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This study analyzes differences in power perception across hierarchical levels in university departments and their consequences on studying the power structure of universities. The study's major variables include the holder of power and the nature of decisions involved, controlling for the field and the prestige of the department. Two perceivers were the subjects of the study, chairpersons and faculty members. Comparison between the two perceivers yields considerable differences. The different patterns of power observed by faculty members and chairpersons and the various areas of agreement and disagreement between the perceivers are discussed and analyzed.  相似文献   

劳动主体、雇佣主体、劳动内容、劳动客体构成了大学教师劳动关系结构的核心要素。从核心要素来看,印度卓越大学教师劳动关系存在着既成矛盾,主要表现为失衡与冲突。为扭转教师劳动关系的困厄,印度卓越大学建立了政府、市场、学术权力、中介组织多维度的治理结构。印度通过法律和政策等手段促进劳动关系契约化、学校和教师行为法制化、劳动关系和谐化发展,对于显性调节劳动关系、隐性消弭劳动关系的冲突失衡发挥了重要作用,这对我国一流大学教师劳动关系和谐发展具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The paper reports the findings of an investigation into academic staff perceptions of a rapidly changing research work environment in UK university education departments. The study sheds light on the emotional landscape of an environment shaped by performance-driven change. Based on an integrated triplex framework of analysis, the study addresses the complex interrelationship between performativity, work-related emotions and collective research identities. The findings highlight concerns about the emotional impact of work intensification and barriers to collective research identities. However, there is also evidence of strong motivation and a performativity that is internally and intrinsically driven. The implications for research leaders are considered, both in terms of leadership strategy and the leadership of staff in building vibrant research cultures at a time of major change in the sector in response to global challenges and opportunities.  相似文献   

新时期高校教师培训工作的四个基本关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着知识经济时代的到来,知识的积累和传播速度明显加快,新学科不断涌现,体现出了既高度分化又高度综合的特征。面对知识经济时代的挑战,高校教师培训工作应正确认识和处理好四个方面的基本关系,即学历教育与能力教育的关系,重点培养与整体提高的关系,传统教学方法与现代教育技术的关系,政府行为、学校行为与个人行为的关系。  相似文献   

The relationships among cooperation-competition, perceptions of locus of control in social situations, and perceptions of locus of control in intellectual-academic situations was compared among 89 fourth- and fifth-grade students in traditional and open classrooms. Children from the open education setting displayed substantially more cooperative behavior on Madsen's marble-pull game than children from the traditional school. They also made significant gains in cooperative behavior from the first to the second trial, while the difference between trials was not significant for the traditional students. Traditional students displayed significantly higher internality for locus of control in academic settings, while perceptions of locus of control in social settings did not differ for the two groups. Academic and social locus of control judgments were significantly correlated for the open education students, but not for the students from traditional classrooms.  相似文献   

文化与解释学是大学领导力研究的一个独特视角。大学领导力的内涵应从领导过程和有效领导力判定层面进行界定,不仅要看领导者的所作所为,更应考察其潜在追随者的反应方式。大学有效领导力的产生与形成在于领导者与学校成员间良性的沟通与互动方式,其目的在于通过改变沟通模式,促使模范型领导力的实现。因此,从具体层面看,要提高大学领导力,除拥有工具型领导力之外,更重要的是必须运用沟通手段,充分考虑学校成员的意见、态度与价值观,大力提升与增强解释型领导力。  相似文献   

在“破五唯”的学术评价制度改革背景下,探索优化同行评议机制具有重要的现实意义。通过对 我国高校教师评聘中同行评议制度的运行实践和权力关系进行研究发现,评审专家所在机构的排名、学术 水平和声誉、是否有合作基础等因素是各院系选择专家的重要考量标准。受文化差异、语言障碍、工作量过 大等因素限制,国际同行评审的回收率相对较低。在候选人的参与权和知情权方面,不同规模的院系基于 人事自主权的大小演化出差异化的政策与实践。同行评审意见对候选人能否顺利晋升发挥关键影响,同行 评议的回收率本身也被视为衡量候选人学术影响力和同行认可度的重要指标。在同行评议的过程中,遵循 专业逻辑的学术权力和遵循管理逻辑的行政权力相互交织,而非学术精英个体的民主权利则相对被忽视。 尽管评价过程大体遵循政策文本所制定的正式规则,但也受到专业人际网络等非正式规则的影响  相似文献   

From the perspective of asymmetric information, a principal-agent model is used to put forward a new theoretical explanation for the validity and effectiveness of tenure. Furthermore, through an analysis of the conditions of implementing an effective tenure system, it is argued that such a system is more efficient in research universities. Based on the above conclusions, the paper also discusses the condition or time for the implementation of tenure in Chinese universities. __________ Translated from Fudan Jiaoyu Luntan 复旦教育论坛(Fudan Education Forum), 2007, 15(3): 57–62  相似文献   


This study examines how Undergraduate Research (UR) mentoring fits into the career profile of award-winning UR mentors and the factors that motivate engagement as UR mentors. Twenty-four award-winning UR mentors in four countries were interviewed about their mentoring practices. Six themes emerged: (1) Academic Identity and Motivations; (2) Challenges to Academic Identity and Career Development; (3) Enhanced Research Productivity; (4) Recognition and Reward; (5) Institution Values Commitment and (6) Developing Other Mentors. The authors discuss these themes and how the findings can be utilized for academic development and identity formation for faculty.  相似文献   

This study explored the factors that influenced Turkish university students' career choices, job selection criteria, and leadership preferences. Participated in this study were 1,213 senior and junior management students from 17 universities across 6 regions of Turkey. Data collection was accomplished through a self-administered four-part questionnaire. Findings revealed that for the entire sample, having power and authority, peaceful work environment, opportunity for career advancement, and pay were the most motivating factors in job selection, whereas close supervision and guidance, praise from supervisor, feedback on performance, and sense of belonging were the least motivating ones. Charismatic leadership was found to be the most preferred style followed by participative, paternalistic, and bureaucratic styles. Finally, career choices were mostly affected by intrinsic factors (i.e., self aspirations), whereas interpersonal factors (i.e., significant others' expectations) were least influential. Findings were discussed in light of dynamic and changing cultural characteristics of the Turkish society.  相似文献   

中国政府与大学的关系:历史与变革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从中国历史的不同时期考察中国政府与大学的关系,表明:新时期政府与大学之间的根本冲突已经不复存在,政府对大学的控制表现较为强调大学对政府的实用价值,强调大学为国家和社会服务的作用,而忽视大学自治权力对大学发展的重要作用。符合时代要求的创新型人才和有自主知识产权的高精尖科学技术是政府与社会对高等教育的需要,在保证高等教育质量方针的贯彻与实施情况下,政府必然愿意赋予大学更自由的学术环境。但是这一过程是大学与政府问的博弈,需要经过较长的历史发展过程。  相似文献   

高校内部治理现代化内蕴着治理价值体系的建设,高校思想政治教育共同体扮演着高校内部治理价值体系载体的角色,成为推动高校内部治理现代化的结构性要件和实践性力量。高校内部治理与思想政治教育共同体建设之间具有目标一致、内容同构、意义互涉的逻辑关系。高校思想政治教育共同体意蕴着的丰富的科学内涵,可以从"机构-制度-战略"三位一体体制框架的纵向结构、"利益-价值-责任"内在统一的主体横向结构两个维度加以理解和阐释。随着高校内部治理现代化的全面推进,高校思想政治教育共同体要致力于推动结构体系的优化升级和治理能力基本要素的提质增效,以此来实现自身的创新发展。  相似文献   

美国社区学院在普及高等教育方面发挥着重要作用,社区学院作为学前教师职业培养的主要机构之一,包含特定岗位学前教育工作者、应用类副学士学位学前教师、转学类副学士学位学前教师三种主要的职前培养类型。此外还有学士学位、学士后/选择性教师证书制与专业发展等其他职前培养类型。现阶段,社区学院在学前教师职前培养过程中面临着接受教育不稳定、课程设置存在差异、转学困难等挑战。基于此,美国各州开始重视提升社区学院应用型副学士学位课程的质量,如增加授课的灵活性、采用新的教学模式、丰富课程设置形式;并增加社区学院转学类副学士学位课程的设置,如使用“递进式”证书体系、加强转学制度的清晰度、采用“先前学习学分”制度等。我国在学前教师职前培养方面可以采取优化学前教师职前培养模式、推动中等师范学校转型发展和完善现有专升本制度等手段。  相似文献   

大学办学规模不断扩张已成为近年来我国高等教育发展的一个普遍趋势。而高等教育发展资源过于集中和资源配置方式过于单一、追求规模效应和赢者通吃的社会心态、忽视社会和市场需要的计划经济思维惯性等,则是导致这一状况的主要原因。美国高等教育发展的经验证明,尽管小型大学有其弱势,但它们在教学质量和人类培养方面的独特优势。在高等教育大众化的发展过程中,我国高等教育体系要实现多样化和层次化发展,就应当给小型大学让出一定的发展空间,这不仅是高等教育自身发展的需要,也符合社会发展和人才培养的需要。  相似文献   

拉脱维亚自1991年开始了大学生资助政策的转型,之后经历1997年和1999年两次改革,形成了"学费贷款"和"生活贷款"两种贷款形式,基本保障了大学生的学习和生活所需。另外,拉脱维亚还通过税收减免和住宿补贴等方式,进一步完善了大学生资助政策,取得了较好的成效。这些对我国的大学生资助政策的制定和健全都有一定启示意义。  相似文献   

2020年新冠肺炎疫情暴发以后,连云港职业技术学院党委坚持以习近平总书记关于疫情防控的一系列重要讲话精神和党中央决策部署为根本遵循,全面加强对学校疫情防控工作的领导,坚决落实疫情防控主体责任,搭建了领导有力的“1+8+13”组织架构、建立了运转有序的“1、2、3、4”工作机制、构建了执行有效的“1+X”的方案体系、构筑了横向到边、纵向到底的责任网格防线。学校党委坚持把师生的生命安全和身体健康放在首位,坚持一手抓疫情防控,一手抓改革发展,号召全体师生坚定必胜之心,增强谨慎之心,充分发挥共产党员先锋作用,奋力夺取疫情防控阻击战和学校事业发展保卫战的双胜利。  相似文献   

In the context of ongoing debates about the distinctive temporalities associated with contemporary regulative regimes, this paper explores the interpretive trajectories initiated in contrasting conceptualisations of the politics of time. This exploration is developed through analysis of interview data from a study of unconscious relations in academic practice. Section one uses one moment of data to contrast phenomenological, Deleuzian and Lacanian theorisations of the relation between time and subjectivity. Section two is an exegesis of Lacan’s paper on Logical Time. This outlines the way temporality is structured in relation to the subject’s guess about the expectations of the Other. Section three uses this to develop an interpretation of three temporalities that constitute the space of contemporary academic subjectivities. The final section considers the intensification of the juxtaposition of these incongruent temporalities, contrasting Lacanian and Deleuzian theorisations of time in the Real/virtual and their implications for both methodological and political strategy.  相似文献   

The linkages between self-regulatory processes and achievement were examined across 3 years in 733 children beginning at 1st grade (M = 6.57 years, S.D. = .39 at 1st grade) who were identified as lower achieving in literacy. Accounting for consistencies in measures (from 1 year prior) and for influences of child's age, gender, IQ, ethnicity and economic adversity on achievement, results indicate that adaptive/effortful control at 1st grade contributed to both academic self-efficacy beliefs at 2nd grade, and reading (but not math) achievement at 3rd grade. Although academic self-efficacy did not partially mediate the linkage between adaptive/effortful control and achievement, academic self-efficacy beliefs were positively correlated with reading and math. Results support the notion that early efforts to promote children's self-regulatory skills would enhance future academic self-beliefs and achievement, particularly in literacy.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查和定量分析,发现图书馆资源总体利用率不高,图书馆必须改善硬件设施,提升软件服务,整合馆际资源,才能更好地为学校师生传播知识,有效提高高校图书馆的利用率。  相似文献   

Student recruitment is an increasingly important topic for universities worldwide. But in order to develop sophisticated recruitment strategies, recruitment officers need to have a clear understanding of how and why students choose colleges. This review compares the German and US research concerning university choice models, choice criteria and information sources prospective students use when exploring their options after school. The paper emphasizes the complexity of the decision-making processes of freshmen and reveals three gaps in the German student recruitment research literature. The development of a German university choice model, an increased application of explorative research methodologies, and the consideration of additional aspects possibly impacting the college choice could help to refine German research approaches.  相似文献   

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