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The present study sought to investigate the effects of a multidimensional educational intervention on high school students’ motivation and engagement. The intervention incorporated: (a) multidimensional targets of motivation and engagement, (b) empirically derived intervention methodology, (c) research-based risk and protective factors, (d) established practices that nurture optimal youth development, (e) use of interpersonally skilled staff, and (f) evidence-based programming. Using a pre-/post-treatment/control group design, it was found that the self-complete intervention brought about significant shifts in motivation and engagement. Specifically, findings showed that the treatment group made positive motivation shifts on key dimensions including task management, persistence, anxiety, failure avoidance, and uncertain control. Moreover, against a large weighted external comparison group, the treatment group made positive shifts on valuing, mastery orientation, planning, task management, persistence, failure avoidance, uncertain control, and self-handicapping. Taken together, these findings attest to the potential for multidimensional educational interventions for enhancing students’ motivation and engagement.  相似文献   

In this investigation of high school students (N = 2510) in Singapore (Study 1) and elementary school students (N = 119) in Australia (Study 2), we examined the role of instrumental and emotional forms of teacher support in students' academic buoyancy and academic outcomes (engagement and academic skills). In both studies, perceived instrumental support (but not perceived emotional support) was positively associated with academic buoyancy (moderate effect size in Study 1, large effect in Study 2). In Study 1, academic buoyancy was positively associated with students' academic engagement (specifically, effort and persistence [large effect], perceived importance of school [moderate effect], and feelings of school belonging [moderate effect]). In Study 2 academic buoyancy was positively associated with gains in students' academic skills and engagement (specifically, class participation [large effect] and future aspirations [large effect]). In both studies, there was tentative support for a mediating role of academic buoyancy linking students' perceived teacher support to academic outcomes.  相似文献   

The rapid and unprecedented shift from face-to-face instruction to remote online learning as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic had a substantial impact on teaching and learning in Higher Education: students had to adapt to a new way of learning, away from typical campus settings and their peers, and to new forms of assessments. This study examined academic stress, learning strategies, motivation and ways of coping from a sample of 177 unique students from a large London university, collecting primary data via survey at three time points during the academic year 2020/21 when teaching was remote and online only. Our findings show how patterns in academic stress, learning strategies, motivation and coping vary over the course of the academic year giving novel insight into how student learning and adaptation to the situation changed over time. We also report on differences in these patterns according to year group and for those students who are the first-in-family to attend university and those who are not. Based on these findings we identify priority areas where higher education institutions should support undergraduate students and provide evidence that some groups of students may need more and targeted support to secure their ongoing learning and well-being.  相似文献   

Non-cognitive factors represent a chance to learn more about how to help students succeed in early college experiences. This study examined personality and motivation as predictors of first-quarter GPA in a sample of 315 non-traditional undergraduates at a Hispanic-serving institution. Our results provide support for the importance of high levels of conscientiousness, intrinsic motivation, and low levels of extrinsic motivation in first-quarter school success. Implications and possible interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

重大疫情爆发容易引发大学生焦虑、愤怒与应激等心理。做好重大疫情下大学生的心理防护应该开展心理教育,优化大学生认知结构;开展心理训练,稳定大学生情绪心态;开展心理疏导,完善大学生内心追求;开展心理危机干预,提高大学生心理应激水平。通过四位一体的心理防护模式,帮助大学生形成良好的行为应对方式,打赢疫情防控阻击战。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒是一种新发现的传染性很强的病毒,病毒的潜伏期长,全球存在很多被感染后的无症状者和复阳者。高校人员集中、生源广泛、学生活动范围大、普遍实行寄宿制、大班教学等特点,加之非医学类高校对健康教育及基础医疗知识的普及和实践不够重视,学生在面对突发公共卫生事件时缺乏基本的防控意识和自救、互救能力。因此这类院校更要积极做好新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情的防控。根据目前非医学类高校在突发公共卫生事件防控方面存在的问题,结合新冠病毒的感染、传播特点,从设立长效应急队伍或机构、制定行之有效地防控和应急预案,在落实师生健康教育课程、监测预警、建设医疗应急队伍和及时进行疫后心理疏导等方面提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

Research on the dualistic model of passion has investigated harmonious and obsessive passion in many domains. However, few studies have investigated passion for studying and the role passion for studying plays in student engagement and well‐being. The present study investigated the relationships between harmonious and obsessive passion for studying and academic engagement (vigour, dedication and absorption) and burnout (exhaustion, cynicism and inefficacy) in 105 university students, controlling for the effects of autonomous and controlled motivation. Both harmonious and obsessive passion explained variance in academic engagement and burnout beyond autonomous and controlled motivation: harmonious passion predicted higher dedication and lower cynicism, obsessive passion predicted higher absorption, and both harmonious and obsessive passion predicted higher vigour and lower inefficacy. The findings suggest that passion for studying explains individual differences in students’ academic engagement and burnout beyond autonomous and controlled motivation and thus deserves more attention from educational psychology.  相似文献   

Transition services are central in preparing youth with disabilities for opportunities in postsecondary education, employment and independent living. The life skills education acquired in school may be the only resources they receive to help them with this transition. With COVID-19, educational systems were interrupted, including the access of students with disabilities to service provision and transition services. This study aimed to investigate the impact of COVID-19 on teachers' transition practices for students with disabilities in the State of Illinois, United States and to identify factors associated with the differences in teachers' practices across eight domains of transition. Results indicated statistical significant differences in transition practices before and during COVID-19 in all eight domains. Gender, Race, School Closings & Type of School did not show significant associations with any of the eight domains. Emotional Disability was found to have a significant association with all eight domains, whereas Intellectual Disability did not show significant association with any of the eight domains. Grade level and teachers' educational level showed significant associations with certain domains. Future investigations into how COVID-19 changed teachers' transition practices for students with disabilities and the long-term impact that these changes will have on students' post-secondary outcomes are needed.  相似文献   

目的观察新型冠状病毒肺炎患者血液中RDW-SD、RDW-CV和MCV三种红细胞体积参数的变化。方法以确诊为新型冠状病毒肺炎患者17例作为病例组,64例普通肺部感染患者作为对照组,比较两组患者的RDW-SD、RDW-CV和MCV均值。结果新型冠状病毒肺炎组的RDW-SD、RDW-CV和MCV均值分别为39.7、12.3和88.5;普通肺部感染组的RDW-SD、RDW-CV和MCV均值分别为43.7、13.7和88.4;病例组与对照组比较RDW-SD(t=3.168,P=0.002),RDW-CV(t=3.990,P<0.001)有统计学差异,MCV(t=0.038,P=0.970)无统计学差异;RDW-SD、RDW-CV和三种红细胞体积参数联合检测的ROC曲线下面积分别为0.674、0.677和0.712。结论新型冠状病毒肺炎患者血液中红细胞体积参数RDW-SD和RDW-CV在发病过程中有明显变化,而普通肺部感染患者血液中红细胞体积参数在发病过程中变化不明显;RDW-SD、RDW-CV和MCV这三种红细胞体积参数联合检测可以辅助鉴别诊断新型冠状病毒肺炎与普通肺部感染。  相似文献   


Despite Brown vs. Board of Education, prejudice still exists in the American school system. These attitudes can give rise to negative social experiences for students of color (i.e., discrimination), negatively impacting their mental and physical health and creating disparities in educational outcomes. Rather than seeking to ameliorate these negative experiences, our approach attempts to address the underlying prejudices and, in so doing, reduce these disparities. Using 4 waves of data from a cluster randomized trial (N?=?15 middle schools, 1,890 students, 47.1% female, 75.2% White), we hypothesized that cooperative learning, which has been shown to reduce prejudice in previous research, would create positive gains in peer relatedness, perceptions of academic support, and engagement in learning, and that gains would be larger for students of color; our results confirmed these hypotheses. Our findings highlight the potential role of cooperative learning in reducing disparities and creating greater equity in education.  相似文献   

Recent developments in self-determination theory research in the educational setting (e.g., Reeve, Deci, & Ryan, 2004), suggest that teachers’ interpersonal style should be considered as consisting of three dimensions: autonomy support, structure and interpersonal involvement. Based on this theoretical proposition, the purpose of the present study was to test the effects of a training program for three physical education newly qualified teachers on the aforementioned teachers’ overt behaviors and students’ psychological needs satisfaction, self-determined motivation and engagement in sport-based physical education. After a baseline period of four lessons, the teachers attended an informational session on adaptive student motivation and how to support it. The training program also included individualized guidance during the last four lessons of the cycle. Results revealed that from pre- to post-intervention: (1) teachers managed to improve their teaching style in terms of all three dimensions, and (2) students were receptive to these changes, as shown by increases in their reported need satisfaction, self-determined motivation and engagement in the class.  相似文献   

伴随中国社会治理功能的社区化,社区已成为践行基层社会治理的关键主体。在公共危机治理中,社区工作的功能价值日益凸显。社区工作介入公共危机治理的独特优势,不仅根植于社区自身的多重特性之中,如社区是居民利益攸关的社会生活共同体,是危机防控的初级现场等,还与社区工作有着专业化、行业化、系统化机制的支撑相关。在参与公共危机治理中,社区工作仍然面临系列问题。应建立、健全与公共危机治理相配套的社区体制机制,建构并形成由社区工作主导或参与的应急机制或平台,使社区工作优势得以更充分的发挥。  相似文献   

There is no denying the impact that the coronravirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak has had on many aspects of our lives. This article looks at the potential impact of COVID-19 on student learning as schools abruptly morphed into virtual learning environments using data from several instructional, practice, and assessment solutions offered by Renaissance. First, three hypothetical learning scenarios are considered using normative data from Star assessments to explore the potential impact on reading and math test performace. Next, data on Focus Skills are used to highlight which grades may have missed the most foundational math and reading content if instruction was stopped or reduced. Last, data from two of Renaissance's practice tools are used to evaluate whether students were practicing key skills following school closures. The article concludes that academic decline will likely occur but may be tempered by the increased use of practice tools; effects may look different for math and reading; and may impact grades and schools differently. As such, schools may need to leverage decision-making frameworks, such as the Multi-tiered Systems of Support/Response-to-Intervention (MTSS/RTI) framework, more than ever to identify needs and target instruction where it matters most when school begins in fall 2020.  相似文献   

当前中国新冠肺炎疫情防控工作已从应急状态转为常态化状态.调查显示,学生在疫情下的心态变化呈现出消极情绪明显缓解、思想认知趋于理性、行为表达积极正向、"四个自信"更加坚定的总体特征.但是,由于疫情所引发的学生心态问题及成长困境也不容忽视,高校应结合疫情防控工作对大学生进行针对性和实效性的引导,发挥高校思想政治教育在组织动...  相似文献   

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed almost all aspects of education. The anatomy and histology courses for pharmacy students focus heavily on the face-to-face communication of theory and practical knowledge, and due to the pandemic, only theory content was delivered in an online format. This brought up many concerns about pharmacy student preparedness. This work explores the effectiveness and student perspective of remote teaching of the theoretical anatomy and histology course in Jordanian universities from the perspective of pharmacy students. The objectives are to determine the strengths, challenges, and the effectiveness of remote delivery on student learning. An online-based validated questionnaire was distributed to students majoring in Pharmacy and enrolled in the course during the second semester of 2019–2020 at 11 universities in Jordan. A total of 442 students participated in the study. Results showed that there were significant differences in perceptions of the social media platforms used in distance learning and remote delivery of the course. Most participants had positive perceptions of the educational process and studying via distance learning. There were many strengths noted including time flexibility and several challenges such as the lack of face-to-face interaction with instructors, inadequate internet connectivity, and technical issues. In conclusion, online-taught anatomy and histology course during the Covid-19 lockdown in Jordan was a success as perceived by students, but the course still possessed challenges need to be overcome in the future.  相似文献   

中华民族共同体精神是引领各族人民守望相助、命运与共、战胜疫情的强大精神力量,是构建各民族共有精神家园的宝贵财富.为实现中华民族伟大复兴,需要把握中华民族共同体精神在抗击疫情中彰显出的为民精神、伟大团结精神、伟大奋斗精神以及伟大奉献精神的精神内核,需要通过媒体宣传、教育引导和榜样示范等方式发挥其重要作用,继续助力中华民族...  相似文献   

蒋妍 《复旦教育论坛》2021,19(6):96-103
新冠疫情的暴发与蔓延,迫使全球的大学都不得不转为线上教学。日本具有接近世界顶级水平 的多媒体技术,而且改革一直是近20年来日本大学教育的关键词。在此背景下,在面对突如其来的线上教 学挑战时,日本原本应该能够从容应对,但实际上面临各种问题和挑战,如著作权的限制、慕课资源的稀缺、 重科研轻教学的传统等,文部科学省的作用也仅限于政策引领。疫情促进了在线教学的发展,也暴露出了 多年改革中存在的问题。  相似文献   

2020年春季学期是高校毕业生学习、求职与深造的关键时期,新冠肺炎疫情影响全球经济和社会生活,也对高校毕业生的职业生涯发展产生冲击。基于江苏省9535份问卷数据发现,在学业方面,毕业生对最后一个学期尚有多元化学习期待,由于疫情影响,他们大多只能居家学习,毕业论文/设计完成进度不理想,普遍担忧能否如期毕业。面临深造还是求...  相似文献   

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