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思想政治工作的实效性是思想政治工作的核心问题,如何使思想政治工作产生实效是思想政治工作研究的关键问题。产生实效的要点体现在四个方面:表率作用是思想政治工作产生实效的关键;情感交融是思想政治工作产生实效的基础;耐心疏导是思想政治工作产生实效的途径;严格纪律是思想政治工作产生实效的保证。  相似文献   

树立正确的人生观是做好思想政治工作的核心;强化学习意识是做好思想政治工作的基础;倡导创新意识是做好思想政治工作的关键;确立信息意识是做好思想政治工作的保证;坚持以诚待人是做好思想政治工作的前提。  相似文献   

刘少奇同志不但为中国人民的解放事业和社会主义建设事业做出了不可磨灭的贡献,而且在思想政治工作理论方面也创造了宝贵的精神财富。通过文献检索,我们可以发现,关于刘少奇思想政治工作理论,学者们认为:重视思想政治工作是刘少奇思想政治工作理论形成的重要前提;加强执政党建设是刘少奇思想政治工作理论的核心内容;教育党员干部是刘少奇思想政治工作理论的重点内容;建立健全思想政治工作体制是刘少奇思想政治工作理论的具体内容。  相似文献   

思想政治教育评估督导是准确把握思想政治教育工作进展的最便捷的途径;是及时解决思想政治教育工作困难的最有效的方法;是科学制定思想政治教育工作规划的最客观的依据;是正确引导思想政治教育工作开展的最有力的保障。强化高校思想政治教育工作必须构建高校思想政治教育评估督导机制,定期开展专项评估督导工作。  相似文献   

党的思想政治工作是一门科学,是经济工作和其他一切工作的生命线。思想政治工作的活力是坚持与时俱进。要在思想政治工作的观念上与时俱进;在思想政治工作的内容上与时俱进;在思想政治工作的方式方法上与时俱进。  相似文献   

思想政治工作是我党的优良传统和政治优势,是搞好三个文明建设的重要保证.当前要加强和改进企业的思想政治工作,需要处理好经济工作与思想政治工作的关系;情感教育和理想、道德、情操教育的关系;思想政治工作加强与改进的关系;精神鼓励与物质鼓励的关系;加强思想政治工作与加强政工队伍建设的关系;思想政治工作内容和形式的关系;解决思想问题与解决实际问题的关系;加强思想政治工作与加快企业改制的关系.  相似文献   

培养职工队伍的思想政治素质是新时期加强职工队伍建设的一项重要内容。要加强新形势下职工队伍的思想政治工作,需要做到:对症下药,增强思想政治工作的针对性;见微知著,增强思想政治工作的超前性;以人为本,增强思想政治工作的导向性;与时俱进,增强思想政治工作的创新性;凝聚人心,增强思想政治工作的实效性。  相似文献   

长征中红军开展了卓有成效的思想政治工作,为长征的胜利提供了坚强有力的精神动力和思想保障,同时也为新时期军队思想政治工作留下了宝贵的历史经验和启示:一是越形势复杂时期,越应该加强军队思想政治工作;二是军队思想政治工作必须加强党的领导;三是军队思想政治工作必须把战斗精神培育放在重要位置;四是军队思想政治工作成效依赖于党员领导干部的以身作则;五是处理好与人民群众的关系始终是军队思想政治工作的重要一环。  相似文献   

为了更好地为高校的改革和发展服务 ,高校思想政治教育工作应当从以下几个方面加强 :一是高校政治思想工作要适应新的形势 ;二是要明确高校政治思想工作任务 ;三是高校思想政治教育工作要丰富内容 ;四是高校思想政治教育工作要完善方法。  相似文献   

培养职工队伍的思想政治素质是新时期加强职工队伍建设的一项重要内容。要加强新形势下职工队伍的思想政治工作,需要做到:对症下药,增强思想政治工作的针对性;见微知著,增强思想政治工作的超前性;以人为本,增强思想政治工作的导向性;与时俱进,增强思想政治工作的创新性;凝聚人心,增强思想政治工作的实效性。  相似文献   

This paper examines how identity and learning are constituted and transformed at work. Its central concern is how individuals engage agentically in and learn through workplace practices, and in ways that transform work. Drawing upon recent research into work and participation in workplaces, the negotiated and contested relationship between workplace practices and individuals' identity and intentionality, and learning is illuminated and discussed. For instance, aged care workers and coal miners acquire work injuries that are almost emblematic of their work identity. Only particularly dramatic events (i.e. serious illness or workplace accidents) wholly transform their identity and views about work practice—their subjectivities. However, it is through the agentic actions of these individuals that workplace practices can be transformed. Yet individuals' agentic action is not necessarily directed to the abstracted and de‐contextualized economic and civic goals privileged in lifelong learning policies. Instead, there is relational interdependency between the individual and work that can act to sustain or transform both self and their work. Individuals' agentic action is exercised within these relations in ways directed by their subjectivities. So these relations and that agentic action have policy and practice implications for the conduct of work and learning through and for work.  相似文献   

高校辅导员角色定位的思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
高校辅导员的工作是一个从实践到理论再到实践的不断拓展变化的动态过程。在这一过程中,辅导员只有正确明晰自身的角色定位,才能从认知、情感和价值观三方面确立起工作的热情,寻找到工作的动力,并通过不断的自我完善,逐渐掌握教育工作中的主动权,做好高校学生的思想政治工作。  相似文献   

当前民办高职院校学生工作队伍对长期从事本职工作的意愿不是很强烈,但通过对其影响因素的logistic回归分析,发现影响他们长期工作意愿的因素有着独特的特点,要提高其工作意愿,就必须从这些特点出发探索有效途径,不断引导激励他们工作的积极性、主动性。  相似文献   

Teaching Focused Faculty (TFF) roles are growing across Canada and around the world, raising questions about how to understand the nature of faculty work and how faculty in non-traditional work distributions feel about their work. Our study is the first attempt to survey TFF members’ work and job attitudes at large research intensive universities in Canada. Our data contribute to the literature on the nature of faculty work, by revealing that TFF engage in a wide variety of work, including teaching, service, curriculum leadership, and often research in pedagogy and/or disciplines. TFF report mixed messages about what their departments and institutions expect of them. Our data also contribute to the literature on how faculty feel about their work. Consistent with other research on faculty job attitudes, TFF report valuing their jobs highly. Our data also reveal that feeling integrated into mainstream institutional culture is a particularly important contributor to this sense of value. Taken together, our findings can be used to inform the research literature on faculty work, as well as by administrators seeing to implement or enhance TFF ranks at their institutions.  相似文献   

Since the late 1980s, research on post-industrialized economies shows that the boundary between work and family is increasingly becoming blurred. The continuing evolution of e-technology allows work for some to be done anywhere, anytime. This article examines the degree to which e-technology has transferred work into the home lives of academics and how this has affected their work/life balance. Drawing on a study in an Australian university of academics with young children, we utilise the terms ‘work extensification’ and ‘work intensification’ to explore whether these new technologies are a blessing or a curse in their work lives. At the same time we describe the deteriorating working conditions for Australian academics whose work has intensified and extended into their private lives with longer working hours in a speeded up environment. Our findings revealed the use of metaphors such as invasion and intrusion of e-technologies into academics’ homes and their need to establish boundaries to separate work and family life. Most felt that having e-technologies at home was of benefit to their work but they came at a cost to their family life—delivering a blessing and a curse.  相似文献   

为探讨特殊教育教师工作资源和工作投入的现状以及工作资源对其工作投入的预测作用,以326名特教教师为被试,采用工作资源量表、Utrecht工作投入量表对其进行问卷调查.研究结果显示:特教教师工作投入的总体状况良好,三个维度中奉献得分最高,专注次之,活力最低;工作投入的水平在教龄上存在显著差异,教龄在7至25年的特教教师的工作投入水平显著高于1至3年和4至6年教龄的特教教师;工作投入在所教班级类型上存在显著差异,教育智力落后学生的特教教师比教育盲生的特教教师工作投入水平高,教育各种障碍类型学生混合班的特教教师比教育盲、聋生的特教教师的工作投入水平高;工作控制感和工作独立性对活力和专注具有显著的影响作用,工作控制感对奉献具有显著的影响.  相似文献   

To alleviate teachers’ reluctance toward practical work, there has been much discussion on teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge, teaching materials, and failsafe strategies for practical work. Despite these efforts, practical work is still regarded as a challenging task for many elementary science teachers. To understand the complexity of teachers’ conflicts in practical work, this study examines teachers’ ideas about teaching and learning that influence teachers’ decision‐making and action on teaching practical work. More important than knowing technical–rational aspects of practical work is to understand the internal contradictions that teachers have to resolve within themselves regarding their capabilities and beliefs about science teaching and practical work. Using stories and experiences of 38 third‐year university students in a science method course in Korea, we seek to understand the conflicts and negotiations that they experience as they make decisions regarding practical work throughout their course. Reflective writings and group discussions on their lived experiences and concerns were used to probe participants’ ideas on teaching using practical work. From written and verbal data, themes were saturated in terms of the aspects which could (dis)encourage their practice. Results suggest that there are multifactorial challenges in pre‐service teachers’ understandings and concerns in practical work. Besides time, materials, and curriculum, pedagogical assumptions and values also compositely challenge the minds of teachers. As the pre‐service elementary teachers negotiated within themselves the importance of science in classroom and social levels, the question is raised about their identities as pre‐service elementary teachers to appreciate the balance between science teaching and practical work.  相似文献   

高校辅导员是高校学生工作的骨干力量,是大学生成长成才的良师益友,其工作的开展对于高校的发展和大学生的成长都具有着重要意义。辅导员工作的双主体性包括辅导员的主体性和大学生的主体性两方面;当前高校辅导员工作缺乏适应性、技巧性、敏锐性、示范性和互动性;实现辅导员工作双主体性的有效途径是:加强辅导员与大学生、辅导员与辅导员、大学生与大学生之间的互动。  相似文献   

学报编辑应坚持编研结合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学报工作是一种复杂高级的脑力劳动,如何认识学报工作的性质,提高学报刊物的质量,这要求学报编辑应坚持编研结合,努力建设一支学者型的学术编辑队伍。  相似文献   

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