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I Am Here     
Custom at Duquesne University dictatedthat if a professor was ten m inutes late, classwas canceled. One professor arrived early fora 9 a.m . lecture. H e placed his hat on hisdesk, and went to the faculty room . Beforehe knew it, it was 9:10. By the tim e he gotback to his classroom , it was em pty.The next day, he let his students haveit. “W hen m y hat is here,”he fum ed,“I’mhere!”The following day, the professor arrivedat 9 a.m . H e was m et by the sight of 28hats on 28 desks—and …  相似文献   

1.The class before Tom into the classroom.A.began;w as walking B.had begun;walkedC.begins;walks D.was beginning;w alked2.I the dinneralready by the tim e m y parents reached hom e yester-day afternoon.A.had cooked B.cookedC.have cooked D.was cooking3.H e s already gone hom e.B ut before he,he all the m is-takes in his com position.A.left;has corrected B.has left;correctedC.had left;corrected D.left;had corrected4.I any of Piccaso s paintings before I visited the artm useum.A.have never …  相似文献   

The Price of a D reamI grew up poor—living with m y wonderfulm other.W e had little m oney,but plenty of loveand attention.I was1and energetic.Iunderstood that no m atter how poor a personwas,he could still2a dream.M y dream was3.By the tim e I wassixteen,I started playing baseball.I couldthrow a ninety-m ile-per-hour fastball and4anything that m oved on the baseballfield.I was also5:M y high schoolcoach was John,who not only believed in m e,but also taught m e6to believe inm yself.H e7m e the difference be...  相似文献   

U nit6Ⅰ.词汇A)根据句意及已给首字母的提示,写出空白所缺单词的正确形式,使句子意思完整,语法正确。1.—W hich do you like,m usic or art?—Both.B utI p PE.2.H e never tells a lie.H e is an h boy.3.There are m any things on d in the m useum.4.I like the song thathas greatl.5.M y auntis good attaking photos.She is a good p.6.The picture r m e ofwhatI had seen in Beijing.7.W hen Edison was young,he showed i in science.8.They haven thad lunch yet,so I e they re hungry.9.Y ou need a lot of e to w …  相似文献   

阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题的四 个选项 (A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。一 A glass ofm ilk m ightwarm our whole life.One day, a 1 boy who was trying to pay his way through school by 2 goods door to door .H e was hungry so he decid鄄 ed to beg for a m ealatthe nexthouse. 3 ,he lost his nerve when a lovely wom an opened the door.She thought he looked 4 so she broughthim a large glass ofm ilk. H e 5 itslowly,asking “H ow m uch do I owe you?” “You don蒺towe m e anything,” she replied. …  相似文献   

1. —M ike is a student and he is quick in m ind and action. — . A .So do I B.So he is C.So does he D .So I am 2. it is to surf the Internet.W ell,I’m really not sure I could find so m uch tim e. A .H ow fun;whether B.W hat fun;if C.W hat a fun;that D .H ow fun;when 3.H e told m e in that he was not to B eijing U niversity. A .surprise;accepted B.pleasure;allow ed C.sorrow;adm itted D .happiness;refused 4.I to school this m orning but I was feeling a bit ill. A .m ust have gone B .m ust go C.should have gone...  相似文献   

(A)There once was a little boy who wanted to m eetGod.H e knew itwasa long trip to where God lived,so he1his suitcase with Twinkies anda six鄄pack ofrootbeer(根汁汽水)and he started his2.W hen he had passed aboutthree blocks,he m etan old wom an.Shewas3in the park juststaring atsom e pigeons(鸽子).The boy satdownnextto her and opened his4.H e was aboutto take a drink from hisrootbeer when he noticed thatthe old lady looked5,so he offeredher a Twinkie.She6accepted itand sm iled athim.H er7w…  相似文献   

M y brother,M ingm ing,is in the third grade.Every m onth he saves 20yuan of his pocket m oney to buy holiday presents for those he loves in the Project H ope School. O ne day,M ingm ing and I w ent to a nearby superm arket.H e picked up a hand basket and went off on his ow n while I was waiting patiently reading in a bench. H alf an hour later when he cam e up to the check- out counter,there was a sm ile on his face. M ingm ing reached into his pocket for m oney,but there was only ten yua…  相似文献   

M r.Sm ith m oved to another town,and soon he needed a new doctor,so he went to see one.H e sat down in the waiting room and lookedaround.The doctor's nam e was on the wall.Suddenly M r.Sm ith rem em-bered there had been a classm ate w ith the sam e nam e in his class at se-chool,and he had becom e a doctor.A s he w ent in to see the doctor,he rem em bered a young,handsom estudent,and was sad to see how old and heavy and grey this m anlooked.M r.Sm ith said to him,“G ood m orning,D octor.…  相似文献   

A Joke     
W orking at the post office,Im used to dealing with a m oody public.So w hen one irate custom er storm ed m y desk,I responded in m y calm estvoice,“W hats the trouble?”“I w ent out this m orning,”she began,“and when I cam e hom e Ifound a card saying the m ailm an tried to deliver a package but no onewas hom e.M y husband was in allm orning.H e never heard a thing!”A fter apologizing,I gother parcel.“O h,good,”she gushed.“W e ve been w aiting for this for ages.”“W hat is it?”…  相似文献   

Thomas Edison was born in 1847.W hen he was young,life was noteasy for him . H e had to be a new sboy on a train. A fter the work wasdone,he read a lot of books and m ade experim ents(实验).H e becam every interested in science.In 1871,one day,Edison蒺s father told him that his m other had diedin illness.Edison cried bitterly(悲哀地).H e decided to be m ore diligentin his research(研究)work while his m other was buried(安葬).Som e m onths later,Edison and M ary got m arried(结婚).A fter m …  相似文献   

The story happened when I w as ten years old.O n a rainy day,m y father w as busy and he asked m e to go to a shopto buy som ething for him . The shop was about three m iles aw ay from ourhom e.I set out with an um brella in m y hand.The road was very wet andm uddy,and I walked with great difficulty.A fter I bought w hat m y fatherneeded,I started to go back with all the things in m y hand.O n m y w ayhom e I fellseveral tim es,but I w asn tbadly hurt.W hen I was 500m etresaway from our ho…  相似文献   

Long ago a m an was thinking aboutthe sky.H e had beenwatching the sun for days.H e began to see it in a new way.“The Earth is going around the sun,he said.At that tim em ostpeople thought the sun w ent around Earth.They thoughtEarth was the biggest and best thing in the sky.The m an said,“Im ustwrite a book.Itm ightm ake peopleangry.But I m ust tell the truth.The m an did write abook.But he never saw it printed.H e died in1543.The bookwas printed later thatyear.People were angry when …  相似文献   

A One day in1965,when I was a librarian at View Bidge School in Seattle a four-grade teacher came up to me.She had a student who finished his work before all the other students and needed a challenge."Could he help in the library?"she asked.I said,  相似文献   

A I always felt sorry for the people in a wheelchair. Som e people, old and weak, cannot 1 by them selves. O thers seem perfectly healthy,dressed in business suits. But whenever I saw som eone in a wheelchair,I only saw a (an) 2 ,not a person. Then I fainted at E uro D isney due to low 3 pressure. This was the first tim e I had ever lost consciousness,and m y parents said that I m ust 4 for a while after First A id. I agreed to 5 but, as I stepped toward the door, I saw m y dad pushing a…  相似文献   

O ne day a m an w as w alking along the street. H e carried an old bag in hishands. H e w as w ondering w hy people w ho had so m uch m oney w ere never satis-fied but alw ays w anted m ore . “As to m e ,”he said,“if I only had enough toeat,I should not ask for anything else.”Just at this m om ent Fortune cam e dow n the street. She heard the m an andstopped.“Listen,”she said,“I w ant to help you.H old your bag,and I shall pour di-am onds into it. But every diam ond w hich falls on …  相似文献   

H e was 50years old w henI was born,and a “M r M om ”long before anyone had a nam efor it. I didn’t know why hewas hom e instead of M om ,butI w as young and the only oneof m y friends w ho had theirdad around. I considered (认为)m yself very lucky. D ad did so m any thingsfor m e during m y grade schoolyears.H e convinced(使 ……信服; 使……确 信) the schoolbus driver to pick m e up atm y house instead of the usualbus stop that w as six blocksaway.H e alw ays had m y lunchready for m e…  相似文献   

When I arrived as a freshman at Harvard 25 years ago, I was in alien territory. I had a check from my dad for $300, which was supposed to last until I found a job. One of my dorm mates, on the other hand, told me that he had $7,000 in his checking account.  相似文献   

1. can you expect to get a pay rise.A .W ith hard work B .A lthough work hardC.O nly w ith hard work D .N ow that he w orks hard2.I finally got the job I dream ed about.N ever in all m y life sohappy.A .did I feel B .I feltC.I had felt D .had I felt3.The …  相似文献   

l一enny looks hot andd叮.一So一you if you had a fever. A .will B.do C.日re D.wol几ld 2 .only吐er一enough money,一Contin、一e his eollege edueation. A .he had earned;was he able to B .he had earned:he was ableto C .had he eamed;was he able to D .had he eamed;he was ab!e to 3 .Everyone Of us must know_we live ean we save the earth. A.by ehanging thew盯。川y B .only by ehanging the way C .by only ehanging the way D .by ehanging only the way 4 .It’5 beyond deseription.Nowhe化else in the wo…  相似文献   

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