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职业指导是推动实现高质量就业的重要手段.随着职业指导内涵的不断演变,高校职业指导的不可替代性日趋凸显,主要体现在:职业指导对大学生就业观、职业认知的指导作用;对人才培养过程的影响作用;对大学生职业定位的指导作用等.为了充分发挥职业指导在高校更高质量就业工作中的重要作用,高校应注重专兼职相结合的职业指导队伍建设,将职业指导纳入大学人才培养的全过程,将专门化的职业指导活动与日常职业指导有机结合,同时不断加强机制建设.  相似文献   

Only recently have theorists and practitioners begun to consider and investigate the applications of developmental psychology to the delivery of career services. While there are several conceptual approaches to understanding the process of career development in general, the focus of this paper will be limited to the under-standing of career development in a college age population. In addition, the practical implications generated by this conceptual understanding will be discussed especially as they relate to the delivery of career services in higher education.  相似文献   

Summary Although career guidance activities can positively influence students' career development, the effectiveness of such activities is often impaired because they attempt to provide the same services to all students at the same time. Programs typically do not consider either students' differential developmental patterns or the fact that many students have particular needs due to learning, physical, or emotional handicaps. Therefore, a primary focus of refining programs must be the individualization of services to meet a wide variety of student needs.Referral to career assessment or to professionals trained in career assessment and consultation is a valuable option open to school counselors who have neither the time nor the specialized training to conduct such assessments themselves. Career assessment centers offer comprehensive assessment services, including both more traditional assessments as well as innovative activities. Using a consultation paradigm, the school counselor and career assessment officer can better provide comprehensive, individualized assessment and counseling tailored to the specific needs of students, regardless of their handicaps and their different levels of developmental readiness  相似文献   

Conclusion While career plateauing is a major challenge facing contemporary organizations, possible solutions are available. The career development specialist possessing a variety of skills geared toward both proaction and reaction can be instrumental in designing interventions which minimize the negative impact of plateauing. While career plateauing can be a devastating problem for many high achieving, self-sacrificing baby boomers, for others it may present an opportunity to escape the internal pressures for success. Much of what happens to a plateaued employee is determined by the resources possessed by the employee as well as the organization's response to the employee. The activities of the career development specialist constitute much of what is considered the organization's response. A career plateau may mark the beginning of a period characterized by frustration and depression or it may present the opportunity for a new challenge or reappraisal of life direction and goals.  相似文献   

职业指导是当今社会对教育赋予的使命,创业教育是社会发展对教育提出的新的教育要求,创业教育将是职业指导的重要内容。中国社会发展需要创新型人才,我国现阶段创业教育应突出强调转变学生的就业观念,提高学生的创业意识。增强学生的创业能力,鼓励毕业生自主创业,坚持多数人走先就业后创业之路。  相似文献   

Lee J. Richmond is a professor, Loyola College, Baltimore, Maryland 21210. This article was written in association with Linda K. Kemp, Career Development Specialist, U.S. Postal Services.  相似文献   

本文在分析我国高校大学生创业教育实践中存在的问题基础上,就如何进一步加强和完善大学生创业教育阐述了几点个人观点,以期能有益于当前高校创业教育的开展.  相似文献   

新媒体的广泛运用、迅速发展,给高校师生生活、学习带来了极大冲击,本文分析了目前高校职业指导与德育工作存在的共性问题,探讨了如何利用新媒体特点,促进职业指导与德育这两项贯穿大学教育甚至人的一生的工作有效融合、相互促进的途径。  相似文献   

Gerald Olson is Consultant, Division of Curriculum and Instructional Strategies, Los Angeles County Office of Education. He is also a Past President of the California Career Education Association.  相似文献   

This paper presents a report on the development of career guidance and counseling services in Taiwan, Republic of China. Based on extensive interviews in 1983 and 1987 with leaders in public and private education, government agencies, and faculty and students in junior colleges and universities, the services currently provided are described as they interface with the educational system. Certain issues emerged from the research which may affect the further development of counseling services in Taiwan; guidelines are offered for addressing these. The issues discussed are: the stigma against counseling; the general resistance to change and the traditionalism of the educational system; the potential conflict between serving national labor needs and developing individual human potential; the stress produced by the educational system itself; the traditional emphasis on testing in schools and colleges; the need to professionalize counselors; and the judicious integration of western perspectives into an indigenous Chinese philosophy of counseling and guidance.  相似文献   

The study reported here examined higher education career guidance at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland. In a survey (N = 880), students were asked to describe how much thinking they had done about their future career and forthcoming transition from university to working life. The use of different sources of guidance and counselling service providers was examined from the perspective of a student-centred holistic model of guidance. On the basis of the empirical findings, challenges facing career guidance in higher education are discussed.  相似文献   

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance - How could interventions for life- and career-construction contribute to a development that would be ecologically sustainable,...  相似文献   

本文从高职院校毕业生就业存在的主要问题出发,结合思想政治教育的特点,提出要把思想政治教育渗透到高职就业指导中,实现就业指导和思想政治教育相结合的转变。  相似文献   

本文从有利于促进社会和谐稳定发展、有利于提升残疾人高校的教育质量、有利于深化残疾人学校的思想政治教育工作三方面,论述了残疾人高校职业生涯规划与就业指导教育的实践意义。  相似文献   

当前中等职业学校毕业生绝大多数对劳动力市场的需求一无所知,选择什么样的职业,自己有何优势也不清楚.急需有人进行正确引导。为此,我们在05级毕业班进行了职业指导试点,引导学生树立正确的人生观就业观:帮助他们了解自己,了解社会,树立正确的择业观;提供条件让学生掌握更多的就业技能和技巧;为学生提供多方面服务等,取得了比较好的效果。  相似文献   

职业生涯设计的分析发展条件、确立发展目标、构建发展台阶、制定发展措施四个环节,均着眼于发展,有利于成功教育的实施,因此,职业生涯设计是成功教育的有效载体。  相似文献   

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