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生命与气候共同进化①你能想到吗?千百万年以来,地球的气候是由地球的两大生命王国——动物界与植物界的斗争所决定的。动物吸进氧气而呼出二氧化碳,植物则吸进二氧化碳而放出氧气。二氧化碳为温室气体,因此可以立即得出结论:动物能使地球升温,而植物则使地球降温。如果哪一方占上风,那么地球就会面临温  相似文献   

将生命教育理论融入化学启蒙课堂.以“太空、核潜艇等空间内氧气的制备”为项目主题,开展“化学实验基本操作”及“实验方案设计”的教学.重视控制变量法的运用,构建了实验室制取气体的认知模型,认识到氧气的制备为生命提供重要作用,形成敬畏生命、积极向上的人生观.  相似文献   

学习是生命的本能.当今时代,组织生命与结构的进化开启了一个新的时代.只有那些能够根据环境变化,及时捕捉新的知识,掌握新的技能,并且调整自己行为的组织,才能在新世界、新经济中获得生命和发展,这样的组织就是学习型组织.  相似文献   

<童年的发现>里的"进化" <童年的发现>讲的是作者童年时的一个发现,其中写道,当老师讲到"母腹中的胎儿再现了从简单生命进化成人的过程"时,"我""情不自禁"地笑出了声音.这里的"进化"是什么意思呢?  相似文献   

一、阅读下面的文字,完成1—3题。 生命与气候共同进化 你能想到吗?千百万年以来,地球的气候是由地球的两大生命王国——动物界与植物界的斗争所决定的。动物吸收氧气而呼出二氧化碳,植物则吸进二氧化碳而放出氧气。二氧化碳是温室气体,因此可以立即得出结论:动物能使地球升温,而植物则使地球降温。如果哪一方占上风,那么地球就会面临温室效应或又一次严寒期。 五亿多年前的“寒武纪大爆炸”时期,地球被各种各样的生物占领着,当时的土壤中到处都是把二氧化碳释放到空气中的节肢动物,使空气中的二氧化碳含量高达今天的20倍,当时的气候极其温暖。 但是,植物很快就进行了反击。化石显示,4.5亿年前,含有木质素的植物首次出现,木质素使  相似文献   

齐芳 《辽宁教育》2009,(10):16-16
加强未成年人的"生命教育",通过开展"生命教育"让学生树立正确的生命观,培养对自己和他人生命珍惜和尊重的态度,增强爱心和社会责任感,使学生在人格上获得健全发展--这是当前中小学教育的重要一环. 法国哲学家蒙田认为,我们的生命受到自然的恩赐,它是优越无比的.自然经过多少亿年的时间才哺育出生命,生命又经过多少亿年的进化才成就了人类.所以,我们对生命应有一种感恩的态度,应树立生命本位的思想.  相似文献   

1.地球——人类的家园寻找地球以外的生命,一直是天文学领域的热门话题,宇宙中除了地球难道就没有其他有生命的星球吗?大家知道,生命需要能量,最明显的能量来自行星及其卫星的恒星。以地球为例,就是太阳。如一首流传很久的歌:"大海航行靠舵手,万物生长靠太阳。"对有生命的行星至少需要存在几十亿年,这样才拥有足够的时间使生命进化,如地球的年龄大约是46亿年,其中生命进化历经11亿年。水是生  相似文献   

在人类依然抗争着禽流感病毒、艾滋病病毒以及SARS病毒等对生命威胁和享受现代医学及分子生物学的最新研究成果的同时,思考病毒的起源和进化的分子机理是痛定思痛且必须关心审视的医学科学问题。病毒是介于生命与非生命间的非细胞生命体,关于它的起源及进化有3种观点:1自起源理论,病毒先于细胞产生于生命前地球,然后进化成原核细胞及真核细胞;2平行进化理论,病毒和细胞是在生命前环境条件下同时平行起源而成,进化过程中形成寄生于细胞的关系;3细胞源退化理论或逆向理论,病毒是细胞形成之后,向外"抛出"的大分子或其复合体,来源于并寄生于细胞。近些年的分子生物学的一些进展揭示:理解并接受病毒起源的多元性,认同病毒在生命历史起源进化的多机制特征,是回答自然赋予的这一生物医学课题命题的最合理答案。  相似文献   

安妮 《科技文萃》2005,(6):52-54
大自然在进化过程中,一只无形的巨手把各种生命调节得十分和谐.自然链条上的各种生命环环相扣,一物制约着一物.因此,偌大的世界中,谁也不能称王称霸,谁也无法独领风骚.但是,由于人类随意地改变自然链条上的某个环节,失去了制约的某种生物,就有可能使有的生命变得疯狂起来.  相似文献   

通过有关教学内容(生命起源的假说、两大进化学说经典案例以及达尔文以后进化理论)的拓展,为学生提供大量的信息,便于核心内容的教学;通过教学顺序的调整便于学生有意学习,符合高中生的认知特点.  相似文献   

人类进化与人体美   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人体是世间最美的自然存在物,也是人类第一个审美对象,人体所以是美的,因为它深深地积淀了生物进化与化进化的丰富内涵,本将从人类生物进化与化进化两个方面揭示人体美的奥秘,同时对人体美的本质作出新的理论解释。  相似文献   

While researching student assumptions for the development of the Biology Concept Inventory (BCI; http://bioliteracy.net), we found that a wide class of student difficulties in molecular and evolutionary biology appears to be based on deep-seated, and often unaddressed, misconceptions about random processes. Data were based on more than 500 open-ended (primarily) college student responses, submitted online and analyzed through our Ed's Tools system, together with 28 thematic and think-aloud interviews with students, and the responses of students in introductory and advanced courses to questions on the BCI. Students believe that random processes are inefficient, whereas biological systems are very efficient. They are therefore quick to propose their own rational explanations for various processes, from diffusion to evolution. These rational explanations almost always make recourse to a driver, e.g., natural selection in evolution or concentration gradients in molecular biology, with the process taking place only when the driver is present, and ceasing when the driver is absent. For example, most students believe that diffusion only takes place when there is a concentration gradient, and that the mutational processes that change organisms occur only in response to natural selection pressures. An understanding that random processes take place all the time and can give rise to complex and often counterintuitive behaviors is almost totally absent. Even students who have had advanced or college physics, and can discuss diffusion correctly in that context, cannot make the transfer to biological processes, and passing through multiple conventional biology courses appears to have little effect on their underlying beliefs.  相似文献   

We describe, discuss and illustrate a metaphoric parallel between the history of the most famous Spanish liqueur, “Anís del Mono” (Anís of the Monkey), and the evolution of living organisms in the light of Darwinian theory and other biological hypotheses published subsequent to Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species. Also, we report the use of a caricature of a simian Darwin with a positive connotation, perhaps the only one ever produced. We conclude that, like some species in the natural world, Anís of the Monkey has evolved, adapted, survived and become the fittest and most successful anís in the Spanish market and possibly the world. We hope this paper will contribute a new useful metaphor for the teaching of biological evolution.  相似文献   

赫胥黎对生物进化论作出划时代创新。他汲取古希腊赫拉克利特的直观辩证法,使康德宇宙整体发展观推陈出新。从人类发生学和人猿比较解剖学新视角,重新确定了人在生物界中的位置,使达尔文的人猿同祖论,从"假说"深化为科学的结论。他看到人类社会和生物进化的差别,纠正了社会达尔文主义的错误。他把猿与具有"至善伦理"的人和生物进化相统一,赋予人类保护生态系统义不容辞的社会责任。他由此成为生态伦理学说的开拓者。  相似文献   

Looking at ourselves today, it is a little difficult to conceive of our origins as “small, fuzzy critters” that ate insects and lived in trees. And yet, as modern biology suggests, humankind is only part (and a very small part!) of an evolutionary continuum that stretches back to the origins of the primate order, some 80 million years ago. This article attempts to trace the origin and evolution of the primate order from its beginnings as a small and obscure species in a corner of the planet to the rise and spread of humankind, the most formidable species on Earth today. The first part of this article briefly reviews the evolutionary history of primates and significant phenomena that affected the course of this evolution, while the second part of the article focuses on the important stages in human evolution.  相似文献   

儒学是中国传统文化的核心,在中国古代文学中,尤以散文受儒学的影响最深。尽管儒学在其发展过程中,不断吸纳着其它学派的学说精华,存在形态随着时代的变化而有所变化,由子学上升为经学,又变化为玄学、理学、心学、朴学等等,然而中国古代散文以儒学为主流意识的精神实质却从未改变,与儒学的发展、演变同步而相辅相成,并与儒学的兴衰相始终。  相似文献   

The integrative role that Evolutionary theory plays within Biology is recognised by most scientific authors, as well as in governmental education policies, including Brazilian policies. However, teaching and learning evolution seems problematic in many countries, and Brazil is among those. Many factors may affect teachers’ and students’ perceptions towards evolution, and studies can help to reveal those factors. We used a conceptual questionnaire, the Measure of Acceptance of the Theory of Evolution (MATE) instrument, and a Knowledge test to assess (1) the level of acceptance and understanding of 23 undergraduate Biology students nearing the end of their course, (2) other factors that could affect these levels, including course structure, and (3) the most difficult topics regarding evolutionary biology. The results of this study showed that the students, on average, had a ‘Very High Acceptance’ (89.91) and a ‘Very Low Knowledge’ (59.42%) of Evolutionary theory, and also indicated a moderate positive correlation between the two (r?=?0.66, p?=?.001). The most difficult topics were related to the definition of evolution and dating techniques. We believe that the present study provides evidence for policymakers to reformulate current school and university curricula in order to improve the teachers’ acceptance and understanding of evolution and other biological concepts, consequently, helping students reduce their misconceptions related to evolutionary biology.  相似文献   

以深圳市为例,采用单元分析与多元分析相结合的手段,探讨了一种基于城市水环境容量估算面源污染负荷削减率的方法在环境规划中的实际应用.计算结果表明:对于COD指标,67%~74%的面源污染负荷削减率即可满足深圳市规划后环境容量的限制;而对于NH4-N,TP和BOD5,仅依靠削减面源污染负荷则无法满足规划要求.因此,在城市水环境质量规划过程中,应针对不同流域及目标污染物种类,制定"量体裁衣"式的水环境控制策略,而非采用一成不变的措施.  相似文献   

从情绪的种族进化、人类情绪的生理机制和基本情绪来说明情绪的生物性,并从人类特有的复合情绪和自我意识情绪以及文化基因的存在对情绪的社会性进行了阐述.经过进化,人类具有特殊的情绪生理机制,情绪社会性通过文化基因而运转,情绪图式整合了人类情绪的生物性和社会性.情绪是生物性和社会性因素的交织,是先天与后天影响结合的复合心理组织...  相似文献   

Early life on earth arose in an environment without oxygen. In an atmosphere with increasing oxygen concentrations, co-operation among teams of biomolecules led to the emergence of multicellular organisms which over time evolved to give rise to higher plants and animals.  相似文献   

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