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我国师范生入职教师教育中存在着诸如重理论轻实践、实践性课程师资力量缺乏、教师教育特色不足等现实问题。高度重视改革的标准化、加强教师标准的约束力、强调"学校体验"的全过程性以及重视教育实践课程等是英国改革入职教师教育实践课程的经验。在借鉴这些经验的基础上,我国要从思想认识、加强师范院校师资队伍建设、着重加强入职教师教育的实践课程和实践教学环节等方面进行入职教师的教育改革,以进一步提升师范生的教育素养。  相似文献   

吸引优秀人才从教,并严格保证教师素质以优化师资队伍,历来是英国主要的教育决策方向。英国教育部于2011年6月27日发布公众咨询文件,提议改革教师入职培训,提高教师入职培训的准入选拔标准,调整政府资金支持重心,改善培训途径,体现了教学优先—教师优先、教师入职途径多样化、改革实施科学化、成本集约化、政府宏观管理与市场化机制相结合的改革理念。  相似文献   

日本高等职业教育主要由专修学校、高等专门学校和短期大学三种不同类型的院校实施,三种不同类型高职院校教师入职资格各具特色。专修学校教师招聘重实践经验、职业资格证书,高等专门学校教师招聘要求高学历,短期大学教师招聘以学历加实践经验为特色。高职院校教师招聘均实行"二次选考"的聘任程序,在法律规定、资格标准、聘任程序、师资来源等方面体现出明显的日本高职院校教师的入职特征。  相似文献   

普通教师标准是英国新教师在一年的入职培训结束时应达到的要求,它明确了新教师完成入职培训时应具有的专业品质、专业知识和理解、专业技能素质。普通教师标准是指导英国新教师入职培训的具体过程,即新教师专业发展目标的设定、行动计划的制定、评估新教师的表现三个环节的核心。我国亟待形成以新教师入职标准为核心、以教学实践为基础、以新教师的专业反思为关键、以参与机构和人员的合作为保障的教师入职培训制度。  相似文献   

据英国教育部网站2013年3月21日报道,英国教育大臣迈克尔·戈夫宣布,政府将额外拨款1000万英镑资助教师培训学校开展2013-2014学年的教师培训工作,以期培育更多新一代优秀教师。这笔资金的投入进一步表明英国政府提高教师质量的决心。戈夫表示,教师培训学校主要负责招聘和培训新入  相似文献   

一、英国“入职与发展档案”制度 (一)“入职与发展档案”制度诞生缘起及基本理念 为了改变教师的职前教育和在职教育之间脱节的传统,架起一座连接教师整个专业发展的桥梁,英国教师培训署(Teacher Training Agency.简称TTA)于1998年实施“入职档案”制度,并规定自1999年5月7日起获得教师资格(Qualified Teacher Status.简称QTS)的新教师还必须参加三学期的入职培训.才能继续充任中小学教师的角色,  相似文献   

作为教师教育体系重要组成部分之一的教师入职教育发挥着承上启下的作用,它既是教师职前培养阶段的延伸,也是贯穿整个教师职业生涯的众多在职教育的起点,是教师专业发展的必然需要。文章介绍了英国巴斯-东北萨默塞特初任教师入职教育的内容与流程,以及英国教师入职教育的三大特点。  相似文献   

教师专业成长的重要途径--英国新教师入职培训制度概述   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
姜娜  许明 《教育科学》2002,18(4):54-58
作为英国师范教育体系改革的一个重要组成部分,新教师入职培训制度的建立不仅在职前培养和职后培训之间形成了一个过渡阶段,即新教师的入职培训阶段,很好地完成了新教师向职业教师的过渡,而且有利于教师的专业成长与发展。本文拟从英国新教师入职培训制度建立的背景和原因、具体实施以及积极意义等方面加以叙述,以便从中了解英国师范教育的发展态势。  相似文献   

本文探讨了英国教师职前培养、入职培训和在职进修的一体化及其基本特征 ,以期对我国当前建立教师职前培养、入职辅导和职后培训一体化的师资培养体系提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

招聘新教师:增加教育能力考查内容过去在教师招聘中,学校基本着眼于入职人员的学科能力考查,近年来虽然许多学校已经意识到了教师教育能力的重要性,但却一直没有在招聘环节上设计出具体的考查内容和方法。  相似文献   

While teacher retention is a pressing issue for many jurisdictions, Singapore has a relatively low teacher attrition rate. Drawing on the experiences of student teachers from the sole institute for pre-service teacher education in Singapore, this article argues that it is important to expose teacher candidates to a substantial period of school experience as part of the teacher recruitment process. Before they are officially enrolled into pre-service teacher education, the Ministry of Education in Singapore requires all teacher candidates in the Postgraduate Diploma of Education program to go through a compulsory school stint. The authors' research findings show that this exposure to the realities and complexities of teaching can be an important contributor to teacher retention in terms of assessing and promoting teacher candidates’ resilient qualities, such as passion for teaching, self-efficacy beliefs, and positive emotion. In other words, early field experiences can help teacher candidates understand themselves as teachers and assess their own suitability for a teaching career. This study sheds new light on the policies and practices of teacher retention and teacher recruitment strategies.  相似文献   

Over the next decade many countries of sub‐Saharan Africa will face a demand for qualified secondary school teachers that current systems for teacher recruitment, training, deployment and retention will be unable to meet. While strategies for increasing teacher supply to meet this shortage have been suggested, less attention has been given to investigating the acceptability of these potential solutions by those educators closest to the school and classroom level and who often serve as gatekeepers to policy implementation. Kingdon’s multiple streams model is the framework used in this study to assess the feasibility of key strategies widely offered as possible solutions to resolve the projected teacher shortage. This study investigated the responses of 114 secondary school teachers, headteachers and education officials across six countries to policy options for increasing teacher supply. While none of the groups supported options to increase the supply through changed teacher training, there was support among all three groups for options that affected retention, including increased in‐service training and distance education, more mentorship for new teachers and more opportunities for teachers to network with each other. These findings suggest that policy‐makers in sub‐Saharan African countries need to build political support among education stakeholders to find the most feasible and viable solutions to address the large teacher shortages through both increasing supply and retention.  相似文献   

稳定的教师队伍是学校教育高质量发展的基石。研究采用中西部5省16787位在职教师的调查数据,通过二元logistic回归分析教师选拔方式、学校保留策略对中小学教师留任意愿的影响。研究发现:城乡教师的留任意愿存在显著差异;通过不同选拔方式进入教师队伍的教师留任意愿存在显著差异,且存在城乡异质性;学校保留策略对教师留任意愿均存在显著影响,且城乡样本无显著差异;学校综合办学水平越高,教师留任意愿越强;学历越高,职称越高,年龄越小的教师留任意愿越低。研究建议:城乡地区采取差异化的教师补充方式,县城及以上地区在公开招考教师之余,通过“定向培养”和“代课教师转正”方式扩大高质量教师供给,缓解县城学校大班额现象;乡镇和村屯要以公开招考为主,将招聘符合教师质量要求的代课教师作为重要的补充方式;学校要运用多样的保留策略,增加教师职业发展机会、决策参与程度和行政支持力度,减轻教师工作压力或稳步提高教师薪酬;学校管理者需重点关注新任职、高学历和高职称教师的发展,提高教师留任意愿。  相似文献   

县域教师进修学校是农村教师教育机构中的重要组成部分,长期以来,县域教师进修学校为农村中小学教师进修提高、促进县域基础教育事业发展做出了重大贡献。但从总体上看,它们还不能完全适应新时期农村中小学教师终身学习的需求和县域基础教育发展的要求,存在着培训机制不活、培训投入不足、培训规划缺失、培训功能受制、培训模式落后、培训者队伍不强等诸多问题。研究县域教师进修学校的发展策略,开展农村中小学教师培训工作创新,对促进县域教师进修学校健康发展意义重大。  相似文献   

在全新的环境下,怎样更好地为社会培养出更多更优秀的教育人才是众多师范高等院校面临的难题。通过合并、结构调整、升格等方式生存下来的综合性大学往往不够重视教师教育,理论和实践严重脱节,职前培训不是特别到位,导致师范毕业生从教时很难迅速地进入教师角色,对教育是一种损失。借鉴英国教师教育的先进经验尤其是其教师教育的亮点——伙伴合作模式,充分发挥大学和中小学的优势来共同培养教师。我国综合性大学教师教育应该在以本校雄厚的学术实力为依托的基础上定位工作目标和重心,理顺理论与实践、教育机构与实习学校等的关系,共同实现教师教育的连贯性和一体化,使实习成为真正提升师范生作为未来教师的基本技能和素质的强有力的手段,来达到改进教师教育现状的目的。  相似文献   

Routes into teacher training have expanded in recent years, accompanied by a growing interest in schools ‘growing their own’ teachers from amongst support staff. However, little attention has been paid to their transition to the role of teacher. This article investigates influences on identity development and the extent to which personal values are reconciled with professional demands and socially constructed facets of educational practice. Participants were nine staff in one secondary school for pupils with moderate learning difficulties who had undertaken the transition from LSA (learning support assistant) to teacher. Qualitative data were obtained through an online survey and focus group discussion. Findings show that extensive opportunities to experiment with provisional and possible selves, immersion in educational discourse, classroom agency and staff collaboration engender a ‘teacher’ self-concept and positive motivations for LSA career development, and that self-esteem and self-efficacy are strengthened by how an individual’s values align with those of the setting in which they work. Findings may inform school leaders as to the value of training teachers ‘in-house’ and support career development decisions of LSAs, a pathway of potential significance given the current pressures on teacher recruitment and retention.  相似文献   

基于对北京市5255名教师的问卷调查,本研究考察中小学学校组织文化的现状及其特点。研究表明:中小学学校组织文化的三个因素:教师文化、学校文化认同、校长文化,能较好地解释学校组织文化的结构;不同职业生涯发展阶段教师对学校组织文化的认知有所差异,其中6-10年教龄教师对学校组织文化的认同最低;中学和小学教师在学校组织文化的认知上有所差异,小学教师对于学校组织文化的认同度要普遍高于中学教师;不同性质的学校教师在学校组织文化的认知也有所差异,重点学校和薄弱学校教师对学校组织文化的认同度要明显高于普通学校的教师。  相似文献   

试论小学教育特性与小学教师培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小学教育的特性决定了小学教师培养有特定的方式和要求.在专业化视野中,小学教师的培养必须正确处理好按需培养与提高质量、学科专业与教育专业、综合培养与有所侧重、全面发展与学有所长、市场机制与宏观调控的关系,不断提高小学教师的培养质量和水平.  相似文献   

当前小学教师教育面临基础课程改革和教师教育发展的挑战,高等师范教育和教育管理部门面临重组教育资源、课程设置、教材建设等方面的诸多问题。因此,要通过全面深入地改革创新小学教师培养模式,转变教育观念,优化小学教育专业课程设置,强调教学实践环节,加强教材建设,努力培养适应基础教育改革与教师教育发展需要的优质的小学教师。  相似文献   

Today the quality of teachers is held to be increasingly important yet there continue to be doubts about whether teacher education programs graduate teachers ready to meet the challenges of their initial years of teaching. In some jurisdictions, other agencies (Ministries of Education, school districts, and private providers) are supplementing the work of teacher education through the introduction of new teacher induction programs which have become favoured policy initiatives to enhance new teacher transition, retention and quality. Evidence suggests that induction and mentoring increase teacher retention and ensure more effective socialisation of new teachers into the school culture. In spite of their growing popularity, the degree to which induction programs complement teacher education and/or impact new teacher professional learning remains unclear. In this paper the authors report a secondary analysis of data from an evaluation of the New Teacher Induction Program in Ontario, Canada to consider the implications for the future of teacher education by asking: What are the challenges facing new teachers? In what ways does the induction program support new teacher professional learning? What are the major implications for the future of teacher education?  相似文献   

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