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The objective of this qualitative study was to establish motivations for participation of non-traditional students (NTS) in university education. The findings are drawn from empirical data collected from 15 unstructured in-depth interviews with NTS of the School of Computing and Informatics Technology at Makerere University, and analysed with the aid of qualitative data analysis software ATLAS.ti. Three major findings were established: (1) motivations were found to be multiple, multifaceted and varied for each individual; (2) the sociocultural context of the African society including societal perceptions of university education were found to be the major factor shaping motivations of NTS to upgrade their educational qualifications; and (3) most motivations were found to be extrinsic in nature rather than intrinsic and based more on push rather than pull factors. Yet, although the demand for university education is increasing, life beyond university can no longer guarantee some of the anticipated rewards such as employment and its related benefits. It therefore becomes important that the purpose of education within universities in Africa is directed towards achieving development of the whole human being. In this way, a graduate’s capacity to function will not be seen only in the economic and professional life, but also in other spheres of life.  相似文献   

社会捐赠在我国高教成本分担中的现状分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
2 0世纪 90年代以后 ,社会捐赠在我国高教成本中分担的比例呈现出逐年递增之势 ,已成为高等教育成本分担的重要组成部分。为了吸引更多的投资 ,拓宽集资办学渠道 ,解决经费短缺的难题 ,我国的一些高校相继成立了教育基金会、董事会等。目前 ,它们已成为我国高校社会捐赠的有效管理机构  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(4):112-126

The world over, drastic transformation of higher education systems is presenting universities with significant opportunities and challenges. Accordingly, universities need highly effective decision-making systems through which they can adopt the decisions they need to reap the opportunities whilst avoiding the challenges associated with transformation. At Makerere University (MU), Uganda, however, decision-making is ineffective, which is affecting the university’s ability to respond to the opportunities and challenges its transformed environment is presenting. Informed by the propositions of Systems Theory as they apply to organisational decision-making, therefore, decision-makers’ perceptions of the university’s decision-making process were surveyed to ascertain whether there is cooperation, hierarchy, order and feedback among the units involved in the process. It was found that although the process is hierarchical, it is marred by uncooperativeness, disorder and poor feedback mechanisms. To enhance decision success, therefore, MU is urged to review its decision-making process to ensure that the units involved therein operate synergistically.  相似文献   


农村集体产权改革不仅是制度上的调整,更是激发县域经济增长的关键动力。以新一轮农村集体产权改革作为准自然实验,利用2010—2019年间涵盖1 911个县域的面板数据,探讨农村集体产权改革对县域经济增长的实际影响,并进一步验证其内在的作用机理和异质性特征,结果表明:农村集体产权改革显著提升了县域经济发展水平;在传导路径方面,农村集体产权改革主要通过提升生产效率、促进产业集聚以及吸引资本流入推动县域经济增长。分组研究结果表明:在东部地区以及市场化程度较高的县域中,农村集体产权改革展现出更加明显的经济拉动效应。为充分发挥农村集体经济的重要资源优势,应提升农村集体产权改革的包容性和灵活度,激发农村集体经济组织的活力,以促进县域经济的高质量增长。


The article examines how social background characteristics affect the academic achievement and grade careers of Norwegian economics students. The analyses show that the parents' social class is of great importance for the offspring's grades. Students with parents who are academics perform better than their fellow students of working‐class background, on each stage of their university career. The differences are smallest at the preparatory level, and biggest at the master's level. At the last stage of the educational career, students with economist parents outperform other students with similar class backgrounds. The effects of social background are not constant throughout the educational career of economists. Rather, they seem to increase.  相似文献   

我国社会生产力在三十年中得到巨大发展,许多新的社会问题也随之出现。其中严重的贫富分化和社会不公平已经成为突出的矛盾。为此党的十七大明确提出,要构建社会主义和谐社会,必须坚持共同建设、共同享有的原则。这种共享性社会发展目标迫切需要社会价值观的转型,即需要更加追求公平、更加重视平等、更加重视权利与义务的统一。同时,必须认识到和谐社会是要依靠人民群众共同建设,因此政府必须摈弃过多的父权主义思想,更加尊重人民群众的自主管理。  相似文献   

地区教育发展与教育成本分担   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过建构教育机会指数和教育质量指数,本文从数量和质量两个方面度量了地区教育发展水平。随后,探讨了地区教育发展水平的影响因素,尤其是教育成本分担机制对于地区教育发展水平的影响。计量分析表明,非政府教育投入占教育总投入的比重越大,地区教育机会水平越高,但是对提高教育质量水平并没有明显的作用;而在非政府教育投入比重一定的情况下,居民个人承担的教育成本比重越大,教育机会和教育质量都会受到制约。进一步的分析表明,教育成本分担结构对于教育发展的影响存在异质性,这为合理确定教育成本分担结构提供了经验证据。  相似文献   

This study investigates the difficulties students encounter in problem solving in the area of sciences. Contrary to usual approaches of a fundamental psychological basis, the research takes into account the sociological processes of learning and transmission in both the family and the school. The aim of the study is to see the extent to which the students have recognition and realisation rules in the micro‐context of problem solving (specific coding orientation) and to find out the reasons which may underlie their difficulties. Thus the data obtained are related to social class, race and gender and also to pedagogic practices (differing in power and control relations) and school science achievement in high level cognitive competencies. They are also related to children's cognitive level. The results show a strong relation between social class and specific coding orientation to problem solving. The relation is also strong for race and weaker for gender. Specific coding orientation is also strongly related to cognitive development and science achievement. These relations differ for the variables according to realisation and recognition rules and their various indices. The study shows the positive influence of pedagogic practice, which constitutes a crucial finding to pedagogic change.  相似文献   

社会实践对于大学生的成长具有重要意义,然而目前大学生参与社会实践的积极性不高,效果也十分有限。本文根据90后当代大学生自我实现的需求高、心理承受力差、实际交往能力弱等特点,探寻适合他们的社会实践的有效途径,比如采取较长时间的集中实践与平时有规律的短期实践相结合的方法等。  相似文献   

自媒体作为个体传播为主的时尚媒介,以其特有的"自传性"特质备受世人宠爱,在日常学习生活的作用日益彰显,扮演着信息传播与人际交流的重要角色。同样,大学生作为时代的宠儿,处于年龄与心理接受能力的阶段优势,自媒体在高等院校更是广为流传。但由于自媒体传播"规范性"与"严谨性"的缺陷,难免导致一些信息传播乱象频现。因此,如何规范自媒体背景下大学生心理教育已成当务之急。  相似文献   

学生观是指教育者对学生的基本看法,它支配着教育者的教育行为,它决定着教育者的工作态度及其工作方式.然而在当前的教育教学实践中,依然有许多教师对学生存在着很多片面的甚至是错误的认识,这阻滞了教育改革的进程与学生的发展.随着新课程改革的不断推进,教师应该转变观念、树立科学的学生观,用平等、慈爱、欣赏、发展的眼光来看待学生,让学生正确客观地审视自我、认识自我、发展自我、成就自我.  相似文献   

University expansion in higher education has been hierarchically differentiated. There is some concentration of certain social profiles in some degrees of study, so social composition between degrees can vary considerably. This article describes in terms of social composition 10 degrees of four public universities in the metropolitan area of Barcelona. We analyse 857 questionnaires filled in by mid-career students. From the perspective of agent’s decision on the choice of studies, we explore what were the factors that made them choose a concrete degree. We examine several variables that can indicate whether their expectations have been met or not. The results show that the factors predicted by the theory by which working-class (WC) students choose degrees—instrumental motivations and conditions that minimize the risk—are often met. In this regard, the recent structural reform related with the implementation of the European Higher Education Area that removes short-cycles degrees (3 years) could lead to a problem of access for WC students.  相似文献   

高等教育成本分担实证分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高等教育成本分担不仅体现政府对高等教育的投入力度,也直接影响着教育公平及社会主义和谐社会的建设。从江西省高等教育成本分担的基本状况看,个人分担高等教育成本比例过大,政府分担高等教育成本比例过小。政府应切实落实国家教育优先发展战略,加大高等教育投入。  相似文献   

一、绪言 本文旨在探讨台湾技职教育发展及其社会经济背景。首先1951~2004年间,台湾技职教育学校体系与课程系统的重要变革。其次.汇集台湾的产业结构、劳动力结构、国民年所得、国民储蓄率、国民生活水平(含食品消费比率、洗衣机普及率、计算机普及率)等统计数据。经过审慎比对、交互分析。  相似文献   

生活环境对人的感染和影响是潜移默化的,每个人的行为的变化和思想价值观的形成,都要受所处的社会环境的影响。调查显示,有80.3%的人表示环境对自己的思想行为产生一定的影响。生活在全球化、信息化迅速发展,国内外政治、经济和文化生活正发生巨大变化的时代,生活环境的巨大变化正在猛烈的撞击着当今大学生的思想,影响着他们的行为。客观的分析大学生的成长环境,有助于教育者科学的分析后大学生的思想状况,做出正确的解决方案。  相似文献   


Building on the sociological work by Lareau, this study examined the association between students’ socioeconomic background, prior achievement and the perception of teacher support within the classroom. We expected that students from higher socioeconomic backgrounds would be more critical about the support they receive in the classroom and rate their teachers more negatively, while those with higher prior achievement would perceive teacher support more positively. Multilevel models confirmed that there is a negative association between wealth and students’ perception of two dimensions of teacher support, and a negative association between parental educational attainment and one dimension of teacher support. Our findings were in line with the ‘sense of entitlement’ theory by Lareau. Having higher prior achievement was associated with a more positive perception of teacher support, but did not seem to interact with socioeconomic background.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between adolescents' (N = 125) perceived social support and self‐reported (mal)adjustment indicators in a sample of predominantly at risk: Hispanic students in an urban middle school. The instruments used to collect data were the Child and Adolescent Social Support Scale (Malecki, Demaray, & Elliott, 2000) and the Behavior Assessment System for Children, Self Report of Personality (Reynolds & Kamphaus, 1998). Results indicated significant relationships in the expected direction between overall social support and clinical and school (mal)adjustment indicators. Parent and classmate support were most strongly related to clinical and interpersonal indicators whereas parent, teacher, and school support were related to school‐related indicators. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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