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Millions of children are cared for in child care centers or family day care homes. The care environment can be a significant source of foodborne pathogens if proper food safety practices are not followed by caregivers. To decrease children's risk of foodborne illness, caregivers must know and apply safe food handling practices. To identify what care providers need to know about safe food handling, and how they want to learn, needs assessment research was conducted with a random sample of child care centers and family day care homes in Michigan (n=335). Research Findings. Results indicate that persons who care for young children in licensed centers or homes wanted to know more about the relationship between food and illness. Specifically, they wanted information about what causes food to become unsafe and how to prevent foodborne illness in the child care environment. Providers in both centers and homes preferred print materials (booklets, fact sheets, and newsletters) to videotapes, audiotapes, workshops, teleconferences, or an informational hotline. Implications for Practice. Developing and providing food safety booklets, newsletters, and/or fact sheets which include application-oriented and understand- able food safety information consistent with licensing regulations could reduce the risk of contracting foodborne illness of young children cared for in child care centers or day care homes.  相似文献   

Millions of children are cared for in child care centers or family day care homes. The care environment can be a significant source of foodborne pathogens if proper food safety practices are not followed by caregivers. To decrease children's risk of foodborne illness, caregivers must know and apply safe food handling practices. To identify what care providers need to know about safe food handling, and how they want to learn, needs assessment research was conducted with a random sample of child care centers and family day care homes in Michigan (n=335). Research Findings. Results indicate that persons who care for young children in licensed centers or homes wanted to know more about the relationship between food and illness. Specifically, they wanted information about what causes food to become unsafe and how to prevent foodborne illness in the child care environment. Providers in both centers and homes preferred print materials (booklets, fact sheets, and newsletters) to videotapes, audiotapes, workshops, teleconferences, or an informational hotline. Implications for Practice. Developing and providing food safety booklets, newsletters, and/or fact sheets which include application-oriented and understand- able food safety information consistent with licensing regulations could reduce the risk of contracting foodborne illness of young children cared for in child care centers or day care homes.  相似文献   

传统的文秘人才培养与社会需求之间的矛盾制约了文秘人才市场的供需平衡.以社会需求为导向构建文秘专业人才培养模式,应科学定位人才培养目标,结合完全学分制进行多层次课程体系设置,注重秘书职业能力培养,加强实践教学,建立健全学生综合能力评价体系,从而提高文秘专业人才培养的针对性和有效性.有待解决的问题有教学管理配套改革、师资队伍建设、校外实习基地建设等.  相似文献   

The history of Early Childhood Education in India dates from the 1890s, though growth remained restricted till Independence. In 1953, the Government first began to play a larger role, promoting, through voluntary effort, kindergartens in rural areas. The first major training programme was the Bal Sevika (Child care worker) Training scheme in 1961 by the Indian Council of Child Welfare.

The second big breakthrough came with the Integrated Child Development Services in 1974, the world's largest to attempt to provide a package of services to the most vulnerable children. The attached four-month job training, intended to develop paraprofessionals with multiple roles, supported by untrained ‘helpers’ is hence somewhat diluted in content.

In addition several other limited kinds of training in Early Childhood Education are available.

Training programmes have had to face several recurrent constraints related to issues of both quantity and quality—availability at different levels; relevance of content and appropriateness of methodology; motivation; certification; and the development of a trainer cadre.

Recently, innovative training programmes, three of which are mentioned, are attempting to meet these challenges in new ways.  相似文献   

Evaluation of Mental Health Consultation in Child Care Centers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mental health professionals have speculated that their consultation services should improve the overall quality of a child care center, but few research studies have shown this effect in child care settings. In the present study, mental health consultation services were provided by four agencies to 25 urban child care centers to enhance children's emotional lives and social abilities, and to strengthen child care center staff's capacity to work with children who have difficult behaviors. A one-year evaluation was conducted to assess the impact of the mental health services on the teachers and child care centers using observational measures, director- and teacher-completed questionnaires, and qualitative focus group data. Centers with more than one year of consultation showed increases in overall quality, teachers' self-efficacy, and teachers' competence. In addition, staff expressed satisfaction with the mental health consultation services provided. Implications of findings and suggestions for future interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

目的:了解孕产妇通过互联网获取母婴保健知识的需求现状,从而有利于医院及孕产妇机构利用互联网对孕产妇进行母婴保健知识的传播。方法:采用随机抽样的方法,对在内蒙古呼和浩特两所三级甲等综合医院门诊就诊的200名孕产妇进行问卷调查,问卷当场回收。问卷内容包括一般资料、健康素养及母婴知识的获取途径等。结果:孕产妇对网络的利用率较低,不同文化程度、不同家庭收入的孕产妇存在差异。  相似文献   

伴随我国民航业的不断发展,航空公司对空乘人才提出了更高的要求。为了坚持面向市场、促进就业的办学方向,需要空乘专业的培养模式更好地对接产业需求,提高学生就业能力,服务民航企业。文章围绕"逻辑起点—产业需求调研""基本原则—能力本位教育""质量保障—校企协同育人"三个方面对"对接产业需求的空乘专业人才培养模式"进行探索,以期为中、高等职业学校的民航专业人才培养提供参考。  相似文献   

为适应首都经济与社会发展对中等职业教育的要求,北京市教育委员会于2008年初启动了北京市中等职业学校以工作过程为导向的课程开发实验项目研究,我校的工业与民用建筑专业是15个专业课程开发实验项目研究之一。本文从此项目开发过程中的基础调研阶段出发,从职业教育培养“职业人”的角度,回顾了以工作过程为导向的教学改革。  相似文献   

体育课是通过树立"健康第一"的意识和体育活动的锻炼来促进人的健康,这与医护人员通过治疗、照料使病人恢复健康有异曲同工之处。所以中职医护学校体育教学应树立为社会培养适用人才的信念,强健学生身体,为学生作好体力储备;健美学生形体,提高学生从业自信心;开展团体性体育活动,培养学生协同合作精神;编制体育处方,教授适用技能。  相似文献   

徐汉柱 《高教论坛》2012,(1):119-120
电子商务强势发展带来电子商务人才稀缺,而高校电子商务毕业生就业率持续走低,引发我们对电子商务专业人才培养的重新思考。本文通过分析人才的供求矛盾,阐述人才培养存在的问题,进而提出人才培养的再定位和课程体系设置。  相似文献   

In 2008, the federal government allotted $7 billion in child care subsidies to low-income families through the state-administered Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF), now the government's largest child care program (US DHHS, 2008). Although subsidies reduce costs for families and facilitate parental employment, it is unclear how they impact the quality of care families purchase. This study investigates the impact of government subsidization on parents’ selection of child care quality using multivariate regression and propensity score matching approaches to account for differential selection into subsidy receipt and care arrangements. Data were drawn from the Child Care Supplement to the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study (CCS-FFCWS), conducted in 2002 and 2003 in 14 of the 20 FFCWS cities when focal children were 3 years old (N = 456). Our results indicate that families who used subsidies chose higher quality care than comparable mothers who did not use subsidies, but only because subsidy recipients were more likely to use center-based care. Subgroup analyses revealed that families using subsidies purchased higher-quality home-based care but lower-quality center-based care than comparable non-recipients. Findings suggest that child care subsidies may serve as more than a work support for low-income families by enhancing the quality of nonmaternal care children experience but that this effect is largely attributable to recipients’ using formal child care arrangements (versus kith and kin care) more often than non-recipients.  相似文献   

文章从探讨音乐教育的内涵与价值出发,运用美国心理学家加登纳多元智能结构理论和一些具体的案例分析,论证音乐教育在人的培养过程中的育人价值。  相似文献   

为了初步构建老年服务与管理专业人才培养方案的课程体系,先后调研了湖北地区30家有代表性的养老机构。围绕学生知识、能力、素质三大主线,提出培养课程的内核、中核、外核的课程体系,并分解成相对完整的课程教学体系,期望对老年服务与管理人才培养有积极的参考作用。  相似文献   

随着"依法治国、建设法治社会"等论点的提出,法学专业愈发地变得热门起来,但法学专业应届毕业生的就业率却不容乐观。本文通过对社会中不同单位进行调研,以期能够更好地了解社会对法律人才的需求,从而有针对性地解决法学专业应届毕业生就业率低的问题。  相似文献   

培训教育因其作用和价值以及对于社会的贡献,已经成为教育的重要组成部分。关注支持培训教育是应该的也是必要的。影响培训教育成长的因素较多,自身的品牌影响力大小是一个关键。培训教育需要品牌,品牌是其发展的基础和保证。有品牌就会有地位和话语权,就会有竞争力。我们要在理念、管理、文化、课程、教师、家长、营销、服务等维度,有序地创建培训教育的品牌。  相似文献   

从培养数控人才综合素质出发,本着加强基础、培养能力、提高素质、突出创新的总体改革要求,结合近年从事数控教学工作的经验,阐述数控人才的培养方案。  相似文献   

弓形虫感染对优生优育的危害   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
弓形虫是一种分布广危害大的常见寄生虫。孕妇感染弓形虫后,虫体可垂直传递给胎儿,导致胎儿产生各种严重的先天性疾病。因此,弓形虫感染对优生优育的危害是十分严重的。  相似文献   

池峰  刘彩萍 《唐山学院学报》2011,24(6):107-109,112
现代信息技术广泛应用于金融机构,金融行业对员工的操作技能提出了新的要求,作为培养基层人才的高职金融教育,需要将信息技术技能作为人才培养的主要内容之一。当前的高职金融专业在信息技术教育方面存在很多不足,需要调整人才培养目标,改变培养和考核方法,从建设仿真实训室、编写案例库和任务库、建立稳定的兼职教师队伍等方面加以改善。  相似文献   

日本是养老服务业和养老服务专门人才教育的先发国家.第二次世界大战之后,日本养老服务专门人才教育体系逐渐完善.1987年《社会福祉士与介护福祉士法》的颁布标志着以福祉士为主力的养老服务专门人才教育走向正规化与法制化.日本已经形成覆盖中等教育与高等教育阶段的福祉士培养体系,各层次教育培养目标清晰、专业化程度较高.严格施行的福祉士国家资格考试,保障了人才培养的数量与质量.  相似文献   

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