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对人性的假设引导着制度设计的方向。现行中小学教师评价制度是以"理性人"为人性假设,师德规范则是以"德性人"为人性假设。这两种制度在学校并行,其人性假设的冲突引发了教师的角色冲突与内在焦虑。此种状况提示学校管理者应以系统的思维开发学校的各项规章制度,并加强对制度设计的人性考虑,以更加复杂和全面的人性假设来支持制度的设计与运转,对人性中的积极因素既要加以合理的利用,又要提供必要的约束和引导。  相似文献   

澄清学校制度设计的诸多前提假设对确保学校管理的有序与健康开展是很有必要的。从人性论、行为模式及理性能力三个方面,探讨学校制度设计的诸种假设,认为对这一问题的认识既有人们在一般意义上对诸种假设的理解,又有对其在教育领域中的特殊性把握。其基本的认识之一可能是:学校制度设计应该建基于富有积极人性的假设;始终针对人的成长和发展行为的可能性展开;并在理性因素的主导下发挥非理性的积极作用。  相似文献   

澄清学校制度设计的诸多前提假设对确保学校管理的有序与健康开展是很有必要的.从人性论、行为模式及理性能力三个方面,探讨学校制度设计的诸种假设,认为对这一问题的认识既有人们在一般意义上对诸种假设的理解,又有对其在教育领域中的特殊性把握.其基本的认识之一可能是:学校制度设计应该建基于富有积极人性的假设;始终针对人的成长和发展行为的可能性展开;并在理性因素的主导下发挥非理性的积极作用.  相似文献   

教师制度生活指教师在学校各种正式制度构筑的制度系统规约下所展开的一种规范性与能动性并存的生活。缘于制度设计所依循的人性假设不同,教师在制度生活中时常感到制度与教师主体不协调所带来的张力与冲突:非人格化制度设计与人情化教学生活相争持、理想型制度激励与现实型教师需求相背离、多种制度类型与多重性教师角色相抵牾等。化解冲突带给教师的教学压力,促使教师更加从容地适应制度生活,需要建构对教师主体深层关注的人文制度,营造情理兼备、民主参与的学校环境,培育教师实践理性的主体自觉。  相似文献   

当公正被确认为是制度的首要价值时,制度设计所体现出采的符合公正要求的制度体系则被视为制度公正.制度的公正与否不能脱离人性假设的考虑,制度设计都是由不同的人性假设为理论前提的,同时制度又反作用于人性。制度公正的主要功能就是抑恶扬善,塑造全面发辰的人的个性,协调私人利益与社会公益的矛盾。  相似文献   

一个国家或民族的基础教育教学质量优劣在很大程度上取决于其教育制度的设计。中美两国基础教育制度设计分别在人性假设、"基础"概念理解、培养目标定位、评价方式选择上有着不同的分野与选择,因而具有迥异的教育学意义。未来我国基础教育制度设计应立足于生成论视野,引导人性自觉;重构"基础"概念蕴涵,促进全面发展;恪守成人的价值取向,培养合格公民;树立发展性的评价理念,激发学生潜能。  相似文献   

制度文明是政治文明的重要支撑和标志。制度设计在逻辑上蕴涵了制度文明的价值追求,它是实现制度文明的基本途径。在政治文明建设中,提供有效的制度设计是我们党和政府的首要任务。一定的人性假设是制度设计的逻辑基础,只有建立在科学的人性假设基础上的制度设计,才能构架出适合政治文明要求的制度体系。西方国家的制度变迁历史和新中国的制度变迁历史充分说明了人性假设在制度设计中的重要作用。  相似文献   

人是管理中的决定因素,关于人的理论假设也是管理理论研究的基本依据和基本出发点。学校管理的核心是教师和学生,关于教师、学生、学校管理者的不同的人性假设,会导致学校管理的方法不同。在实施素质教育,推进课程改革的今天,传统的教学模式和学校管理体制正在被打破,学校管理者对学生、教师要立足什么样的人性假设?运用什么样的管理模式来实施学校管理,才能更有利于学生、教师、学校的发展呢?  相似文献   

任增元  姜帆 《江苏高教》2014,(2):50-52,73
对人性假设的判断是高等教育学研究的基础问题,人性假设的改变,将直接影响高等教育研究的理念、起点与方法。当前的人性假设主要有"经济人"、"学术人"、"知识人"、"道德人"、"公共人"等主张。虽然观点不同,但是都对高等教育管理具有启示意义。人性是丰富多元的,所以人性假设也不能是唯一的。基于人性基础而设计完善的激励体系是高等教育改革与发展的必然选择。  相似文献   

人性是人基于遗传基因而在一定后天环境影响下形成的人类本性,制度是人类有目的、有意识的理性设计,人性特点是制度设计的根本要求,制度设计付诸于实践又会反作用于人性,影响人性的表现与发展。现代人性发展特点要求制度设计坚持"以人为本"的理念,在科学公正的程序保障下公开透明地进行运作,并能产生避恶扬善的效果,为人性发展创造民主自由、平等公正、科学合理的制度环境,让巨大、神奇、美好的人性力量去推动社会的文明、进步和繁荣。  相似文献   

Until recently there have been no universities or study programs in Germany that were connected to claims for top level positions in the field of higher education. However, by now efforts to vertically differentiate higher education are increasing and emphasize differences in quality. Such efforts have so far been observed with respect to research. In contrast, this article focusses on stratificatory efforts that are primarily connected to education at universities. It is based on cases studies in the field of graduate schools funded by the German excellence initiative and in the field of private higher education institutions that belong to law, business, and the social sciences and try to positions themselves as top level institutions. The first part addresses specific forms in which stratification is institutionalized in the field of higher education at present. The second part then exemplifies the various ways in which vertical differentiation is mobilized along a common attribute in both fields—internationality. We show that stratification is not a monolithic process but involves highly complex differentiations along various attributes and in multiple ways.  相似文献   

On September 7, 1983, the U.S. Department of Education announced a nationwide adult literacy initiative designed “... to promote functional literacy for the entire adult populations.” The department is committed to conducting several activities to attack and solve the problem of adult literacy. Two of the activities pertain specifically to postsecondary education. They are:
  • ? working with postsecondary education institutions to develop demonstration programs utilizing college work-study students in adult literacy programs;
  • ? promoting college student involvement through literacy tutoring experiences in college courses and through student volunteerism.
  • The authors believe that there should be much greater participation in the initiative by postsecondary education institutions, and they propose that more extensive participation can be attained through the institutions' performance of their usual functions of teaching, service, and research.  相似文献   

    管理学视野中的生态和谐人假设及其实现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
    孙健 《西北师大学报》2004,41(5):123-127
    人性假设是管理学的逻辑前提。在管理思想演变历史中 ,适应农业文明、工业文明的时代诉求 ,人性假设先后经历了“经济人”假设、“社会人”假设、“文化人”假设三个阶段。生态和谐人假设是适应生态文明时代的人性假设 ,其实质是组织要按生态文明时代的道德原理和伦理规范来进行管理。生态和谐人假设的提出和实现 ,意味着对传统的管理职能、管理体制、激励方式、组织文化等进行重新反思和深刻变革已显得非常必要。  相似文献   

    如何在古诗词教学过程中突现学生的主体地位,发挥学生的主体作用,培养学生的主体意识,课堂教学多角度、多层次、多方向地展开"互动"是实施古诗教学的有效策略。  相似文献   

    闽台客家图书除了包含大陆传统意义上的图书,还包含装订成册的学术论文和私人印行的文献及小册子等类型.数据源为公共图书馆和高校图书馆及客家研究机构三大系统。按照不同的分析标准,得出自20世纪80年代以来客家图书研究的主题主要是客家方言,所占的图书百分比为最高;在出版年份上呈现出总量和比重不均衡分布的规律:出版机构则呈现集中于几个出版机构与零散出版的规律;客家图书的个人或团体著者呈现不同的规律。  相似文献   

    With the formation of Pakistan as a modern Islamic republic in 1947, the institutions of art and design education were transformed under the sway of modernization theories of development. A conceptual and physical infrastructure was put in place to modify existing institutions and to create new ones for encouraging modern art and artists in the country. The 1950s saw major developments taking place in the former Mayo School of Art which was upgraded to the National College of Arts to train designers, artists and architects to meet the requirements of a new nation. The distinction between arts and crafts formed the discourse through which the changes in art education were articulated. The process of change unleashed in art education is emblematic of the changes taking place in the other sectors of economy and culture. The Bauhaus influence which formed the initial impulse to bring artists and craftsmen in the service of national industry gave way to the competing fine art movements in painting resulting in abandoning the synthesis of arts and crafts envisaged in the earlier approaches to art education.  相似文献   

    英国统考模式及相关课程建设的主要特点是:从中四开始连续四年中,统考分三大段五小段进行;前两年课程侧重广泛与平衡,后两年课程侧重深度;普通课程与职业课程可同等升读大学;课程与考试欧通道分流竞争,在维护课程高水准的同时降低学生学习和考试负担;课程与考试的建设、改革与实施,消除垄断、向民间机构开放,操作高度透明。  相似文献   


    The main aim of this research is to evaluate the use of Influence in Agile Management at schools by the school administration, which is used with the purpose of increasing success and quality of schools. It is evaluated, within this context, that obtaining opinions of teachers from two different educational institutions would contribute to the improvement of the educational sector. This research aims at underlining which type of influence method used by the school administration would be more beneficial. Semi-structured interview, which is one of the types of qualitative approach, has been used in this research and 18 teachers were interviewed from two different educational institutions. According to the results of the semi-structured interview, teachers have expressed that they do not undertake the desired role in the decision-making process on the changes to be made at schools. They added that they are taking part in the decision-making process at low profiles, but they would like to take more active roles. Moreover, it has been observed that there is no initiative or plan to include teachers to the decision-making process and there is no training to the teachers on this issue even in universal values and disability.  相似文献   

    经济发展水平的不均衡性导致了亚洲各国职业培训发展水平的差异性.进入新世纪以来,亚洲各国的职业培训发生了重大变化.首先,尽管各国基本上均有公立培训和私立培训两种体系,但是发达国家更加重视利用私立机构开展培训;其次,各国基本上均由劳动或就业部门管理培训,且重视制定相关法律和战略规划;再次,在受训学员的构成方面,发达国家为在职工人提供的培训较多;最后,在培训的层次方面,发达国家更加重视提高性培训.  相似文献   

    随着新课程标准的实施,当前的中学正在进行着一场深刻的教育观念变革。在课程改革中,要把原来填鸭式教学、死记硬背、题海战术的做法摒弃,转变到改变教学观念,正确认识课标,倡导自主、合作、探究学习,让学生主动参与、乐于探究、勤于动手。通过对新课程教材、教法的分析,提出了对高中物理课堂有效教学的新思路,注重充分发挥教师的主导作用.调动学生的积极性。从而实现有效的物理教学。  相似文献   

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