预警是高等教育研究应承担的具体社会责任。研究者要不断学习,提升理论修养,这是承担社会责任的基础。研究者要加强自律,学术共同体也要对研究者实施他律,如此研究者履行好社会责任才能落到实处。  相似文献   

关于高等教育研究社会责任的五种定义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对高等教育研究的社会责任可以从不同视角进行审视,由此所得出的结论也是不一样的。通过对大学演进历史的考察,可以得出关于高等教育研究的五种社会责任定义,它们分别是社会免责观、社会使命观、内外部职能观和主体责任观及学科责任观,每一种定义都是时代需要的反映。在今天,学科责任观更能够代表专业研究者的立场,学科责任也是当今高等教育研究者应担负的最直接的社会责任。  相似文献   

“社会责任”一词没有明确所指,往往让人误解,以为不做出与社会亲密牵手的姿态就在道义上理亏。这对高等教育研究来说是十足的误导,因为相对于国家意志之巨手,高等教育有如橡皮泥备受揉捏;高等教育当前的问题不在于如何与社会亲密牵手,而在于如何从社会漩涡中奋力自拔。好的研究总是折射社会责任,在社会面前,高等教育研究者只有一个责任:做出好的研究成果。从高等教育学学科特性来说,有必要驱逐社会责任一词,代之以“独立之精神,自由之思想”。  相似文献   

吴玫 《教育文化论坛》2011,3(5):141-141
新自由主义在给高等教育发展带来新的发展思路的同时也重创了大学的世界,其影响体现为高等教育社会功能和责任的弱化以及大学学术生态的异化。  相似文献   

从社会责任的实现要以学术责任的履行为前提条件,在确保其研究独立性的前提下开展问题研究,注重研究理论的推广与转化以及强调在研究与实践中不断反思四个方面,论述了高等教育研究履行其社会责任的主要途径。  相似文献   

在全球化进程中,中国高等教育研究遭遇中西文化冲突,"求真"研究的无根意识与"求用"研究的功利化所造成的相互偏离,"求真"与"求用"的偏离,高等教育研究的学术殖民与反殖民困境,学术殖民与反殖民的斗争等多重本土困境.但是,高等教育研究者在迷惘中没有停止探索,在此过程中,中国高等教育研究的本土意识由自发走向自觉,以文化自觉引领本土高等教育研究,体现出高度的社会责任感.  相似文献   

我国高等教育已经成为推动社会进步,培育创新意识,繁荣我国社会主义文化事业,凝聚民族自信心,传承社会文明的策源地。高等教育是准公共物品,与一般企业相比应履行更多的社会责任。本文论述了我国高等教育社会责任的内涵和存在的问题,并在此基础上提出了改进的对策。  相似文献   

我国高等教育已经成为推动社会进步,培育创新意识,繁荣我国社会主义文化事业,凝聚民族自信心,传承社会文明的策源地.高等教育是准公共物品,与一般企业相比应履行更多的社会责任.本文论述了我国高等教育社会责任的内涵和存在的问题,并在此基础上提出了改进的对策.  相似文献   

高质量的高等教育事业离不开高水平的高等教育理论研究。高等教育理论研究属于人文社科研究的范畴,其研究对象与社会密切相关,其行为结果产生的社会影响往往是广泛而深远的。注重并加强高等教育研究的理论创新,提升其社会责任,有助于高等教育研究对自身角色和地位的认知与信心,也有助于高等教育研究以及高等教育事业的发展和进步。一、高等教育研究的社会责任内涵及其类型对于高等教育研究的社会责任的理解,从不同的视角出发可以得出不同的结论;以不同的方式总结概括,也会得出不同的理解。本文认为,高等教育研究是对高等教育理论和实践的有目的、有意识的探索与反思,可将其理解为一种社会行为,而  相似文献   

In the last 30 years, different economic, political and social changes have taken place in the university sector and this has led to an extensive reform to meet the new societal challenges that these institutions are facing today. This emphasises the social dimension of universities and their important role in society as educators of future leaders and policy makers. This reveals the need to integrate social responsibility principles into the mainstream functions of universities. In view of these comments, this paper offers a review of the literature about university social responsibility during the period from 2000 to 2015. The objectives of the review are to: explore patterns in publication outlets; collect, scrutinise and critically analyse the current literature on this field; to identify gaps in the literature and make recommendations for further research in this field. To accomplish this task, data were collected from 15 specialist academic journals that focus on higher education.  相似文献   

When students look at their classmates in the classroom, consciously or unconsciously, they see competitors both for academic recognition and social success. How do they fit in relation to others and how do they succeed in achieving both? Traditional views on the drive to succeed and the fear of failure are well known as motivators for achieving academic success but is it that simple a dichotomy? Do students also view success through a fear of success and a purposeful intent to fail – referred to in this text as the drive to fail? Students recognize the importance of social position in class but how is this perceived and will they sacrifice social position for academic standing or vice versa? This paper considers these issues by analyzing the results of a student survey and opinions offered by the students. The discussion considers the survey, academic standing, social position, cultural variables, perception of success and failure, and concluding comments.  相似文献   

Separate approaches in engineering education, research and practice are not very useful when preparing students for working life; instead, integration of education, research and industrial practices is needed. A triangular approach (TA) as a method to accomplish this integration and as a method to provide students with integrated expertise is proposed. The results from the application of TA, both at the course and programme level, indicate that the approach is suitable for developing engineering education. The student pass rate for courses where TA has been used has been higher than for previous approaches, and the student feedback has been very positive. Although TA aims to take both theoretical and practical aspects of engineering as well as research and education into account, the approach concentrates mainly on activities and therefore leaves the goals of these activities as well as the values behind these goals uncovered.  相似文献   

As one of the allied health professions, occupational therapy has adopted a primarily clinical focus on human occupation (or the process of daily life) and this is reflected in education, which has until recently tended to overlook contextual social factors such as poverty, marginalisation, exclusion, unemployment, incarceration and immigration. However, daily life is enabled, and potentially dis-abled, along the axes of several cultural and political constructs, such as gender, employment status and ethnicity.

This article presents a critical commentary of the social responsibility of occupational therapy education. Furthermore, it discusses the need for educational practices that can enact an integration of personal and professional perspectives so as to lead to a more holistic understanding of occupation, incorporating not only clinical but also social and political factors.

This article argues for the development of a political approach to occupational therapy education that can lead to an awareness of the cultural influences that they bring to their workplace, and a critical consideration of concepts such as ‘justice’ and ‘occupation’. The development of a political practice of occupational therapy calls for an appreciation of the diversity of human occupation and the circumstances that enable it and can be realised through the establishment of innovative educational partnerships, such as community–university collaborations.  相似文献   

社会科学方法论与高等教育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在自然科学、社会科学与人文科学这种知识分类框架下,教育学的学科地位非常尴尬。从早期的“(自然)科学化”、到后来的“人文化”,再到晚近的“社会科学化”,教育学的学科性质始终变动不居。作为教育学的分支学科,高等教育研究面临同样的困境。本文认为高等教育研究若要从根本上提升自身的学术地位,成为真正意义上独立的学术性学科,积极引入社会科学方法论是极其关键的一步。  相似文献   

当前,中国教育学研究已经出现了诸如问题取向、实践取向和人文取向等新取向,这是教育学新的发展契机,对高等教育研究也有着同样的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - Social-Media-Based Learning (SMBL) is the use of social-media-based platforms, such as Twitter, Google Plus, Facebook, and YouTube, for learning...  相似文献   

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