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Over the last three decades, regional minority languages in Europe have regained increased recognition and support. Their revitalisation is partly due to their being taught in schools. Multilingualism has special characteristics for speakers of minority languages and it poses unique challenges for learning minority languages. This article looks at the cases of Basque and Frisian, comparing and contrasting their similarities and differences. The educational system in the Basque Autonomous Community underwent an important transformation, starting in 1979 from a situation where less than 5 per cent of all teachers were capable of teaching through Basque. Today this figure has changed to more than 80 per cent. An innovative approach was chosen for teaching the minority language, Basque, alongside the dominant language, Spanish, and the international language, English. The outcome is a substantial increase in the proficiency in the minority language among the younger age groups. The decline of the minority language has thus been successfully reversed and one of the major challenges now is to uphold a sustainable educational system. By contrast, the Frisian language has fared less well in the Netherlands, where developments over the last 30 years have been much slower and the results more modest. Here policy-making for education and for language is caught in a continuous debate between a weak provincial level and a powerful central state level. Overall, multilingualism as a resource for individuals is valued for “bigger” languages such as English, French and German, but not for a “small” language such as Frisian. Nevertheless, a few trilingual experiments have been carried out in some schools in Friesland in teaching Frisian, Dutch and English. These experiments may also be instructive for other cases of minority languages of a “moderate strength”. In the cases of both Basque and Frisian multilingualism is generally perceived as an important resource.  相似文献   

The discussion in this article focuses on how the gap between academic knowledge and regional development can be bridged, creating conditions for change processes between researchers and regional agents. Institutional entrepreneurs can create regional development organisations and research organisations, but in order to fulfil regional needs it is necessary to create processes where researchers and practitioners can connect and create a mutual change process. The analysis shows how new organisations have been used to create conditions for knowledge co-generation processes, a change in the language used and new work methods between researchers from Deusto University and Orkestra and regional actors over a period of 11 years in the Basque Country.  相似文献   

高职、中职教育同为职业技术教育,二者在办学层次、人才培养规格、课程内容和毕业胜任的岗位等方向迥然有别,应各自办出特色、健康发展。  相似文献   

传统职业教育中通常忽视了情感教育在教学中的重要作用。从教学效果以及高等职业教育目标和人才的培养目标等方面来看,情感教育都是十分必要和重要的。在职业教学中实施情感教育的关键是在学习上激励、在生活上关心以及在思想上引导学生。  相似文献   


The paper highlights the urgent and radical questions and problems which postmodernism poses for educational studies in general, and the philosophy of education in particular. First, it outlines and interrelates the legacies of modernism in social and cultural theory. Next, it describes the reactionary anti‐modernism of the Right, and contrasts this with traditionalism. It is argued that the current political and economic context of education is largely anti‐modernist, not traditionalist. The stirrings of radical doubts about modernism are described and contrasted with the antimodernism of the Right. A salient theme to this point is the variety of conceptions of the relationship between knowledge and power. Mature postmodernism is characterised centrally in terms of a reconceptualisation of that relationship. The metamorphosis of the concept of the self in postmodernism is described and related to new problems about ethics and a newly emerging importance for the aesthetic. Finally, the paper argues that while the fundamental issues for philosophy of education are unchanged ‐problems about instrumentalism and various issues of autonomy ‐ these are radically recast in postmodernism, and present new difficulties.  相似文献   

技术文化观念在整个技术文化体系中居于核心地位。长期以来,我们的教育一直把传授和掌握系统的科学与技术知识放在首位,从本质上看是片面的。因此,有必要采取有利措施,建立科学的技术教育体系,既实现技术教育的社会价值,又实现技术教育的文化价值,让学生在完整的技术教育中获得成长。  相似文献   

‘Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.’ Francis Bacon.

‘There must be a reasonable fusion of the humanities as well as mathematics, science and technology in the courses.’ Parliamentary and Scientific Committee Memorandum on Higher Education, July 1954.  相似文献   

My present considerations concerning ‘remote control’ methods in vocational training are based chiefly upon Polish experience but they could be employed in most countries of Central Europe, particularly in the East.  相似文献   

农村文化与新农村教育   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
魏峰 《教育导刊》2006,(8):4-6,17
农村文化是一种以乡土为核心的文化系统,社会主义新农村建设要保存、尊重和发展农村文化。新农村教育应为农村文化建设服务,将农村文化纳入学校教育的知识体系,培养具有民主意识和创新精神的新型农民,使之成为农村文化的承载者。而这些目标的实现,则要通过农村教育整体改革。  相似文献   

教育与技术关系的问题是当下教育技术发展亟待解决的问题。检视历史,教育与技术的发展在时代的博弈中进入瓶颈,教育与技术的关系实则为协调共生、优势互补、融合发展的关系,教育本具备技术性。从教育与技术相伴相随、相辅相成、相依相随三个视角,试图定位两者关系后重新出发,推进教育与技术的深度融合与发展。  相似文献   

关于高等职业教育产学研结合的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
产学研结合是高等职业教育人才培养最重要的途径之一。高等职业教育的产学研结合虽然已经取得了一定成绩.但在具体实施中还很不平衡。从层次结构上还有浅、中、深之分,在范围上还有点、面之别。解决这些问题。需要调动政府、用人单位、学校、学生四方面的积极性。  相似文献   

学校图书馆是为教学和科研服务的学术性机构,必须为学校发展作出贡献.首先要争取领导的支持,加大投入,完善设施;其次要满足学生阅读需要,开展系列读书活动;最后要普及图书馆学和目录学知识,便于师生更好地利用图书馆,促进中专教育发展.  相似文献   

职业技术教育,尤其是高等职业技术教育,既是大众教育的产物,也是高等教育大众化的组成部分。实现职业技术教育大众化使命既要充分重视大众主体的生存状况和需求方向,树立智力多元的人才观,坚持教育的多样性和学习制度的弹性化,努力推进“双证”的互补与融通,更要通过投资改革、收费政策、招生政策等体现教育平等思想。  相似文献   

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