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Reconceptualizing Validity for Classroom Assessment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article explores the shortcomings of conventional validity theory for guiding classroom assessment practice and suggests additional theoretical resources from sociocultural theory and hermeneutics to complement and challenge conventional theory. To illuminate these concerns and possibilities in a concrete context, the author uses her own classroom experience in teaching a qualitative research methods course. The importance of examining cases of assessment practice in context for developing, teaching, and evaluating validity theory is discussed.  相似文献   

课堂环境是近几十年的研究热点,课堂环境对学生学校适应的影响也逐步走入研究者的视野。近几年对于课堂环境对于学生学校适应的影响方面主要集中在课堂环境对于学生的同伴关系适应、学习适应、行为适应等方面。在今后的研究中,研究人员应在学校适应的研究维度、课堂环境的分析层面、研究的深度、研究对象的范围等方面多加注意。  相似文献   

蔡敏 《教育科学》2012,28(1):22-26
随着基础教育学生评价改革的深化,学业考核已经向关注学习过程的形成性评价扩展。课堂评定作为形成性评价的一种重要方式,对于提高学生学习质量和改进教师教学方法具有重要的作用。课堂评定能够考查学生的知识理解、分析与推理、综合与批判、问题解决、学习方法和学习情感。教师可以通过书面反馈、课堂观察、学习日志和学生同伴检查来开展课堂评定。要提高课堂评定的有效性,教师应当清楚确定评价内容,运用多样化评价手段,精心组织评价活动,及时反馈和使用评定结果。  相似文献   

课堂环境研究的现状、意义及趋势   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
文章在对国内外相关文献进行系统分析的基础上,对课堂环境的含义及其与相关概念的关系进行了辨析;回顾了国外课堂环境研究的状况;论述了课堂环境研究的现实意义;指出了现有研究的不足和未来研究的方向.  相似文献   

国外课堂环境研究的发展概况   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
文章从理论基础、研究方法和重要结论等方面,着重对近30年的课堂环境研究进行系统的综述,并指出课堂环境研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

课堂形成性评估指教学过程中通过及时、有效的反馈促进语言教学健康发展的评估手段。课堂形成性评估能否作为终结性标准化测试的有效补充,在很大程度上取决于评估的效度。大学英语课堂形成性评估内容效度、结构效度和互存效度的分析表明:课堂形成性评估能提供更全面、更有意义的信息来描述学生的学习行为、能力发展和成绩进步,促进教学目标的实现。  相似文献   

Developing Measurement Theory for Classroom Assessment Purposes and Uses   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In many fields of inquiry, the need for new theoretical developments is often best seen in areas of strain, and strain is apparent in several areas in which the conventions of measurement theory do not quite "fit" classroom assessment. Three areas of strain are analyzed in order to suggest how theoretical development might focus directly on information quality in the classroom assessment context. This article describes the context dependence of classroom assessment, its inextricable relationship with instruction, and its simultaneous formative and summative functions. Thus a case is made for new theoretical developments in the area of measurement in the classroom.  相似文献   

语文新课程改革在课堂教学层面上遭遇到的最大挑战就是语文课堂的无效和低效问题。新课程语文课堂教学取得了一些实质性进展,但也出现了形式化、低效化现象。提高语文课程教学的效度是当前深化语文课程改革的关键和根本要求。  相似文献   

This article traces several historical landmarks in the development of the burgeoning field of learning environments and shows that the time is ripe for the birth of this new journal. The scope of the new journal is described. A brief overview of the six other articles in this issue is provided.  相似文献   

为探究智慧教室环境下大学生学习环境偏好与学习策略之间的关系,文章以华中地区H大学在智慧教室环境下学习的本科生为研究对象,通过"智慧教室环境偏好量表"和"大学生学习策略量表",调查了大学生在智慧教室环境下的学习环境主要偏好、学习策略整体水平以及两者之间的关系,结果发现:大学生对智慧教室环境持积极认可的态度,智慧教室环境下大学生的学习策略处于中等水平,大学生学习环境偏好与学习策略显著正相关。此结论表明,改善大学生对智慧教室环境的偏好对于提高其学习策略水平具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The synergy, or lack thereof, between large-scale and classroom assessment has been fiercely debated in both academic and policy spheres for decades around the world. This paper seeks to explicate how different countries are utilizing large-scale testing and test results at the classroom level. Through country profiles, this paper analyzes contemporary developments on the tensions and synergies between large-scale assessment and classroom teaching, learning, and assessment observed across seven international jurisdictions: United States, Canada, Australia, England, Germany, Finland, and Singapore. The paper concludes with an analysis of international trends leading to a synthesis of root causes contributing to the current limited uptake of large-scale assessment results at classroom levels.  相似文献   

Students' Perceptions of Interpersonal Aspects of the Learning Environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examined variables associated with differences in students' perceptions of interpersonal teacher behavior. The perceptions of 3023 students and 74 teachers in 168 classes in seven secondary schools were used in the analyses. Investigating variance at the student, class, teacher and school levels revealed that several variables are significantly related to students' perceptions: student and teacher gender, student and teacher ethnic background, student age and grade, class size, grade level, subject taught and teacher experience. There were interaction effects between some variables, such as student ethnicity and student gender, as well as student and teacher gender. While significant, the amount of variance explained by these was low (around 10%). The outcomes generally confirmed earlier research, although some new effects were found. Perhaps the main result of the study was its verification of the complex and interactive nature of students' perceptions of the learning environment and researchers' understanding of it.  相似文献   

学生创造力的培养是现代教育的重要目的,课堂是培养学生创造力的主渠道。深入探讨课堂环境与学生创造力之间的关系,营建安全、自由的课堂环境,有助于促进学生创造力的发展。  相似文献   

课堂教学环境就是学校教学活动中所必须的诸客观条件和力量的综合。课堂教学环境主要包括课堂物理环境和课堂心理环境两层结构,二者相互影响、相互促进。课堂教学环境建设的主体是教师和学生,在教学过程中,师生共同追求各种课堂教学环境因素的动态平衡,进而形成课堂教学环境二层结构的良性循环。  相似文献   

未来课堂的设计与应用已经成为教育技术学研究的一个新领域,智能性是未来课堂的重要特性之一。未来课堂应为课堂主体而建,终极目标在于促进学习者的个体学习和社会化学习,以促进学习者的发展,它是一个充分发挥课堂主体的主动性、能动性,和谐、自由发展的教与学环境与活动的智慧学习环境。未来课堂不仅是一个智能化的学习空间,还应体现出对课堂主体教与学活动支持的智慧性。智慧性主要体现技术层面、环境层面和资源和服务层面等方面,其实现技术主要包括硬件技术和软件技术两个层面,其中硬件技术主要包括所有设备之间的智能互联技术、多功能交互设备技术;软件技术则主要是指各主体间的信息传输技术、控制技术及信息的推理技术等。  相似文献   

本文以聋生身心特点为依据,从课堂教学物理环境、信息环境,心理环境三方面对聋校课堂教学环境进行分析,认为聋校课堂教学环境的创设应把握:物理环境的适宜性、信息环境的有效性以及心理环境的相容性  相似文献   

教师的非言语行为与课堂环境的关系是近几年教育心理学和教育社会学研究的热点之一。课堂环境是教师的非言语行为产生的物理和心理场,影响着教师产生什么样的非言语行为。当前研究在研究的理论思路方面应当注意教师的非言语行为和课堂环境有交互作用;在研究的发展观方面,我们应该将教师的非言语行为与课堂环境的关系看成是动态的发展的过程;在研究方法上,应该注意多种研究方法的综合运用。  相似文献   

多功能教室的设备选用及环境建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我功能教室是近几年兴起的现代化教学手段。突破了传统的教学示范系统的模式,使课堂信息量加在,便于知识的传授。本文介绍了多功能教室中的设备选择及其环境建设,着重介绍了投影机的工作原理及选择要点。  相似文献   

Several states are requiring institutions to document changes in student outcomes. Regional and specialized accrediting agencies are also changing their review criteria from measuring inputs to assessing indicators of student learning. This article describes the results of an evaluation project that sought to develop performance indicators of learning gains for undergraduate engineering students. Specifically, the study investigated the relationship between classroom practices and students' gains in professional competencies. More than 1,250 students from 7 universities participated. Findings show that the instructional practices of Instructor Interaction and Feedback, Collaborative Learning, and Clarity and Organization are significantly and positively associated with gains in students' self-reported gains in problem-solving skills, group skills, and understanding of engineering as an occupation. The indicators meet several conditions recommended by the assessment literature. They are (1) meaningful to the user, (2) reliable and valid, and (3) index observable behaviors rather than subjective impressions.  相似文献   

课堂教学有效性的研究是教改的核心和关键,要确保课堂教学的有效性,不仅仅要注意教学形式的改变,更要强调课堂教学本质的保证。目前,课堂教学三维目标的提出为达到教学的最佳状态指明了方向。同时,教师个体教育品质的提高为教育本质的达成提供了有力的保证。  相似文献   

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