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我国的自然保护区与生态旅游   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
我国幅员辽阔,气候多样,自然条件复杂,生物种类丰富,群落类型繁多,为自然保护区的建立奠定了坚实的物质基础。由于自然保护区一般都具有完好的生态系统,优美的自然景观,珍贵的动植物以及一定的人文景以,具有极大的潜在旅游价值。近年来,随着改革开放的深化和旅游业的发展,及国际旅游业出现的“回归大自然”趋向,自然保护区的旅游热一再升温,在旅游开发过程中出现的一系列问题,因此,如何处理好自然保护区与旅游开发的关系日益引起人们的极大关注,生态旅游已成趋势。  相似文献   

自从《普通教育学》诞生以来,就对世界各国的教育学产生了不可估量的影响,这当然也包括中国。20世纪初期《普通教育学》传入中国,影响了中国教育学界的发展。回顾一百余年的历史,赫氏这篇巨著的命运可谓跌宕起伏。反思我们曾经的所作所为,《普通教育学》对现阶段教育学的发展依然有所启示。  相似文献   

仰天山落叶阔叶杂木林群落研究——群落组成及结构   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
通过对仰天山落叶阔叶杂木林生态环境、种类组成、区系成份、群落结构、生活型等方面的研究 ,发现这是一片保持了暖温带典型森林特征的次生落叶阔叶杂木林 ,颇具研究和保护价值。  相似文献   

自然保护区开展生态旅游的几点思考   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文介绍了生态旅游的涵义,并对自然保护区开展生态旅游的选择、保护与开发的关系、生态旅游与大众旅游的关系、保护区与合作伙伴的关系等问题进行了论述,认为自然保护区开展生态旅游是正确的选择,保护区旅游开发必须按生态旅游的内涵和特点去进行。  相似文献   

网络时代,高校培养全面发展的创新性人才面临严峻考验。创新型人才需要培养自由发展的个性和国际化视野。作为专业课老师,在讲解专业知识时可结合相关时事,善于把网络信息转化为教学资源,在课堂中,引导学生就时事展开讨论,并加以正确引导,引领学生树立正确的人生观、价值观。作为专业课老师,还可以在讲解专业知识时,结合网络时代大学生偶像崇拜现象,借助专业领域榜样,引领学生树立正确的人生观、价值观。此外,在专业课课堂上介绍我国在该课程领域的科学技术发展史,增强民族认同感的同时,也树立起刻苦学习,为实现我国科技强国的目标尽自己全力的决心和信心。  相似文献   

The focus of this article is the development of adult education. As Kjell Rubenson maintains, adult education has gone through three eras of development: the humanistic, the strong economic period and a softer version of the economic period. Based on this model, we examine whether the development of adult education has similarities across countries and time. The development of adult education is analysed in relation to political and social development in two countries and one region: Portugal, Norway and the region of Andalusia in Spain. We discuss similarities, differences, important aspects and concepts to pinpoint some key factors that have strong influence on the development of adult education in the region and the two countries.  相似文献   

This year marks the 25th anniversary since action learning (AL) was first introduced in 1993 in South Korea. Although AL has greatly contributed to meeting organizational needs so that it would result in its strong presence as an organizational learning tool, there is no single review study on the development of AL practice in Korea. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to examine the development of AL practice in Korea to understand its current state and envision the future. To that end, two research questions guided our inquiry: What are the distinctive features of the development of AL practice in Korea? What is unique about the development of AL practice in Korea? To answer the two research questions, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 13 AL practitioners who have experienced AL practice for many years, analyzed 13 annual AL conference proceedings published since 2005, and reviewed Korean publications on AL published since 2000. Based on the triangulated data analysis, we discuss the uniqueness of the development of AL practice in Korea and implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

Continuity in mental development from infancy   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In this essay we document moderate continuity in mental development beginning in infancy and extending into childhood. Psychological opinion in the past has tended to favor discontinuity theories of cognitive development from infancy. In recent years, however, the foundations on which discontinuity positions were originally established have themselves come under question and new findings grounded in new assessment procedures have appeared, necessitating revision of opinion on this significant psychological and developmental issue. Our essay has several aims. We first review briefly the bases for contemporary discontinuity theories of mental development. Second, we present current findings that support the alternative proposition of continuity: Recent research demonstrates that infants who more efficiently encode visual stimuli or more efficiently recollect visual or auditory stimuli tend to perform more proficiently on traditional psychometric assessments of intelligence and language during childhood. Third, we scrutinize the assessment methods from which these continuity results derive. Fourth, we offer several models that help to explain the continuity findings. Fifth, we discuss critically the origins and the maintenance of continuity in mental development as it is coming to be conceptualized currently. Finally, we reflect on implications of continuity for the future of infant assessments specifically and for theories of early mental development generally.  相似文献   

文章报道了家鸽和珠颈斑鸠的核型。家鸽的核型公式为:2N=80=28M+2ST+48T+Zm+Wm,珠颈斑鸠的核型公式为:2N=80=12M+2ST+64T+Zm+Wm两种鸟均含有10对大染色体和30对小染色体。家鸽、珠颈斑鸠的染色体核型与山斑鸠、灰斑鸠一样都具有3对最大的常染色体,Z、W染色体为m染色体位于第4号位。这种特征为大多数鸟类核型所共有,表明它们的染色体具有显著的同源性和相当的保守性。  相似文献   

推行绩效预算管理模式 构建高校预算管理新体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现行的高校财务预算管理机制存在不少问题,必须在高校推行绩效预算管理模式,以适应形势的发展要求,提高高校办学效益。建立高校绩效预算管理体制,主要应该从实现预算编制的科学化和规范化、强化预算执行的刚性管理和约束力、对预算资金进行集中管理和结算以及构建科学的目标管理体系等方面采取措施。  相似文献   

王储  蒋涛 《河西学院学报》2012,(6):44-50,58
19世纪美国西部开发取得巨大成就,成为世界上对欠发达地区成功开发的典型。自上世纪90年代以来,我国学术界充分认识到研究美国西部开发史的现实意义,对该课题进行了卓有成效的探讨,取得了较为丰硕的成果,主要集中在美国西部开发中的土地政策、交通革命和城市化等领域。本文对这些成果加以综述,较为完整地描述了我国学术界对美国西部开发史的研究现状。  相似文献   

What are the roles of specificity and commonality in social-emotional development? We begin by highlighting the conceptual context for this timely and timeless question and explain how responses to it can inform novel lines of theoretical and empirical inquiry, as well as sociocultural generalizability. Next, we describe how the selection of papers included in this special section contributes to our understanding of specificity and commonality in social-emotional development. We then explain how applying the complementarity principle to social-emotional development can inform a future research agenda in this domain. Lastly, we discuss how specificity and commonality fundamentally impact the way we conceptualize and implement interventions aimed at nurturing social-emotional development in every child.  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss conflict between law and science relative to the presumption in special education law that multidisciplinary teams and others identify the causes of problems giving rise to special education needs. First, we explain eligibility criteria, highlighting ambiguities therein and why criteria constitute a mandate for causal inference, and present illustrative examples of how judges have interpreted this mandate. Second, we discuss as a counterpoint school psychologists’ ethical duties to conduct evaluations based on the best available science, and highlight the clear conflicts between the law, ethics, and research. We present the biopsychosocial model of development as a potential framework for reconciling one's legal duty to infer causation with the current evidence base. We conclude with implications for policy and practice and suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

In this study, we have synthesized the research on visualization and representation to propose a model consisting of 4 major components of visualization competence in learning science: constructing, interpreting, transforming, and critiquing visualizations. We have developed and validated an assessment that measures students’ visualization competence of matter (VCM). We administered the VCM assessment to 762 7th to 12th grade students at 2 public high schools in Taiwan. The students had started to learn concepts of matter at the particulate level in the 7th grade. However, traditional assessments rarely measure students’ visualization competence in science. It was therefore unclear how well the students performed on visualization of matter across grade levels. Overall, the results indicated that the students’ visualization competence of matter improved as they advanced to higher grades. A significant factor accounting for the development of their visualization competence of matter is their course experience, not their age or gender. We also found that content knowledge plays only a conditional role in students developing visualization competence of that content. Implications and future studies are discussed.  相似文献   


As investments in K–12 math and science professional development programs expanded over the past decade, researchers and policymakers have questioned whether and how such programs work to improve student learning. This article summarizes the current knowledge-base and offers a theoretical framework researchers can use to design studies that explore mechanisms through which professional development programs influence teacher knowledge, teacher practices, and ultimately student achievement. We quantitatively pool the most rigorous evaluation research available to determine whether currently held beliefs in the field are supported by the evidence. Although this study does find some support for the guidance propounded by experts, it cautions policymakers and practitioners that the current evidence base is thin. We urge researchers to build on what we have learned through theory and practice to increase the rigor of evaluations on this important topic by incorporating valid and reliable measures of professional development components as well as valid measures of teacher knowledge and practices.  相似文献   

Grounded in Hallidayan perspectives on academic language, we report on our development of an educative science assessment as one component of the language-rich inquiry science for English-language learners teacher professional learning project for middle school science teachers. The project emphasizes the role of content-area writing to support teachers in diagnosing their students’ emergent understandings of science inquiry practices, science content knowledge, and the academic language of science, with a particular focus on the needs of English-language learners. In our current school policy context, writing for meaningful purposes has received decreased attention as teachers struggle to cover large numbers of discrete content standards. Additionally, high-stakes assessments presented in multiple-choice format have become the definitive measure of student science learning, further de-emphasizing the value of academic writing for developing and expressing understanding. To counter these trends, we examine the implementation of educative assessment materials—writing-rich assessments designed to support teachers’ instructional decision making. We report on the qualities of our educative assessment that supported teachers in diagnosing their students’ emergent understandings, and how teacher–researcher collaborative scoring sessions and interpretation of assessment results led to changes in teachers’ instructional decision making to better support students in expressing their scientific understandings. We conclude with implications of this work for theory, research, and practice.  相似文献   

面对国际金融危机对我国经济带来的不利影响,以及在我国发展战略转型的新形势下,如何扩大有效消费需求,促进河南省经济平稳较快增长,已经成为各级政府乃至全社会共同关注的问题。目前,河南省消费需求仍然不足,但扩大消费的空间很大,应抓住这难得的机遇,从多方面扩大河南省消费需求。  相似文献   

Priyanka Jamwal 《Resonance》2017,22(3):279-290
Jakkur Lake in the city of Bengaluru covers an approximate area of 55 hectares and primarily receives inflows from the Jakkur sewage treatment plant (STP) and an open storm drain. Jakkur STP discharges an average of 10 million litres of treated water daily (MLD) into the lake. The open drain discharges about 0.5 MLD of raw sewage into the lake. In the absence of environmental flows it becomes critical to assess the impact of nutrient flux on the quality of water, and design cost effective treatment solutions to address the issues of lake water quality. As part of this study, we have assessed the impact of these two primary inflows on the overall water quality of Jakkur Lake. The results have shown that nutrient inflows have led to the increase of chlorophyll-a levels, eventually causing hypereutrophication of Jakkur lake. We have also used simple mass balance approach to assess the contributions of in-lake activities (sedimentation and reaction) on removal of nutrients from the lake. We have concluded that the phosphorus load has to be reduced by approximately 96% from the current levels to prevent algal blooms within Jakkur Lake.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a case study of a philanthropic literacy initiative, Dolly Parton's Imagination Library, a book‐gifting scheme for under 5s, and consider the impact of the scheme on literacy policy in the English city where it was introduced. We bring four lenses to bear on the case study. First, we analyse the operation of the scheme in the community it was intended to serve; second, we consider the case study as an early literacy intervention aimed at promoting reading development; then we consider it from the perspective of theories about marketing and branding; and finally, we analyse it from the perspective of new philanthropy theory. We use these lenses to help us make sense of the current pressures on educational policy‐making in English cities, as city officials struggle to manage competing political agendas, to initiate reforms in situations where they have significant responsibilities but reduced power, and to maintain the distinctiveness of the places they represent. We argue for the need to reassess our understandings of the ways that literacy policies are made at the local level within this rapidly changing context.  相似文献   

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