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The purpose of this article is to delineate the role of epistemic emotions in personal epistemology and self-regulated learning (SRL). We first review important tenets of personal epistemology and SRL and then present a model of SRL that situates personal epistemology within that model. We then define epistemic emotions, describe under what conditions epistemic emotions arise, and delineate how these emotions may facilitate or constrain learning processes and learning outcomes. Specifically, we present five antecedents to epistemic emotions and five consequences of those emotions during learning. The five antecedents are control, value, novelty, complexity, and achievement or impasses of epistemic aims. The five consequences are effects on planning and goal setting, motivation, cognitive and metacognitive strategies, learning outcomes, and revisions to antecedents. We end with a discussion of educational implications and future directions for research.  相似文献   

杨珂  彭韬 《海外英语》2012,(23):265-267
This paper first investigates the phenomenon of changing English in our global village and the possible reasons for the changes,and then tries to discuss how people can understand this kind of change in terms of English is regarded as lingua franca nowadays.Finally,the implications and suggestions are drawn in terms of how people should have appropriate attitudes towards those changes.  相似文献   

面对严峻的就业形势和大学生就业的迫切需要,要大力加强大学生职业指导。应用型本科院校团学活动作为培养大学生综合素质的良好平台,其在高校的职业指导中发挥着举足轻重的作用,有助于大学生树立正确的就业观、保持积极的就业心态,保障大学生顺利就业。  相似文献   

本文是一篇关于“第21届ICDE远程教育国际会议”的评述。作为本刊专家,受编辑部委托,通过评述方式向读者全面介绍了本次会议的情况。本评述包括五个部分:第一、会议的概述。其中包括会议的地点、主办单位、主题、主要内容、论文的征集、参会人员情况等;第二、主题报告的重点内容。其中包括联合国教科文组织助理总干事约翰·丹尼尔、中国科协副主席韦钰、英国开放大学校长布伦达·葛丽、加拿大英哥伦比亚大学教授托尼·贝茨等人的演讲;第三、专题核心观点:未来大学会消亡吗?第四、现代远程教育实践的创新;第五、总结部分。作者希冀本文能帮助读者全面了解会议之内容和精神,及国际远程教育领域学者的最新研究成果,吸收会议产生的有价值的理念、观点和方法,进而改善中国现代远程教育的实践。  相似文献   

终身学习的发展与教师的角色转换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
终身学习的思想尽管已经有几千年的历史,但我们还远没有将这一理念变为现实。终身学习在自身的发展过程中要经历曲“线”上整合到“网”上整合的阶段。实际上,终身学习是在教育民主化与科技发展的孵化下,在传统教育体系的基础上产生的。这一新型教育体系的师生关系是平等、互动的对话关系。在这种关系下,教师也由传统的知识权威变为共同的学习者、学习过程的促进者与批判型的分析者。  相似文献   

Humans are inherently emotional creatures due to our social nature, and emotions are able to influence how well we learn and even affect academic outcomes. Emotions are rarely a chief concern in educational settings, and we will discuss the mechanisms underlying how emotions are processed in the brain and how they influence the key aspects of learning—attention, memory, and motivation. The brain mechanisms of emotional and cognitive relationships are then detailed in order to provide some context within the modern developments of neuroscience. This will help to clarify the relationship between emotions and cognition, and hope to put forward a theoretical map based on neuroscience that helps us to better understand the pivotal role of emotions in students' cognitive activities and ultimately their performance. Various strategies, based on research findings, aimed at creating more positive learning environments are then put forward.  相似文献   

学生在学校参加各种体育实践活动中所产生的认识,必然引发丰富多样的情感和内心体验。教师要重视情感教育并善于运用教育学、运动心理学的理论和方法,充分发挥情感的育人作用。  相似文献   

空间学习是学习科学的一个研究领域,其学习场所主要是在三维世界中,学习的对象是三维世界中的内容.文章首先对空间学习领域进行概述,在此基础上归纳出空间学习研究的主要内容,包括空间学习的认知过程、促进空间学习的思维表征工具系统、空间学习的实践探究三个方面;并对其研究成果以及相关典型案例进行介绍;最后,评析了空间学习领域的发展并总结该领域对我国空间学习研究的启示.  相似文献   

林黛玉是从封建压迫下觉醒的一个女性.她是有叛逆思想的,但她对自己的价值,对自己的悲剧,认识得并不是很深刻.她的悲剧,是美好感情、高尚理想、一代才华被毁灭的悲剧,代表了那个时代女性的不幸和痛苦.贾府的贵族主子,可以容许肮脏污浊的垃圾存在,就是不准自主婚姻,不许纯真高尚的理想存在,这是林黛玉悲剧极为深刻的社会根源.黛玉短暂的生命及其感情生活,体现了一种崇高的悲剧价值,令人不得不扼腕长叹.  相似文献   

首先,我要说的是,我感到非常荣幸,上海电视大学校长邀请我参加首届世界开放大学校长会议。这是我第二次有幸应上海电视大学之邀参加重要的国际性会议,前一次是参加1998年举行的上海国际开放与远程教育研讨会。我要衷心地感谢上海电视大学邀请我参加本次会议并发表演讲。最重要的是,感谢上海电视大学1998年授予我荣誉教授。我明白,这是一个终生的荣誉和承诺。  相似文献   

In November 2011, a coalition of New York City (NYC) education organizers and advocacy groups launched the PS2013 campaign to place public education at the center of the 2013 mayoral race. Activists developed a complex and situated communications strategy to influence a new space of political engagement, namely mayoral elections. This article is empirically grounded in a qualitative case study of the media strategies of the two-year PS2013 campaign to transform dominant discourse market-based school reform. I document and critically examine a fluid and strategic repertoire of media technologies and tactics deployed by education activists used to communicate with corporate news media, mayoral candidates, as well as their own constituencies and allies. In this way, the paper contributes to the critical scholarship on the role of media in contemporary education organizing against neoliberal education reform.  相似文献   

The realities of a career in the performing arts can exist in shocking contrast to the sterilized glamour found in bright lights and awards shows. So how might teaching artists continue to cultivate this passion while truly preparing students for continued educational opportunities in their fields and then for the real world? Through responsible inspiration.  相似文献   

本文根据作者于2018年4月在纽约召开的(美国)全国教育测量学会(NCME)年会上的主席演讲稿修改而成。作者首先介绍了未来教育测量发展变化的11个可能特征、每个特征之所以重要的原因,以及应该如何看待这些变化。随后概述了未来教育测量领域不太可能发生变化的几个方面。最后对今后十年的教育发展进行了展望,并就这些发展对教育测量工作者可能产生的影响进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Eight participants at the annual NCSE conference held at Bristol in April took part in a taped discussion about the changing role of teachers in special education. an edited version of their discussion appears below
What are the new challenges you now face in special education and what problems arise in meeting these demands?  相似文献   

Current social and economic changes have created a challenging context for career counsellors. Within this context counsellors are being asked to view their role from different perspectives. There is recognition of the importance of lifelong guidance and also the need to view guidance from a broader social context with greater emphasis on social responsibility and ethics. New forms of delivery are also emerging. These include an emphasis on client centred and holistic counselling, an affirmation of narrative methods, and a more dynamic counselling approach. Lastly, there is the development of a number of new methods of service delivery. Some examples include one stop counselling centres, virtual counselling services, mentoring, career coaching, and the inclusion of social enterprises as part of the counselling process. The implementation of these changes has implications for training, specialization and for accreditation.  相似文献   

The present study was based on the premise that environmental knowledge can drive environmental behavior only if it arouses environmental emotions. Using a structural equations modeling approach, we tested the direct, as well as the indirect (mediated) effects of knowledge on behavior and assessed the mediating role of environmental emotions. We found that knowledge is an important but distal variable, whose significant effect is fully mediated by emotions. The high explanatory power and good fit indices of the model supported and validated the important role of emotions in the learning process.  相似文献   

2004年2月,国际远程开放教育理事会第21届世界大会在中国香港会展中心隆重召开,来自世界50多个国家及地区的500多名远程教育专家和学者出席了本届大会.中国内地的电大系统、普通高校及网络教育学院、教育研究机构和教育管理部门,以及港、台地区的代表,共计150多人参加了会议.  相似文献   

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