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教学过程(引入竞争机制,课前有意将学生分成四个组:Long team/Shortteam/Big team/Sm allteam,同时以不同形状的贴纸随时评价)Step1.W arm ing up1.Greeting2.Sing a song:“Hide and seek”.3.Play a gam e:Sim on says.Sim on says:Touch your nose/eyes/ears…Shake yourbod  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.Warming up1.Play the game:Touch your nose.Touch your right ear.Touch your left leg…2.Sing"."(CAI)3.Free talk.T:I fly a kite in spring.What do you do in summer?S1:I fly a kite,too.(Asks S2)What do you do in summer?S2:I ride a bike in summer.(Asks S3)What do you do in summer?…Step2.  相似文献   

<正>教学过程Step 1. Warming-up&leading-in1.Get ready for English class.T:Let’s get ready for our English class, OK?Ss:OK!T:Put your English book on your desk.T:Put your exercise book under your English book...2.Play a game“Sharp Eyes”.T:What’s in the schoolbag?Can you catch and read them out?Ss:Yes.  相似文献   

Step1.W arm-up1.Greeting.I'm very happy to m eetyou.W ould you tellm eyournam e,please?T:W hat's yournam e?Ss:M y nam e is…T:H ow old are you?Ss:I'm11.T:W ho's this boy/girl?Ss:H e/She is…2.show m e your…(复习文具),putyour…on/in/under/…yourdesk.3.Let's do.(教师通过TPR活动活跃了课堂气氛,为下面教学作铺垫。)4.Let's sing“Ten little candlesdance”.(教师从富有节奏的歌谣入手,渲染课堂气氛,用歌声将学生带入英语学习的乐园,同时帮助学生复习已学的知识。)Step2.R evision1.教师出示字母卡:Look。…  相似文献   

正Step 1 Warmer (前半部分教师提问) T:Good morning,boys and girls. Ss:Good morning,sir. T:I am your new teacher.I am from Zhuhai.Nice to meet you. Ss:Nice to meet you,too. T:How is the weather today? Ss:It's cool. T:Yes,today is cool in Nanjing.But it's hot in  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.W arm ing-up activities1.Free-talk2.Sing a song:W hatwould you like?[通过两个活动活跃了课堂气氛,激发了学生的参与热情,为教学作了铺垫。]Step2.Presentation activities1.W atch the cartoon and say the words.T:A m y is a good girl.She often helps herm other with housew ork.Let's w atch the cartoon.介绍后,教师引导学生在观看的同时,想想片中A m y与妈妈说了些什么,出现了哪些新单词,比一比看谁记得最多、最准确(播放卡通片两遍)。T:A m y在帮妈妈做家务,她和妈妈说什么了?Ss:M um,can I help you?…  相似文献   

【主要教学环节设计】……Step2 Present the 4 pictures from Part E T:Look,there are 4 pictures. Can you number them?Look anc then think,which one is No 1? Ss:OK. T:(随机抽叫几个学生,检查他们的排列顺序) What's your order? S:It's 3214. T:Yes,you're right.  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.Revision1.Free talkT:What day is it today?Ss:It's…T:What date is it today?Ss:It's…2.Revisiona(.课件呈现Unit1所学的几个标志图片,并排列好顺序)T:Look at these signs.Whichone mean  相似文献   

教学详案一、教具准备:教师准备:CAI多媒体课件、教学挂图、蛇和青蛙的头饰、废纸一张学生准备:蛇和青蛙的头饰二、教学过程及设计说明:Step1.W arm ing up1.Class begins and the teachergreets the Ss.2.Sing the English song:Anim alson the Bus.(CAI:大屏幕上播放这首歌的  相似文献   

Teaching process:StepⅠ.Warming up1.Greeting.(师生相互问好)2.Play a game.(教师发指令,学生做动作表演)T:Touch your nose.Clapyour hands.Open your book.  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.W arm up1.G reetings.(简单的问候,使学生自然地进入学习的状态。)2.Let's chantTouch your head.Touch your nose.Touch your eyes.Touch your ears.Touch your m outh.Touch your face.(利用chant来复习与本课教学内容相关的单词,既调节情绪,又为新课的教学作  相似文献   

T eaching objectives:1.H elp Ss grasp the4-skill words:juice,rice,salt,sugar,m eat,vegetables,tofu,fruit.2.H elp Ss grasp the patterns:W hat do weneed?W e need…3.通过活动体验,增强学生语言交际能力和合作能力。T eaching key points:H elp each S grasp the4-sk  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.Warm up1.Sing the song:"The wheels on the bus"2.Free talk教师出示学校、动物园和剧院等图片,与学生展开问答。T:I go to school on foot.How do you go to school?Ss:I go to school  相似文献   

教学过程 Step 1.Let ’ s chant 1.Listen and chant : Monkey,monkey,what are you doing ?(因为这首Chant中有生词,又是第一次接触,所以我要求学生第一遍只听,第二遍再跟读) 2.Ask 3 questions about the chant,have the Ss answer one by one.Write down the three words on the bb. Step 2.Let ’ s review Review the learned words and forms by the stick figure. ( walk,run,swim,play,ride a bike )(板书)  相似文献   

教学实录:Step1.W arm upT:H ello,boys and girls.Ss:H ello,M iss M ei.T:Look at our classroom.W hat are there in theclassroom?There isaTV set.There are m any students.Y ou go on,O K?S1:There is a teacher in the classroom.S2:There are four fans in the classroom.…T:W elldone。Let’s sing a song“In the Class-room”.Ss:O K.(教师联系生活实际,引导学生观察身处的教室,以自由问答的形式开门见山地导入句型There is\are…,使英语的生活化教学得到了充分的体现。师生共同演唱“In the C lassroom”,不仅…  相似文献   

教学过程:Step1.Listen and do利用春天百花齐放,与学生互相问候,引出做一些运动类动作的句子。Put your left hand on your head.Lift up yourrighthand,etc.设计意图:通过听听做做,复习五年级时学过的“right、left、turn left and turn right”,帮助学生回顾已学知识,为新授的“向左拐、向右拐”作铺垫。也通过游戏的方式,吸引学生的注意力,使学生能愉快地开始英语学习。Step2.Presentation1.课件显示学校的图片T:W here is ourschool?It's on FeibeiR oad.出示“coat、boat、goat、road”,让学生根据已学的单词学习新单词的发音与…  相似文献   

Step1.Revision&Presentation 1.Get the Ss to read some words about animals.eg:cat,hen,chick,lam,goat,lion(课件呈现这些单词并配图)2.Present:different/be different from T:Which one is different?Why?3.Help the Ss to say:Lion is different from the other animals because lion lives  相似文献   

(T-teacher, Ss-students, S-student, C-class) Teaching materials: Learning English Student Book 7 , Lesson 17: Seasons Teaching aims: 1. Help Ss grasp the 4 - skill words: season,spring, summer, fall, winter. 2. Help Ss grasp the patterns: What's your favourite season? It' s spring/... Key-points: Help each S gcasp the 4 - skill words Diffcuh-points: Enable Ss to the patterns fluently and correctly. Teaching aids: a tape-recorder, CAI, etc.  相似文献   

(T-teacher,Ss-students,S-student,C-class)Teaching materials:Learning English Student Book7,Les-son17:SeasonsTeaching aims:1.Help Ss grasp the4–skill words:season,spring,summer,fall,winter.2.Help Ss grasp the patterns:What’s your favourite season?It’s spring/…Key-points:Help each Sgrasp the4–skill wordsDifficult-points:EnableSstothepatternsfluentlyandcorrectly.Teachingaids:a tape-recorder,CAI,etc.Teaching methods:TPR(全身动作反应法),Object teaching(直观法),drawing,competition,e…  相似文献   

一、体验学习从自然状态中进入角色Step1.W arm-up1.Chant教师让学生复习A部分的内容。2.TPR让学生复习三个动词:go,stop,wait.T does actions,Ss say;T says,Ss do actions.[评析]教师通过复习动词,让学生马上进入到本课的学习中。教师清晰、有节奏感地示范,有效调动了学生的积极性,让学生渐入佳境,融入到主动参与、自觉学习英语的氛围中,学生的体验由此开始。Step2.PresentationT(continue):Turn left,please.教师自然地引出了本堂课的知识点,将生活中常见的交通标识图片运用到了单词的学习中,让学生根据字母组合进行单词的拼读,紧…  相似文献   

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