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文章通过对关爱聋哑儿童的大学生志愿者参与动机情况的调查,分析大学生志愿者参与动机的特点,为关爱聋哑儿童大学生志愿者的招募提供有针对性的建议。具体采用志愿者功能动机问卷对服务于渭南市曙光聋哑学院的77名大学生志愿者进行问卷调查,结果表明:目前从事关爱聋哑儿童服务的大学生志愿者,以大一学生、教育专业学生和女生为主体力量;六种动机类型的得分从高到低依次是价值表达型、知识理解型、自我增强型、社会交往型、职业生涯型和自我保护型;大学生关爱聋哑儿童的参与动机不存在性别差异,不同年级大学生的参与动机在职业生涯型、自我保护型和自我增强型三种类型上存在显著性差异。由此得出结论:大学生参与志愿活动的动机主要是寻求心理成长,提升个人价值,为职业发展做相应的积累和准备。  相似文献   

生命是教育的逻辑起点和归宿,以爱己、修身、奉献为主要内容的关爱自我活动是在马克思主义关于人的价值和全面发展理论的指导下,对当代大学生生命教育具体途径的实践探索。绥化学院将关爱自我活动融入了大学生生命教育实践,通过全程化的体系构建、体验式身心辅导、融入式教育实践,使大学生生命教育有的放矢,提高其时效性。  相似文献   

生命是教育的逻辑起点和归宿,以爱己、修身、奉献为主要内容的关爱自我活动是在马克思主义关于人的价值和全面发展理论的指导下,对当代大学生生命教育具体途径的实践探索。绥化学院将关爱自我活动融入了大学生生命教育实践,通过全程化的体系构建、体验式身心辅导、融入式教育实践,使大学生生命教育有的放矢,提高其时效性。  相似文献   

一、班级文化和班级文化建设的重要性 “班级”作为组成学校教育的最基本单位,是学生学习成长最直接、也是最重要的场所。初中阶段是学生认识、发现、评价“自我”的重要时期,是道德信念形成的关键时期,它为学生今后的人生观、世界观的形成奠定基础。这个阶段的学生往往是非辨别能力差、效仿能力强,尤其需要教师的悉心关爱和持久耐心的教育。  相似文献   

生命教育的三重意蕴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生命教育是提升人生命的质量与意义,实现人生命全面和谐发展,促进人与自然和谐共存的教育。根据人的三重生命即自然领域的自然生命、社会领域的社会生命和文化领域的精神生命.生命教育分为关爱生命存在的教育、培育生命丰富社会属性的教育和生命精神教育。通过培养三重生命全面和谐发展的人,协调人与世界的关系,使人和世间万物和谐共处;改造人类文化,使人类重新认识自我,找回现代人失去的精神家园。  相似文献   

王莉 《教师》2012,(31):112-112
《幼儿园教育指导纲要》指出:“儿童是在适宜的环境中,以积极、主动、内涵丰富的活动为基础,获得全面和谐.充分发展的。”幼儿园的教育就是与教育内容密切相关的环境教育。为幼儿创设一个宽松、和谐、多元文化的环境.让幼儿都能自我发展、自我表现,让幼儿的个性潜能得以充分地发挥。在幼儿园中创设宽松、和谐、关爱、接纳的良好环境,  相似文献   

张鑫 《中国德育》2014,(24):20-23
正教育部下发的《完善中华优秀传统文化教育指导纲要》,将社会关爱教育作为中华优秀传统文化教育的重点内容。加强社会关爱教育,是贯彻落实中央《关于培育和践行社会主义核心价值观的意见》的一项重要内容、重要途径和重要体现,需要正确理解、准确把握、切实加强。一、正确理解社会关爱教育的价值逻辑正确理解社会关爱教育的价值逻辑,对于加强社会关爱教育,帮助青少年将中华优秀传统文化和社会主义核心价值观内化于  相似文献   

学校的教育不仅是文化知识的教育,更应是对学生的综合素质的教育。把“学会做人”放在教育工作的首位,培养学生健全的人格是学校教育工作的主要目标。为实现这一目标,学校德育工作者除了对学生进行思想、纪律、学习的教育外,更要善于运用情感教育,与学生建立互相尊重、彼此关爱的师生关系,营造和谐的育人环境,使学生在情感教育中和实践体验中不断完善自我。  相似文献   

爱是人类永恒的主题,冰心曾说:“有了爱便有了一切”,学校有了爱,便能使师生的人格得到尊重,身心健康愉悦,潜能得到发挥,从而使校内形成一种民主、和谐的人际关系,并以此为基础,人人战胜自我,奉献自我,形成高尚的人格,最终实现全面提高师生素质,使学校工作得到全面发展。可以说,没有爱便没有教育。关爱教育的内涵主要是指对学生施以国爱、师爱、母爱为一体的爱,关心学生的成长、成才,热爱每一个学生,热爱学生的每一个侧面,关爱教师的成功和发展。因此,学校的一切工作应该以“关爱”为前提,“关爱”应该成为学校的校魂,关爱的内核是热爱祖国,热爱教育事业。  相似文献   

我国《英语新课程标准》强调,在教学过程中,教师应遵循英语教学规律,把思想教育和语言教学相结合。我校的育人目标是培养学生拥有健康的体魄,拥有仁(关爱他人)、识(关爱自然)、知(关爱自我)三者兼备的心灵。  相似文献   


The incidence of aggression and violence in schools is approaching epidemic proportions. Unfortunately, few teacher education programs offer coursework designed to prepare school personnel to face the mounting challenge of student aggression. Drawing upon the accumulated literature, changes are discussed in the content of teacher education programs that would prepare teachers to effectively address student violence. Assertions are made that colleges of education must assume leadership roles in redefining professional boundaries to prepare all school personnel to combat student aggression. Lastly, arguments are presented for strengthening university and public school collaboration to promote programs designed to curb the rising tide of student aggression and violence.  相似文献   

The role of context in the development of child aggression was studied. The effects of peer aggregation and group composition on aggression development in intervention contexts and classroom contexts were compared using 71 elementary school children. We hypothesized that, due to peer group effects, group-trained children would benefit less from a social skills intervention program than individually trained children. We further hypothesized that children who transferred from special to regular education would show a change toward less aggression. This was hypothesized because of the relatively fewer accounts of negative peer-group effects in regular education. The results show that the social skills intervention program did not have differential effects for group-trained versus individually trained children. However, a change toward less aggression was found in children who transferred from special to regular education. We suggest that interventions toward decreasing child aggression might be more fruitful if the social context in which the children operate daily is considered.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to critically examine methods for reducing incidences of aggression within adolescence. To achieve this aim, a proactive intervention programme was devised and implemented aimed at changing attitudes towards physical and relational aggression through social skills education within the College’s tutorial programme. The research involved the implementation of an intervention programme that consisted of three workshops based on social skills training, problem solving and anger management techniques, the development of empathic skills, education on the role of the bystander, and victimisation prevention strategies (N = 158). Two self-report questionnaires were administered, pre-test and post-test to analyse the effectiveness of the intervention programme. The questionnaires included measures of attitude towards physical and relational aggression; victimisation; popularity and aggression; bystander and victimisation beliefs; and empathy towards victims. A control group completed the two questionnaires in the same time frame but without undertaking the intervention workshops. Post implementation, aggression scores for both physical and relational aggression significantly decreased for the intervention group against a control. Additionally, popularity was found to positively correlate with both physical and relational aggression. This study highlights the necessity for intervention programmes in educational environments in terms of the shaping of prosocial attitudes of students and to ensure the safeguarding of students.  相似文献   

青少年攻击行为,主要指青少年有意造成行为接受者伤害的行为,包括对他人、自身或其它目标有意伤害的任何行为。从心理学和文化学视角分析,青少年攻击行为可以有六个发生机制,其教育或矫正也要针对多元发生机制走和合之路。  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the literature on relational aggression of school‐aged children and adolescents, with the specific aim of making this information relevant to school settings and education professionals. Relational aggression is discussed in terms of definitions, terms, and the importance of the school context. The literature on gender and familial influences as they relate to relational aggression is overviewed. Assessment methods for detecting relational aggression in children and adolescents are described, with an emphasis on measurement techniques most viable for capturing this sometimes‐elusive construct. We conclude with a discussion of proposed best practices in school settings for effectively preventing and responding to incidents of relational aggression within the context of social and emotional learning interventions and positive behavioral interventions and supports. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 43: 345–360, 2006.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to distinguish the effects of verbal aggression from those of physical aggression and investigate whether parental verbal violence has negative effects on children's self-esteem and academic achievements. METHOD: One hundred and forty-four 10-year-old children completed the Harter Self-perception Profile for Children questionnaire and a questionnaire concerning their mothers' and fathers' verbal aggression towards them and their use of physical punishment. The researchers used school records to obtain the subjects' marks in French (their native language) and Mathematics. RESULTS: Six children had never been the targets of either verbal aggression or physical punishment. Thirty-four children had been subjected to both types of aggression. Verbal aggression alone was found to be in significant negative correlation with three of six components of self-esteem. Verbal aggression alone was also found to be in significant negative correlation with French marks. In addition children who had been subject to greater verbal aggression had lower self-esteem and lower marks in French than children who had been subject to lesser verbal aggression. They were also significantly negatively affected in a fourth component of self-esteem. CONCLUSIONS: Parental verbal aggression alone as separate and distinct from physical punishment contributes to lowering children's self-esteem and school achievements. Given the extent of the use of verbal aggression by ordinary parents the authors suggested a need for parent education on the topic of positive methods of child rearing.  相似文献   

抗日战争时期,日本帝国主义大肆进行文化思想的侵略,贯彻奴化教育.为了 粉碎日本的阴谋,华北抗日根据地展开了教育战线的对敌斗争和建设.教育在开辟、扩大、巩固和发展根据地中发挥了重要作用,取得了显著成绩和宝贵经验.  相似文献   

论多元文化与教育改革   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在不同文化之间的交流与碰撞日趋频繁的时代,多元文化的主张对于解决文化冲突、抵御文化侵略行为与提防文化保守行为具有重要的意义。为落实多元文化的理念,促进多种文化的发展,需要开展多元文化教育的理论研究,树立多元文化的教育观,开设多元文化的学校课程,培训教师具有有效进行多元文化教育的素养。  相似文献   

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