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Emil Fischer is considered to be the founding father of the field of peptide chemistry and originator of the term peptide. In the beginning of the 20th century, Fischer had a clear vision to foresee the day when a protein would be synthesized. Subsequent to this brilliant beginning, progress however was slow for the next 50 years. In 1953, the chemical synthesis of oxytocin by duVigneaud was a landmark achievement. The subsequent decades witnessed the discovery of a vast number of biologically active peptides. The last three decades saw development of multiple simultaneous syntheses, peptide libraries and peptide vaccines. This article is a concise account of the types of peptides discovered and their biological role.  相似文献   

Avinash Khare 《Resonance》2013,18(10):885-896
In this article I shall present a brief review of the hundred-year young Bohr model of the atom. In particular, I will first introduce the Thomson and the Rutherford models of atoms, their shortcomings and then discuss in some detail the development of the atomic model by Niels Bohr. Further, I will mention its refinements at the hand of Sommerfeld and also its shortcomings. Finally, I will discuss the implication of this model in the development of quantum mechanics.  相似文献   

The theme of this article is that, individually and collectively, the local education authorities in Wales have a distinctive history in the 20th century. The thesis is explored mainly by means of three case studies: the reaction of the local authorities to the Education Act of 1902, which eventually escalated into a national movement dubbed 'the Welsh revolt'; the response of some local authorities, particularly in industrial Wales, to the 1932 legislation which required them to replace their free secondary school places with special places; and the attempts of some councils to resist the largely clandestine attempts of the Ministry of Education and its Welsh Department to impose a tripartite system of secondary education against their wishes after 1944. This tradition of independent action in Wales bears on contemporary patterns of power and policy. The article concludes by suggesting that, in an education power structure now radically altered by the creation of the National Assembly for Wales in 1999, the local authorities are regarded more favourably than is the case in England and vested with significantly more responsibility, so making it likely that their future course will diverge increasingly from that of their English counterparts.  相似文献   

教育学作为一门学科,在中国一开始就是“进口”而来的,人们形象地称它是“舶来品”。教育学的引进与教育学的中国化几乎是相伴而生的,教育学中国化经历了六个阶段。解决教育学中国化问题,应注意中国的教育实际,使用科学的研究方法,正确处理学术研究与意识形态的关系,提倡教育学原创性研究,正确处理传承民族文化教育传统与借鉴国外教育理论之间的关系。  相似文献   

对颜元的研究从颜元在世巴经开始,至今已经三百余年.其中,清初期、清晚期以及民国初期、建国初期是颜元研究的几个高峰期.改革开放以后,其学术思想的研究进入了新时代,呈现出百花齐放的景象.在这一过程中,颜元的研究也逐渐走向国际化,从欧美到日本、韩国,均有学者对颜元思想进行研究.  相似文献   

Frederick Winslow Taylor's book titled The Principles of Scientific Management revolutionized manufacturing throughout the world. One hundred years after its publication, Taylor's theories continue to reverberate through business and industry. This article examines Taylor's life and accomplishments. In particular, it describes the nature of Taylor's impact on the field of human performance technology.  相似文献   

《百年孤独》作为一部不朽的魔幻现实主义小说,内容曲折离奇,通过一个家族的兴衰历程,将哥伦比亚甚至整个拉丁美洲近百年的历史淋漓尽致的展现在读者面前。其作者加西亚.马尔克斯不仅具有丰富的想象力,同时也将宗教典故、地域风俗以及神话传说结合到作品中去,使得现实与虚幻相互融合。本文试图通过原型理论探索《百年孤独》中隐藏在"孤独"背后的一系列神话原型,进而阐释其原型体系所传达出的深刻内涵。  相似文献   

本文将我国中学生物学实验教学的历史划分为六个阶段,从历年来生物学教学大纲中有关实验方面的规定、实验教学的实际情况、高考对实验的要求等方面对中学生物学实验教学做了简要回顾。  相似文献   

本文旨在通过对汉简书法艺术三个阶段的分析回顾,梳理汉简书法艺术不断推陈出新的脉络,从而为新世纪简帛书法的进一步创新繁荣提供观照和思考。  相似文献   

马俊 《职业技术》2007,(7):38-40
每个人的人生都像一个金字塔,只有往上攀登,才可能享受最大的自由和空间。一部分人庸庸碌碌,终其一生都在老地方徘徊;另一部分人按部就班、辛辛苦苦地从E层爬到C层;只有少数人,  相似文献   

马俊 《职业技术》2007,(4):38-40

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