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The discovery of the proper value of childhood during the 18th century in Europe was an important break-through. People began to respect childhood as a sacred world that should not be judged from the standpoint of adults. However, in today' world many children are subjected to all kinds of physical and mental pain, including the so-called examination hell in some Asian countries. Children now live in a paradoxical situation. Theoretically they have obtained the right to enjoy their own world, approved and protected by adults, but in practice they cannot adapt themselves smoothly to the world mainly ruled by the logic of grown-ups. This paper argues that it is time to re-evaluate what has been lost under the slogan of modernisation. The solution is not simply to return to the pre-modern situation but rather to consider what elements from the past could be re-activated to the benefit of children today.  相似文献   

This paper argues that there is no meaningful distinction between care and education for young children so that the early childhood field should be renamed early childhood educare. The predominant theoretical framework for early childhood philosophy and curriculum has been Piaget's theory. Piaget's theory describes development as determining current cognitive competence and influencing what children are capable of learning. Children are seen as natural scientists who investigate the world and thereby broaden their understanding. Teachers are expected to stand back and provide resources for children's autonomous learning but not to interfere with it. The paper argues that Vygotsky's theory as applied to the responsive social contexts provided in early childhood educare should be given more consideration because it gives more attention to the importance of the social and cultural context on children's thinking than Piaget. Vygotsky saw learning as driving development and the development of thinking as a shared process rather than an individual one. Children are capable of far more competent performance when they have assistance from adults in their zone of proximal development so adults take a reactive and participatory role. The paper discusses the role of language, the internalisation of interpersonal processes, the importance of intersubjectivity, the need for scaffolding in the zone of proximal development, and the role of both adult and peer tutors according to the author's interpretation of Vygotsky's theory.  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to determine to what extend children from 8 to 12–13 years old become able to compose coherent counter-argumentative texts. 116 children and 26 quasi expert adults were asked to write a text beginning and ending with 2 imposed counterargumentative sentences. In that specific metalinguistic situation, pupils from 8 to 10 hesitate what text type (whether argumentative or not) to produce. When 10–11 years old, they seem aware the situation needs an argumentative response, but that does not necessary enable them to counter-argue. By children from 11–12 years old and adults, texts are most frequently counter-argumentative. It is proposed to explain this evolution by a progressive mastery of a possible argumentative prototypical text schema which could enable pupils to understand the 2 imposed sentences as knots to be expanded from a complexe argumentative text, and, in the same way, to compose this text. This explanative hypothesis is apparently sustained by the positive effects on the performances of 40 pupils from 8 to 12–13 years old of didactic interventions intended to make them sensible to argumentative text properties.  相似文献   

《Child abuse & neglect》2014,38(10):1636-1646
This paper investigates how adults respond to sexual behavior among children in child care. Culturally, childhood sexuality is variously understood as natural curiosity, a sign of sexual abuse, or a symptom of a sex-offender in the making. Given these competing cultural meanings, how are sexual-like behaviors by children managed by the adults who care for them? An analysis of qualitative data from Special Investigation Reports by childcare licensing consultants in the state of Michigan is used to examine how parents, child care providers, and child care licensing consultants manage and respond to sexual behavior between children in the context of child care. How sexual behavior is responded to depends primarily on who is doing the responding – parent, childcare provider, or state licensing consultant – rather than what type of behavior is being responded to. Parents respond to a wide range of behaviors between children as if they are incidents of sexual abuse. Childcare providers respond to many of those same incidents as misbehavior. Licensing consultants understand these incidents as violation of rules of supervision, but they were also the only group to ever ask if children's sexual behavior was potentially a sign of a child having been sexually abused in another setting. Providers and parents need more education about what kinds of sexual behavior to be concerned about and what kind to understand as common. More education that sexuality that is “rare” and persistent could be a sign of sexual abuse is needed by all parties.  相似文献   

This project examines friendship development by identifying behaviors that young children associate with friendship and comparing whether those behaviors match what adults in an enduring friendship recall about the beginnings of their friendships. To examine these questions, young children at a child care facility were interviewed about friendship and 95 adults in enduring friendships identified critical incidents from the beginnings of their friendships. The results not only support past research about what friends mean to young children; but also identifies the ability children have to make distinctions among the many individuals who play with them to be able to label a special person as a best friend. The project proposes that whether childhood friendships become enduring friendships is based on the opportunities the children have to remain friends. It is suggested the opportunity to remain friends is one that can be enhanced by parents and early childhood programs.  相似文献   

Children are often assumed to be more confused than adults are about the origin of self-generated memories (e.g., what they did or thought). The present experiments showed evidence in support of this assumption but only under some circumstances. In Experiment 1, 6- and 9-year-olds were as good as adults in distinguishing what they did from what they saw someone else do. However, children had particular trouble distinguishing what they did from what they imagined doing. Confusion between performed and imagined actions was evident across a range of actions. Clustering data also showed that information about origin is part of the memory for an event; all subjects recalled actions according to who performed what action (Experiment 1). Further, the presence of person categories as a basis for organization reduced clustering based on action class more for children than for adults (Experiment 1 vs. 2). Collectively, these findings indicate that children become sensitive to some distinctions in memories sooner than they do to others.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: One goal in perpetration prevention has been to increase the awareness and competence of professionals and parents in understanding and responding to the sexual behavior of children in order to reduce the risk of children developing sexually abusive behavior. A decade of experience in disseminating information about children's sexual development and behavior is reviewed in this paper. METHOD: Curricula developed at the Kempe Children's Center, University of Colorado Health Science Center, were used to provide training to professionals and paraprofessional caregivers. The information has evolved into a variety of models for different purposes in different settings. RESULTS: Children engage in a wide range of sexual behaviors, some of which adults observe or are told about by other children. Adults can be trained to evaluate what is developmentally expected or problematic, and to respond consistently on the basis of objective definitions and universal goals, rather than relying on the personal beliefs and values of individuals. CONCLUSION: Because children's sexual behaviors may pose a risk to themselves or others, there is a legitimate need for adults to respond to what they see and hear in order to validate or correct sexual learning in childhood. Adults are often not well informed about childhood sexuality and are eager to access objective information to inform their decision making in the care of children.  相似文献   

Summary Fostering an understanding and appreciation of the natural world should be one of the major goals of an early-childhood education program. This goal becomes increasingly important as the lives of young children tend to be more and more separate, or distant, from the world of nature. Most children spend relatively little time outdoors and have few opportunities to explore the world of nature. While children in early childhood programs should have quality time outdoors every day, they should also be given a wide variety of opportunities to learn about the natural world through the experiences they have while inside the classroom. Teachers can do many things to bring the outdoors in and, in the process, to make “learning about the natural environment” a more integral part of what children do and experience throughout the day.  相似文献   

Many young children have very limited knowledge about the world of work. Yet, because work-readiness concepts and competencies are built over time, career decisions made by young adults have their roots in early childhood. Developmentally appropriate career guidance considers not only the age of each child but also his or her talents, needs, and cultural antecedents. Objectives for working with young children include increasing children's occupational awareness and exploration, enhancing their knowledge of self and others, and continuing their development of academic and work-related competencies. By infusing work-readiness activities throughout the curriculum, teachers can help children to build strong concepts that support the decisions they must make a decade or more in the future.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: One goal of the Kempe Center's Perpetration Prevention Program has been to increase the awareness and competence of professionals and parents in understanding and responding to the sexual behaviors of children in order to reduce the risk of children developing sexually abusive patterns of behavior. A decade of exploration and the development of curricula is reviewed in this paper. METHOD: The evolving body of literature relevant to childhood sexuality and sexually abusive behaviors in childhood was reviewed. Several new sources of information and development of a teaching model for adults are described. RESULTS: Children engage in a wide range of sexual behaviors, some of which may be observed by or reported to adults. Research encompassing diverse samples and methods converges to describe what is developmentally expected and what might be problematic. Professionals need to be trained to evaluate and respond to these behaviors objectively, without relying on the personal beliefs or values of individuals. CONCLUSION: Children have a legitimate need for validation and correction of sexual learning. Adults often have not been trained to respond consistently to children's behaviors, but are eager to obtain more information.  相似文献   

Play is an important part of early childhood education and has been defined from different perspectives and paradigms. However, definitions of play have been studied more from adults’ perspectives than from those of children themselves. This ethnographic research, with children aged three to five years and built on sociological constructs, will explore children’s views on play in two preschool settings in Iceland. Video-stimulated recordings were used to support children’s conversations about their different activities in the settings, to explore which activities they considered play. Most of the children said that they were playing when they took on roles and could decide what to do with the material. When the children were preparing the play or were drawing, they usually said they were not playing. These findings add to the understanding of play from children’s perspectives and are valuable to the research field and for educators working with young children.  相似文献   

Prevalence of childhood physical abuse in adult male veteran alcoholics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although past research has identified psychological and behavioral consequences for adults who were abused as children, few studies have examined the incidence and consequences of childhood physical abuse among adult alcoholics. The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of a childhood history of physical abuse in adult male alcoholics and to determine what differences may exist in the psychological profile and patterns of alcohol abuse in abused and nonabused alcoholics. The study sample was comprised of 100 male alcoholic inpatients from the alcoholism treatment unit at a metropolitan Veterans Administration hospital. Subjects were administered a self-report devised by the authors to assess a history of childhood physical abuse, the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST), the Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire (SADQ), and the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R). Findings indicated that approximately one-third of the alcoholics were physically abused as children. Abused alcoholics reported having more severe psychological symptoms and distress than their nonabused counterparts, although they did not differ on the onset, severity, or treatment history for alcohol dependency.  相似文献   

随着启蒙教育受到越来越多的重视,幼儿外语教育成为了社会关注的"热点"。由于年龄及心理特点,幼儿往往是通过自身的活动去认识世界,体验生活,习得经验。幼儿天生就有习得语言的能力,也有其学习语言的敏感期与关键期。作者在研究了国内外相关文献的基础上,提出了八种帮助幼儿学习外语的教学方法;同时,也建议成年人在幼儿外语教学过程中,要充分利用幼儿的自然特征和学习特点,根据实际情况,采用相应的教学方法,充分开发幼儿学习外语的能力。  相似文献   

Mathematics is a natural part of daily life for young children as they explore and investigate the world around them. To build on these experiences, and to begin establishing a mathematical foundation, early childhood educators must not only be knowledgeable about mathematical concepts, they must also be aware of the most developmentally appropriate ways in which to teach these concepts to young children. After participation in an ongoing professional development program, specifically targeting teachers of prekindergarten children in public school, Preschool Programs for Children with Disabilities (PPCD), Head Start, and child care settings, teachers reported positive changes in math practices. Specifically, teachers reported a stronger alignment to national mathematics standards and increased awareness pertaining to developmentally appropriate mathematics practices as they apply to early childhood classrooms. Teachers reported a shift towards more hands-on activities and a shift away from the use of worksheets in their prekindergarten classrooms. Implications from this study suggest that ongoing professional development that is designed to meet the specific needs of early childhood educators can have a positive impact on reported mathematics content knowledge and instructional practices.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an interview study of 104 12‐year old children. The aim was to learn more about how children use the Internet, what they find negative on the Internet and what coping strategies they use. The media debate seems to display consensus regarding what threats the Internet poses to young people. However, this study shows a discrepancy between children's and adults' views on this subject. The children in the study handle the drawbacks of the Internet well, but they do not discuss this with adults. The study does not paint a picture of naïve children, unable to see actual threats, but of responsible people aware of the threats that exist in their digital environment and with developed methods to avoid such threats.  相似文献   

Early childhood settings value play as the way young children learn and educators encourage children’s re-enactment of cultural practices in the imaginative play spaces provided. From a cultural-historical perspective, children expect these imaginative play spaces to contain objects from their social contexts, but what happens when technologies are not provided? The aim of this study was to explore children’s imaginative play involving working and imaginative technologies within two kindergartens (the year before formal schooling). Imaginative play spaces are designed to replicate social situations relevant to the cultural context in which they occur and as technologies increase in society, their proliferation is reflected within early childhood settings. Understanding the role that imaginative technologies can play in children’s digital literacy learning is important for the early childhood field. Also, these devices are often absent from literature and overlooked in conversations about children’s digital participation. The findings show how the children engaged with the imaginative technologies and raises questions around the influence of these technologies on children’s imaginative play and their technological understandings. The findings have implications for educators’ understandings of children’s play with technologies and the objects they provide in an era where children’s lives are increasingly immersed in technology.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study is to shed light on the issue of how children learn to identify what is meant by what is said in communicative practices. The study replicates and extends the well-known work on what is referred to as children's 'theories of other minds'. The focus in the present study is on the interplay between the adult and the child, the nature of the task and the child's position in the communicative encounter. Rather than assuming that children have or do not have 'theories of other minds', we explore the communicative conditions under which children can be made sensitive to the nature of other people's (mistaken) beliefs. The empirical work was carried out amongst children aged three to five, since this is the critical age at which it is claimed that children become sensitive to the fact that other people's perspectives of a situation may differ from their own. The results show that whether or not children 'are able' to adopt other people's perspectives is very much a situated affair and reflects the manner in which they are brought into a position where they can share the framing of the adult. The questions posed are interpreted differently by the children in ways that go beyond the intended difference that concerns perspectivity. The test situation is polysemous in many respects and the variation in responses cannot be reduced to such a simple distinction as the one implied in the theory of mind research paradigm, which represents a monological conception of communication.  相似文献   

Trajectories of cognitive and neural development suggest that, despite early emergence, the ability to extract environmental patterns changes across childhood. Here, 5- to 9-year-olds and adults (N = 211, 110 females, in a large Canadian city) completed a memory test assessing what they remembered after watching a stream of shape triplets: the particular sequence in which the shapes occurred and/or their group-level structure. After accounting for developmental improvements in overall memory, all ages remembered specific transitions, while memory for group membership was only observed in older children and adults (age by test-type interaction η2 = .05). Thus, while young children form memories for specifics of structured experience, memory for derived associations is refined later—underscoring that adults and young children form different memories despite identical experience.  相似文献   

在桂文亚众多的包含不同类型的儿童文学作品中,对大陆儿童文学最具启发意义的是她以自己童年为背景创作的儿童小说。这些作品提供了一个新视角:不是从浪漫主义的角度将童年想象得如何美好,而是从现实主义的角度、从人生的角度看童年,将童年成长中与美好相伴的压抑、失望、焦虑无饰无讳地表现出来,质朴无华中有一种透视的深度。  相似文献   

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