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王安忆的小说创作与卫慧、棉棉以及当下一些美女作家对眼下商业化大潮中的各种欲望化的生存景观的津津乐道不同,她的作品呈现的却是一幕幕带有终极意味的女性悲剧性生存景象的关怀.她的"三恋"系列,通过对"性"与"母性"的书写,实际是在发现、质询、反省和探究女性主体意识的迷失,进而思索女性的性别境遇及其生命体验,并为女性的性别本体复归而呐喊。  相似文献   

The issue of sex differences in reading disability has been of recent interest in relation to sex ratios in families with reading disabled children and to possible sex biases in referred populations. Data from a study of 570 twins are used to develop alternative definitions of reading disability that vary in the manner to which sex effects are taken into account. These definitions include discrepancies between reading quotients and IQ, the use of the regression of reading onto IQ and chronological age/reading age differences. In each case the reading and spelling disability was defined either separately for the sexes or based upon the data for the sexes combined and with and without an IQ>90 exclusion criterion. The consequences of using the alternative definitions for prevalence, sex ratio and heritability are examined. The results demonstrate that the characteristics of reading disabled children vary with the way disability is defined. The excess of males seems to be a robust finding. Definitions that take into account differences in mean score for males and females reduce but do not eradicate the sex ratio. From the genetic analysis, there is no support for the suggestion that the genetic effect on reading is greater for females than males. It is concluded that the use of regression based procedures for identifying reading disability is desirable but that at present there is insufficient evidence to justify the adoption of separate regression procedures for the two sexes.  相似文献   

This analysis set out to identify associations between birth order and sexual health outcomes, focusing on family involvement in sex education and early sexual experiences. The third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles is a stratified probability sample survey of 15 162 men and women aged 16–74 in Britain. Logistic regression was conducted to identify odds ratios for the association between birth order and sexual health outcomes. Multiple logistic regression was performed adjusting for socio-demographic factors and sibling number. Middle-born and last-born men had lower odds of reporting ease talking to parents about sex around age 14 and learning about sex from their mothers. Last-born women had lower odds of reporting a parental main source of sex education or having learned about sex from their mother. Findings represent an exploratory analysis in an under-researched area, and provide the basis for further research on the association between birth order and parental involvement in sex education, as well as the role and impact of sex education provided by older siblings.  相似文献   

潮州作为历史文化名城,地域上属省尾国角,文化上深受儒家传统思想的影响。保守、传统、内敛是外人对潮州人的固有印象。80后青年是出生于性学兴起、性革命、社会转型历史时期的极具时代特征的一个特殊群体。结合这二者,该文从性社会学的视角,运用SPSS社会统计分析软件,采用相关分析及Logistic回归统计分析方法,探讨新生代潮州80后未婚青年性爱观,并提出几点开展该群体性教育工作的建议。  相似文献   

Available evidence suggests that changes in the funding of higher education have led to some students entering the sex industry in order to make ends meet. The current study comprises a sample of undergraduates (N = 130) in the south of England, who completed a cross‐sectional survey of their financial circumstances, health, psychological well‐being, substance use and lifestyle. A response rate of 74% was obtained. Data indicated that over 10% of all respondents knew of students engaged in sex work (defined as prostitution, escorting, lap dancing or stripping) in order to support themselves financially. Poor psychological well‐being, drinking problems and financial circumstances were associated with sex work, and although no direct evidence was found linking this to an earlier history of sexual abuse, there was an indirect relationship through the impact of abuse on mental health. A logistic regression model incorporating General Health Questionnaire scores, alcohol problems and hours worked outside of study strongly predicted whether respondents knew of students engaged in sex work. For lap dancing in particular the model was very strong. This study provides further evidence of students' participation in sex work and its association with economic circumstances. Further longitudinal work is required to clarify the nature of these relationships.  相似文献   

通过分层抽样调查惠州学院90后大学生的性观念及性教育现状,结果发现:90后大学生主要从非正规渠道获取性知识,对学校性教育工作的满意度偏低,认为学校开展性教育力度不够。因此,高校应教育90后大学生树立正确的性观念和性教育观,合理获取性知识;采用灵活多样的性教育形式,引导学生性身心健康发展;健全和完善大学生性道德和性价值观;建立高校性教育课程体系,以此来改进和提高90后大学生的性教育工作。  相似文献   

Although there is evidence for specific risk factors leading to child sexual exploitation and prostitution, these influences overlap and have rarely been examined concurrently. The present study examined case files for 175 young persons who attended a voluntary organization in Leicester, United Kingdom, which supports people who are sexually exploited or at risk of sexual exploitation. Based on the case files, the presence or absence of known risk factors for becoming a sex worker was coded. Data were analyzed using t-test, logistic regression, and smallest space analysis. Users of the voluntary organization's services who had been sexually exploited exhibited a significantly greater number of risk factors than service users who had not been victims of sexual exploitation. The logistic regression produced a significant model fit. However, of the 14 potential predictors – many of which were associated with each other – only four variables significantly predicted actual sexual exploitation: running away, poverty, drug and/or alcohol use, and having friends or family members in prostitution. Surprisingly, running away was found to significantly decrease the odds of becoming involved in sexual exploitation. Smallest space analysis of the data revealed 5 clusters of risk factors. Two of the clusters, which reflected a desperation and need construct and immature or out-of-control lifestyles, were significantly associated with sexual exploitation. Our research suggests that some risk factors (e.g. physical and emotional abuse, early delinquency, and homelessness) for becoming involved in sexual exploitation are common but are part of the problematic milieu of the individuals affected and not directly associated with sex trading itself. Our results also indicate that it is important to engage with the families and associates of young persons at risk of becoming (or remaining) a sex worker if one wants to reduce the numbers of persons who engage in this activity.  相似文献   

Local mate competition (LMC) was firstly used to explain extra-ordinary female-biased sex ratios. However, some observations have found that the sex ratios of some species are more female-biased than the predictions of LMC and its extensions; there is not yet a theory that accounts for the mechanisms of more female-biased sex ratio. Here, we assume that LMC occurs at a destructed habitat that reduces the resource for production, and present a new extension for the LMC model. Consequently, our model shows that the evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) for sex ratio depends on two parameters: the number of foundresses and the degree of habitat destruction. Moreover, the sex ratio decreases as the degree of habitat destruction increases, i.e., the proportion of female increases. These results generally agree with experimental data, and may provide a new basis for the evolution of female-biased sex ratios in local mate competition and a new theory support for conservation of some species  相似文献   

我国市场经济的发育和逐渐成熟,不仅没有带来女性地位的提高,女性作为弱势群体,其权利、地位和个人价值实现从建国以来第一次受到挑战,“性别回归”、“女人回家”等以男权为中心的社会思潮,充斥了整个社会舆论环境。在这种大背景下,女性接受高等教育的比例虽有所增长,但从接受高等教育的质的层面和隐性角度看,女性接受高学历教育正面临社会性别回归思潮的影响;来自女性自身的女性自我意识的缺失;社会竞争中的弱势、社会多重角色期待形成了女性追求高学历教育的困境。  相似文献   

This is a study of sex education programmes and focuses on the reactions adolescents had to the sex education they were offered. The findings suggest that girls and boys respond differently to the sex education schemes, and that boys react more negatively than girls. The conclusion is that there is a need for new strategies, both to reach the boys effectively and to protect space for the girls' interests. We argue for the provision of some single-sex work in the sex education area of the curriculum, especially in the early years of secondary school.  相似文献   

The media are widely acknowledged as important in sex and relationship education, but they are usually associated with ‘bad’ effects on young people in contrast to the ‘good’ knowledge represented by more informational and educational formats. In this paper we look at sex advice giving in newspapers, magazines and television in the UK, in sex advice books and in online spaces for sexual learning. We examine some of the limitations of the information provided, consider the challenges for sex advice in the contemporary context, and outline some of the opportunities for academics, researchers, therapists, sex educators and activists to contribute productively to sex advice giving and sexual learning more generally.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of student motivation, unwillingness to communicate, first-generation college status, and biological sex on students' public speaking grades. A standard multiple regression analysis tested the hypothesis. Participants were enrolled in public speaking courses at two midwestern universities. The only independent variable with a significant main effect was biological sex. While this finding was consistent with earlier research, biological sex differences outweighed other understudied variables. These results require further investigation.  相似文献   

中小学是青少年性教育的重要阶段,中小学性教育是基础教育改革的重要内容。在全球基础教育改革方兴未艾的背景下,部分国家顺应新世纪中小学性教育实践需求,积极推进中小学性教育改革,改革呈现目标体系更加多元均衡、起始年限更加提前、支撑体系更加完善的崭新动向及特征,从中折射出全球中小学性教育发展趋势。这为推进我国中小学性教育改革提供了深刻启示。  相似文献   


Evidence exists about the increasing rate of sexual involvement, decrease in age of first sexual experience and the existence of different forms of sexual aberration such as prostitution, sexual exploitation and rape among Nigerian youth. In spite of these problems sex education has not been included in the framework of the formal education system in Nigeria. The introduction of sex education in our formal school system is now necessary not only to provide adolescents with valuable knowledge about sex, but also as a means of averting risks associated with unplanned coital sex such as teenage pregnancy, illegitimacy and other medical and psychological risks. This paper attempts to answer questions related to such issues as who should teach sex education, whether sex education should be taught as a subject or integrated into some or all school subjects, the content of sex education and how sex education materials should be presented. It is anticipated that the introduction of sex education in the formal school system is likely to lead to some conflicts with cultural and religious norms and with existing sex knowledge which youths have from their peers, magazines, pictures and pornography.  相似文献   

考虑汉中市的中学教师薪金与他们的资历、性别、教育程度及培训情况等因素及其关连性.该文主要应用多元线性回归模型,来拟合多个影响因素对一个变量的影响.通过经济模型的建立、分析及MATLAB程序求解加深对多元回归模型的理解.最后通过统计分析,说明此模型在实践中的可行性,并对短期内的情况进行预测.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to identify the general, common, and specific developmental risk factors for pedophilia, exhibitionism, rape, and multiple paraphilia, and to address five methodological issues observed in this area of research. METHOD: This study involved 64 sex offenders and 33 nonsex, nondrug-related, and nonviolent property offenders. The group of 64 sex offenders was further divided into eight subgroups, some of which overlapped in memberships because of multiple diagnoses. To overcome the methodological problem associated with overlapping group memberships, a special approach involving comparisons of sets of logistic regression analyses was adopted. Offenders were clinically assessed for evidence of paraphilias, and their adverse childhood experiences were measured by a battery of tests. RESULTS: Childhood Emotional Abuse and Family Dysfunction, Childhood Behavior Problems, and Childhood Sexual Abuse were found to be general developmental risk factors for paraphilias. Furthermore, Childhood Emotional Abuse and Family Dysfunction was found to be a common developmental risk factor for pedophilia, exhibitionism, rape, or multiple paraphilia. Additional analyses revealed that childhood emotional abuse contributed significantly as a common developmental risk factor compared to family dysfunction. Besides, Childhood Sexual Abuse was found to be a specific developmental risk factor for pedophilia. CONCLUSIONS: The study has supported the value of conceptualizing certain childhood adversities as developmental risk factors for paraphilic behaviors. The role of childhood emotional abuse as an important developmental risk contributor, and the relationship between childhood sexual abuse and pedophilia are of theoretical significance. Furthermore, the results have significant implications for the prevention of childhood abuse and treatment of sex offenders.  相似文献   


Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is steadily increasing among the baby boom population. Among this population, there is a gap between knowledge and behavioral choices. HIV risk perception is multifaceted and shaped by different sociodemographic factors. Baby boomers’ perception of risk and sociocognitive determinates that impact their decision to practice safe sex was examined using a correlational study design. A hierarchical multiple linear regression (HMLR) model from 48 participants aged 50–70 living in the South revealed that level of education, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) prevention behavioral skills, and HIV prevention information predicted the intent to practice safe sex. Findings account for 58.3% of the total amount of the variance explained by the two model predictors. The results are consistent with findings in the literature that suggest older adults who have more HIV prevention information and behavioral skills are more inclined to practice safe sex.  相似文献   

Due to the recent changes in federal regulations about gender equity in education in the USA, some policy makers have resurrected single‐sex public education. Because single‐sex schooling ignores the complexity of sex, gender, and sexuality, it sets up a ‘separate but equal’ system that is anything but. Discounting the ways in which gender is negotiated, constructed, and performed, and the variability of anatomical sex, current arguments for single‐sex schooling reify the false binaries of sex and gender, rely on assumptions of heteronormativity and, in turn, negate the existence of multiple sexes, genders, and sexual orientations.  相似文献   

目前,我国性教育虽已取得显著成绩,但仍面临一些亟待解决的问题:性教育观念落后;性教育内容不够完善; 性教育对象偏窄;性教育方法手段简单;性教育教材匮乏;性教育实施者互相推诿等等。加强性教育的主要对策有:树立科学的性教育观念;充实和完善性教育内容;性教育要从小抓起;运用灵活多样的性教育方法;加强性教育教材建设;建立学校、家庭、社区互动、立体的教育模式等。  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of acculturation and perception of the university environment on the depressive symptomatology of 228 Korean American undergraduates, with a focus on sex and generational differences. Perceptions of the university environment and perceived barriers were positive predictors of depressive symptomatology in respective regression equations by sex and generation. Study limitations and counseling practice implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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