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One of the strongest arguments for the raising of the school leaving age (ROSLA) has been that it will bring us some way to "equality of opportunity".M any people like to think of our present system of schooling as pro-viding plenty of steps up the ladder…  相似文献   

Tom:Whydodoctorsandnurseswearmasks?Peter:Sothatifsomeonemakesamistakenoonewillknowwhodidit.他们为什么戴口罩?汤姆:为什么医生和护士们都戴口罩?彼得:目的就是如果有人出了错,没有人知道是谁干的。Why Do They Wear Masks  相似文献   

Neuroeducation—a recent approach to educational policy—claims that a bridge should be established between education and mind‐brain sciences, with the double aim of devising educational methods that work and of understanding why they work. The success of this encounter depends, among other conditions, on getting the science right; otherwise, neuroeducation and science‐informed policies risk doing more harm than good. On several occasions, the cognitive and brain sciences have been misunderstood, and misused: neuromyths—the misconceptions about the mind and brain functioning—have blossomed, thus raising both theoretical and pragmatic concerns. This article addresses the origin, persistence, and potential side‐effects of neuromyths in education. The hypothesis is put forward that the persistence of neuromyths is sustained by specific cultural conditions, such as the circulation of pieces of information about the brain and the appetite for brain news, but has its roots in deeper cognitive intuitions.  相似文献   

小朋友能用英语说出多少个职业名称的单词?现请辨认下列人物特征,并说一说他们各自的职业身份。OK?  相似文献   

This paper describes part of a project called Modeling Across the Curriculum which is a large-scale research study in 15 schools across the United States. The specific data presented and discussed here in this paper is based on BioLogica, a hypermodel, interactive environment for learning genetics, which was implemented in multiple classes in eight high schools. BioLogica activities, data logging, and assessments were refined across this series of implementations. All students took a genetics content knowledge pre- and posttests. Traces of students' actions and responses to computer-based tasks were electronically collected (via a log file function) and systematically analyzed. An intensive 3-day field test involving 24 middle school students served to refine methods and create narrative profiles of students' learning experiences, outcomes, and interactions with BioLogica. We report on one high school implementation and the field test as self-contained studies to document the changes and the outcomes at different phases of development. A discussion of design changes concludes this paper.  相似文献   

Nowadays, it seems completely natural for us to shake hands when we meet someone or say goodbye to others. However, why do we do so?In the olden days, the hand was a symbol of power and strength. Then, there was no machinery or weapon. The hand was very important. It was used to catch or kill animals, fight enemies, make tools and weapons. So, when a person extended his hand to someone, it showed that he was not armed. This could mean goodwill or friendship.  相似文献   

I once had an experience, which taught me something about the ways people make a bad situation worse by blaming themselves. One January, I officiatedat two funerals for two elderly women. Both died a natural death. At the first home, the son of the deceas…  相似文献   

"It is better to have loft(阁楼) and lost than to never have loft at all."—Groucho Marx Everyone does it at one time or another but why? We"re talking about falling in love. Let's explore the dynamics (动力学) of what exactly happens when two people are falling in love:  相似文献   

Simon Doonan 《考试》2013,(2):35-37
A theory. It is the first morning of our vacation.I wake up bright and early and trot down to the 0cean where I make a shocking and bone-chilling discovery:I am the only personae on the beach whose epidermis is unadorned with tattoos.Everyone is inked up except moi.According to the FDA,more than 45 million Americans are now tatted up.This past weekend,they all hit  相似文献   

这个看似简单的问题,要回答好却并不容易。学生在回答时的主要问题归纳起来有以下三个,现略作分析如下:1.简单化:回答如答记者问,以一两句简单的句子一答了之。这一现象在学生用英语回答其他问题时同样存在,这属于习惯问题。平时说惯了中文,一下子要用英文,不免觉得不习惯,至少会感到不自然。其表现如同  相似文献   

A group of Roma and non-Roma participants worked on the topic of ethnicity and its influence on individuals’ lives, using the Theatre of the Oppressed method. The group process was analyzed by means of ethnographic research and was perceived by the researchers as a process of formulating the research question. Interaction between the audience and the actors was recorded and analyzed using qualitative methods and was perceived as answering this research question. The article presents a debate about the influence of ethnicity on individuals’ lives and how the difficulties it causes in society can be overcome.  相似文献   

SARS(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)本是“严重急性呼吸综合症(俗称非典型肺炎)”的英文缩写,但现在人们对它有了新的诠释:Smile And Remain Smile.(微笑并保持微笑。)生命有不能承受之重,我们依然需要微笑面对!请看来自校园的“抗非”报道——  相似文献   

Some children learn to read accurately despite language impairments (LI). Nine- to 10-year-olds were categorized as having LI only ( n  =   35), dyslexia (DX) only ( n  =   73), LI + DX ( n  =   54), or as typically developing (TD; n  =   176). The LI-only group had mild to moderate deficits in reading comprehension. They were similar to the LI + DX group on most language measures, but rapid serial naming was superior to the LI + DX group and comparable to the TD. For a subset of children seen at 4 and 6 years, early phonological skills were equally poor in those later classified as LI or LI + DX. Poor language need not hinder acquisition of decoding, so long as rapid serial naming is intact; reading comprehension, however, is constrained by LI.  相似文献   

Tom is a little boy,and he is only seven years old.H e often goes tothe park and the fruit shop him self. Som etim es his m other takes him tothe m useum .O ne day he goes to a cinem a. It is the first tim e for him to do that.H e buys a ticket and then g…  相似文献   

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