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处于职业生涯准备阶段的博士生,职业期望受到教育条件、学术环境和经济基础等诸多内外部因素的影响,其最终的学术职业选择是经过长期准备而做出的还是更多受到短期因素的制约?本文在总结国内外关于学术职业、职业选择等相关文献的基础上,采用2010年北京地区研究生发展调查的大样本数据,对当前我国博士生的职业期望、特别是学术职业期望的影响因素进行定量分析。研究发现,博士就读动机是我国博士研究生选择学术职业的主要驱动力,这可以理解为,博士研究生已经为其学术职业生涯进行了长期的心理准备;而就读于985或211等质量较高的学校、导师是教授等因素也对选择学术职业有正向的影响,同时存在非常显著的学科差异。  相似文献   

博士研究生是研究型大学科技创新的重要力量,博士研究生的科研驱动力主要有学术职业目标、对研究的兴趣、高水平成就和学术价值判断等内在因素以及学校和院系的科研要求、导师指导和要求、助研津贴、实验室条件、学术数据库建设、参与国际交流与合作等外在因素.研究型大学、博士生导师和博士研究生要重视并充分利用这些因素,采取相应的举措,蕴育和激发博士研究生的科研动力.  相似文献   

对国外教育博士发展历史,以及教育博士与哲学博士区别的研究,显示实践性是教育博士的显著特征。重视大学与工作场所和职业之间的联系,重视提升学生对职业实践问题的理论反思、研究能力与问题解决能力,是教育博士研究生培养的重要特色。通过问卷和访谈调查我国教育博士研究生培养状况,结果发现当前教育博士研究生在专业理论知识和研究方法教育上表现良好,但在科研实践能力和职业实践能力训练上比较薄弱,教育博士研究生培养表现出一定的学术化倾向。  相似文献   

博士研究生是学术职业的后备军,学术职业的健康持续发展取决于是否有足量的、优秀的、具有科研潜质的博士毕业生加入。本文关注的研究议题是“我国博士生选择学术职业的数量是否充足以及哪些群体的博士毕业生更愿意选择学术职业”。运用单因素方差分析和独立样本T检验对“中国博士毕业生调查数据”的6344份脱产学术型博士生的就业数据进行统计分析。结果显示,我国有七成博士生选择学术职业,三成博士生流向非学术职业;在院校层面,“双一流A类高校”博士生选择学术职业的比例最低;在学科层面,医学、经济学和工学选择学术职业的比例最低;在个体层面,女博士、普通招考和具有留学经历的博士生更倾向于选择学术职业。  相似文献   

从博士求学路径的新视角,求解“博士研究生从哪里来,期望到哪里去”这个问题.发现我国博士生求学路径以上升型为主,向优质教育资源集中.不同求学路径的博士生之间存在明显的性别、年龄、家庭和学科背景差异.从未来求职方向来看,发现中西部地区或者学术职业对处于高水平路径的博士研究生吸引力较弱,而且部分博士生的求学动机显示出功利化的倾向.  相似文献   

华南理工大学是直属教育部的全国重点建设的“211工程”、“985工程”大学。1981年学校经国务院批准为首批博士和硕士学位授予单位,2000年经教育部批准成立研究生院。学校现有25个博士学位授权一级学科,42个硕士学位授权一级学科,107个博士点,193个硕士点,17个专业学位授权类别。目前在校研究生人数超过19000人,其中,学术型学位博士研究生2800人,工程博士研究生25人,全日制学术型学位硕士研究生6400余人,全日制专业学位硕士研究生近4500人。  相似文献   

利用中美英三国世界一流数学学科的调研数据,以2019年为参照,研究博士毕业当年、5年、10年与15年的职业发展质量,分析博士职业发展质量与毕业高校层次、毕业高校国别、毕业时间的关系。结果表明:学科发展水平明显影响着数学博士的职业发展质量,顶尖学科博士毕业生的职业发展质量更高;中国数学博士的学术职业发展质量与美英相比存在较大差距,但非学术职业发展质量处于同等水平;世界一流数学学科博士学术职业发展的基本路径比较清晰,一流学科博士后起步再平移或下移学校担任教职并缓慢晋升为教授。  相似文献   

基于美国、日本以及欧洲部分国家的官方数据,呈现近年发达国家学术型博士毕业生职业多元化发展,尤其是非学术性就业的整体特点和学科差异,分析国外促进博士毕业生职业多元化的教育支持策略。当下中国高质量发展进程中,博士生教育需培养各行业的高端人才服务于社会发展。面对非学术性就业增长趋势,我国博士生教育改革要持有更具平衡性的观念,继续扩大博士专业学位研究生教育规模,丰富学位类别,整合性地考虑学术目标和国家战略、教育和职业、高校和外界的关系,促进博士毕业生职业多元性发展,实现博士生教育的学术价值和社会公共利益。  相似文献   

通过对五所研究型大学对在读博士生、博士生导师、研究生教育负责人以及毕业博士的抽样问卷调查,探讨了不同责任主体在博士质量影响因素认识上的异同,发现博士生、博士生导师、研究生教育负责人以及毕业博士四者均较认同"导师指导"、"学术氛围"为影响博士质量的重要因素,但在认同"学科水平"、"科研条件"为博士质量重要影响因素上,存在差异.  相似文献   

管理学科博士研究生教育探讨李怀祖管理学科教育应侧重学术或重在务实一直是有争论的话题。管理学科一方面必须和企业保持密切联系,另一方面,为了保持大学应有的学术水平,必须从事理论和学术研究。中外管理教育的现实表明一种趋向,硕士研究生(MBA)教育着重培养务...  相似文献   

比较视野下的我国研究生教育学科结构分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1996年至2006年,我国11个学科门类授予硕士、博士学位数量的比例变化不大,基本上是"存量决定增量";各学科发展过于均衡,未能出现结构性变化,授予的硕士学位与博士学位的学科结构很接近。这种结构雷同表明我国研究生教育没有体现出不同学科专业对于不同层次人才需求的差异性。我国硕士研究生教育应在保证基础性、理论性学科专业基本需求的前提下,大力发展应用型学科专业,培养高层次应用性人才;博士研究生教育则需在稳定规模的基础上,着力优化结构,积极发展博士专业学位教育。  相似文献   

Higher education institutions prepare future faculty members for multiple roles, including teaching. However, teaching professional development programs for graduate students vary widely. We present evaluation data from a high engagement program for STEM doctoral students. We analyzed the impact on three cohorts of participants over three academic years and identified the components most influential upon their teaching professional development. Participants found the year-long teaching assessment project and the disciplinary and reflective focus instrumental for improving their knowledge of teaching and learning. We recommend these components for the design of other such high-engagement programs.  相似文献   

A Diversity Of Doctorates: Fitness for the knowledge economy?   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
There is now an increasing diversity of doctoral education in the Australian higher education landscape. As well as the traditional PhD by thesis, there are professional doctorates, doctorates by publication and PhDs by project. The latter are a particularly significant development since for the most part they are entirely work-based with minimal formal disciplinary input. This paper seeks to relate this diversity of doctoral degrees to the growth of the knowledge economy and the imperatives it is said to impose on universities and the education of doctoral students. Changes in knowledge production and what constitutes legitimate knowledge are related to doctoral education. Can research training any longer remain an education in disciplinary knowledge and skills? Does it also need to include the skill development required by the knowledge economy? In this context, the growth of doctorates by project becomes particularly significant since these programs, it is argued, are most appropriate for fitting doctoral studies to the needs of the knowledge economy. However, their growth also poses serious problems of accreditation and assessment, in the process raising fundamental issues concerning the academic mission and purpose of universities.  相似文献   

由于学术内外劳动力市场的联动变化引发了博士就业的多样化,博士生教育近年来受到了广泛的关注。论文分析了关中等部分经舍组织成员国博士生培养规模和就业的变化趋势,在此基础上探讨了培养规模和就业变化对博士生教育的影响,进而为我国博士生教育的未来改革提出了建议。  相似文献   

This study provides a cross-sectional portrait of female scholars working as tenure-track faculty members at institutions offering doctoral degrees in criminology and/or criminal justice. Relying primarily upon departmental websites as an initial source of information, it was determined that the 35 programs were comprised of 198 (35.9%) female and 353 (64.1%) male tenure-track faculty members. Despite the historical male domination of criminal justice professions as well as higher education instructional roles, this study finds that females represent an increasingly visible and instrumental component of doctoral education within the discipline. Females comprised at least 50% of faculty members within seven doctoral programs, and seven programs had female administrators. Most importantly, a majority of the hires over the previous 12?years were female. Assuming this trend continues, a once male-dominated academic discipline will soon find itself in the midst of unprecedented change.  相似文献   

Writing groups for doctoral students are generally agreed to provide valuable learning spaces for Ph.D. candidates. Here an academic developer and the eight members of a writing group formed in a Discipline of Public Health provide an account of their experiences of collaborating in a multicultural, multidisciplinary thesis writing group. We consider the benefits of belonging to such a group for Ph.D. students who are operating in a research climate in which disciplinary boundaries are blurring and where an increasing number of doctoral projects are interdisciplinary in nature; in which both academic staff and students come from enormously diverse cultural and language backgrounds; and in which teamwork, networking and collaboration are prized but not always proactively facilitated. We argue that doctoral writing groups comprising students from diverse cultural and disciplinary backgrounds can be of significant value for postgraduates who wish to collaborate on their own academic development to improve their research writing and communication skills; at the same time, such collaborative work effectively builds an inclusive, dynamic research community.  相似文献   

The quality of doctoral students’ academic and social experiences is a key element of their success in graduate school programs. These experiences support the completion of doctoral programs, especially for first-generation college students from low-income backgrounds. Framed by Weidman's (1989) undergraduate socialization model, the author interviewed 18 former participants in Ronald McNair Programs (McNair Program),who completed their doctoral studies in order to determine how such programs can serve as a socializing agent to facilitate the successful completion of graduate study. Several themes emerge from the interviews conducted that distinguish McNair Programs from other interventions to promote integration or preparation, including the presence of academic and social integration. Such integration had a positive influence on the participants’ doctoral experience and contributed to the development of their competence, self-confidence, social and academic connectedness, and academic identity. Participants derived the greatest benefits from academic program components and academic counseling. Moreover, social components such as mentoring, cultural activities, and personal encounters in summer research internships also contributed to a positive doctoral experience.  相似文献   

Ashby's Law of Requisite Variety states that variance prepares systems for daily activities and unforeseeable events, suggesting that academic departments comprising faculty from multiple institutions and disciplines would better adapt to ever‐changing environments. This study outlines the disciplinary heritage of full‐time tenure‐stream faculty (N = 495) within criminology and criminal justice doctoral programs (N = 31), then examines the degree to which those programs adhere to Ashby's principle. The study ranks programs on both institutional and disciplinary variances, and how well the programs balance those competing interests. Findings revealed that programs were quite mixed on both variance measures but that variance rankings had little association with how peers rated programs for 2009, in that highly ranked programs appeared with similar frequencies at both the top and bottom of variance rankings. Thus, it appears national respect is not dependent on the variance of faculties with respect to institutional and disciplinary heritage.  相似文献   

美国第一职业学位是一种特殊的高层次职业学位,它是为进入某一特定专业领域而设立的一种学位制度,专业技能水平要求高于一般学士学位,起点与硕士相同,终点接近博士;其领域涵盖医学、法律、神学等,具有职业性、后续性、实践性等特征。第一职业学位的产生与发展,丰富了美国高等教育学位体系,对美国高等教育以及经济社会发展起了重要作用;其对我国专业学位与职业资格的衔接、设置独立的职业学位和发展应用型专业博士学位等方面也有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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