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屈原作品中多次谈到他与楚王的“成言”。这应是屈原政治生涯和楚国政治生活中的重大事件,更是屈原研究的重要内容,也是屈原作品研究的重要钥匙。遗憾的是,它为过去几乎所有《楚辞》专家所忽视。本文根据先秦历史文缺有关“成言”的性质,对屈原作品中有关“成言”的记述,进行综合考证,从而发现屈原与楚怀王“成言”的内容,主要是推行“奉先功以照下令,明法度之嫌疑。国富强而法立兮,属贞臣而日娭”的“变法”;屈原《九歌》是他“变法”中“受命诏以昭时,奉先功以照下”的作品。  相似文献   

屈原,战国时期伟大的思想家、政治家、学家、爱国主义诗人,我国最早的浪漫主义学大家。关于屈原的生平事迹史书多有记载,但记述他放逐后实际生活的片段只有《卜居》和《渔父》两篇,它们是屈原生平轶事的奇妙佳作,作为屈原的作品被后人归入《楚辞》。它们究竟是否为屈原所作,在中国学史上一直存在着争议,莫衷一是,古人多认为它们的作就是屈原本人,今人多认为可能是熟悉屈原生活和思想的楚人作品。但《卜居》中所表现出的迷茫与精神上的痛苦,分明是屈原惨遭迫害、报国无门的内心真实独自,《渔父》中那坚强的信念,出污泥而不染的高洁品德和反抗世俗的精神,就是屈原一贯的人生哲学和处世态度。从这些方面说,把这两篇章看作是屈原的作品一点也不为过。《卜居》和《渔父》同为传世佳作,在写作手法上,既有相同的地方,也有不同之处。  相似文献   

屈原是我国古代文学史上杰出的浪漫主义诗人,其创作开创了我国浪漫主义文学的先河。体现出了雄伟的艺术气魄。文章首先指明屈原诗作,特别是《离骚》、《天问》中透露出的雄伟艺术气魄,然后揭示出屈原艺术气魄与屈原崇高的人格的关系,最后昭示出作家、艺术家要具有独立、崇高的人格和精神上的自由,才能创作出具有雄伟艺术气魄的作品来。  相似文献   

王国维的《屈子之精神》与梁启超的《屈原研究》是屈原研究的经典之作。王国维侧重于从地域化分析屈原性格形成的原因,梁氏则较为注重心理学的阐释。在他们运用知人论世、学阐释等研究方法的对比中,亦可管窥2人学术研究风格的“和而不同”之处。  相似文献   

文章辨析爱国主义内涵,剖析《离骚》中内含的屈原爱国主义精神,包括政治志向、崇高人格、感情世界与艺术创作中的爱国主义精神,并提出通过使爱国精神融入政治生活,汲取屈原政治智慧和品格;融入媒体传播,生动诠释屈原爱国主义精神;融入社会生活,彰显屈原爱国主义精神本色等,实现屈原爱国主义精神的当代传承和发展。  相似文献   

宗亚玲 《现代语文》2006,(10):121-122
贾谊的《吊屈原》是令人所能看到的最早的悼念屈原的学作品。这是一篇赋作,又名《吊屈原赋》,《选》中称之为《吊屈原》。贾谊擅长赋作,堪称汉赋第一大家,此篇既是一篇感人的吊.更是一篇优秀的汉赋。它不同于后来汉赋的堆砌辞藻、追求篇幅,而是投诸真情、精美恰切,不仅追怀古人,更主要的是借此抒身世之感,悲己之不遇。  相似文献   

《屈赋创作论》采用新的文学批评方法,重点探讨了屈原创作的心理、情感动力、创作过程及创作成就,这在历来的屈原及其辞赋研究中,是较为薄弱的方面。  相似文献   

唐末诗人皮日休的讽悼文《九讽》是对屈原骚体文的继承。在思想内容上继承了屈原骚体文的怨刺精神;同时,他的文中又呈现了前人还未出现的民主思想,显示出了理性主义的思维,体现了对屈原骚体文的变异。  相似文献   

一、自主探究。挖掘屈原的爱国精神。 1、读文章前,教师设计如下问题,引导学生阅读、探究。①屈原所处的时代有什么特征?②传记中如何展示屈原的文学才华?③屈原一生的遭遇分哪几个阶段?如何概括?④屈原的爱国主义精神表现在哪些方面?  相似文献   

从《天问》看稷下学对屈原思想的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
屈原思想的基本构成是相当复杂的,除了南方楚文化基因外,它还深受北方文化尤其是稷下学思想的影响,屈原的重要作品《天问》中就透露出了这样的信息。以《天问》为主要考察对象,从宇宙论、天命观以及屈原对待“尊贤”问题的态度等方面,可见稷下学对屈原思想形成所施加的影响。  相似文献   

社会故事作为一种应用于自闭症谱系障碍儿童社会能力训练的教学方法,目前得到广泛的推广与应用。本文试图从国外自闭症谱系社会故事干预的研究文献中梳理现有的社会故事干预有效性研究的开展情况,试图总结研究中存在的问题,并为今后社会故事干预的有效性研究提供思路。  相似文献   

在物理学研究中运用观察方法,可以为研究积累丰富的资料和实验事实,是理论总结的基础。同时,以观察为始端的科学研究最终又回到观察中去,用观察的事实来检验物理研究结果的真伪优劣。  相似文献   

新时期以来艾芜小说研究取得了一定成果。研究视线主要集中在三个方面,一是对新作品作跟踪式赏析;二是对旧作《南行记》细品味再挖掘;三是运用新批评方法作比较文学研究。一度出现可喜的局面,但研究现状中的缺憾和误区也不容忽视。  相似文献   

训诂学和汉语史都是以历代流传下来的文献语言材料作为依据的。随文释义的注释材料、纂集类训诂专书和考证材料是研究汉语史的极其重要的材料。训诂材料在汉语词汇史研究中的价值最大, 在汉语语音史和汉语语法史研究中的价值也不可估量。我们应该将汉语史研究和训诂学研究有机结合起来, 充分发挥训诂材料在汉语史研究中的作用。  相似文献   

Despite the widespread availability of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and some research into specific pedagogical practices using them, there has been little research on the role of these technologies in shaping broader pedagogical approaches in higher education (HE). Increased experimentation in using ICTs raises questions about their pedagogical role in teaching, learning and assessment provision, and in creating innovative pedagogies. An accepted approach is needed to compare the different ways ICTs and rich media are used in HE teaching models. Within the SusTEACH HE sustainability research project this was needed to support the carbon‐based environmental assessment of HE courses using ICTs. Building on a review of learning design theories and models, and ICTs used for pedagogical purposes, this paper considers several approaches to conceptualising the role of ICTs in HE courses, leading to the development of the Teaching Models Rating Tool designed to examine the role of ICTs in course provision. This tool characterises courses as using Face‐to‐Face Teaching Models, Distance Teaching Models, ICT‐Enhanced Blended Teaching Models or Online Teaching Models. Whilst this tool was designed to support research on sustainable HE teaching models in the UK, it has wider applications to support comparative assessments of pedagogical and economic impacts. Further developments will be informed by the complex and evolving role of ICTs in HE teaching models.  相似文献   

范式是指科学家在特定科学研究领域中形成的共识。在社会科学研究中,规范性研究范式和实证性研究范式是两个基本研究范式。人们有必要使用规范性研究范式探讨教育现代化的属性、结构、演化、价值取向和创新机制,使用实证性研究范式评价教育现代化水平,进行区域教育现代化案例分析,从而完善教育现代化研究的方法论。  相似文献   

In this article, I discuss several general and specific issues that pertain to the risk and resilience framework. I propose that these issues deserve consideration by researchers using or interested in using the risk and resilience framework to guide their research in the social domain of learning disabilities. General issues discussed include: (1) integrating current research findings with those from prior longitudinal research by Emmy Werner and her associates, and from research in the 1980s and 1990s on problems in social perception and communication in children with learning disabilities; (2) measurement problems; and (3) the need for more differentiation in research regarding gender and the severity of learning disabilities. The specific issues discussed include: the need to continue to search for potential risk and protective factors; the need to research mediating processes or mechanisms that render a factor a risk or a protection; and the nature of intervention research.  相似文献   


Research databases are a significant contributing aspect of modern technology, and, as such, innovation has enhanced learning and research outputs using online databases introduced by authorities in charge of higher education. However, databases have been rarely investigated from the perspective of psychological assessment. Therefore, this research examined databases using structural equation modelling and the Rasch model to explore contributing factors of learning and research in higher education. To measure databases, this research adapted the online database adoption and satisfaction (ODAS) model and analysed the responses of 300 postgraduate students, from a double first class university in Shanghai, collected using a stratified random sample technique. The results of the ODAS model showed that the postgraduate students’ perceived usefulness and ease of use of databases played mediating roles in establishing connections between their computer self-efficacy and intention to use and satisfaction with databases for research and learning. However, the ODAS model also showed that the students’ satisfaction was indirectly explained by their perceived usefulness of databases through ease of use and intention to use. The results of our investigation contribute to a better understanding of the ODAS model and suggest assessment strategies for learning and research through databases for researchers, academicians, and librarians.  相似文献   

Role of the Undergraduate Student Research Assistant in the New Millennium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, we analyze the contribution of the undergraduate student who participates in the process of generating scientific data and developing a research project using Brazilian research as an example. Historically, undergraduate students have performed the critical role of research assistants in developing countries. This aspect has been underappreciated as a means of generating scientific data in Brazilian research facilities. Brazilian educational institutions are facing major age-related generational changes among the science faculty within the next 5–10 yr. A lack of adequate support for graduate students leads to a concern that undergraduates will not be interested in choosing research assistant programs and, subsequently, academic research careers. To remedy this situation it is important to focus on ways to encourage new research careers and enhance university–industry collaborations.  相似文献   

副词一直是汉语作为第二语言教学中的一个难点和重点。由于多种因素的影响,学习者在副词运用中经常出现一些偏误。从研究内容和研究方法两个方面总括近十年(2000-2009)来副词研究的成果,同时结合副词研究的现状指出研究方面存在的不足之处。  相似文献   

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