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主体性吊诡历史性地隐匿了外在与内在双重性的建构意义,分别表现为异化与物化逻辑中主客二元性的构图、主体际的关系存在论、先验的结构境域性和自我与他者互文性图式中主体性的自反逻辑、归隐的实现方式。在这个意义上,主体性吊诡实际上已内在地置换为主体性场域的问题。  相似文献   

作为"我梦见"系列书写中的一篇散文诗,《立论》中有其朴素外部难以遮蔽的复杂意义与诗性。其中呈现出一种"言志"的吊诡:包括言志的艰难性,鲁迅借此批判立论中载道对言志的欺压,表达出孤独、失语状态以及对立论权的争取,同时也批判国民劣根性;不容忽略的还有对立论的原则和方法——"真"的吊诡书写,比如其中"真"的杀伤力。而从进化论的角度看,文本中的人物设置又呈现出鲁迅式的思想追求。当然其中也包括言志的工具式吊诡。其中的哈哈论和"Hehe"都有其他可能的内涵和开拓空间。  相似文献   

100年前,在中国实行了1300多年的科举制被彻底废除了。科举制的实行对中国社会曾经有着怎样的积极作用,又怎样桎梏了人才发展、国力兴盛?科举制和教育有着怎样的关联?科举制被废止后,中国教育这百年是怎样走过来的?今天.让我们通过梳理这些问题,来回顾中国教育发展之百年历程。  相似文献   

回眸百年,上海近代小学教育是中国实现近代化转型过程中的一个缩影,同时它也一直担当着中国近代教育“领跑”的角色。而百年之后的今天,它们的现状如何?扮演着怎样的角色?肩负着怎样的责任?存在着怎样的困惑?  相似文献   

随着社会的开放,传媒的引进,随着西方文化的涌入和中国社会的全球化,战略的全球化,交往的全球化,会碰到一个非常敏感的问题,就是学生们可不可以认识性?我们应该什么时候谈性?也就是教育中有关性的问题。这是一个令中国家长和中国教育者都非常尴尬的问题。那么,这个问题应该怎样对待哪?怎么处理?  相似文献   

商务英语函电是国际贸易的重要交流工具之一,它不仅用于传递信息,处理商务事务,也用于沟通贸易双方的感情,恰当的修辞有助于提高函电的交际性功能。使用修辞时应注意其吊诡性、隐喻性、礼貌性,并且一切修辞都必须服从于吊诡性特征。  相似文献   

从历代治庄者的注解出发,对“吊诡”一词的不同阐释作一梳理之后,可以得出关于“吊诡”的二种解释,但二者在理解文意上有浅深之别。庄子之“吊诡”言论不同于语言悖论这一逻辑问题,“吊诡”有其自身的特性。从“吊诡”之吊悯义生发开来,庄子的梦喻吊诡言说显示了庄子思想的悲凉品格。  相似文献   

佚名 《师道》2004,(2):23-24
你在这次课程改革中充当的是怎样的角色?你想过没有,若干年过去后,中国的教育会形成怎样的局面,会有多大的改观?是向着您所期望的那样,还是与您的期望相反?中国教育问题的症结在哪里,仅仅是大纲、教材的问题和教师的教学方法问题吗?究竞应该从哪里改起?中国培养不出诺贝尔奖获得  相似文献   

回眸百年,上海近代小学教育是中国实现近代化转型过程中的一个缩影,同时它也一直担当着中国近代教育“领跑者”的角色。而百年之后的今天,它们的现状如何?扮演着怎样的角色?肩负着怎样的责任?存在着怎样的困惑? 带着这些思考,本刊通过问卷调查、个别访谈、专家咨询等方式对其中60所百年小学进行了深入调研,并于2004年11月18日召开了《上海教育》圆桌论坛——上海市百年小学校长论坛,以求解百年小学的“传承与创新”。  相似文献   

TD-SCDMA第三代移动通信技术标准,对中国政府和相关行业到底有怎样重大的意义?目前推广情况怎样?李吐鹤在其中又发挥了怎样的作用?  相似文献   

Large-scale international comparative studies and cross-ethnic studies have revealed that Chinese students, living either in China or overseas, consistently outperform their counterparts in mathematics. Empirical research has discussed psychological, educational, and cultural reasons behind Chinese students’ better mathematics performance. However, there is scant sociological investigation of this phenomenon. The current mixed methods study aims to make a contribution in this regard. The study conceptualises Chineseness through Bourdieu’s sociological notion of habitus and considers this habitus of Chineseness generating, but not determining, mechanism that underpins commitment to mathematics learning. The study firstly analyses the responses of 230 Chinese Australian participants to a set of questionnaire items. Results indicate that the habitus of Chineseness significantly mediates the relationship between participants’ commitment to mathematics learning and their mathematics achievement. The study then reports on the interviews with five participants to add nuances and dynamics to the mediating role of habitus of Chineseness. The study complements the existing literature by providing sociological insight into the better mathematics achievement of Chinese students.  相似文献   

Myths about “the Chinese learner” developed from an outsider perspective abound in the Western world. The focus of this article, however, is how discourses of Chineseness were used by the Chinese international students themselves who, as undergraduate students in a New Zealand university, were the subjects of my doctoral research. It examines the students’ notions of Chineseness and how these served in explaining their own narratives, either through identifying with, or distancing themselves from, “Chinese” traits, indicating alternatively a shared experience of the challenges of the new academic culture, or marking themselves out as having a special ability to thrive within it. Whichever way they used them, the discourses seemed to serve a purpose of fortifying their sense of identity and membership. By the end of their study, they were able to reflect carefully on their experiences and discuss new third space identities in which both Chinese and New Zealand values were forging new realities for them.  相似文献   

本文主要从资本主义概念入手,探讨了华人资本主义在泰国的经济和社会文化属性,认为华人资本主义的发展不仅具有本土性,而且具有中华性,如果能正确处理两者的关系,泰国华人资本主义的发展前景必然是广阔的。  相似文献   

阐述了在汉译英过程中应注意文化形象的保留,举例说明了“同化”(或直译)翻译方法的作用,并相信在以后的翻译中将成为主流,也就是尽量传译“中国特征”,同时指出“同化法”要注意限度。  相似文献   

好莱坞动画电影《功夫熊猫》在全球范围内票房大获全胜。这部充满中国元素的电影似乎表达了中国文化的精粹,而实质上只是一个载有对东方异域想像的商业电影,影片在对东方思想的理解中不可避免地渗透了西方思想。本文将从意义构建、概念凝练、儒家思想等方面对该片进行文本解读,并从跨文化传播的视角解构其“中国性”的传播效果。  相似文献   

中国电影研究领域既有的理论框架有二,一是"去中国性"的唯理论范式,把中国电影纳入以西方为中心的全球视野加以理论化考量;一是"国族电影"范式,其理论的有效使用旨在为民族文化和国家政体提供正当性。基于电影史的发展实际和全球空间政治的既有格局,本文提出"跨地性"的理论框架,主张沿着人文地理学的路径从空间和跨地域的维度,而不是从民族和国家的维度,重构中国电影研究的理论框架,旨在为中国电影研究提供新的视域。  相似文献   

本文从三个方面指出未来中国电影的研究途径:一,以包容的,世界性的,比较的态度质疑对中国电影中的"中国性"的断言。二,在目前对艺术电影普遍持有偏见的语境下,关注更多的大众化、本土化中国电影。三,中国电影中的"中国性",不仅根植于文本和导演,同样产生于剧院生产体制及受众中。  相似文献   

林语堂一向被认为是表现派作家,他在西方的精神导师是意大利美学家克罗齐.克罗齐以其“直觉即表现”、表现即艺术、直觉因此就是艺术的美学观,深刻地影响了林语堂.但全面深入的考察显示,林语堂身上更多的还是中国气息,他与克罗齐之间的相异性要多于相同性.林语堂是西洋头脑与中国心灵奇异结合的产物,他所向往的是一种融汇东西方的世界主义.  相似文献   

While the emergence of the plural forms of English widely acknowledges the sociolinguistic realities in many countries and regions, it might also have an equally profound impact on English teaching and learning in those areas. The trend is for pedagogical models no longer to privilege so-called Standard English based on native varieties but to be built on the localised model. This article argues, however, that for English to continue to function as a ‘lingua franca’, certain standards should be imposed on language use by Chinese students in their academic writing, so that the variant forms will not digress too much from the standard forms and so not result in unintelligibility or misunderstanding. Focusing on selected written data produced by advanced Chinese students, a distinction can be made between interlanguage and variant forms that mark the Chineseness in China English where both features can be situated on a continuum.  相似文献   

Since Hong Kong's retrocession, the government has endeavoured to strengthen local citizens' identification with the People's Republic of China – a project that acquired new impetus with the 2010 decision to introduce ‘Moral and National Education’ (MNE) as a compulsory school subject. In the face of strong local opposition, this policy was withdrawn in 2012, and implementation of MNE made optional. This article seeks to elucidate the background to the MNE controversy of 2012 by locating the emergence of a distinctive Hong Kong identity in its historical context, and analysing successive official attempts (before and after the 1997 retrocession) to use schooling for purposes of political socialisation. We argue that the school curriculum has projected and reflected a dual sense of identity: a ‘Chineseness’ located mainly in ethno-cultural qualities, and a ‘Hongkongeseness’ rooted in civic attributes. While reinforced by schooling, local civic consciousness has been intimately related to a tradition of public activism strongly evident since the 1970s, and further strengthened post-1997.  相似文献   

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