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高校学报作为学术期刊群落中的一部分,一方面承载着由不同学科的学者研究出来的分门别类的学问,另一方面担负着培养各个学科新型研究人才的重任.而与高校的办学层次相适应,高校学报所培养的研究人才也具有一定层次性:通过"审读意见"的提出与反馈,扶持和培养年轻作者;通过"特色栏目"培养具有一定专业水平的研究人才;通过"名刊工程"和"名栏工程"培养具有国际水准的研究专家.  相似文献   

《编辑之友》2010年第2期刊登了一篇题为"高校学报集团化之构想"的文章,从学报"集团化"发展的"必要性""可行性"与"网络化运作"三个方面,论证了高校学报"集团化"发展之构想。这个构想无疑是大胆的,却不可行;粗看起来颇为振奋人心,但细细琢磨之后,事情却并非"构想"之简单,更无"构想"之必要。为什么说不可行呢?笔者拟从两个方面谈起。一也说高校学报集团化发展之不可行  相似文献   

鲍红 《出版科学》2012,(4):31-34
由于职称评审、作者学历层次、科研成果评奖等客观因素以及学报"等米下锅"的被动办刊模式和编辑整体素质有待提高等主观因素的共同影响,地方普通高校学报优质来稿日趋匮乏。解决这一问题的策略主要有:争取学校管理层的智力支持和经费支持;发挥"近水楼台"优势,主动吸纳本校博士和有学术潜力的青年教师稿件;立足本地,以地方文化特色专栏吸引优质稿源;组建一支能够"慧眼识才",具有"琢璞为玉"能力的编辑队伍;注重优秀论文的二次推荐工作,努力培养稳定的优秀作者群。  相似文献   

目前,高校学报的主编多为兼职性质,且主要采取"主编+常务副主编"的管理模式,其特点是主编一般不具体指导办刊工作,常务副主编是刊物编辑出版工作的实际负责人."主编+常务副主编"的管理模式对于促进学报的发展有积极作用,但在实际运行中也存在着一些问题.因此,必须对高校学报"主编+常务副主编"模式进行完善:厘清主编和常务副主编的权责;协调好主编与编委会主任、常务副主编与编辑部主任之间的关系;建立激励机制,充分发挥主编的主观能动性;主编应加强编辑出版业务方面的学习和培训;积极推进常务副主编的学者化.  相似文献   

高校学报影响因子是衡量其办刊质量的重要指标之一,越来越得到社会认可。本文作者采用中国知网2009~2013年的"中国学术期刊影响因子年报"数据,针对2008~2012年综合性农业科技期刊影响因子的情况,分析我国30家农业高校学报的影响因子变化。结果发现:排名靠前的农业高校学报创刊时间都比较早;稿件质量高,学校科研综合实力强;主编、审稿团队、编辑的全面把关是影响因子靠前的保障。  相似文献   

把学报送到需要学报的地方去   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
针对高校学报发行工作进行研究,提出了"把学报送到需要学报的地方去"的发展思路,并从注重高校学报内部交流的价值、做好学报的交流交换和扩大学报论文的检索途径3个方面进行具体的论述.  相似文献   

改革开放以来高等学校自然科学学报的发展及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来高等学校自然科学学报的发展成果 1.目标方针正确 以邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想为指导,坚持党的基本路线和基本方针,坚持四项基本原则;  相似文献   

首先解题."小编"之谓,指的是编辑们首进《大学图书馆学报》时,大多是刚出校门的年轻人.30年过去,早年的小编,有的已经或即将退休;最后进门的王老师、范老师,也都是高级职称的专家了.也有例外,是为五老.其中老肖(肖自力,时为图工委副秘书长、秘书长)、老高(高炳章,时为国家教委条件装备司副司长)、老戴(戴龙基,时为北大图书馆常务副馆长),均主而不编,不在本文"钩"的范围之内,老王、老杨则是《学报》大大的功臣,是小的们的榜样.  相似文献   

1《编辑学报》是中国科学技术协会主管、中国科学技术期刊编辑学会主办的综合性学术期刊。宗旨为:坚持邓小平理论,贯彻"三个代表"重要思想,落实科学发展观,执行"百花齐放、  相似文献   

1《编辑学报》是中国科学技术协会主管、中国科学技术期刊编辑学会主办的综合性学术期刊。宗旨为:坚持邓小平理论,贯彻"三个代表"重要思想,落实科学发展观,执行"百花齐放、  相似文献   

This study investigated whether and how exposure to tanned images on television is related to tanning attitudes and intentions among men and women, using the influence of presumed influence model (Gunther & Storey, 2003 Gunther , A. C. , & Storey , J. D. ( 2003 ). The Influence of presumed influence . Journal of Communication , 53 , 199215 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The model showed a better fit with the male rather than female sample. In addition, among males, exposure to tanned-men images on television was directly associated with protanning attitudes and was indirectly associated with protanning intentions. Corresponding direct and indirect associations were not found among females. Instead, the results suggest females may project their own protanning intentions into the estimation of protanning norms among male and female peers. These results suggest the social perceptual processes underlying the link between television exposure and tanning tendencies of men and women may differ.  相似文献   

Keith Haring painted large outdoor murals in Melbourne, Australia, in 1984 (the Collingwood Mural) and at Pisa in Italy in 1989 (Tuttomondo). Recently, both murals have been analyzed and conserved by similar teams of conservators and scientists. The original appearance of the Collingwood Mural was severely compromised, and the original materials much degraded. Tuttomondo was somewhat altered visually but with less physical damage. There were initial suggestions to repaint Tuttomondo but these were dissipated by good communication of the analytical findings. In Melbourne, there was a high-profile and emotive campaign to have the Collingwood Mural repainted. Conservators and government were heavily criticized for supposedly ignoring the artist's wishes. However, detailed research into Haring's published statements revealed that conservation does respect his artistic aims. For the Collingwood Mural, conservators had to consider whether to reduce the visual disturbances which obscured the works. Practices documented by conservation theorists and routinely undertaken by conservators guided the decision to apply mechanically reversible re-integration. This made Haring's unique ‘line’ visible and accessible again, and pleased the public. The controversies showed how conservators must communicate clearly and tactfully; appreciate the feelings of the public and involve communities in conservation, without compromising rigorous scientific and curatorial research.  相似文献   

A review and analysis of the rules and regulations including the tax aspects of making an investment in India is presented. The full range from Foreign Direct Investment to different forms of doing business with specific examples from the publishing industry is explored to help understand current policies and regulations.
Sandeep ChauflaEmail: Email:

The definitions of the rational and real-valued variants of the h-index and g-index are reviewed. It is shown how they can be obtained both graphically and by calculation. Formulae are derived expressing the exact relations between the h-variants and between the g-variants. Subsequently these relations are examined. In a citation context the real h-index is often, but not always, smaller than the rational h-index. It is also shown that the relation between the real and the rational g-index depends on the number of citations of the article ranked g + 1. Maximum differences between h, hr and hrat on the one hand and between g, gr and grat on the other are determined.  相似文献   

A continuing theme of the archival literature from the “New World Countries” of the Australia, Canada and the United States is the lack of understanding and appreciation of archivists and archival work. The author posits that this situation can be ameliorated if archivists understand the temperament characteristics that shape their own attitudes and behaviours and thus influence their interactions with significant others in the workplace and wider community. This essay reports and interprets major findings of a survey of temperament types present among members of the Australian Society of Archivists, conducted as part of a 1998 three-country [Australia, Canada and the USA] study.A version of this paper was presented at the 1999 Australian Society of Archivists Annual Conference in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. It is the first of two essays that report the results of national surveys of temperament types of archivists in three countries: Australia, Canada and the USA. The second essay, “The Influence of Temperament Type in the Perceptions of Archivists in Three New World Countries” will appear in the next issue of Archival Science.  相似文献   

A series of studies report the development of empirically derived instruments that measure student interest and engagement. The first study inductively develops an initial item pool through open-ended questionnaire data. A second study subjects the measures to exploratory factor analysis to ascertain an underlying factor structure. The third study deductively tests the measures through confirmatory factor analysis and examines associations among teacher communication behaviors, student emotional and cognitive interest, and engagement. A fourth study offers discriminant validity evidence, suggesting that the new measures are distinct from scales that assess similar yet divergent constructs. Guided by prior theory (Mottet, Frymier, & Beebe, 2006 Mottet, T. P., Frymier, A. B. and Beebe, S. A. 2006. “Theorizing about instructional communication”. In Handbook of instructional communication, Edited by: Mottet, T. P., Richmond, V. P. and McCroskey, J. C. 255282. Boston, MA: Pearson.  [Google Scholar]) and research (Harp & Mayer, 1997 Harp, S. F. and Mayer, R. E. 1997. The role of interest in learning from scientific text and illustration: On the distinction between emotional interest and cognitive interest. Journal of Educational Psychology, 89: 92102. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), the instruments developed here possess heuristic potential for instructional communication research. Implications and areas for future research are discussed.  相似文献   


Following testimony dealing with the role played by television audience ratings in determining whether a given program will or will not be kept on the air, Chairman Oren Harris of the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce requested the American Statistical Association to examine, describe, and evaluate the statistical reliability and validity of the various commercial rating services. The ASA's Technical Committee on Broadcast Ratings, under the Chairmanship of William G. Madow, produced its report early in 1961. It was published by the House Commerce Committee in March, under the title, Evaluation of Statistical Methods Used in Obtaining Broadcast Ratings (House Report 193, 87th Congress, 1st Session).

Although the entire report is highly technical, it is recommended to all those seriously interested in the rating services and their standards. For those without the statistical background to understand certain portions of the report, attention is called to more easily read articles, such as Harrison B. Summers’ “Qualitative Information Concerning Audiences of Network Television Programs”; (which appeared on pp. 147–160 of this issue of the Journal) as well as general articles cited in the bibliography that follows.  相似文献   

Charles J. Sippl and Charles P. Sippl's Computer Dictionary and Handbook (Indianapolis: Howard W. Sams, 1976---$16.95)

Walter S. Baer, Leland L. Johnson, and Edward W. Merros's Analysis of Federally Funded Demonstration Projects (Santa Monica, Calif.: Rand Corp., R-1925, 1926, 1927-DOC, April 1976---price not given, but likely about $20.00 or so for the set, paper)

Lester G. Lindley's The Constitution Faces Technology: The Relationship of the National Government to the Telegraph, 1866-1884 (New York: Arno Press, 1975--- $22.00)

Nick Lyons's The Sony Vision (New York: Crown, 1976---$7.95)

SMPTE Journal (SMPTE Publications Office, 862 Scarsdale Ave., Scarsdale, N.Y. 10583---$3.00 for single issues)

The Classic Radio Newsletter ($5.00 per year for six issues)

Cable Television Information Center's Social Services and Cable TV (Washington: National Science Foundation, 1976---$3.10, paper, from Government Printing Office)

Charles F. Phillips, Jr. (ed.) Competition and Regulation: Some Economic Concepts (Department of Economics, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va. 24450, 1976-43.00, paper)

Calvin A. Kent, Richard Oppedahl, and Lynn Stephens' Municipal Franchising and Regulation: An Evaluation of Policy-Related Research (Business Research Bureau, School of Business, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, S.D. 57069---price not given, paper)

Edward Hyde's The Phone Book: What the Telephone Company Would Rather You Not Know (Chicago: Henry Regnery Co., 1976---$7.95)

Public Policy as a Determinant of Market Structure: The case of the Specialized Communications Market by Peter D. Shapiro (September 1974, Working Paper 74-10, 177 pp.)

Glossary of Costing and Ratemaking Terms in the U.S. Postal Service and the American Telephone and Telegraph Company by Arlene Karlin (January 1976, Working Paper 76-2, 28 pp.)

The U.S. Mail Network: Who Pays, Who Plays by Gordon Emrie (April 1976, Working Paper 76-3, 148 pp.)  相似文献   

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