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本组笔谈由三篇文章组成:(1)<在"尊重"的前提下谈改编>,强调古典名著改编必须以"尊重"为前提:尊重原著的基本精神,准确把握并尊重原著的创作方法和艺术风格,尊重广大观众的审美倾向和接受心理.(2)<还原解读与当下解读--古典名著影视改编的关键>,认为处理好还原解读和当下解读之间的关系,追求均衡和适度,找到一个较为满意的结合点,才能使改编作品既叫好又卖座.(3)<古典名著的"戏说"边界>,认为对古典名著进行影视化戏说,有其存在的合理性,对此不必大惊小怪.不过,戏说也要讲究分寸和技巧,要避免无边无际的乱说和天马行空的胡说.  相似文献   

本组笔谈由三篇文章组成:(1)<在"尊重"的前提下谈改编>,强调古典名著改编必须以"尊重"为前提:尊重原著的基本精神,准确把握并尊重原著的创作方法和艺术风格,尊重广大观众的审美倾向和接受心理.(2)<还原解读与当下解读--古典名著影视改编的关键>,认为处理好还原解读和当下解读之间的关系,追求均衡和适度,找到一个较为满意的结合点,才能使改编作品既叫好又卖座.(3)<古典名著的"戏说"边界>,认为对古典名著进行影视化戏说,有其存在的合理性,对此不必大惊小怪.不过,戏说也要讲究分寸和技巧,要避免无边无际的乱说和天马行空的胡说.  相似文献   

"他身世飘零,坎坷多难,每一次传奇的际遇,都升华为心智的历练。他身怀绝技,飞檐走壁,每一次行侠仗义,都留下一枝金色的梅花。他俊美清秀,多情重义,每一个爱恋他的女子,都倾注相知相助的深情。他是纵横于朝鲜半岛的罗宾汉,活跃在汉阳内外的佐罗侠……"每当读起长篇历史漫画《一枝梅》扉页上这段浪漫却不失深刻,幽默中略带苦涩的文字,笔者都不禁联想起它的作者高羽荣那传奇又辉煌的创作生涯。  相似文献   

“我成为今天的我。是在1975年某个阴云密布的寒冷冬日。那年我12岁。我清楚地记得当时自己趴在一堵坍塌的泥墙后面,窥视着那条小巷,旁边是结冰的小溪。许多年过去了,人们说陈年旧事可以被埋葬,然而我终于明白这是错的,因为往事会自行爬上来。回首前尘,我意识到在过去26年里,自己始终在窥视着那荒芜的小径.”  相似文献   

庐山,素以风景秀丽、气候宜人而闻名于世:其实,那遍布山峦千姿百态的别墅,赏心悦目地成为庐山又一道独特的人文景观,因而享有别墅胜地的美誉。  相似文献   

张晶鑫 《世界文化》2014,(11):19-21
<正>"世界名作剧场"是"日本Animation"动画制作公司自1975年起推出的一系列根据世界文学名著改编的动画片。此外,"NHK"电视台也十分热衷于名著类动画的制作,其风格和前者相似,创作水准也与之不相伯仲,再加上两个团队经常合作(如1979年的《风之少女艾米莉》,改编自加拿大女作家露西·莫德·蒙哥马利的《绿山墙的安妮》),故许多观众常将二者视为一体。"世界名作剧场"题材丰富,涵盖了从古至今欧美、亚非各国的神话传说、  相似文献   

王维 《寻根》2008,(3):88-101
中日两国之间的历史交往,可以追溯到很古老的时代。中国的先进文化对于日本的影响涉及方方面面,且极其深远。  相似文献   

陈池瑜 《东方文化》2002,(3):115-118
最近,中国的“行为艺术”走火入魔似地进入一个高潮,有些行为艺术家开始割肉、食人肉、玩尸体、放血、喂人油、虐杀动物,甚至自缢身亡,这些以艺术的名义的所谓“行为艺术”,据说让西方的行为艺术家也瞠目结舌。中国化部近日发出通知:坚决制止以“艺术”名义表演或展示血腥残暴淫秽场面。围绕行为艺术的种种表现,行为艺术对社会的影响、行为艺术与人性、道德的关系等问题,湖北美术学院美术学系主任陈池瑜教授于2001年4月24日下午在研究生2号教室与该系美术理论部分研究生与本科生举行了一次小型研讨会,现将研讨的结果以笔谈的形式整理成。  相似文献   

关于宝鸡得名研究,刘宏岐、辛怡华、霍彦儒、王宏波等先生近年来先后有宏论发表(霍彦儒主编《宝鸡历史文化》附录,三秦出版社2006年版)。笔者在研读这些成果的基础上,从文化学的角度,就“陈宝”之“陈”到“宝鸡”之“鸡”的意义关联试作探讨,以求教于诸位方家。  相似文献   

“光州固始”的历史文化解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张新斌 《寻根》2009,(1):4-7
“光州固始”,一个将豫、闽、台三地永远联结在一起的历史地名,一个闽台人心目中的圣地,一个南北文化交流的永远的历史印记。  相似文献   


Joshua Reynolds' 1775 portrait of Mai [Omai], the first Pacific Islander to visit Britain, has attracted much public attention since 2001, when it sold for a near record-breaking £10.3 million. Omai's recent celebrity is based on the view that it is not only an ‘icon’ of British art but also of crucial significance as a reminder of an enlightened world we have lost. The critical heritage of Reynolds' Omai, however, indicates a rather more complex aesthetic and historical assessment. This article analyses the sources of the disjuncture between past judgements and today's soaring esteem. In doing so, it introduces for comparison another much-neglected Reynolds portrait of a New World traveller, entitled Scyacust Ukah.  相似文献   

The Hakka are a subgroup of the Han Chinese people. Their ancestors are said to have migrated from central China due to famines and wars and settled in Fujian, Jiangxi and Canton in southern China. Several hundred years ago, Hakka settlers in southern China again migrated overseas to various continents around the globe.  相似文献   

The Portland Classical Chinese Garden, or called "Lan Su Yuan" in Chinese, was located in the downtown area of Portland,USA, It used to be China Town, but now has become the city's famous tourist site, The garden offers busy city dwellers not only an ideal retreat away from tense working life and annoying traffic buzzing, but also a completely different landscape and culture from the east. That is why a tour to "Lan Su Yuan" is viewed as the easiest and best way to experience Chinese culture,  相似文献   

The quiet and melodious music led me to Tian Shuangkun's courtyard house in the depth of a hutong (alley) in the downtown of Beijing. Tian is a master maker of the Guqin, a seven-stringed zither known as China's oldest stringed instrument.His studio is furnished with traditional Chinese stuffs - old- style furniture, calligraphic and ink painting works, old pictures and the guqin as well. While I appreciated all these, Tian explained to me the long history of the guqin and his lifelong pursuit of perfection in making the guqin.  相似文献   

From March 19th to 22nd, Beijing Dance Academy presented its grand-scale dance drama "Sorrows of the Tongque Stage" in PolyTheater in Beijing. The extraordinarily moving and unforgettable quality of this production lies in what have been called its "four extremes",  相似文献   

王玉德 《寻根》2009,(3):7-10
关于国学,近些年一直很热,有人主张从娃娃抓起,有人主张全民学习国学,有人主张把国学列为国家一级学科,有人甚至主张把国学推到全世界。然而,在笔者看来,国学的发展已经进入到了一个迷茫的时段,有许多问题混乱不清。当前迫切需要做的事情是对国学本身开展研究,如果国学的学科体系不明确,发展国学就将是空谈。本文只想就国学的框架谈谈个人的看法,以期引起学术界的讨论。  相似文献   

Chinese classical gardens, either imperial gardens or private gardens, were essentially architectures for a small privileged group of people. Until modern times, there were virtually no gardens for the general public in China.  相似文献   

孙迎庆 《寻根》2011,(3):78-83
书院是唐宋至明清时期出现的一种聚徒讲授、研究学问的场所,曾伴着琅琅书声与淡淡墨香,成为名流学者们讲经论道之所。北宋时期,苏州尚未建有书院,整个江南地区只有茅山书院。南宋时,随着政治、文化中心的南移,  相似文献   

鲁庆中 《寻根》2009,(3):11-14
近些年来,随着传统文化的复兴,国学亦热极一时。有人热胀,就有人泼冷水,反对国学的人也激愤了起来,有关国学的争论此起彼伏。有学者客观地描述了国学的发展过程,揭示了国学的人文主义内涵。亦有提倡国学的学者以为国学从根本上看,是立国之学;从过程上看,是育国之学;从现实生活中看,是一国国民必学之学;从区别标准上看,是此国与他国不同之学(刘明武语),  相似文献   

Translation is a major barrier to overcome in China's endeavors to bring its culture to the rest of the world. Translation does not simply mean the process of switching from one language to another: it means more the exchange of different ways of thinking and different expressions of culture, In fact, translation marks re-creation of original works by translators. We need not only master scholars knowing well about Chinese and.foreign cultures, but also a large number of high-end professionals capable of doing cross-culture exchanges and cross-culture re-creation, in particular, translators in lesser-known languages.  相似文献   

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