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在思想政治理论课教学过程中,提出问题是为了回答问题,解答问题.对问题的解答有直接解答和非直接解答.问题逻辑理论力图说明各种问题与解答的关系,探求"解答"与"答案"之间的逻辑规则,对于思想政治理论课教学中正确地设计问题、直接解答问题,增强思想政治教育的针对性和有效性,有着重要的指导作用.  相似文献   

袁慎铭 《考试周刊》2009,(20):17-17
解答排列组合的问题,首先,必须认真审题,明确是属于排列问题还是组合问题,或者属于排列与组合的混合问题。混合问题要先选后排。其次,要抓住问题的本质特征,灵活运用基本原理和公式进行分析解答。最后,要计算正确。同时,还要注意讲究一些基本策略和方法和技巧,使一些看似复杂的问题迎刃而解。  相似文献   

<正> 运用所学数学知识分析问题和解决问题的能力是高考重点考查的内容之一.探索性问题则在其中扮演重要角色.近几年高考中这种类型的解答题时有出现.探索性问题是从高层次上考查学生创造性思维能力的新题型,正确运用数学思想方法是解决这类问题的桥梁和向导.通常需要综合运用归纳与猜想、函数与方程、数形结合、分类讨论、等价转化与非  相似文献   

教学过程是一个提出问题与解答问题的过程,释疑解惑是高校思想政治理论课的重要教学任务。问句的预设是问题和回答的桥梁,是对问题进行正确设计、求解的基本工具。正确认识问题的逻辑真值,有利于断定问题的真假及是否有解。问题逻辑对于"预设"和"真值"的逻辑研究———"据疑深思",对于思想政治理论课教学活动中教师"怎么教"、学生"怎么问"具有积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

近年来,一类"改为或换成"的几何问题倍受命题人青睐,这类试题以问题串呈现,其特点是探究方法类似,结论的形式相同或相近.解答此类问题的基本方法是,首先给出基本问题的解答,并从中体会、总结解题思想与方法,然后运用其思想方法去解答它的变式题.下面撷取几例中考题解析,供读者参考.  相似文献   

物理问题往往是复杂的,包含许多过程,研究对象所处的状态,分析物理过程,解决物理问题,通常受多种因素的制约和影响。因此,解答物理问题时,必须要学会全面的分析和思考,只有这样,才能做到正确解答问题。下面以一道例题加以说明。  相似文献   

信息题的基本特点是题目长 ,信息量大 ,而理综信息题更是因为有不同学科的问题同时出现在一道题中 ,令不少学生对这类题目望而生畏 .其实理综信息题从学科知识的深度而言是不难的 ,可以说这类题是纸老虎 ,只要掌握好了学科知识 ,按以下步骤进行 ,基本都能解决 .解答这类问题的步骤是 :①要沉着冷静 ,认真分析题意 ;②从沉长的文字叙述或题目所附图表中 ,抽象出学科知识模型 ;③确定解答问题所要用到的知识规律 ;④理出解题思路方法 ;⑤运用规律列方程求解 .下面以三道理综信息题为例谈谈这类题目的分析解答 .【例 1】 内燃机是将化学能转化…  相似文献   

近年以"改为或换成"类几何问题倍受命题人青睐,这类试题以问题串呈现,其特点是探究方法类似,结论的形式相同或相近.解答此类问题的基本方法是通过对一个基本问题的解答,从中去体会,总结解题思想与方法,然后运用其思想方法去解答它的变式题,主要考查学生的总结发现能力和知识迁移能力.  相似文献   

近年来在中考数学试卷中都有几道实,,际应用问题已由知识型向能力型转变这一,,导向已受到广泛的关注和肯定为了有效地.解答中考应用题应当对此进行深入的研究,.从近几年的中考“应用问题”来看始终贯,穿着一条主线将生产、生活实际问题 转化为数学问题数学问题的解答就可能是,生产、生活实际问题的解答一般地应用问.题的解答包括三个环节一是将生产、生活:实际问题转化为纯数学问题二是对数学问;题作出解答,得出数学问题的解三是检验;数学问题作出的解是否符合实际问题.在这三环节中最关键又是学生感到最,困难的环节就是如何将…  相似文献   

遇到解决实际问题的题目,要仔细分析题意,理解问题的实际背景,理顺问题中各种数量之间的关系,联想归结为自己所熟悉的数学模型,将实际问题转化为数学问题;用所学过的数学知识去分析、解决问题,作出正确合理的解答.解决分期付款问题,应注意以下几个方面:  相似文献   


We delineate some types of structured practice (modeling, requests, feedback, and space-making) that help students learn to pose appropriate questions and to initiate exploration of those questions. Developing skills requires practice, so we suggest ways to embed structured practice into existing class sessions. Including structured practice is nuanced, instructor-specific, and depends on context. Therefore, we give examples of implementation in an inquiry-based learning (IBL)-influenced calculus class, in a partially IBL mathematics for liberal arts class, and in a completely IBL class for gifted high school students.  相似文献   

问题逻辑的研究是百花齐放、千姿百态的。问句实质上是题设加问式构成的,预设理论对鉴定问题性质和探讨问题间关系有重要作用。问题逻辑新区对问题的考察与以往的问题逻辑研究不同,不再对问句进行孤立的挖掘分析,也不再解剖至微,而是把问题放入系统中,前后连接起来考察。在发问与回答、再问与再答的链条延续里分理出Q-Q关联问题(Qn→Qn+1)、A-Q关联问题(An→Qn+1)和A-A关联问题(An→An+1)三种不同情形来考察和探赜。  相似文献   

The fact that education is, and must be, a process of enculturation for those being educated gives us some, but by no means enough, guidance as to what we would expect to see going on in our schools. For given that our educational institutions are part of our culture and, given that anything that is part of our culture will transmit cultural messages, if we put children in school and let them play all day, or simply asked teachers to explain their hobbies to the children, then some processes of enculturalisation would be going on. But no one with any real concern for either our children or their education would think such things fulfil a proper role for schools. Certainly if, as Arnold thought, education is a question of passing on, or trying to pass on, the features from our culture that we value, then any such reliance on random processes must be ruled out. Instead we have to select those aspects of our culture which we wish our children to partake of and insist that our educational establishments make sustained and intentional efforts to ensure such participation.  相似文献   

Using SATs in their present form meets the requirements neither of individual assessment nor of the monitoring of standards, writes Professor Klaus Wedell, Department of Educational Psychology and Special Educational Needs, Institute of Education, London University.  相似文献   


The research reported here derives from the general field of learner-centred teaching and learning, with specific reference to undergraduate chemistry. It documents the use of student-generated questions as diagnostic of their willingness to engage in classroom interactions. It explores four ways of gathering students' written questions and their relative effectiveness. It examines students' capacity to design and present 'quality questions' during phases of their learning and the extent to which these questions are indicative of particular styles of interaction in the classroom, both with tutors and with other students. The results are drawn from data collected through written questions posted into a question box, the 'hits' recorded on a computer software system, and through one-to-one interviews with a sample of 32 students. The results provide an opportunity to discuss the quality of interactions within fairly formalized systems of teaching and learning of chemistry in a university setting and to suggest further research required in this field.  相似文献   

Funny Questions     
1.When does eleven plus two equal one? On a watch face. 2.A police officer has a brother, but the brother has no brother How can this be?  相似文献   

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