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Using weblogs in scholarship and teaching   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

This article explores the challenges presented in using the scholarship of teaching as a model of teaching excellence when devising an appropriate approach to reward. It argues that the complexity of staff motivation has to be addressed by a critical evaluation of institutions' commitment to the scholarship of teaching. An expectancy model of motivation drawn from organizational behaviour literature is suggested as an approach to analysing the distance between espoused commitment to the scholarship of teaching and academic staff perspectives. The context of the discussion is set against the background of the UK Government's approach to funding incentives to promote reward for teaching excellence in higher education and the literature related to practices employed in HEIs. The views of academic staff drawn from seven focus groups across all subject areas in one institution demonstrate the need to take account of the motivation process and the need to have a shared understanding of what constitutes excellence.  相似文献   

This study explores the impact academic teachers’ writing of a teaching portfolio can have on their professional learning. Through an open-ended questionnaire, 26 academics from three faculties reported on insights, effects on teaching practice, and effects on collegial exchange that the portfolio writing entailed. We discuss how the experienced impact relates to the three competence levels excellence, expertise and scholarship of teaching and learning. With regard to academic development, we conclude that the writing of reflective teaching portfolios has the potential of contributing to an emerging academic community of practice characterised by a scholarly approach to teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Summary Reflection on teaching in higher education remains poorly understood. This exploratory study had three goals. First, to test, empirically yet in an exploratory way, the applicability of a particular model of reflection. Second, to identify objective indicators of reflection on knowledge about teaching with the intent to make the process of reflection more concrete, visible, and its outcomes valid. Third, in line with the exploratory nature of the study, to shed light on some variables that might be linked to observed differences in reflection, which could be investigated more systematically through future research. The model of reflection guiding the study was based on Mezirow’s transformative learning theory. It distinguishes three kinds of reflection: on content, process and premises. These take place within three domains of knowledge about teaching: instruction, pedagogy, and curriculum. Thirty-six instructors of science participated in a semi-structured interview based on the model and completed a repertory grid, which incorporated their beliefs about teaching as identified through the Approaches of Teaching Inventory (ATI). While all instructors showed evidence of reflection that were in line with the model, differences were observed in the extent or kind of reflection they engaged in. Across all three knowledge domains, premise reflection was observed the least often. Results suggested that years of experience and beliefs about teaching might play a role in the extent to which academics are inclined to engage in reflection. The study also identified concrete indicators of reflection, which could be helpful for academic staff evaluation.  相似文献   


Although the concept of a scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL) has emanated from the global North, it is a relevant and useful concept in the global South. The concept was initiated in the 1990s in the US. The original emphases in the seminal Boyer Report, on the integration of various forms of scholarship, the importance of intellectual thought and the collaborative nature of teaching have been subject to various distortions, in part due to the depredations of neoliberalism and performativity. We argue that Slow scholarship, which has resonances with Boyer's notions of the scholarship of teaching and learning provides much potential for reconceptualising SOTL in the South. These claims are explored via a case study set in South Africa, where academic developers at eleven higher education institutions covering the range of institutional types were interviewed.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to report on an experiment in the School of Management at the University of Surrey whereby the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning is being promoted through an approach which is organic in nature. The paper argues that the nature of such scholarship means that its promotion is more likely to be successful when the approach taken is bottom-up and emergent as this is more likely to foster commitment and trust. In defining this approach, the paper draws on a diverse range of literature which is synthesised into a general concept of how such organic approaches may work. The paper concludes by suggesting that developing a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning requires the collective effort of all stakeholders involved.  相似文献   

There is increasing pressure toward professionalisation of university teaching, through the attendance of academic development courses and programmes. This is based on the expectation that such courses lead to more student‐focused perspectives on teaching and learning and more effective teaching and learning practices. In this study we interviewed alumni of a Graduate Certificate programme, to explore its effects on teachers’ self‐reported experiences of teaching and the scholarship of teaching. This suggested that the programme had been successful in fostering the development of more complex experiences for most interviewees.

En Australie comme à l’étranger, les pressions visant la professionnalisation de l’enseignement universitaire se font sentir, en particulier par la participation à des cours et des programmes de développement pédagogique. Ceci repose sur la prémisse selon laquelle les cours de développement pédagogique dans l’enseignement supérieur, du certificat postgradué au niveau master, mènent au développement de perspectives pédagogiques qui sont davantage centrées sur l’apprenant, de même qu’à l’adoption de pratiques pédagogiques davantage efficaces. Dans le cadre de cette étude, nous avons effectué des entretiens auprès de diplômés d’un programme de certificat postgradué de façon à explorer si le programme affectait les expériences d’enseignement et de Scholarship of Teaching de ces enseignants, telles qu’ils les rapportaient. Les témoignages autour de ces expériences suggèrent que le programme a réussi à favoriser le développement d’expériences davantage complexes pour la majorité des personnes interviewées.  相似文献   

In this Reflection on Practice I argue the case for using the principles of scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) to serve as a framework for evaluating and designing peer observation programmes in higher education contexts. I suggest that for peer observation to be an activity worthy of SoTL, it should be systematic, collaborative, rigorous, peer reviewed, and focused on learning about teaching to improve teaching. Using a set of criteria to critique a current peer observation programme I account for its strengths and weaknesses and suggest a way forward for elevating the status of peer observation.  相似文献   

Student interviews: A vital role in the scholarship of teaching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Participation in a national study, sponsored by the American Association of Higher Education, on the use of Peer Review of Teaching Effectiveness, allowed us to engage in several nontraditional methods of peer collaboration. The method having the greatest value for us involved a faculty peer interviewing the students in another faculty member's classes. Through these student interviews, we obtained in-sights into how to enhance the learning environment created inside and outside the classroom. In this article, we present a summary of how we conducted student interviews, why such interactions with students are worthwhile, and what the implications of these interviews are.Jere W. Morehead received his Juris Doctorate from the University of Georgia in 1980. After serving as an Assistant United States Attorney for six years, Professor Morehead returned to the University of Georgia's Terry College of Business as a faculty member. Professor Morehead has been an active member in the Academy of Legal Services in Business. Currently, he serves as Senior Articles Editor of theAmerican Business Law Journal. Throughout his academic career, Professor Morehead has been recognized for his excellence in teaching. He is a coauthor ofThe Legal and Regulatory Environment of Business, the leading textbook in his field, and he has received a University teaching award. During the past two years, he has been an active participant in the AAHE's national project on the peer review of teaching. Peter J. Shedd earned both an undergraduate B.B.A. and a Juris Doctorate from the University of Georgia. After graduating from law school, he clerked for Anthony Alaimo, who was then the Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Georgia. In 1978, Professor Shedd returned to the University of Georgia as a faculty member where he is currently a Professor of Legal Studies in the Terry College of Business. In recognition for outstanding teaching, he was one of the recipients of the Meigs Award last year and was named the Georgia Professor of the Year in 1993 by the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education. Professor Shedd has served as the Associate Dean of the College of Business, as Executive Assistant to the University President, and been active in numerous University committees. In 1994, Professor Shedd was elected to the Executive Committee of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business. A certified mediator and arbitrator, Professor Shedd is a member of the State Bar of Georgia and the American Arbitration Association.  相似文献   

大学教学学术的机制及其教师发展意蕴   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
教学学术是一种独特的学术形式,它扎根于教学实践,并通过理论与实践的彼此互动来推动自身走向丰满;教学学术是一种由教学内容知识加以表征的学术活动,课堂教学研究在教学内容知识的发展上起着核心的作用。根据新的大学教学学术观,在观念层面,教师应成为教学的行动研究者;在策略层面,应通过多样化的教师发展模式来积淀教师的教学学术;在制度层面,应通过完善教师发展制度来营造教师潜心教学学术的外部环境。  相似文献   

Tony Ribera, Sarah Fernandez, and Matt Gray apply a scholarly approach to assessing student learning in the cocurriculum.  相似文献   

We argue that there is a reciprocal relationship between all scholarly activities, most importantly between teaching, learning, research and professional learning. The article builds on the work of others who call for a social justice approach to inform the SoTL. It focuses on the implications for professional learning, as an aspect of the SoTL which has been neglected. The tripartite account of participatory parity as advanced by Nancy Fraser is shown to be a valuable frame to describe instances of social justice, as well as the kind of institutional arrangements that should be instituted to support participatory parity. Alongside this, the notion of a ‘pedagogy of discomfort’ is shown to be an effective, but challenging means to advance awareness of justice and injustice amongst academics. The article draws on examples from three action based research projects run by the authors.  相似文献   

This paper explores the adoption of the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) by 10 Malaysian university academics. SoTL was part of a pioneering sector-wide initiative for improving teaching and learning. The qualitative study showed that there had been no true learning phase for SoTL because academics had high expectations of rapid success in their new research area, including journal publication. Most of their peers did not understand or value SoTL and so SoTL researchers established minority self-sustaining groups across disciplines and universities. SoTL brought new ways of thinking about teaching that were transformational for the teacher but not necessarily welcomed by the students. Students resisted radical change, and teachers were drawn back to educational practices they no longer valued. SoTL was experienced in a hierarchical educational culture where questioning of self and others was difficult and this hindered teacher development. We conclude with recommendations about realistic expectations and the importance of social learning for those considering SoTL for academic development.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the outcomes of a peer partnership program trialled at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia. The program was designed based on a community of practice methodology to bring together academic staff for the purpose of advancing teaching practice. The program encouraged professional and supportive environments for the purpose of critical reflection and personal development. The belief was that quality teaching is core business and vital to university organisational goals. Peer partnership programs support improvement in teaching and learning. Participants in the program reported the program enhanced their commitment and insight into teaching and that there is willingness to be involved if supported by colleagues and an organisation. Feedback from participants in the program was positive and outcomes arising from the QUT Peer Partnership Project were the development of an online peer partner tool-kit, staff development training, an instructional DVD and integration of the project goals within QUT staff development programs.  相似文献   

The research presented here explored the experiences of participants in an international collaborative writing group (ICWG) initiative that ran in conjunction with the 2012 International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSoTL) conference. The ICWG sought to cultivate collaborative pedagogical scholarship by bringing together a range of international academics to co-author articles on teaching and learning topics of shared interest. Data were collected via online surveys at the beginning and end of the initiative and interim focus groups/interviews. In addition to suggesting that the ICWG is an effective means of fostering collaborative writing, the results point to a number of factors that might also influence collaboration in other contexts: modes of collaboration, opportunities for social dialogue, developing a shared vision and voice, and leadership. Implications and applications of the findings, as well as areas of further research, are discussed.  相似文献   

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