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The problems and apparent contradictions analyzed in the following article for the English situation will strike anyone connected with teacher training as familiar phenomena. The solutions offered deserve attention and experiment. The article by Professor Leslie R. Perry, of the University of Warwick, is based on a paper read to the A TCDE Education Section in January 1969 and was published in Education for Teaching in the summer 1969 issue. It aroused such lively interest and discussion that the demand for the issue soon exceeded the available supply. We are glad to reprint this article—with the consent of the author and the journal editor-for our readers' consideration in the context of the international perspectives on common problems in teacher training.  相似文献   

大连市中学正职校长提高培训是“九五”期间中小学干训工作的“重中之重”。如何树立现代培训意识 ,切实提高培训效益 ,直接影响大连市基础教育的改革与发展。这次培训的主要经验是 :科学地制定培训计划是搞好这次培训的前提 ;切实提高培训质量是搞好这次培训的核心 ;严格而有效的管理是搞好这次培训的条件  相似文献   

师范教育更应把道德建设放在突出位置来抓,这是遵循教育规律、贯彻教育方针的根本要求,是发挥师范教育特殊职能的必然要求,是师范教育担负道德建设艰巨任务的迫切需要。加强道德建设要注重发挥党组织、教职工、学生和社会四个方面的作用。  相似文献   

认真开展高等职业院校人才培养工作评估,深化办学模式和人才培养模式改革;全面加强内涵建设,提高人才培养质量。  相似文献   

在关于气象教育的培训中,应当对培训目标、培训教学、培训评估等方面存在的不足加以规范和完善。为此,要将培训目标分成总目标、课程目标、课时目标等三个层级,并分析知识、能力、素质等三类目标及三者之间的关系,应用系统化教学设计理论,对确立目标、导向目标、评估目标的过程进行详细描述。  相似文献   



Career counseling must be provided for the student with a strong singular artistic talent as well as for the student who demonstrates a multiplicity of artistic talents.  相似文献   

"国培计划"是教育部为贯彻落实十七大关于"加强教师队伍建设,重点提高农村教师素质"的要求组织实施的。针对参训学员已具备实际教学经验的特征,为保证培训效果,在培训过程中选用联系、建构、反思和延续的教学模式(即4C教学模式)开展培训课程。该教学模式的使用取得一定的教学效果,获得参训学员的认可。  相似文献   

创新教师培训理念 提高教师培训绩效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师培训关系教师素质的提高,不断提高教师队伍的整体素质,是首都教育改革和现代化的迫切要求。在新时期,必须从首都教育现代化的高度来把握教师培训工作,必须要以系统的思想来规划教师培训工作,以研究的态度和方法实施教师培训,以科学的绩效评价教师培训。  相似文献   

线条起伏的胸部是女性美的象征,但很多女性的乳房,由于发育不理想,胸邙扁平、乳房下垂。通过胸部肌肉群的训练,可使上胸肌肉饱满,并与稍靠下的乳房相连,使乳房显得饱满、有型、不下垂。这样对保持健美形体有着积极的作用。  相似文献   

《Annals of dyslexia》1964,14(1):103-104

Teacher Training     
Long-awaited recommendations on the reorganization of teacher training were formally submitted to the Minister for Education by the Higher Education Authority in July 1970. The report produced by a working party of the Authority, under Professor Patrick Lunch of University College, Dublin, requires approval by the Government and Parliament.  相似文献   

Training Animals     
People realize that, although animals may not have the same intelligence as human beings, they are smart enough to learn certain things. Dogs are extremely useful as companions for blind people. When a dog has been properly trained, it will always lead its blind master in the fight direction and keep him out of danger. For example, seeing-eye dogs learn never to cross a busy road when cars are coming,  相似文献   

Training evaluation in research and organisational contexts is vital to ensure informed decisions regarding the value of training. The present study describes the development of a valid and reliable training evaluation inventory (TEI), as it does not exist so far. The objectives were a) to construct an instrument that is theoretically and empirically founded, but at the same time applicable within typical organisational constraints, and b) to include the assessment and perception of training design as a formative evaluation aspect. Based on previous research, ten scales were constructed, covering the training outcome dimensions subjective enjoyment, perceived usefulness, perceived difficulty, subjective knowledge gain, and attitude towards training, as well as the training design dimensions problem-based learning, activation, demonstration, application, and integration. Reliabilities of the scales were satisfactory. Data from two training studies show that the training outcome dimensions were related to external training outcome measures, underlining the validity of the TEI. Two survey samples were used to predict training outcomes based on training design. Demonstration, application, and integration emerged as the most important design dimensions. The TEI is applicable in both training research projects and in organisational contexts. It can be used for formative and summative training evaluation purposes.  相似文献   

"影子培训"是"国培计划"教师培训教育实践环节的一种制度创新,它强调在和谐心理环境中,通过对话和互动,发挥培训教师的主体性和能动性,实现培训双方的经验共享和理念提升。和谐心理环境的营造是"影子培训"的实施前提;资源平台建设和研修机制是其实施保障;"四带"研修是其主要实施形式;"影子培训"的实施效果需要实行多向度评估。两个需要反思的问题是:如何让"影子教师"主动参入到"带教导师"的学习、研究和管理过程中去;如何建立"影子培训"后续保障机制,发挥其延时和辐射功能,让教师从一次培训中长期受益。  相似文献   

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