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Georgia has one of the largest distance learning networks in the United States with nearly 300 sites connected to a statewide network of two‐way interactive audio and video. Research was conducted to examine the nature and importance of participant interactivity in credit courses at technical institutes using the distance education technology. Six faculty and 62 students who enrolled at host and remote sites at the technical institutes constituted the population of the study. Data were collected from students through a structured, forced‐choice survey questionnaire. Information was collected from faculty through two questionnaires to measure changes in attitudes toward teaching the course. Overall level of satisfaction of both students and faculty was quite high. The students at the remote sites in this study reported more negative experiences with the various types of interaction, but overall they were satisfied with the experience. Experiences that enhance and maximize the various types of interaction need to be intentionally designed and used by instructors. Teaching behaviors, such as calling on students at remote sites frequently and by name, establishing eye contact by looking into the camera when speaking, and including both remote and host site students in discussions seem to be related to student satisfaction and perceptions of effective interaction. To overcome the differences between sites related to instructor presence in the room, instructors can occasionally travel to a remote site to conduct class and interact directly with students there, and use phone, fax, and e‐mail to be more accessible to students.  相似文献   

形象性与意象性是书画同源或书画同体的精神实质.汉字的书写从实用功能中解放出来成为一种艺术表达,其书写性特征又与绘画相互融合,相互促进,最终将中国传统文人绘画推上了重视笔墨趣味、不拘于形似超越形似的写意高峰.张彦远《历代名画记》说"工画者多善书",表达对当时宫廷画家缺乏激情、只求形似、毫无意韵的绘画样式的不满,提倡一种快意书写、将书法用笔的气势与力度融合于绘画之中的艺术风格,通过对吴道子艺术的赞美,赞赏一种书写性重要的文化意趣,也为后世的文人画家提供了从事绘画实践的理论基础,阐明了绘画与书法用笔辩证统一的关系与"合法性"基础,促进了唐代"水墨之变"局面的形成.随着用"笔"与用"墨"技巧的进一步融合,文人画笔墨范式与趣味基本得以确立.  相似文献   

This article reviews research related to intensive interventions within a Response to Intervention framework. We review the research from studies that provided different levels of intensity of intervention with the goal of establishing a case that movement through less intensive tiers of intervention may not be an effective and responsible approach to addressing the reading difficulties of some students, particularly those with significant reading difficulties or disabilities.  相似文献   

汪曾祺、张中行是活跃在八九十年代坛的名散作家,他们都擅长写“记人散”,但在人物风致和书写方式上则各有特点,这是由他们不同的思维方式造成的。  相似文献   

普通高校教师岗前培训的问题与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
岗前培训有利于加强高校教师队伍专业化建设,提高教师整体素质。目前,普通高校教师岗前培训工作中还存在着重视不足、实践性不强、考核机制不健全等问题,必须从思想认识、培训内容、制度建设等方面采取有效措施加以完善。  相似文献   

International Review of Education - This paper discusses how conflict resolution and reconciliation, in their interplay with emotions, are embedded into two current trends: the transition toward...  相似文献   

This paper discusses how conflict resolution and reconciliation, in their interplay with emotions, are embedded into two current trends: the transition toward increasing global interdependence, and the call for equal dignity for all. In a traditional world of ranked honour, humiliation is often condoned as a legitimate and useful tool; however, in terms of human rights it is seen as a violation of humanity. This article argues that the norms of equal dignity are worth supporting for two reasons: first, the human rights framework promotes quality of life, and second, it is the best way to tackle increasing global interdependence. Yet, there is a caveat. While feelings of humiliation in the face of debasing conditions are an important resource in that they emotionally “fuel” the human rights movement, they also represent what the author calls the “nuclear bomb of the emotions” that, if instrumentalised, can power cycles of humiliation and atrocities. Only if the implementation of human rights is approached hands-on and these feelings converted into Mandela-like social transformation to form a decent global village can the human rights movement fulfil its promise and humiliation be transcended.  相似文献   

公共历史学教育是美国20世纪70年代兴起的一种新的历史教育形式.它以不同于传统历史教育的理念和方法,突出了历史教育的实用性和跨学科性.自此,公共历史学教育不仅培养了能满足客户需要和适应实际操作的公共历史学家,而且,这些公共历史学家更多地以自己的工作在学院和课堂外对社会公众进行潜移默化的历史教育.公共历史学教育为新时代的历史教育开辟了广阔的发展空间.  相似文献   

高职院校专业人才培养质量第三方评价研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教育评价推动了教育的发展:高职院校专业人才培养质量第三方评价是实现评价结果客观性、真实性的保证,是检验专业建设与经济社会发展需求是否相适应的重要手段,是促进校企深度合作、提高人才培养水平的重要推手;研究实施专业人才培养质量第三方评价的关键性问题并探索解决方法具有重要意义。  相似文献   

根据我国目前外语教学发展的现状和需求,新《英语课程标准》从教学目的、内容、手段和实施策略等方面进行了重大改革,更注重发展学生的综合语言应用能力。面对教育改革和新课程标准的实施,师范院校应培养出全面发展的英语教师以适应新时代的英语教育的要求。  相似文献   

"9·11"事件发生后,欧洲国家对美国普遍予以同情,并积极支持美国反恐战争,但欧美矛盾和分歧却有增无减。从根本上说,是由于东西矛盾缓和和资本主义政治经济发展不平衡引起的。具体来讲,是由双方实力、战略目标、为人处世的方式不同以及布什政府一意孤行的单边主义做法越来越过头等原因所致。欧盟东扩和北约东扩的意义对欧美双方是不同的。到2010年左右,欧盟将建成自己的防务体系,在军事上摆脱美国的控制和支配,欧美关系将发生根本性的变化。  相似文献   

Community colleges are in a unique position to meet the education and training needs of law enforcement and corrections personnel for the next century. The nature of the community college allows the proper blend of vocational and formal education in the design of a common curriculum to meet the needs of law enforcement. Location and cost also become factors as agencies attempt to stretch their training budgets. The community colleges have the flexibility and the resources to meet the needs of law enforcement for a practical, affordable, quality, and achievable education for employees in pre‐service, academy, and in‐service status.  相似文献   

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