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Based on new high-resolution seismic profiles and existing structural and sedimentary results,a superposition de-formation model for Cenozoic Bachu Uplift of northwestern Tarim Basin,northwestern China is proposed. The model presents the idea that the Bachu Uplift suffered structure superposition deformation under the dual influences of the Cenozoic uplifting of Southern Tianshan and Western Kunlun orogen,northwestern China. In the end of the Eocene (early Himalayan movement),Bachu Uplift started to be formed with the uplifting of Western Kunlun,and extended NNW into the interior of Kalpin Uplift. In the end of the Miocene (middle Himalayan movement),Bachu Uplift suffered not only the NNW structure deformation caused by the Western Kunlun uplifting,but also the NE structure deformation caused by the Southern Tianshan uplifting,and the thrust front fault of Kalpin thrust system related to the Southern Tianshan orogen intrudes southeastward into the hinterland of Bachu Uplift and extends NNE from well Pi1 to Xiaohaizi reservoir and Gudongshan mountain,which resulted in the strata folded and denuded strongly. In the end of the Pliocene (late Himalayan movement),the impact of Southern Tianshan orogen decreased because of the stress released with the breakthrough upward of Kalpin fault extending NE,and Bachu Uplift suffered mainly the structure deformation extending NW-NNW caused by the uplifting of Western Kunlun orogen.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Several fields in Liaohe Basin are host to frac- tured hydrocarbon oil reservoir, fractures are consid- ered to influence productivity significantly in these reservoirs, which not only form a large part of the overall porosity, but also are responsible for the po- tential reservoir volume. More importantly, the frac- ture system facilitates permeability and flow. Ce- mented and closed fractures act as barriers to flow, whereas open fractures intersected by the wellbore may in…  相似文献   

本研究对中国、日本、韩国和美国高中生的学习环境、学习行为、学习目的与态度等进行了比较。通过对自编问卷中各题目选项的百分比进行比较发现,与其他三国相比,中国高中班级规模较大,座位安排以"秧田式"为主,走班制尚不常用,教学方式方法有"应试"倾向,学生学习压力最大;中国高中生课堂表现良好,学习行为积极,用于家庭作业和课外学习的时间也最长,但使用新媒体学习少于美国高中生;"掌握社会的基本知识"和"对将来的工作有用"是四国高中生共同的学习目的,但中国高中生更加重视通过学习来适应和融入社会,对个体独特性的追求较弱;中国高中生不想提高成绩的比例在四国中最少。  相似文献   

本文报道刺翼蚱科一新属一新种。新属:弯背蚱属Cypholellix gen,nov.的主要特征是前胸背板背面在肩角突然隆起,侧面观近似驼峰形。其模式种为鼎湖弯背蚱Cypholellix dinghuensis sp.nov.  相似文献   

我们通过16世纪车里宣慰使刀应猛迎娶缅甸孃呵钪公主这一事件,来考察在中缅双重封建影响下,当地土司制度"天朝为父,缅朝为母"的特点。通过对婚礼的仪式过程、礼物、交换和朝贡的细节,结合缅甸-云南这一区域的宗教史背景,我们试图对车里土司制度和心态的双重性作出较为充分的说明。这一双重性形塑了西双版纳的王权,也形塑了当地的社会。与过去的土司制度研究有所不同的是,本文不再从单纯纵向的朝贡的角度来分析这个联姻,而是试图从中缅双方与西双版纳地方的相互关系中,展示其中在历史场景下多重的对话。  相似文献   

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