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加拿大大学实验室管理特点与启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
加拿大高等教育位列世界前茅,大学实验室管理卓有成效.以约克大学为例,对其教学型、研究型和计算机服务中心3类实验室进行调研,同时比较、研究我国大学与加拿大大学的异同,借鉴加拿大约克大学实验室特色,提高我国大学实验室建设与管理水平.  相似文献   

There are currently both scientific and public debates surrounding Darwinism. In the scientific debate, the details of evolution are in dispute, but not the central thesis of Darwin??s theory; in the public debate, Darwinism itself is questioned. I concentrate on the public debate because of its direct impact on education in the United States. Some critics of Darwin advocate the teaching of intelligent design theory along with Darwin??s theory, and others seek to eliminate even the mention of evolution from science classes altogether. Many of these critics base their objections on the claim that non-living matter cannot give rise to living matter. After considering some of the various meanings assigned to ??vitalism?? over the years, I argue that a considerable portion of Darwin deniers support a literal version of vitalism that is not scientifically respectable. Their position seems to be that since life cannot arise naturally, Darwin??s theory accomplishes nothing: If it can only account for life forms changing from one to another (even this is disputed by some) but not how life arose in the first place, what??s the point? I argue that there is every reason to believe that living and non-living matter differ only in degree, not in kind, and that all conversation about Darwinism should start with the assumption that abiogenesis is possible unless or until compelling evidence of its impossibility is presented. That is, I advocate a position that the burden of proof lies with those who claim ??Life only comes from life.?? Until that case is made, little weight should be given to their position.  相似文献   

Darwin and Islam     

Much has been written on the subject of Darwinism and religion, but rather less on the development of Darwin’s own thinking on religious matters and how it changed over time. What were his religious, or anti-religious, beliefs? Did he believe that his theory of evolution by natural selection was incompatible with belief in a Creator? Was it his revolutionary science that turned him into an agnostic? If not, what other considerations affected his judgment? The aim of this paper is to illuminate these questions and, in so doing, to correct some popular caricatures that frequently appear when the two words ‘science’ and ‘religion’ are juxtaposed. Darwin himself reflected deeply on the theological problem of suffering and justified his naturalism on the ground that it made the deity less directly responsible for the more repulsive features of creation. The deism that he espoused at the time of writing his Origin of Species also left its mark in his conviction that it would be demeaning to the deity to suggest that its purposes could not be achieved through natural causes. The diversity of the religious responses also corrects a common misperception that there was almost unanimous hostility from religious interests.  相似文献   

Not Saint Darwin     
John S. Wilkins 《Resonance》2009,14(2):154-171
Charles Darwin’s name is going to be heard, read about, or spoken a lot this year, as it is the second centenary of his birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of the Origin of Species. And as great as his contribution to science and the modern world is, we might ask ourselves whether we are making rather too much of this man. Is Darwin the important person he is being taken to be? To answer this question I shall raise three more: first, why do we celebrate individuals in scientific history, when it is the work of many scientists that gives us the results? Second, how original was Darwin anyway — who else did the important work? And third, what role do scientific heroes play in current science? Answers to these questions will give us a better, more sober and balanced, and more useful explanation of actual science both in the past and the present, and perhaps also in the future.  相似文献   

美国多校园大学及对我国多校区办学的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王彦才 《教育科学》2006,22(1):85-87
在美国,多校园大学自20世纪60年代起就是公立高等教育的一种主导模式,美国多校园大学的形成及发展有其自身特点,在发展过程中也面临着一些挑战和困难,对其进行研究对我国多校区大学的有效管理和成功运行具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Renee Borges 《Resonance》2009,14(2):102-123
Darwin is as much a household name today as he was a century and a half ago. Phrases such as Universal Darwinism, Social Darwinism, The New Science of Darwinian Medicine, Darwin Machines, Darwin’s Dangerous Idea, The Universal Acid of Darwinism, Neo-Darwinism, Darwin is Dead — Long Live Darwin …. are in common usage today. Darwin stands out as a colossus — a giant among giants. A progression of great thinkers led to Darwin. Who were these revolutionaries and what are the frontiers of modern evolutionary thought? Some of these questions are addressed in this article.  相似文献   

Science & Education - We argue that teleological thinking plays a central role in biology and, more specifically, in theory of natural selection, and, therefore, the didactic goal cannot be its...  相似文献   

现代大学的分层与管理模式的选择   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
大学是从事知识劳动的社会机构。由于大学的组织目标与价值取向不同,现代大学已形成三种不同层次的组织:研究型大学、教学研究型大学和教学型大学。大学层次的不同,决定了其管理模式和运行机制是不同的。充分认识大学的差异性,对于不同大学的科学定位和管理模式的选择,具有现实意义。  相似文献   

高职教材与普通高校教材的比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本论述了高职教材与普通高校教材的区别与联系。研究本问题的目的在于通过比较分析,展示高职教材的独有特性,指导高职教材建设。  相似文献   

达尔文从广义进化论出发,把人性看成进化的产物,人的基本属性以及由此形成的智力、行为以及品质都是因此而产生的.威尔逊继承了这种思想,但相对达尔文的生物人性论,威尔逊主张从基因的角度来研究人性.由此获得了迭尔文生物人性论在当代的表现形式.尽管达尔文和威尔逊的思想是一致的,但是在一些具体问题上,两者之间还是有着质的区别.  相似文献   

This study uses a unique set of microdata on university applications to examine the role played by institutional attributes in choices made by graduating high school students between the 17 universities in the Province of Ontario, Canada. We estimate a rank-ordered logit model that uses all information contained in each applicant’s ranking of institutions. Applicants prefer universities that are closer to their homes, spend more on scholarships and teaching, and offer higher levels of non-academic student services. Smaller class sizes are preferred by female applicants but not by males. High levels of research activity discourage applications. Smaller, primarily undergraduate institutions suffer from a low placing in the annual national university rankings but larger universities do not.  相似文献   

在<人类的由来>中,达尔文试图彻底地从自然主义的角度对良心这种道德意识进行阐释.但是,他的道德或良心进化论不仅具有描述或说明的维度,而且包含了丰富的规范内容:他把恩爱、同情心和社会性本能当作"人的道德组成的最初的原则",表明他站在利他主义立场上反对利己主义道德原则;他也没有简单采用功利主义道德原则,不是把"最大多数人的最大幸福"而是把"社群利益"当作最高的道德标准;他把"你们愿意人这样待你们,你们也怎样待人"这个"应然"的规律当作人类道德的基础;在论述人类道德的进化时,他站在自己鲜明的价值立场上对种种愚昧、野蛮的行径展开批评,等等.对达尔文而言,对事实的描述和说明同价值或道德规范的设定是完全一致的.把达尔文当作主张弱肉强食的社会达尔文主义者是对达尔文的一大误解.  相似文献   

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